Read The Greek's Baby Bargain Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

The Greek's Baby Bargain (13 page)

BOOK: The Greek's Baby Bargain
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Turning to his sister, he put a hand behind her back. “Come along, Monica. I believe you’ve insulted enough people tonight.”


Monica wanted to protest but David was having none of that. He pulled her along, literally, in his wake while Monica continued to wrestle her wrist free of his hold.

Jeffrey and Sonya chuckled as the couple left and Emma tensed, suddenly afraid of what Dmitri might think of her. She’d done so well all evening, holding her tongue and ignoring the insults from Monica, swallowing her jealousy.

“We need to head out as well,” Sonya said, standing up with her husband. “But thank you so much for your help tonight, Emma. It was a lovely party and I appreciate your graciousness.”

With his arm around his lovely wife’s back, Jeffrey turned to face Dimitri. “You asked that I stay after the others departed and I know you wanted to talk to me but I hope it can wait until tomorrow. I think I’m a little talked out at the moment and I’d like to get this little lady home.”
“I’ll walk you out,” Dmitri said.

Emma looked at his face, trying to determine if he was angry or not. But his features didn’t give anything away. He disappeared through the doorway and Emma wasn’t going to wait around to see if he was angry or not.

She walked upstairs to the bedroom and took a nightgown out. She was just about to walk out of the bedroom when he walked in and closed the door. Taking off his cufflinks, he tossed them onto his dresser. “Quite a night for you, wasn’t it?” he asked softly.

Emma thought of all that had happened during the evening and became furious over the way Monica had draped herself on his arm. “You had a nice show,” was all she would say and walked around the bed. She had no idea where he slept each night but she wasn’t going to share a bed with him tonight. Not after the way he’d been ogling Monica, or more specifically her breasts, all evening. If he intended to sleep in the master bedroom, she’d find another room. There were more than forty bedrooms, so there was no doubt she would be perfectly comfortable somewhere else. She was taking the long way to the door, but she didn’t want to get close to him.

When she was a few feet away from the door, he spoke up. “Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded, his hand reaching out to capture her arm.

She was startled since he hadn’t been there a moment before. Emma had no idea how a man of his size could move so quickly and quietly, but she rallied quickly. “I’m not sleeping with you tonight,” she said tightly. “If you want someone to sleep with, go get Monica back. I’m sure she’d be thrilled.”

Dmitri laughed. “Ah, my jealous little wife,” he said.


“I’m not jealous!” she snapped back. “I’m furious that you would embarrass me like that all evening. How dare you!”

The amusement changed lightning quick to anger and he pulled her closer, looking down into her eyes, “And now you have a small portion of what you dealt to me when you left me to run to your lover’s arms four years ago!”

That stopped her cold. Had he really felt this way all those years ago? When she’d run to Brian, she’d had no idea that she’d been followed. If he’d found out that she’d run to another man’s arms, not knowing that Brian was her brother, then she could well imagine what he’d been feeling. It was a horrible feeling.

Understanding dawned for the first time and she could understand his initial hostility so much better now. Facing him directly so he could see the sincerity in her face, she said with feeling, “I never betrayed you,” hoping to ease some of the pain he was feeling.

“All evidence to the contrary,” he replied and pushed her away from him. “You’re not going anywhere,” he snapped and walked into his dressing room. “You’re my wife and you’ll be sleeping here. I won’t have the servants gossiping,” he said although she could no longer see him.

Emma was shaking with anger at his command and a part of her wanted to obey him, knowing what she’d inadvertently put him through when she’d left him. But the other part of her knew that sleeping in that big bed with him would only lead to one thing. No matter how much space there was between them, being in the same room meant she would make love to him. And how dare he tell her that they would be sleeping in the same bed when he’d been somewhere else for the past two weeks! That made absolutely no sense.

She slipped out of the bedroom, deciding to challenge his wrath. It was a large house. Maybe if she found a guest bedroom, she’d be able to hide from him at least until she fell asleep. That would get her through the night, wouldn’t it?

