The Glass Knot-mmf (5 page)

Read The Glass Knot-mmf Online

Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #mm, #gay, #menage, #mmf, #TABLET

BOOK: The Glass Knot-mmf
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small snake of desire wound up my spine. But I fought it down. Lusting after
Josh was pointless. Not only would he never be interested in me, he also had a
husband. A gorgeous husband who had buckets of self-assurance and an air of charming
charisma, it was easy to see why Josh had been attracted to him in the first
place. Hell, if I was a gay guy, I would have been after Nick too.

arrived and we tucked in. Josh told me a story from their holiday the year
before. They’d gone to Africa on safari and their jeep had overheated in the
middle of the Serengeti. Along with a guide, they’d waited six hours for help,
knowing they only had three bullets in the rifle. By the time rescue arrived
they were down to no bullets having had to fend off several lions not to
mention an angry cobra that had settled in the hood of the jeep, and was most
likely the cause of the problem to begin with. Nick went on to say that was why
they’d chosen a beach holiday this year. Less stressful and a whole lot less

I fancy something adventurous again next year. There is still so much of the
world I want to see,” Josh said, widening his eyes. “Maybe walk the Inca Trail
or go white-water rafting in the Rockies.” He topped up everyone’s wine then
leaned back as the waiter cleared the table.

was delicious,” I said, noting my clear plate. “The best bit of meat I’ve had
in ages. What about you, Nick?”

was a long, pregnant pause.

grin spread on Josh’s face. The two men looked at each other, then at me. Nick
nibbled his bottom lip as if holding back a wicked smile.

gosh, you know what I mean,” I gasped, dabbing the corners of my mouth with my
napkin and casting my eyes downward.


flared on my neck and cheeks like a swarm of stinging bees. Sweat popped in my
cleavage and I crossed and uncrossed my legs.

you are pretty when you blush,” Josh said, reaching for my hand and squeezing
it gently.

fanned my face with my napkin. “I’m sorry, my mouth trips ahead of my brain
sometimes, I didn’t mean—”

know perfectly well what you meant, Laura,” Nick said. “It was an innocent
thing to say, and yes, it was a sublime steak, very tender and perfectly

it does bring us quite nicely to the question of do you have man in your life?”
Josh asked, releasing my hand and still grinning.

perhaps a woman,” I said, relieved to change the subject, even if it was only
mildly less uncomfortable.

slanted his head and rubbed his finger over a small, silvery scar on his chin.
“No, there’s definitely no woman on the horizon.”

no?” I raised my eyebrows and licked my lips.

I have excellent gaydar,” he said with a smile.

shrugged. “Yes, you’re right. No woman and actually no man either.”

not?” Josh asked, leaning forward and resting his tanned forearms on the table.
The golden hue of his skin was all the more striking against the starched white
of the cloth. “You’re so lovely. Laura. Pretty, eloquent, intelligent, and I’m
guessing talented too.”

I don’t know about talented, but thanks anyway,” I said, falling into his blue
gaze, just a little. Such sweet words from such a tempting mouth were hard to
resist. “But after a string of disasters I made the decision to stop dating.
Relationships just didn’t seem to be working out for me.”

Josh said, “See, Nick, she’s sensible too.”

nodded thoughtfully.

shrugged. “Having alone time has given me space to clear my head. I lost my
mother five years ago, suddenly, and the task of sorting out her things and
finances was really hard on top of all the grief and—”

your father help?” Nick asked, a worried frown plowing across his forehead.

shook my head. “No, I’ve never met my father. Mum brought me up alone.”

sorry,” Josh said. “Sounds like you’ve had a tough time.”

all have tough times.” I took a sip of wine and glanced at a couple who’d taken
to the dance floor. She wore an elegant floor-length red dress and he was smart
in black pants and a white shirt. They looked so comfortable together as they
began to sway to the gentle melody.

then we all have good times,” I said. “I just needed to make a break from a
vicious circle of men who weren’t interested in me for me and ditch my job in
the supermarket for a photography course.” I looked back between Josh and Nick.
“Mum, though we weren’t rich, left me enough to make it possible to set up my
own business, Laura’s Lens. It’s making me enough money to get by, just.” I
pulled a face. “Though as I said earlier, this little working holiday is
somewhat of an extravagance I should have resisted.”

men were quiet as they studied me. Josh tugged his bottom lip with his top
teeth, and Nick ran a hand over his short, black hair.

why did I have to say all that doom and gloom stuff?

picked up my glass and pasted a broad beam on my face. One I had become adept
at producing over the last five years. “So, here is to good times. Holidays
full of new experiences, great wine, lovely company and…” I paused, giggled.
“Fine meat.”

face broke into a wide smile, and his gaze held mine. “Absolutely,” he said,
also raising his glass. “New experiences, fine meat and all that you just said.”

nodded and touched the rim of his glass to ours. “Here, here.”

all drank, and much to my relief the tension around the table slipped away on
the light breeze. I imagined it floating over the top of the ocean into the
darkness, dissipating into the atmosphere. That was all in the past now. Sure,
I still missed Mum with all my heart, and having no other family meant I’d had
to learn to depend on me. But I was managing fine. Okay, a little haphazardly
sometimes, but still, I was coping.

would you care for dessert?” A waiter offered me a menu.

I said.

took a menu, but when the waiter handed one to Nick he shook his head. “No, I’ve
had plenty, thank you.”

frowned at him. “You okay?”

smiled and placed his napkin on the table. “I’m fine, but I’ve just remembered
an email that must be replied to, it’s the close of a deal. Would you both
excuse me?”

course,” I said, feeling unaccountably disappointed that Nick was going, but
also, at the same time, quite thrilled at the thought of having Josh to myself.

reached out and covered Nick’s hand with his own. “Are you sure?”

