The Greek & Latin Roots of English (49 page)

Read The Greek & Latin Roots of English Online

Authors: Tamara M. Green

Tags: #Language Arts & Disciplines, #Linguistics, #General, #Vocabulary, #Etymology

BOOK: The Greek & Latin Roots of English
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28. I photographed the object __________so that its exact location could be recorded.
29. I will always look back with fondness on my college years, since my__________ nourished me in many ways.
30. The action of the story began ____________________; only later did the reader find out what had happened before.
31. His way of life was not to my liking, but I realized that each of us finds our own____________________
32. The newspaper carried a__________report of his speech, publishing every word.
33. After the Civil War, the South looked back on its____________________history.
34. I always write the words of the ancient Roman gladiators on the top of my exam paper:______________________________
B. Fill in the blank with an abbreviated Latin phrase:
35. There are many activities I love in the summer,____________, swimming, hiking, and sleeping in the hammock.
36. It is impossible to determine the exact date of the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, so most historians simply write, “_______________ 1760.”
37. He never finished telling a story. He would begin, and then say, “______________ .”
38. Frank, Mary, Susan, Joe, Harry_______________ all came to the party.

Greek Vocabulary

If the stem of a noun is used to form learned borrowings  in English, the genitive case is given.


a- (ἀ-) = lack of
acron (ἄκρον) = topmost
adelphe (ἀδελφή) = sister
adelphos (ἀδελφός) = brother
aden (ἀδήν) = gland
aegis (αἰγίς) = shield
aeon (αἰών) = age; long period of time
aer (ἀήρ) = air
hagion (ἅγιον) = sacred, holy
ago (ἄγω) = do
agon (ἀγών) = contest; struggle
agora (ἀγορά) = marketplace
ether (αἰθήρ) = heaven, sky
hema, hematos (αȋμα) = blood
heresis (αἵρεσις) = choice
esthesis (αἴσθησις) = perception
etia (αἰτία) = cause, reason
ailuros (αἴλυρος) = cat
algos (ἄλγος) = pain
amphi (ἀμφί) = around; on both sides
ancyra (ἀγκύρα) = anchor
ana (ἀνά) = up; backward; again
anemos (ἄνεμος) = wind
aner, andros (ἀνήρ) = man
angelos (ἄγγελος) = messenger
anthos (ἄνθος) = flower
anthropos (ἄνθρωπος) = man
anti (ἀντί) = against
apo (ἀπό) = from, away from
apologia (ἀπολογία) = defense
apostello (ἀποστέλλω) = send out
apostrophe (ἀποστροφή) = turning back
arachne (ἀράχνη) = spider
arche (ἀρχή) = rule; beginning
archeon (ἀρχαι̑ον) = old
archon (ἄρχων) = ruler, chief
arctos (ἄρκτος) = bear
argyros (ἄργυρος) = silver
aristos (ἄριστος) = best
arithmos (ἀριθμός) = number
harmonia (ἁρμονία) =joining together; harmony
arteria (ἀρτηρία) = windpipe
aster (ἀστήρ) = star
astron (ἄστρον) = star
athlos (ἀ̑θλος) = contest
atmos (ἀτμός) = vapor
atomos (ἄτομος) = uncut
auto (aὐτό) = self
axioma (ἀξίωμα) = theorem


bacterion (βακτήριον) = rod, staff
baino (βαίνω) = go
barbaros (βάρβαρος) = foreign
baron (βάρόν) = heavy
basileus (βασιλέυς) = king
biblion (βιβλίον) = book
biblos (βίβλος) = book
bios (βιός) = life
blastos (βλαστός) = seed
botane (βοτάνη) = grass, herb
bous (βου̑ς) = cow
brachy (βραχύ) = short
brady (βραδύ) = slow
bronchos (βρόγχος) = windpipe
bronte (βροντή) = thunder


gala (γάλα) = milk
gamete (γαμετή) = wife
gametes (γαμετής) = husband
gamos (γαμός) = marriage
ganglion (γάγγλιον) = tumor
gaster, gastros (γαστήρ) = stomach
ge (γη̑) = earth
genea (γενέα) = family
genos (γένος) = race, family
geron, gerontos (γέρων) = old man
geusis (γευ̑σις) = taste
gigas, gigantos (γίγας) = mighty
glotta (γλω̑σσα) = tongue
glycys (γλυκύς) = sweet
gnosis (γνω̑σις) = knowledge
gone (γονή) = produce, offspring
gonia (γωνία) = angle
gony (γόνυ) = knee
gramma (γράμμα) = letter
grapho (γράφω) = write
gymnazo (γυμνάζω) = exercise
gyne, gynecos (γυνή) = woman