Emma walked quickly down the hallway and made it several yards when she was simply picked up and tossed over Dmitri’s shoulder. “Put me down, you brute!” she demanded, pounding against his back ineffectually. “You can’t make me sleep in this room with you!” she practically screamed. A moment later, the wind was knocked out of her when she landed on her back on the bed.

He didn’t give her a chance to wriggle away, but pressed down on her with his full weight. “You want to do this the hard way? Fine,” he rasped, and his mouth covered hers, his hands pulling hers up over her head and holding them there with one hand while his other grasped the bodice of her gown. The rip echoed through the room and Emma was so shocked she couldn’t even speak. And when his mouth covered her bared breast, she could no longer think much less speak and argue against this kind of treatment.

Dmitri took her with a passion that was unprecedented and after the initial shock, Emma was more than willing to go along with his plans. She was desperate for him, crying out when he took his mouth away from her breast and even begging him to make love to her. He was unrelenting throughout the night. It was as if he were trying to forge himself on her memory. If he’d only asked, she could have told him that the effort was unnecessary. She was so overwhelmed by everything to do with him that she couldn’t even think of another man.

Dmitri entered her with a hard, powerful thrust and Emma could no longer hold back. She held him tightly, moving with him and cherishing every moment in his arms. When her climax washed over her, all she could feel was the intense pleasure he gave her as well as the diamond and ruby necklace around her neck. The memories brought tears to her eyes and she cried out her anguish for everything that could have been, the way things should have been if life had been fair. And when the storm subsided and their passion depleted for the moment, she fell asleep cradled tenderly against his side.

Dmitri reached out and turned off the lights, holding Emma in his arms. Staring into the darkness, he thought about everything that had happened in the evening. When Monica and David had first arrived, he’d still been so overwhelmed with anger at Emma for leaving him that he could barely think. He’d left their room and walked out, trying to breathe and gather his thoughts. Placing the necklace on her had only brought back memories of when things had been good and right and his life hadn’t been a barren wasteland of pain and emptiness.

Smiling into the darkness, he thought back to her incredible performance tonight as his hostess. She had definitely gained a good deal of confidence while away. He’d been extremely proud of her as she’d organized and hostessed the dinner party tonight. All of the guests had been impressed with her skills, her grace. The evening had been an unprecedented success and he’d had a hard time concentrating on what Monica had been telling him all evening as he’d fought to keep his eyes off of Emma at the opposite end of the table.

When Monica had started her petty little vengeance against Emma, he’d started to defend his wife. But, startlingly, Emma was no longer the sweet little woman he’d married who would cower when attacked. She had spunk and charm and intelligence that had probably been there all along, but had somehow been hidden beneath layers of rules and decorum demanded by his good natured but sometimes domineering mother. Or maybe he just hadn’t taken the time to notice it before tonight.

He was definitely noticing now, he thought, pulling her closer to his body. He liked the feisty side of her, had even encouraged it tonight, just to see what she would do. He hadn’t expected her to walk out of their bedroom though. Now that he had her here, he’d be dammed if he was going to do without her delectable little body while she was here. He’d never let himself care though. Not the way he had before.

Pulling the knot of his tie to his neck, He turned to face the woman glaring at him in the mirror. He wanted to chuckle at her expression but contained his amusement. After last night, he knew she was mad at him. He didn’t really care, he told himself. He had gotten what he wanted and it would serve her right to suffer through a little of his feelings.

“Be ready for dinner tonight. We’re going out,” he said.


The brush snapped onto her dressing table and she turned in her seat. “What should I do while you’re at work today?”


“Anything you’d like. I’ve given you credit cards so feel free to shop until your mercenary heart desires,” he came back.


Standing up, she turned to face him in a fury at his condescending attitude. “Clothes? You want me to go buy more clothes?”

He was torn between the desire to laugh at her outrage and the need to pick her up and kiss her. He did neither, knowing how angry she was over the previous night’s dinner party and subsequent storm of passion. Egging her temper higher, he said, “I don’t care. Go get your hair done, or your nails. Whatever you want.”

