The Girl on the Cliff (29 page)

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Authors: Lucinda Riley

BOOK: The Girl on the Cliff
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‘Me too, Daddy. But I do love it at the farmhouse. Grania’s family are grand, as they say round here!’

‘Good. And I’m looking forward to seeing that pup.’

Grania tried not to notice the tears that were in Alexander’s eyes. Neither did she want Aurora to notice them either.

‘Let’s get your coat and wellies and we’ll be off to leave Daddy in peace.’ Grania forced a smile. ‘See you later.’

‘Alexander looked …’ Grania sighed, ‘dreadful. He’s lost weight, and there’s something in his eyes …’ She shook her head. ‘I know there’s something wrong.’

‘Well,’ Kathleen had returned to her usual brusque self now that Alexander was back. ‘You’ve done all you can to
look after Aurora while Himself has been away. Whatever he needs to sort out, it’s not your worry or your business.’

‘How can you say that, Mam?’ Grania retaliated angrily. ‘Whatever is wrong with Alexander will almost certainly affect Aurora. And whether you like it or not, I care about her.’

‘Sorry,’ Kathleen sighed, ‘you’re right. But you can understand, after what you’ve read in those letters and what I’ve told you, it’s history repeating itself? There always seems to be a Lisle child in need of our love and under our roof.’

‘Mam, please stop it,’ Grania said wearily.

‘I will feel as I feel. It’s as if our two families are linked and there’s no getting away from it.’

‘Well, if there’s no getting away from it, I might as well accept it.’ Grania stood up, not in the mood for any more of her mother’s nonsense. ‘I’ll go and call Aurora in for tea.’

When Grania and Aurora arrived back at Dunworley House later, all was quiet.

‘Looks like Daddy was so exhausted he took himself off to bed,’ said Grania as she led Aurora up the stairs to her own bedroom. ‘Best we don’t wake him. America’s a long way away.’

Aurora accepted this and let Grania tuck her into bed.

‘Night, sweetheart,’ Grania kissed her on the forehead. ‘Sleep tight.’

‘Grania, do you think Daddy’s all right?’

‘Yes, I’m sure he is. Why?’

‘He didn’t look very well, did he?’

‘He’s probably just tired.’

Grania did not sleep well that night. Alexander’s presence in the house made her edgy. She noticed he slept at the other end of the corridor to the bedroom that had once been Lily’s, and wondered if they’d always had separate rooms. She’d checked the handle on Lily’s door earlier, and it was still locked.

Alexander did not emerge for breakfast, so Grania and Aurora carried on with their usual morning routine. Grania continued to coax the clay into the shape of Aurora’s face as her subject frowned over her sums, thumb automatically stuck in her mouth. By lunchtime, Grania was genuinely worried about Alexander. Aurora didn’t mention his absence, too excited about the prospect of her ballet lesson that afternoon in Clonakilty. Just before they were about to leave for town, Alexander appeared in the kitchen. He smiled wanly. ‘Are you two off somewhere?’

‘Yes, Daddy, I’m going to my ballet lesson.’

‘Are you now?’ Alexander forced another smile.

‘You don’t mind, do you?’ asked Grania nervously.

‘Mind? Of course I don’t mind. Enjoy it, darling.’

‘I will.’ Aurora was heading for the door, eager to leave.

‘Grania?’ he said suddenly.


‘I was wondering if you would join me for something to eat tonight? I’m not sure what we have available, so perhaps I should be asking if I can join you?’

‘I’m sure I can manage to knock up something simple. I wasn’t sure whether I was to continue the shopping once you came back.’

‘Why don’t we talk about it tonight?’

While Aurora was in her ballet lesson, Grania went to
the butcher’s and the greengrocer’s to buy ingredients with which to cook supper. When they arrived home, she put the lamb to slow roast in the oven, bathed Aurora and allowed her to sit for an hour in front of the television. Humming to herself as she basted the potatoes in oil, adding fresh rosemary for flavour, she saw Alexander appear in the kitchen.

‘Something smells good,’ he said with pleasure.

Grania was pleased to see he looked better tonight. Freshly washed and shaved, he was wearing a deep-blue linen shirt and a pair of immaculately pressed chinos.

‘Where’s Aurora?’

‘In the drawing room, watching TV. I hope you don’t mind, but I bought her one.’

