The Glass Knot-mmf (8 page)

Read The Glass Knot-mmf Online

Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #mm, #gay, #menage, #mmf, #TABLET

BOOK: The Glass Knot-mmf
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cock brushed my hip. Any moment of humor left us.

I breathed, “put your fingers inside me first, so you know what it feels like
without latex.”

shifted and did as I asked, his aim surprisingly accurate. “You’re so hot,” he

gasped and clenched around him. He’d slid all the way in, two fingers at least until
his knuckles butted against my outer lips.

so wet. I can’t wait, Laura, I want to be inside you so badly it’s hurting my

in,” I said. “No more messing about. Fuck me, fuck me hard.”

his fingers from my pussy, he reared upward. Fisted his shaft and aimed the
head between my legs. “Fuck, yeah, this is it,” he said in a low growling
voice. “Goodbye virginity.” He pushed in, just an inch, stretching my entrance
around his glans.

groaned at the sublime rigidity and the sheer size of his cock; it was almost
pain, an edgy pleasure.

okay?” he asked, his tone strained.

oh, yes, Josh, that’s so good. Please more.”

obliged and rode in—he didn’t stop, kept on pushing until he was buried
to the hilt.

I struggled to accommodate him, I scrabbled for his shoulders and pulled him
down for a hot kiss. Gone were the gentle hesitant lips of before. Now he
claimed my mouth with wild possession, his tongue darting in and his stubble-dusted
chin grazing mine. He tasted of me mixed with man and wine and chocolate cake.

groaned and moaned my name. I groaned too as his pubic bone made hard contact
with my clit.

yes, oh, oh, so tight,” he said between kisses. “You’re so tight the whole way
inside you. Right up to the top of your pussy your muscles are squeezing my cock
like they’ll never let go.”

you’re so big, so damn hard.”

dropped his head onto the pillow, and his hot breaths were like a storm by my
ear. I locked my arms over his broad shoulders, delighting in the acres of
perfect flesh. Twisted my legs with his thighs and held him just where I wanted
him. “I’m not going to break. Make me come, Josh, make me come and I’ll squeeze
your cock in a way you’ve never felt before.”

knew it wouldn’t take long to find my climax, so I didn’t worry that he might
make the finish line within the next few minutes. The steeliness of his cock
told me he wasn’t far off, as did the sheen of perspiration growing between his
shoulder blades.

withdrew a little and thrust back in, giving an unholy praise to the Lord as he
did so.

yes, that’s it, oh, yes,” I said, raising my hips to meet his thrust.

set up a smooth rhythm, his body gliding against mine perfectly inside and out.
The friction building to dizzy heights. My clit was on the verge of take-off.

I’m coming, don’t stop, please don’t stop,” I cried, clawing my fingers down
his back. “That’s it.” I toppled over the edge and let my orgasm claim me in a
spectacular series of violent contractions that hugged his shaft over and over.

yes, that’s…argh…argh…fuck,” he shouted into the pillow. “Oh, my God, Laura,
Laura…I can’t, it’s here.”

held him tight as his big, dense body shook and trembled. Deep within me I
could feel him filling the condom. His cock spurting out his pleasure.

holding his breath for a several long seconds he groaned wild and abandoned,
found my mouth and kissed me as though his life depended upon it.

took what I could, feeding off his intense experience, recording every twitch
and sound he made in my memory. For this was a fuck I would remember for a very
long time.

sweetie, that was something else,” he said, lifting his weight a fraction.

glanced down at where my sweat-laced breasts pressed up against his chest. We
were both still breathing rapidly.

me about it,” I said, clenching his cock with my pussy muscles.

ah…how do you do that? It’s awesome.”

did it again.

groaned and pulled out, dropped onto his back. “Are you trying to finish me
off? It’s a good job I’m fit. That whole thing would have given me a heart
attack otherwise.”

flipped onto my side, bent my elbow to support my head and gazed at him. His cock,
still wearing the condom, lay in a curve over his pubic hair. His hands were spread
on his shifting chest.

I asked, between gasps for air. “What did you think?”

turned to me. “That was amazing, thank you so much.”

thanks required. In case you hadn’t noticed I had a pretty good time myself.”

I noticed all right, it was good before you climaxed, like really fucking good,
then when you did, I’m afraid I couldn’t last another second. I had no idea
feeling you come would be so intense for me.”

grinned. “Which made it perfect. Coming together is the most fun.”

tell me about it.” He lifted his head and pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose.
“I didn’t get rough with you, did I?”

not at all, just how I like it.” I dropped to the pillow, suddenly incredibly

he said, scooping my body against his. “I don’t want to leave you tonight. I
want to stay here, with you.”

fine by me.” My heart soared. He wasn’t going to fuck and run. Thank goodness.
I closed my eyes and sank against his warm chest.

image of Nick, walking away from us in the restaurant filled my mind. The stoic
way he’d held his shoulders, the purposefulness of his strides. I suddenly
realized what a lot of courage it was taking Nick to let his husband, the love
of his life, have one night with another person. “But what about Nick?” I asked

be okay. He told me not to rush.”

nodded. “But do you
think he’ll be okay?”

hugged me closer. “Yes, we’ve talked this through, a lot, and he’s one hundred
percent supportive of me spending the night with a woman, spending the night with

you sure?”

absolutely, it’s something that’s been on the cards for many years, and, Laura,
I’m so glad it’s you. I couldn’t imagine it being anyone else, not now.” He
slid his palm over my butt and urged me to tangle my legs with his. “And
perhaps, if you’re agreeable, sexy lady, we can give each other pleasure all
over again when we’ve recovered. I have other positions I’d like to try out.”

of Nick flew from my mind, and although I’d just orgasmed, another tide of lust
swelled within me.

