Read The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3) Online

Authors: Brian D. Anderson

Tags: #Fantasy, #series, #epic adventure, #epic, #epic adventure magical adventure mystical adventure, #epic adventure fiction, #epic adventure fantasy, #series adventures

The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3) (2 page)

BOOK: The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3)
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The tall elf held out his hand. “I am
Freistal. Do not try to escape. The elves you see here are not the
only ones I have with me. The forest is filled with my kin. I would
hate to see you harmed before you can be brought to justice.”

Kaylia sneered and struggled to her feet. “We
will see who is brought to justice.”

Freistal pulled her roughly to his side.
“Perhaps you think your human mate will save you? Or perhaps Linis
and his seekers? Let me assure you that they have been dealt with.
And even if they have somehow survived, they will not be able to
save you.”

Kaylia forced a malicious laugh. “Let me
assure you that Gewey and Linis would not fall to the likes of you
or your rabble. And when they find you, you will wish you had never
left your lands. If you think to look to the Vrykol for safety, you
will find that they can be slain as easily as you.”

Freistal shrugged. “Perhaps. But for now you
will remain with us, and you will not escape. I will allow you to
stay unbound. Do not make me regret it, or you certainly will.” He
motioned for her to go to the fire. “We rest for only a short time.
Unless you wish me to strap you back onto the horse, you should eat
so that you will have the strength to travel.”

Kaylia rubbed her jaw, then made her way to
the fire. Freistal followed close behind and though he held no
weapon, she was certain that if she made a wrong move, her body
would be filled with arrows before she could take more than a few
steps. As she approached the fire, she could feel the eyes upon
her. She stiffened her back and took an empty space a moderate
distance from the others. Freistal knelt beside her and handed her
a flask of water and handful of jerky.

I suggest you hold your tongue,”
whispered Freistal. “Things are a bit...tense. And your comments
will not be welcome.”

I take it they are not pleased with
your traveling companion,” she taunted. “I cannot say that I blame

That is putting it mildly,” Freistal
replied. “And your presence is no more welcome than theirs. So mind
that you give them no excuse to take their frustrations out on

So I am to be beaten if I speak?”
Kaylia sneered, with contempt. “You will behave as the

I would not have you harmed,” Freistal
retorted. “We are not animals. Speak as you will, but be warned.
There are those among us that have a deep hatred for your kin, and
you in particular.”

Why?” asked Kaylia. “Where does this
hatred come from?”

Freistal looked at her sideways. “We know who
your kin have allied themselves with. They would make us allies of
the very people that destroyed us in the first place. And you...”
he paused. “You bond yourself to a human, seeking to doom us all.
Your crimes are beyond forgiveness.” He rose to his feet and glared
down at her. “I, for one, will not stand idly by while you and your
people annihilate what is left of our kind.”

How can you accuse me or my kin of
betrayal?” shot Kaylia angrily. “You have been deceived by the evil
that dwells in Angrääl.”

Then you deny that elves and humans
are allowed to befriend each other?” he said, furiously. “You deny
that your elders do nothing to stop it? You deny that you have
bonded yourself to a human?”

She glared at him defiantly. “Who I choose to
love is my own affair, not yours. And if you are so foolish as to
think it shall be the end of our people, then your stupidity knows
no bounds.”

He met her gaze. “Because of you and others
like you, our people will disappear and become nothing more than a
distant memory. A mere shadow of what we once were.”

So this is why you have done this?”
said Kaylia, loud enough for all to hear. “Because of half-truths
and fear?”

You deny it then?” Freistal asked.
“You deny that your kin intend to join with the humans?”

I do not deny that I have bonded
myself to a human,” she replied boldly. “And I do not deny that
many of my kin have formed friendships with humans. But we are not
destroying our people. We are saving them.” She stood to address
the entire group, but Freistal caught her arm.

