Read The Greek's Baby Bargain Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

The Greek's Baby Bargain (9 page)

BOOK: The Greek's Baby Bargain
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“Please, Dimitri, we need to talk,” she begged, wanting to set some ground rules. “We can’t just do this…just start over like this,” she begged. She tried to pull away but his finger flicked against her sensitive skin and she groaned, all thoughts of talking leaving her. Instead, with that one, simple touch, she turned the tables. She was ravenous for him, moving underneath his hand, arching against him, pulling his head down for his kiss.

Emma touched him everywhere, remembering too many nights when she woke in a cold sweat, her dreams taking her right here where she was laying in his arms, feeling the warmth, the heat, move over her like a tidal wave.

“Now!” she cried out when she felt she couldn’t take anymore. “Please, now!” she said again.

Dimitri looked down at the woman who had haunted him for years, who had left him but now was back and writhing underneath him. He considered not giving in to her demands, of letting her ache and torment her further. But his body was demanding the same thing. Pushing into her softness, he took her hard, wishing he could just find his own satisfaction and ignore her own needs. But she was too incredibly soft, too hot and he slowed. Looking down at her face and realizing she was close to finding her release, he reached down, lifting her hips slightly and, with a few more thrusts, took her over the edge. Finding his own release moments later was no problem, the feelings too intense to ignore.

When he was done, Dimitri stood up and walked to the bathroom, ignoring the pained expression on her face. “I’m taking a shower,” was all he said before disappearing through the door.

Emma shivered in response and wanted to scream out her anger and humiliation. How could he be so cold? So heartless? It felt as if he’d just rejected her in some way. After what they’d just experienced, she’d thought he’d felt it too. Could he just walk away as if nothing earth shattering had happened?

Emma buried her face in the pillow, hiding the tears that flowed once again. She was so tired of the pain, of the sadness. She just wanted peace. Was that too much to ask? Why did fate keep throwing her into this man’s path? What had she done to deserve this? She’d loved him more than life itself and now she was destined to go through the same torture once again, to be given the light back in her life, only to know that it would be ripped away from her in six months, or less if he ever found out about her condition.

Pulling the blanket over her nakedness, she curled up into a ball, taking deep breaths and willing herself to relax, to remember all the ways she’d worked him out of her system the first time. She’d have to keep her heart safe this time, knowing there was an end to the relationship. She couldn’t give in to the desire to fall on her knees and tell him everything, begging him to make everything right. He was strong, powerful and intelligent, but there were limits to what even he could do.

And she had to remember Brian.

Emma woke the following morning to bright sunshine streaming into the room. Squinting her eyes, she looked around, trying to get her bearings. Where was she? Why was she so sore? Looking at the pillow beside her, empty now but with an indentation in the center, it all came flooding back to her; Dimitri, the flight, the horrible deal, the terrifying blood test followed by a night of intense, soul melting passion and not just once but over and over again. Burying her face in her hands, she shuddered at the memory of the previous night and how she’d sold her soul to the devil for the next six months.

“No time for recriminations, Emma,” Dimitri’s deep, amused voice said from across the room.


Emma sat up quickly in bed, holding the sheet against her chest when she realized she was completely naked.

She heard his chuckle in response. “Ah, the modesty. I’m not sure if it is appropriate anymore,” he replied, his dark eyes slashing down to her hands holding the sheet firmly in place. “I mean, after last night, it is pretty ludicrous, isn’t it?” he asked. He was standing over the bed now, he eyes moving along her form under the sheet. “Especially after all the demands you made of me last night.”

Emma couldn’t help the blush, remembering how she had demanded his body over and over again, even telling him what she wanted him to do. Each time she’d moved in her sleep, she had touched him somehow which would wake her and she’d beg him once again. He had been so giving too, administering to her every need. Emma had no idea what had come over her. Probably too many nights spent thinking about what she wanted and couldn’t have over the past several years. “I’m sorry about that,” she whispered. “I don’t know what happened,” she lied.