Josh again. Oh, yes please.

Chapter Five


journey back to London was uneventful, well, except for my luggage going
missing and turning up three days later with a big rip in the outer-lining of
the case. And, of course, the flood in the flat above mine had been a pain. It
had seeped down into my bedroom and kitchen, soaking the walls, furniture and
carpet. It wouldn’t have mattered so much if I’d remembered to renew my
insurance. Damn, I could get so forgetful when my head was full of work and
images. I’d have to hope that the other tenant’s insurance would cover my
property as well as theirs.

as I sat at my laptop, uploading photographs I’d taken in Marbella, my mood was
not the best. I sipped on a glass of cheap German wine and gazed out at London.
July was proving to be a better month, weather wise, than June, and the sunset
filtering through the window highlighted the dancing dust motes. I really
should dust, or vacuum at the very least. But the vacuum was broken—I’d
sucked up a penny several weeks ago and it had clunked ominously up the pipe
then clattered into the drum. The innards had died a sudden, earsplitting death
and I’d yet to repair or replace it.

picture of Josh came up on my screen, one of the several I’d taken of him as
he’d walked out of the sea and across the beach looking for all the world like
an Armani model. Bronze skin, tight pecs, angled abs and a face I’d never
forget for as long as I lived.

sighed, and as usual when thoughts of Josh entered my mind, my body reacted. My
pussy clenched and my nipples tightened. It was okay, though, I’d accepted that
about myself now. We’d been a one-night stand. Josh and Laura. A beautiful
night that gave us both something we wanted, needed, and then we’d moved on
with our lives.

had soon refined his technique between the sheets and when we were making love
for the third time his confidence and ability to hold off my orgasm, tease me,
thrill me, had reached world-class levels. The guy was one hell of a lover, one
hell of a man. It was one hell of a damn shame he would never be mine.

he’d kissed me and left me the next morning, it had been all I could do not to
beg him to stay until my mid-afternoon flight. I felt so close to him, so tuned
in to his thoughts and to his body. He’d been the only man in my bed for so
long and it seemed bitterly unfair that it could only ever be that one night.

I said nothing, I kept my begs and pleas safely inside. He’d been clear from
the outset what was going to happen between us was about him being with a woman
for the first time. If I couldn’t handle it, if I wanted more, then it was my
own foolish fault. I’d gone into the whole thing with my eyes wide open and all
the cards were on the table.

doorbell rang, tinkling through my small flat like a sudden loud voice.

pushed back my chair and wondered who it could be. I had few friends who
dropped by unannounced. We all tended to meet at the local bar, and whoever was
there hung out. It was a casual arrangement that suited me well.

I opened the door I was met with an enormous bunch of pink and white lilies.
Behind them stood a delivery boy, wearing a peaked blue hat.

Makay of Laura’s Lens?”


delivery from The Potting Shed.”

er thanks.”

would send me flowers from the exclusive, Covent Garden Potting Shed?

took them, strained under their weight, and set them on a table just inside my
door. Signed his form.

a lovely day,” he said with a smile and wandered off down the empty corridor,
his shoes clacking on the concrete floor.

you too.” I shut my door and inhaled deep. Already the pungent scent of lilies
was invading my living space. There was a small card on a long green straw with
a little butterfly clip on the end. I snapped the clip open to retrieve the
card. With fumbling fingers tore it open.

not get your hopes up, Laura. No way are they from him. Not in a million years.

writing was printed, as if done by a computerized assistant. But that didn’t
matter. The boxy, black words had my heart skittering and my breaths coming

I have a business proposition, only you will do. Please, call me soon.

was a mobile number and then the name I longed to see.


as though I was floating, I carried the flowers past my damp kitchen and into
the living room. I set them by my laptop and watched, mesmerized, as the light
sparkled against the pure white petals, and the heavy pink powder from the
stamen fluttered into the air to join the dust.

had sent me flowers and his phone number. Suddenly my day had improved by
several thousand percent.

why was I so excited? He’d said business proposition and that’s all it would
be. Probably Nick had thought about what I’d said regarding photographing some
of his architecture, which would be great. I could do with the work, even if I
did give him a discount.

guilt discount? Because I had fucked his husband?

shook my head. No, that wasn’t it at all. I liked Nick, he’d treated me to a
lovely meal in a fabulous setting and loaned me his sexy partner for the night.
If anyone deserved a friend’s discount, it was him.

ran my fingertip over the phone number. It was a connection to Josh, and just
the simple act of reading the digits had my stomach turning with excitement and,
I had to admit, desire fluttering in my pelvis.

a sudden rush of decisiveness I reached for my mobile and tapped in the number.
What was the point in waiting?

rang twice before it was answered.


it’s Laura. I’m just ringing to say, um, thanks for the flowers. They’re

hey, it’s so good to hear from you.”

you said to call, in the note, with the flowers.”

yes of course. I’m glad you have. How have you been?”

busy, you know what it’s like, got to pay the bills, keep taking the

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