‘Grania, would you please stop asking me if I mind! My child looks happier than perhaps she ever has. If it’s taken some ballet lessons and television to achieve that, I can only say I’m very grateful. Why don’t you open this?’ Alexander handed Grania a bottle of red wine. ‘I’ll go and put Aurora to bed.’

As Grania set the table and poured the wine in readiness for Alexander’s reappearance, she worried at how comfortable this domestic scene felt to her. And at her eagerness to be sharing dinner with him alone. The adrenaline she could feel pumping through her was not in anticipation of the lamb.

‘All tucked up and settled,’ said Alexander as he rejoined Grania in the kitchen. ‘She really does look the picture of health. And seems far calmer than I’ve seen her for years.’ He picked up his wine glass and clinked it against hers. ‘Thank you, Grania. You’ve obviously been a tonic for her.’

‘Really, it’s been a pleasure. And, yes, I think she has blossomed. Although at the beginning …’


‘She sleepwalked. I found her one night on the balcony at the end of the landing. I thought –’ Grania stopped carving the lamb and turned to look at Alexander. ‘For a few seconds, I thought she was about to jump.’

Alexander sighed and sat down. He was silent for a while before he spoke. ‘She tells me she sees her mother out there on the cliffs.’

‘I know,’ Grania said quietly. ‘I … took the liberty of locking the bedroom door. If you’d like to re-open it, I have the key.’

‘A very sensible idea. And I think it should stay locked. You may well have guessed it was my late wife’s bedroom.’


Alexander took a sip of his wine. ‘I’ve obviously taken Aurora to see a number of psychologists about her nightmares and her sleepwalking. They’ve told me it’s a condition called post-traumatic stress disorder. That, one day, she’ll grow out of it. You say she hasn’t had either nightmares or sleepwalked for two or three weeks now?’

‘No, she hasn’t.’

‘Then maybe that day has come.’

‘Let’s hope so. Was Aurora close to her mother?’

‘It’s hard to say,’ Alexander sighed. ‘Whether Lily was capable of being close to anyone, I really don’t know. Although there’s no doubt she loved her daughter, and Aurora worshipped her.’

‘Oh.’ It was all Grania could think of in reply. She continued to drain the fresh peas and added them to the
potatoes and the lamb on the plate. ‘There now,’ she said as she carried the plates over. ‘I don’t know whether you’re keen on gravy, but there’s some in the jug, and some fresh mint sauce too.’ She indicated another jug.

‘My, what a treat. After weeks of plastic American food, I’ve been dreaming about this. Thank you, Grania,’ said Alexander gratefully.

‘Well, it’s a treat for me too. I love your daughter dearly, but it’s nice to have some adult company for a change,’ she smiled.

‘Yes, you must have felt quite isolated up here, especially after living in New York.’

‘At least I’ve had my parents close by. And they’ve become very attached to Aurora too. Please,’ Grania picked up her knife and fork, ‘eat it before it gets cold.’

They both chewed in silence for a while, Alexander only pausing to comment how tender the lamb was. ‘So, Grania,’ he said eventually as he placed his knife and fork together, even though his plate was still half full, ‘what are your future plans? Have you made any decisions yet?’

‘I’ve been far too busy with your daughter to do that,’ Grania chuckled. ‘I was just thinking yesterday that this last month was probably exactly what I needed.’

‘A time of reflection, you mean?’


‘Will you go back to New York?’

‘As I said, I haven’t made any firm decisions.’

‘Grania, I need to ask you something.’

She looked up at him, noting the sudden urgency in his voice. ‘What is it?’

‘Would you be averse to staying up here with Aurora
and I for longer? I’m going to be very busy and just won’t have the time to give her the attention she needs.’

Grania paused. ‘I … don’t know,’ she replied truthfully.

‘No.’ Alexander looked down at the knife and fork sitting on his plate. ‘Of course you don’t. Why would a young and beautiful girl like you want to be stuck up here with a small child for any longer than she needed to be? Sorry, I feel a heel for asking. Obviously, you’re my first port of call, considering how happy and well Aurora looks under your care.’

‘How long would it be for?’ Grania eyed him.

‘The truth is, I don’t know.’ Alexander shook his head. ‘I really don’t know.’

‘Do you have a business problem?’

‘No … It’s hard to explain,’ he said. ‘Forgive me for being vague. I was thinking that, if by any chance you would consider it, there’s a barn which I converted into a studio when Lily decided she wanted to try her hand at painting. Not that she ever used it, but it’s certainly a very pleasant space in which to work. With a wonderful view out over the bay.’