Dimitri laughed again. He leaned over her, his large body pressing her back against the pillows and tipping her head up so she had to look at him. “Please let it come over you again. not right now. turned and started walking out of the bedroom. I liked it,” he said, a moment before kissing her on the lips hard. “But We need to be on the plane in one hour.” Without another word, he

Seeing his muscular back retreating she felt the terror rise up in her throat. She tried to push it down, to tell herself that she would have to see him leave her life sooner or later, but the panicked words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. “Where are you going?” Her voice cracked slightly and she tried to clear her throat. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to hear her alarm. Or maybe he just didn’t care.

“Not me, my love. We. We’re going to Rome. I have business there. As I mentioned yesterday, you’ll have to travel with me this time around. I don’t trust you enough to leave you alone. Who knows what man will crawl into bed with you to satisfy that raging passion of yours.” His words were purposefully callous but she didn’t let him see her cringe. He wasn’t looking at her as he said, “Besides, we have a mission and a time limit, don’t we, love? We leave in one hour. Don’t be late.”

Emma’s mouth dropped open but she was unable to respond since he left the room without another word, closing the door to give her some privacy.

The relief that poured through her body was instant and intense. He wasn’t leaving her, was all she could think. The relief almost made her dizzy. Then his words sunk into her brain and she smiled slightly. “Traveling to Rome?” she said out loud. The very idea of traveling to Italy, to one of the most beautiful cities in the world, sent a thrill of excitement down her body. She almost giggled with excitement.

Throwing off the covers, she hurried into the bathroom to shower, then pulled on whatever her hands first came into contact with. Looking at her reflection a half hour later, she grimaced at the lavender suit but slipped her feet into the matching heels. The suit was very flattering, making her skin looks soft and creamy but it was painfully uncomfortable. The bias cut jacket seemed to make her want to bend sideways and the skirt felt too tight. Why had Dimitri chosen this suit for her? She turned sideways and saw how the fabric clung to her curves and raised her eyebrows in surprise. She’d never worn anything this blatant before. Her normal choice of clothes was more demure. But if he liked it, she would wear it.

Shrugging her shoulders, she knew that it would please Dimitri. And it was an image he was trying to present to the world. For the amount of money he paid her, she was willing to help him out in whatever way she could, especially since she couldn’t give him the baby he wanted.

Emma’s eyes clouded at that thought but she pushed it aside and picked up her cell phone. Dialing her brother, she related the situation and told him to present himself to the specialist who would perform the surgery. Once off the phone with him, she dialed her bank and had all the money wired to the doctor’s office. She already had the account number memorized since she’d put the number on so many loan applications over the past three or four months. Once that was done, she contacted the doctor’s office personally and told them of the transfer and made an appointment for her brother’s next consultation. She was thrilled when she heard the news that the doctor would be able to see him this afternoon because of an early cancellation. “Wonderful! Please call me when you have finished meeting with him to let me know if you have any hesitation to go ahead with the surgery,” she said, excited that things were finally falling into place.

The last call had to be done quickly but she didn’t mind that. “Hi, Dennis,” she greeted her supervisor at the book store. “I hate to tell you this but I’m afraid I’m going to have to quit without notice,” she said.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Dennis said angrily.

Dennis had never been a very nice person but telling him that she was quitting without notice first thing in the morning, when she was due to arrive for her day shift in less than an hour, was not conducive to an easy or friendly conversation. Not that she ever really had a friendly conversation with her boss but that was beside the point. The man was a militant control freak, even timing her bathroom breaks. But he paid her on time and that was the main point. She listened patiently as he voiced his anger, letting him rant and rave for a few moments.

She was standing in the middle of the bedroom, shaking slightly by some of the awful things Dennis was threatening her with, wondering if he would really be able to do things like that when the cell phone was taken out of her hand.

Whipping around, her jaw dropped open when she saw Dimitri listening to Dennis’ diatribe. Slowly, Dimitri’s eyes darkened and Emma didn’t want to be on the other end of the phone.