Seeing the light of fury increase in her eyes, he sighed heavily. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to get into an argument with her today. He had many meetings today and he suspected that there was something pricking her temper besides last night. “What’s really wrong?” he asked, putting his hands on his hips and looking across the room at her.

Forcing her temper to calm down, Emma sighed and shook her head. “I…,” she started to say, wishing she could talk to him and make him understand what was bothering her but his belligerent stance told her that she’d get no where with him today. “I just wanted to…” she started again, then looked down despondently. “Nothing,” she finished lamely then castigated herself mentally for giving in to her fear of this unpredictable man.

“Fine. I’m leaving,” he replied and turned on his heel.


“Dmitri?” she asked, stopping him in his tracks.




“I was just wondering…well,” biting her lip, she struggled with how to phrase her question, “well, when are you traveling again?” she asked.


He stopped and turned to watch her, amused by the anger she tried to hide at his cryptic answers. “That depends.”


“On what?”


“On when you’re fertile period is,” he said and walked back to stand in front of her. He enjoyed the blush that formed over her cheeks.


“Oh. Well, as to that….well, I’m not really all that regular,” she stammered out.

That confused him. He thought all women could predict their monthly cycles with pinpoint accuracy. “You’re not? Why? That seems a little inconvenient, doesn’t it?”

Emma rolled her eyes. “It isn’t something I can really control,” she said irritably. “Tell me when your last period was,” he demanded with what he thought was admirable patience.


“No!” she gasped indignantly.

It was his turn to roll his eyes. “Emma, don’t get all shy on me, especially after last night. Besides, we lived as man and wife for two years. Surely you had your period during that time.”

“Of course I did,” she exclaimed frantically trying to turn away out of embarrassment but he held her arms and even pulled her closer. “But you were always out traveling somewhere so it never became an issue.” She stared at his chest while she explained her body’s natural but embarrassing cycles.

“I did?” he asked, dumbfounded.


“Yes. It never came up.”


“Was I traveling when you were fertile? Is that why we never conceived a child?” he asked softly.

Emma’s heart sank. Everything came back to children, didn’t it? That was what this whole six months about so it shouldn’t surprise her, but the guilt that came with the subject was still painful. “I don’t remember but I’m sure it happened occasionally.” At least that wasn’t a lie. She honestly hadn’t tracked her periods during that time period. They hadn’t discussed contraception at the time of their wedding, Emma just being ecstatically happy to be with him and all other thoughts were silly side issues compared to being with him.

“When was your last period?” he asked again.

Emma knew the look in his eyes and he wouldn’t be put off. Nor should he. He’d paid for her to conceive, the least she could do was to be honest with him about her monthly cycles. “About ten days ago,” she finally said.

“And how long do they last?”


“I’m never very regular,” she said, turning her face away.

“Fine,” he snapped. “Then we’ll assume you’re either right in or about to enter your fertile period for the next several days. Be ready to leave this afternoon,” he said and left her alone, her mouth hanging open.

She ran after him, leaning against the banister as he skipped down the stairwell. “Where are we going?” she asked


“Just pack for hot weather,” was all he would say before exiting the front door.

The helicopter touched down on the tropical island and Emma’s white knuckle grip on the seat slowly relaxed. Dimitri had been talking with some business acquaintances during the entire flight and she fully expected them to come off the helicopter with them, thereby easing some of the stress during the next few days. If he was occupied by business interests, maybe she would have some way of surviving this trip.

But life was still frowning on her. She watched in astonishment as Dimitri stood up and walked forward, leaving the other gentlemen in the back to continue their work. “Why aren’t they getting off the helicopter?” she asked as he took her arm and guided her down the stairs into the humid air of the tropical island.

“Because they aren’t coming with us,” he said calmly and led her over to a jeep that was quickly being loaded with their luggage. Within only moments, the jeep was pulling away from the tarmac and the helicopter was lifting off again, leaving the two of them very much alone.

BOOK: The Greek's Baby Bargain
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