‘Alexander, that’s very kind of you to offer, but there’s hardly time to work while I have Aurora full time.’

‘Well, I was also thinking, now she seems so much better, about your idea of Aurora joining the local school. That would mean, if she did, you’d have all day to work.’

‘Well, I certainly think it would do Aurora good to be with children of her own age,’ Grania agreed. ‘She spends far too much time either by herself or in adult company. But whether –’

Alexander laid a hand on hers. ‘I understand, Grania. I’m being selfish. You have a life far away from here, and a talent. I certainly don’t want to stand in the way of those things. What I would ask, unless you have anything immediately pressing, is that you stay here with us for the next couple of weeks. I’m under considerable pressure and won’t have the time Aurora deserves to spend with her. Or the energy,’ he sighed.

‘All right, I’ll stay for a couple more weeks.’ Grania knew she was responding far more to the touch of his hand on hers than to any logical thought process. ‘I have to finish Aurora’s sculpture anyway.’

‘Thank you.’

‘And if you’re happy to go ahead, the headmistress at the school is a cousin of my mother’s,’ said Grania. ‘I’m sure that she could speak to her about Aurora and see if it was possible for her to start immediately.’

‘Wonderful! And, of course, I must pay your family for this puppy that Aurora is so set on having.’

‘Really, Alexander, that won’t be necessary.’ Grania stood up and began to clear the plates. ‘Coffee?’

‘No, thank you. It seems to make my headaches worse. You know,’ Alexander commented as he watched her moving around the kitchen, ‘my late wife always believed in angels.’

‘Did she?’ said Grania as she piled everything into the sink.

‘Yes. She said that all you had to do was call them.’ Alexander smiled sadly, surveying Grania. ‘Maybe she was right after all.’

That night, alone in bed, Grania found herself in turmoil. She had just agreed to share another two weeks of the Devonshires’ life, and possibly longer. But this time it was not simply about Aurora, it was about Alexander. Perhaps it was her maternal nature – Alexander seemed just as vulnerable as his daughter – or perhaps it was some kind of displacement technique, as any New York therapist would call it. Maybe she was attaching her thwarted emotions and feelings for Matt to another man. The situation with Matt was still unresolved. Yet here she was, fantasising about the cosy domestic set-up Alexander and Aurora presented. A proper home and a family, with a ready-made child to boot.

Grania sighed and turned over. Perhaps the years of living with a man who had a Ph.D. in psychology and could psychoanalyse a sausage if he so wished, had affected her more than she’d thought. Or perhaps it was simply that her life had taken an unexpected turn, and Alexander and Aurora were providing the temporary solace she needed.

Besides, another couple of weeks here, while Alexander attended to whatever business he had that was so pressing, plus settling Aurora into her new school, was hardly making a lifetime’s decision. And Grania knew only too well that even lifetime decisions could go horribly wrong.


The following two weeks did nothing to help Grania move forward with thoughts of the future. On the morning, three days later, that Grania arrived home from dropping Aurora at the local school, Alexander was waiting for her in the kitchen with a set of keys.

‘For the studio in the barn,’ he said as he handed them to her. ‘Go and take a look and see if you feel it’s suitable.’

‘Thank you.’

‘I don’t think Lily ever touched it, so just move whatever you want out of the way and use it as if it’s yours.’ Alexander nodded at her and left the kitchen.

Grania made her way across the courtyard and opened the door to the studio. She gasped as she saw the vista from the floor-to-ceiling window that let in buckets of the natural light an artist needed, and encapsulated a magnificent view of Dunworley Bay. Grania looked around at the immaculate, untouched easel, the tubes of paint and a selection of expensive mink brushes, still sheathed in their covering of protective film.

The cupboards were stocked with canvases and fresh white pads of artist’s paper, yet there was not a sign of a paint splatter anywhere. Grania stood by the window, staring out at the cliffs, wondering why Lily had never taken advantage of such a wonderful space. Any professional
artist would give a couple of their best paintings – or sculptures, for that matter – to have a studio like this. There was even a small anteroom, containing a toilet and a large butler’s sink in which to wash and clean the brushes.

It was all Grania had ever dreamed of.

That afternoon, she moved the half-finished sculpture of Aurora into the studio and placed it on the work bench in front of the window. The only downside, thought Grania as she sat down and gazed dreamily out of the window, was that she might spend her days mooning over the view rather than concentrating on her work.

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