The Greek & Latin Roots of English (50 page)

Read The Greek & Latin Roots of English Online

Authors: Tamara M. Green

Tags: #Language Arts & Disciplines, #Linguistics, #General, #Vocabulary, #Etymology

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clima (κλίμα) = zone, region
cline (κλίνη) = bed; couch
clōn (κλών) = twig
colon (κόλον) = colon
cōlon (κω̑λον) = member
coma (κω̑μα) = deep sleep
comma (κόμμα) = that which is cut off
comoedia (κωμῳδια) = comedy
comos (κω̑μος) = revel; merrymaking
cosmos (κόσμος) = order
cratos (κράτος) = strength; rule
creas (κρέας) = flesh, meat
crino (κρίνω) = separate, distinguish
crisis (κρίσις) = decision, trial; dispute
crypton (κρυπτόν) = hidden
cyanon (κύάυου) = blue
cybernetes (κυβερνήτης) = pilot, governor
cyclos (κύκλος) = circle
cymbalon (κύμβαλον) = cymbal
cyon, cynos ((κύωυ) = dog
cystis (((κυστις) = bladder
cytos ((κύτος) = hollow, vessel


leon (λέων) = lion
lethargos (λήθαργος) = forgetful
leptos (λεπτός) = slender
leucon (λευκόν) = white
limne (λίμνη) = lake
lithos (λίθος) = stone
logos (λόγος) = word; thought; study
lysis (λύσις) = loosening, untying


macron (μακρόν) = large
malacon (μαλακόν) = soft
mania (μανία) = madness
manthano (μανθάνω) = learn
martys, martyros (μάρτυς) = witness
mater (μήτηρ) = mother
mathesis (μάθήσις) = learning
mechane (μηχανή) = device, machine
megas, megalos (μεγάς) = very large
melas, melanos (μέλας) = black
melodia (μελῳδία) = song
meson (μέσον) = middle
meta (μετά) or meth- (μεθ-) = with; after, beyond; change
metabole (μεταβολή) = change
meteoron (μετέωρον) = raised in the air
methodos (μέθοδος) = pursuit
methy (μέθυ) = wine
metron (μέτρον) = measure
miasma (μίασμα) = stain, pollution
micron (μικρόν) = small
mimesis (μίμησις) = representation; imitation
miseo (μισέω) = hate
mneme (μνήμη) = memory
molybdos (μόλυβδος) = lead
monon (μόνον) = single, only
moron (μω̑ρον) = foolish
morphe (μορφή) = shape, form
musice (μυσική) = art of the Muses
myelos (μυελός) = marrow
myrias, myriados (μυρίας) = 10,000
mys (μυ̑ς) = muscle
mythos (μυ̑θος) = story


necros (νεκρός) = corpse
neon (νέον) = new
nephros (νεφρός) = kidney
neuron (νευ̑ρον) = nerve
nomicon (νομικόν) = of the law
nomos (νόμος) = law; rule
nymphe (νύμφη) = maiden


xenos (ξένος) = stranger, foreigner
xeron (ξηρόν) = dry
xylon (ξύλον) = wood; material


octo (ὀκτώ) = eight
hodos (ὁδός) = road
odous, odontos (ὀδούς) = tooth
odyne (ὀδύνη) = pain
ogdoon (ὄγδοον) = eighth
ecos (οἰ̑κος) = house
ecumene (οι̕κουμενή) = inhabited world
oligoi (ὀλίγοι) = few
homeon (ὁμοι̑ον) = similar
homon (ὁμόν) = same
onyma (ὄνυμα) = name
ophthalmos (ὀφθαλμός) = eye
opsis (ὄψις) = sight, view
opteuo (ὀπτεύω) = look at, see
orchestra (ὀρχήστρα) = dancing stage
orexis (ὄρεξις) = appetite
organon (ὄργανον) = instrument, tool; bodily organ
hormao (ὁρμάω) = excite, stimulate
ornis, ornithos (ὄρνις) = bird
oros, oreos (ὄρος) = mountain
orthon (ὀρθόν) = straight
osteon (ὀστέον) = bone
ostracon (ὄστρακον) = tile
ous, otos (oὐ̑ς) = ear