“Excuse me, but this is Emma’s husband,” Dimitri said softly but with deadly intent. “If you ever speak to her again like that, or even begin to follow through on any of those threats, which I’m relatively sure you are too pathetic to go through with, I’ll make sure your life is a living hell. I will personally ensure that your tiny little book store goes out of business within a month by asking your creditors to call in your debts. I understand you are slightly behind on many of your bills, are you not Mr. Hancock?” Dimitri didn’t wait for a response before continuing. “Furthermore, I’ll make sure you don’t work in any industry throughout all of Europe. And believe me, Mr. Hancock, I’m fully able to follow through on those threats. In fact, I wouldn’t even break a sweat in doing so.”

Without another word, Dimitri snapped the cell phone shut and handed it back to her. “You’re through with him,” he said.


Emma nodded silently, stunned by his protection of her after all she’d put him through.

He started to walk away but after only a few steps, turned around and glared at her. “Why have you put up with him for so long? Has he always treated you so poorly?” he asked. “I know he doesn’t pay you well enough to take that kind of treatment so why would you ever deal with that kind of abuse?”

Emma shrugged and looked down at the floor. “It doesn’t really matter.”

“Of course it does,” he countered and pulled her into his arms, his mouth coming down hard on hers. After several long moments when his mouth ravished hers, leaving her knees shaking and her mind no longer worrying about her former boss, he lifted his mouth and shook his head. “You’re my wife, and no one speaks to you like that, Emma. You shouldn’t put up with it. Ever.”

“Okay,” she said breathlessly, her eyes wide with the fear that the passion would consume her once again. She couldn’t have that. She’d made a decision in the shower that she was going to have to limit their sex to only the times she was about to ovulate. She could time that easily enough and that would mean only once or twice a month would she experience the joy of being in his arms. The less, the better, she told herself, pulling out of his arms quickly and taking several steps backwards. It would be easier to recover once it was over if she had limited memories to think back upon. Unfortunately, he’d allowed her the space but his hands moved from being around her to firmly holding her arms as his angry eyes looked down into her own.

“Why would you take that kind of abuse, Emma?” He was obviously not going to let the subject drop.


Emma shook her head and turned away. “Not everyone can be as particular in their income as you are, Dimitri.”


“Are you saying this man was your only choice? I refuse to believe that. You have an education, you’re smart and you can think.”


Turning on him, she snapped, “Yes, I have half of my college education. The other half I stopped in order to come marry you.”


“Are you saying it’s my fault?”

“Absolutely not. I made my choices,” she said, swallowing the pain and regret that almost overwhelmed her. “I don’t look back. The man paid me a salary, I had hours that worked with my schedule and it was a mindless job, exactly what I needed at that time in my life.”

“That time is over, Emma!” he was glaring right back at her, unwilling to stop the quarrel until she relented on her position that the job with the abusive boss was all she could hope for.

“Fine,” she snapped back, just to get on with the day and stop this pointless arguing. Then the humor of the situation grabbed her and she chuckled. “If you say not to accept an abusive employer, do you count in that area?”

If anything, his anger increased. “”I’m not your employer. You are my wife!”

She couldn’t contain another burst of laughter. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that. Of course, if you were my employer, I would be considered your mistress and since I don’t like that…well, we won’t go there,” she said, but her eyes showed her amusement. “But thank you very much for thinking I’m worth more than what Dennis doles out. It’s nice to know that you think more of me. I’ll try and remember that.”

His surprise at her humor showed in his expression and Emma had to fight the urge to laugh once again, knowing it would not help her cause. “Come along,” he said and dropped his hands from her arms. “We’re late.”

Emma followed after him, grabbing her purse as she did. She smiled, wondering what Dennis was thinking right at the moment. He really was a vile man. She almost wished Dimitri would go through with his threats, just to put Dennis out of business. After all the miserable hours she’d had to endure his unjustified temper, the man deserved some of it back at him. And he would just hire another person who was feeling down and defenseless and the cycle would continue.

BOOK: The Greek's Baby Bargain
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