daphne (δάφνη) = laurel tree
deca (δέκα) = ten
decaton (δέκατον) = tenth
demos (δη̑μος) = people
dendron (δένδρον) = tree
derma, dermatos (δέρμα) = skin
despotes (δεσποτής) = master, lord
deuteron (δεύτερον) = second
dia (διά) = through; on account of
diaphragma (διάφραγμα) = partition
diatribe (διατριβή) = a way of spending time; criticism
didacton (διδακτόν) = taught
dieta (δίαιτα) = way of life
dinon (δεινόν) = terrible
dioecesis (διοίκησις) management; government
dis (δίς) = twice
discos (δίσκος) = plate
dogma (δόγμα) = teaching; decree
dracon (δράκων) = snake, dragon
drama (δρα̑μα) = deed, act
dromos (δρόμος) = running
drys, dryos (δρυ̑ς) = oak tree
dynamis (δύναμις) = force, power
dyo (δύο-) = two
dys- (δύσ-) = bad, difficult


hebdomon (ἕβδομον) = seventh
ec, ex (ἐκ, ἐξ) = out of
hecaton (ἑκατόν) = one hundred
embryon (ἕμβρυον) = young
embryon (ἕμβρυον) = young
emphasis (ἕμφασις) = impression; meaning
empiron (ἕμπέιρον) = experienced
emporion (ἐμπόριον) = market
en (ἐν) = in
enaton (ἕνατον) = ninth
encephalos (ἐγκέφαλος) = brain
encomion (ἐγκώμιον) = praise
encyclion (ἐγκυκλιον) = encircling
endon (ἕνδον) = within
ennea (ἐννέα) = nine
enteron (ἕντερον) = inside, gut
entomon (ἕντομον) = notched
epi (ἐπί) or eph' (ἐφ-) = on, upon; for; in addition to
episcopos (ἐπίσκοπος) = overseer; guardian
episteme (ἐπιστήμη) = knowledge
ergon (ἕργον) = work
eros (ἕρως) = desire
erythron (ἐρυθρόν) = red
ethnos (ἕθνος) = nation, people
eu (εὐ̑) = well
hen (ἕν) = one
hepta (ἑπτά) = seven
herpo (ἕρπω) = creep, crawl
heteron (ἕτερον) = other
hex (ἕξ) = six


zoon (ζω̑ον) = living being
zyme (ζύμη) = leaven


hedone (ἡδονή) = pleasure
electron (ἤλεκτρον) = amber
helios (ἥλιος) = sun
helix (ἥλιξ) = spiral
hemera (ἡμέρα) = day
hemi- (ἡμι-) = half
hepar, hepatos (ἡ̑παρ) = liver
ethos (ἡ̑θος) = custom; behavior


thanatos (θἀνατος) = death
theatron (θέατρον) = place of seeing
theoria (θΕωρία) = spectacle; contemplation
theos (θέος) = god
therapia (θεραπεία) = service
thermos (θερμός) = warm
thesauros (θησαυρός) = treasury
thrix, trichos (θρίξ) = hair
thronos (θρόνος) = seat, chair
thyreos (θυρεός) = shield


iatros (ἰατρός) = doctor
ichthys (ἰχθύς) = fish
icon (εἰκών) = image, likeness
idea (ἰδέα) = form, class, kind
idion (ἴδιον) = one's own; private
idiotes (ἰδιώτης) = private citizen
hieron (ἱερόν) = sacred, holy
ion (ἴον) = going
hippos (ἵππος) = horse
ison (ἴσον) = equal
histemi (ἵστημι) = make stand
historia (ἱστορία) = inquiry
histos (ἱστός) = web

(K, C)

cacon (κακόν) = bad
canon (κανών) = rule; standard
cardia (καρδία) = heart
cata (κατά) or cath- (καθ-) = down, away; against; concerning
catharsis (κάθαρσις) = cleansing; purification
cephale (κεφαλή) = head
ceramia (κεραμεία) = pottery
kineo (κινέω) = move
kinesis (κίνησις) = movement
cithara (κιθάρα) = lyre, lute

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