Read The Girl on the Cliff Online

Authors: Lucinda Riley

The Girl on the Cliff (55 page)

BOOK: The Girl on the Cliff
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The Family, who put up with me and my mad writing habits every day without (much) complaint. My ever supportive mother, Janet, my sister, Georgia, and Olivia, whose editorial typing skills, fuelled with a glass of ‘Voddy’, are still beyond impeccable. And my fantastic kids, Harry, Isabella, Leonora and Kit (deserving of a special ‘thank you’ in allowing me to steal the opening line of the book from
fine story), whose names are written in order of age, not importance. I love you all, and each of you has provided, in your different ways, so much love, laughter and
I can only say I am honoured I’ve had the privilege of bringing each of you into the world.

And my husband, Stephen; for a change, words cannot express. I can only say thank you. For it all. This is for you.


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First published 2011

Copyright © Lucinda Riley, 2011
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ISBN: 978-0-141-97061-5

BOOK: The Girl on the Cliff
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