Do not do this,” he warned. “You will
not sway us. You will only anger them, and put yourself in further

It seems to me that I can be in no
more danger than I already am,” said Kaylia, jerking her arm free.
“And if you intend to bring me back to your people on the Steppes,
then you will not harm me until then.” She stood straight and
proud. And though disheveled from being captured, her fierce gaze
gave her a regal appearance.

Let her speak,” came a voice from the
crowd. “Her lies will do nothing but strengthen our

Very well,” sighed

Kaylia squared her shoulders and took a step
forward. “I know you think me a traitor. I know you believe that
your actions are justified.” Her tone was imposing. “But ask
yourself this...who is it that you serve? Is this the will of the
elders? Or is this the will of the King in Angrääl? You are pawns
in his game of conquest. Surely, at least some of you sense this.”
A few elves stirred.

If this is not so, then why are you
traveling with a Vrykol? Do you really believe that creature will
allow you to take me to your elders? It will never let that happen.
I am to be used as leverage against the one being that can
challenge the power of Angrääl.” Tears began to well in her eyes,
but her voice remained steady. “You have killed your own kin based
on a lie. You have led your brothers and sisters to their death in
the process. How many of you have died in your attack? Twenty?

Angry murmurs and tearful stares told her
that it was far more.

Fifty-seven,” whispered Freistal. “And
your deceptions will not make us believe they died for nothing. You
accuse us of being weak. We are the pawns of no one. Not the Reborn
King...and not you. While you and your kin have made alliances with
the humans and the Gods, we have remained true to our traditions
and ways. We have not diluted our blood with that of lesser beings,
and we will never do so. The armies you gather against us will

Armies?” Kaylia cried. “We have raised
no armies. It is Angrääl who raises armies. It is this ‘Reborn
King’ that threatens to march. Not us.”

You lie!” shouted Freistal. “I have
seen them. Your ships have been spotted many times by my own eyes.
And your war council we attacked will no doubt hasten your plans,
now that they know that we are aware of their

You speak nonsense,” said Kaylia.
“Your mind has been twisted by the power of the Dark One. Can you
not see this? I did not accuse you of weakness before, but I do so
now. You have been touched by the power he wields. The Sword of
Truth has bent you to his will. Certainly some of your own will

I told you to keep her silent,” hissed
the voice of the Vrykol, as it came from behind the outlying brush.
“Her words are poison. She seeks to deceive you.”

The Vrykol moved to grab Kaylia, but Freistal
stepped between them.

She is our responsibility now,” said
Freistal. “You need not concern yourself with her any

Fool,” said the Vrykol. “If I were not
here, her mate would have already found you, and slaughtered you
like sheep.” It took a step forward. “She will remain with me until
I am certain we are no longer pursued.”

You are not master here,” said
Freistal. “And she remains with me. I have no fear of any

Freistal and the Vrykol stood mere inches
from each other, but neither made a move to draw a weapon. Though
his features were hidden, Kaylia knew the Vrykol was scowling with

Very well,” relented the Vrykol after
a very long moment. “She will remain with you...for now.” It spun
around and vanished into the forest.

Freistal called two elves to him and
commanded them to watch over Kaylia.

Do not mistake my defense of you as a
sign that your words have swayed me,” said Freistal. “I will not
see you brought to Angrääl, and I believe you are right about one
thing. That creature out there has no intention of allowing you to
be delivered to our elders.”

Once the party had finished their meal, they
packed and started out again, at an even more desperate pace than
before. Kaylia repeatedly tried to reach out to Gewey, but found
that her bond was being somehow the Vrykol, she
assumed. She could only hope for a chance to escape.

By midday, Kaylia began to sense further
unrest among her captors. The Vrykol made occasional appearances,
each time its foul gaze fell on Kaylia, then it disappeared again
into the forest. Kaylia could feel the tension rise with each
encounter. Clearly the elves found the presence of such an evil
creature difficult to bear and were becoming more vocal in their

Why tolerate this?” Kaylia asked
Freistal, who was running just behind her. “Nothing good can come
from such a being.”

We are commanded to allow it to be
with us,” grumbled Freistal. “And so long as they make no move
against us, we shall obey that command.” He shoved her roughly. “So
keep moving and mind your tongue.”