pachy (παχύ) = thick
paean (παιάν) = song of thanksgiving to Apollo, god of healing
paleon (παλαι̑ον) = old
pan, pantos (πα̑ν) = all
pancreas (πάγκρεας) = sweetbread
papyros (πάπυρος) = papyrus plant
para (παρά) = beside; contrary to; irregular; beyond
parabole (παραβολή) = comparison
paradigma (παράδειγμα) = pattern
paragraphe (παραγραφή) = anything written beside; slash mark
parenthesis (παρένθεσις) = insertion
pascho (πάσχω) = suffer, endure
pater (πατήρ) = father
pathos (πάθος) = suffering, condition
pedia (παιδεία) = education
pente (πέντε) = five
pepto (πέπτω) = soften, cook
peri (περί) = around, about, near
periodos (περίοδος) = going around
pes, pedos (παι̑ς) = child
petros (πέτρος) = stone
pithecos (πίθηκος) = monkey
planetes (πλανήτης) = wanderer, planet
plasticon (πλαστικόν) = molded
platy (πλατύ) = broad, wide
plege (πληγή) = blow
plethora (πληθώρα) = fullness
pleura (πλευ̑ρα) = side; rib
pneo (πνέω) = breathe
pneumon (πνευμών) = lung
poietes (ποιητής) = maker, poet
polemos (πόλεμος) = war
polis (πολίς) = city-state
poly (πολύ) = many
potamos (ποταμός) = river
pous, podos (πούς) = foot
pragma (πρα̑γμα) = business; matter
praxis (πρα̑ξις) = transaction, doing
presbys (πρέσβυς) = old
pro (πρό) = before; in front of
pros (πρός) = to, toward; in addition to
proton (πρω̑τον) = first
pteron (πτερόν) = wing
pyloros (πυλωρός) = gatekeeper
pyr, pyros (πυρ) = fire


rheo (ῥέω) = flow
rhetor (ῥήτωρ) = speaker
rhis, rhinos (ῥίς) = nose


sacchar (σάκχαρ) = sugar
sarx, sarcos (σάρξ) = flesh
sauros (σαυ̑ρος) = lizard
scene (σκηνή) = tent; stage backdrop
schema (σχɳ̑μα) = form, shape
schole (σχολή) = leisure
scleron (σκληρόν) = hard
scopeo (σκοπέω) = look at
sideros (σίδηρος) = iron
skeletos (σκελετός) = dried up
soma, somatos (σω̑μα) = body
sophia (σοφία) = wisdom
sophistes (σοφιστής) = expert, teacher
sperma (σπέρμα) = seed
sphera (σφαι̑ρα) = ball
sphongos (σφόγγος) = sponge
stadion (στάδιον) = racecourse
stereon (στερεόν) = solid, firm
sthenos (σθένος) = strength
stoa (στοά) = cloister, colonnade
stoma, stomatos (στόμα) = mouth
strategos (στρατηγός) = general
symposion (συμπόσιον) = drinking party
syn (σύν) or sym- (συμ-) = with
synthesis (σύνθεσις) = putting together
systema (σύστημα) = whole; composition


tachys (ταχύς) = rapid, swift
tauros (ταυρος) = bull
techne (τέχνη) = skill, art
tele (τɳ̑λε) = at a distance
tettara (τέσσαρα) = four
tithemi (τίθημι) = put, place
tomos (τομός) = cutting
topos (τόπος) = place
trachea (τραχει̑α) = rough
tragoedia (τραγῳδία) = tragedy (literally, goat song)
trapeza (τράπεζα) = table
trauma, traumatos (τραυ̑μα) = wound
tris (τρει̑ς) = three
triton (τρίτον) = third
tropos (τρόπος) = turn; way, manner
trophe (τροφή) = nourishment
tympanon (τύμπανον) = drum
typos (τύπος) = mark; model, outline
tyrannos (τύραννος) = absolute ruler

(U, Y)

hybris (ὕβρις) = pride, arrogance
hydor, hydatos (ὕδωρ) = water
hygieia (ὑγίεια) = health
hygron (ὑγρόν) = moisture
hyle (ὕλη) = matter
hymnos (ὕμνος) = song of praise
hyper (ὑπέρ) or hyph- (ὑφ-) = above; excessively
hyphen (ὑφέν) = in one
hypnos (ὕπνός) = sleep
hypo (ὑπό) or hyph- (ὑφ-) = below; deficient
hypocrites (ὑποκριτής) = actor
hystera (ὑστέρα) = uterus


phagein (φαγει̑ν) = eat
phalanx (φάλαγξ) = phalanx
pharmacon (φάρμακον) = drug; poison
pharynx (φάρυγξ) = throat

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