Nick said, looking steadily at Josh. “Absolutely sure. It needs to be done.”

nodded, his mouth a tight line and his eyes serious. “But only if you’re
completely okay with it.”

smiled and leaned forward, his body lifting slightly from the chair. He curled
his hand around Josh’s nape and tugged his face close to his own. “I’m more
than okay, it couldn’t be better.”

mouths met in a soft kiss. Josh’s head slanted away from me, and I could see
Nick’s bottom lip cover his, take control. There was just a hint of a tongue,
but I was unsure who it belonged to.

held my breath. It was one of the sexiest things I’d ever witnessed. Sure I’d
seen guys together on television, but I’d never taken any notice of them. But
Josh and Nick, two devastatingly attractive men, into each other and tangling
tongues was enough to dampen my panties and release a whole glut of long
forgotten hormones. What I wouldn’t do to be kissing Josh like that, joining
in, being part of their intimate, sexy action that I knew so little about.

they separated. I was still staring. I couldn’t help it.

and have a nice time with, Laura,” Nick whispered. “I’ll see you when you’re
done and whatever you do, don’t feel you have to rush.”

swallowed and nodded. “Okay.”

stood, once again reached for my hand, and touched my knuckles to his now moist
lips. “It has been a delight to meet you. I’m so sorry to dash off, but please,
choose the most extravagant dessert there is, for this meal is on me.”

no, really, I’ll pay my share.”

not.” Nick shook his head. “I’m very grateful that you’re here in Marbella. It
is quite the treat and the perfect opportunity.”

thank you very much.” I dipped into my clutch bag. “But would you take my
business card, and if you ever need photographs of any of your designs, I would
love to be involved, at a friend’s discounted rate of course.” I grinned.

you, Laura, that’s very kind of you.” He took the card and tucked it into his
breast pocket.

watched him walk away, as did Josh. There was something purposeful about Nick’s
stiff stride. His paces ate the ground and his arms swung at his sides. His
pale blue shirt stretched over wide shoulders and his dark pants hugged his
neat butt.

he slipped from view I turned to Josh. “I really don’t mind if you want to go
with him.”

mind if you go with him. Please stay. Please

fine,” Josh said with a smile. “If he’s got work on his mind it’s best to let
him get on with it.” He glanced at the menu then at me. “So what do you think
is suitably extravagant?”

how about the double deluxe chocolate rocky road to share.”

laughed. A deep rumble of a sound that made my belly grow warm and a smile
spread on my face.

he said. “Absolutely perfect. You really are a woman after my own heart.”

dessert came and it was completely decadent, ridiculously rich and sumptuous to
the extreme. We couldn’t eat it all, not least because Josh was chattering
about when he was learning to drive the fire truck, regaling me with both funny
and downright alarming stories.

I rested my spoon down, thoroughly beaten by the huge dessert. “That was
delicious,” I said. “The whole meal was really special, and sitting up here.” I
gestured around at the now half-empty terrace. “Listening to the music playing,
and with this view, it really is lovely.”

reached forward and stroked his index finger over the back of my hand. “You’re
lovely,” he said quietly.

studied his eyes. They were sure and steady and pierced mine with an acute
intensity. But I wasn’t sure what he was trying to tell me with them. Had he
simply thought my company lovely or was there more?

be so ridiculous, Laura, of course there isn’t more.

glanced at the dance floor. “Would you like to dance?”

couples swayed as the pianist played a dreamy melody.

would be nice,” I said. Not only nice, but what a treat to actually touch the
delectable man at my side, feel those sinfully taut muscles through his clothes
and wallow in his heavenly scent for a while. Dancing with Josh would be the
perfect end to the perfect evening. Of course, then he would go to bed with
Nick and do whatever naked and sweaty things they did together, and I would go
to bed with Rocky and his well-used, three-speed settings. I hoped I’d packed
spare batteries.

stood and placed a hand in the small of my back and, with a smile, urged me onto
the dance floor.

like this song,” he said as he tugged me close. “It’s an old Lionel Richie I

dear Lord above. He wanted to talk about Lionel Richie when my whole body had gone
on high alert. I could feel toned thighs against mine, and taut shoulder muscles
beneath my palms. “Er, yes, I think you’re right, Lionel Richie.”

maybe it is Marvin Gay, I can’t be sure,” Josh said, stroking a lock of my hair
over my shoulder and gently tracing the thin spaghetti strap of my dress.

gulped back a nervous lump and studied the second button down on his shirt. I
was going to become a quivering pile of wanton lust on the floor if he didn’t
stop touching me and holding me like he was actually appreciating my femininity.

love your white dress,” he murmured in a low, seductive voice. “It’s very
fitting, very virginal.”

is he doing this? Saying these things? He’s not interested.


thoughts bombarded my mind. Perhaps Josh had a cruel streak and enjoyed leading
on sex-starved women for the fun of it. Getting them all wet with desire and
gagging for a bit of his action only to return to Nick and tell him what an
easy conquest each woman would be if he was so inclined.

smell like sugar,” Josh said, pulling me a little closer and dropping his head
so his chin rested at my temple. “Sugar and petals, all sweet and flowery.”

inhaled and his rising chest touched mine. My hard nipples pressed against the
cups of my bra, longing for some stimulation. There was a tiny bit, but nowhere
near enough.

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