Just then the Vrykol appeared ahead of the
band and motioned for them to halt.

What is it?” asked Freistal, clearly
annoyed. “Why are we stopping?”

The elf woman's mate is drawing near.
She must come with me,” the Vrykol hissed. His black hand reached
out to grab Kaylia.

Freistal jerk Kaylia behind him, drawing his
long knife. The ringing of elven steel sliding free could be heard
from all directions.

The Vrykol let loose a harsh rasping laugh.
“You think to stop me?” It took a step forward, then let out a
high, piercing cry. The elves couldn't help but to cover their
ears. “Alone I could take her.” he said. “But did you really think
my master would send only one servant to guard his prize? You are a
pitiful fool.”

Just then, six more Vrykol stepped into view,
each holding a long blade.

You will not be taking her anywhere,
demon!” Freistal roared.

Kaylia heard the snap of a bowstring, and the
whiz of an arrow. The Vrykol hardly had time to react as the arrow
buried itself deep in its chest. The creature stepped back, then
pulled the arrow free and tossed it carelessly to the ground. The
air grew cold and still as the Vrykol turned to its comrades and
slowly nodded. With astounding swiftness, it then spun back around
and charged at Kaylia. The elves erupted in response, some rushing
at the other six Vrykol, and others to aid Freistal.

Freistal slashed at the Vrykol's neck, but
the beast easily blocked the blow with his own blade and brought
the hilt up, crashing into the elf's jaw. Freistal staggered back,
barely able to keep his feet. Several more arrows pierced the
Vrykol's flesh as it brought its blade down attempting to hew the
elf in twain. Freistal raised his knife just in time. Sparks flew
as the sound of metal on metal reverberated.

Kaylia knew this was her chance to flee.
Quickly, she looked at her surroundings. Six Vrykol had engaged the
bulk of the company, and though they fought with ferocity, were
falling one by one to the wicked swords of their foes. Five elves
had joined Freistal in the fight and were driving the Vrykol back,
but their blades were useless. Clearly they did not know how to
kill the creature. The arrows had ceased, and the elf archers filed
in from the forest, blades drawn.

Kaylia turned and ran, bereft of hesitation.
The last thing she saw of the battle was Freistal clenching at the
Vrykol's blade that had run through his gullet, only a moment

She felt anger and regret, but there was no
time to dwell on it. She needed to get as far away as possible. The
Vrykol had said Gewey was near, but she still couldn't feel where
he was through their bond. She hoped that if she got far enough
away, the Vrykol’s influence would wane and she would once again
feel the reassuring presence of the bond she shared with Gewey. The
trees were a blur as she ran faster and faster.

As she focused on her flight, a dark figure
appeared a few yards ahead and Kaylia slid to a halt. A Vrykol
loomed, sword drawn. Its cloak was shredded from the battle with
the elves, but still she could not make out its form beneath the
tattered rags. Instinctively, she reached for her knife, only to
realize she was unarmed. She looked around for signs of other
Vrykol, but there were none. Her legs tensed for a moment, then
burst to action with the rush of battle as she ran straight at the
creature. This apparently surprised it, and it side-stepped,
slightly lowering its blade. Just as Kaylia was in reach, she
ducked and slammed her fist into the Vrykol's knee.

It was like hitting iron. She felt pain shoot
through her hand and up her arm, but her blow was enough to part
the Vrykol's legs wide. Kaylia thrust her body upward burying her
shoulder into the beast’s chest, sending it stumbling back.

Kaylia knew she had no hope of defeating the
Vrykol without a blade, and trying to disarm it would mean certain
death. It was far too strong. Her only hope was to outrun it. But
could she? She had seen how fast they could move. This one had
caught up with her, even with several minutes head start. Fear
gripped her chest, but she fought it back and ran as fast as she
could, not bothering to look back. She had unbalanced it, but she
knew only for a few seconds at best. “I must move faster,” she

BOOK: The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3)
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