The Harvest Club (16 page)

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Authors: Iona Morrison

Tags: #romance, #Fantasy, #ghost, #murder, #mystery

BOOK: The Harvest Club
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“Maybe she’ll be left alone after this.” He looked hopeful.

“It could have been just kids messing around. Nothing seemed to be missing.” Matt stood up to leave. “I’ll get back to you later when I find out more information.”

Chapter Sixteen

The next couple of days Jessie worked alongside church members to clean the church. Files had to be re-filed, walls painted, broken furniture replaced, and a new computer set up.

She had people around her all day, so she felt much more relaxed. Pastor Rick would be back in a few days, and she knew he was going to be confronted by the church committee. They were going to replace him. Matt had asked them to wait so as not to jeopardize his investigation. John had agreed, as long as the congregation wasn’t in harm’s way.

By Saturday night, the congregation was weary, but the church looked nice for the visiting pastor. Jessie locked up her office and told Gina to look after everything. A ghost whisperer, now. She smiled at the thought.

When she walked out the church door Matt, Dylan, and Katie were standing by her car waiting.

Katie walked toward her. “We stopped by to take you to dinner. You’ve been working so hard the last few days. How’s that sound?”

“Good, but you might have to prop me up so I can eat. I’m so tired.” She rubbed her neck.

“How about we get some take out Chinese and eat at your place?” Dylan asked. “Katie, you come with me, and Matt can drive Jessie home since she can hardly keep her eyes open. What do you opt for, Jessie?”

“Cashew Chicken sounds good to me.”

“Can we trust you two not to fight?” Katie looked at them and smiled.

“She’s too tired to put up a good argument. You don’t have to worry about us.”

Matt took the keys out of her hand and opened the passenger door, touching her elbow as she got in. He got behind the wheel and started her car. “I’ve been waiting for a chance to drive this sweet machine.” She was still and quiet when he looked over at her.

“Don’t worry I’m not asleep. I’m conserving energy,” she murmured.

“Dylan knew I wanted to talk to you before we’re all together, again. We presented the information to Sheriff Taylor from the county sheriff’s department and a state official, and it looks like we’ll be getting some help. This is a big operation, Jessie. Thanks to you we’ve found out some key information. You’ve played an important role, but you’ve also become a target with a huge bull’s eye on it.” His voice tone was serious. “We are going to do everything we can to keep you safe, but you’re going to have to be careful and watch the people around you. Let us know your schedule and movement. Do you hear me?” He raised his voice, baiting her as his lips twitched.

“Of course, I can hear you. Those people in the car over there can hear you. The whole street will be able to hear you if you speak any louder.” She yelled each word for emphasis and was ashamed of her reaction.

“Now there’s my girl.” He grinned. “I was beginning to worry that you’d lost your will to fight. I always bring out the best in you.”

“Don’t flatter yourself,” she said sarcastically.

“The thing is, Jess, we will still be short of manpower, so there will be someone watching over you when you’re tucked in for the night, but not all day, every day. We have too many people to watch in order to build this case. We won’t get the extras eyes until Rick and the others return from India. In the meantime, the duty to look after you is split between Dylan and me.” He gave her a serious look. “You’re going to have to cut us some slack. Keep us in the loop and try to be civil about it.”

“Are you through with your lecture, professor?”

“Yes, but I do have one more request of you.” His serious look softened as he reached over and touched her hand. “I’m trying to keep you alive, Jess. Could we possibly work as a team?”

“I get that, but don’t treat me like a little kid always telling me what to do,” she snapped. “Oh.” She paused. “You asked, didn’t you?”

“I’m sorry, Jess, for sounding harsh sometimes, but in the face of murder the niceties don’t often apply.”

Jessie wasn’t sure why she always felt so surly with Matt. She was capable of reasoning, and he was trying to keep her safe. Yet every time he opened his mouth, she wanted to argue with him. She had never had a problem like this before, unless you counted Bobby Angel. Angel was not a good name for him. He was the fourth grade devil who had made that school year a living hell for her. For some reason, Bobby had picked her out to be his girlfriend, and he showed his affection by endless torment. She practically danced all the way home on the last day of school knowing she didn’t have to see him for the whole summer. He was over her when fifth grade started. Lisa Marie Wilson had replaced her in his affection.

Once again, Jessie was determined not to let Matt get under her skin and to treat him the same way she did everyone else, with some amount of decorum. Maybe she should try being sweet for a change. “I understand. I’ll give it my best shot. I haven’t had to tell someone my schedule and whereabouts for a long time. It’ll take some getting used to.” She looked sideways at him, and her voice softened.

“A guy can’t ask for more than that.” A flicker of amusement lit up his eyes.


They turned onto Blue Iris Lane, driving past the inn to her house. As soon as the car stopped, she opened the car door and jumped out. He was step for step with her.

“Will you see Gina anymore?” His hand brushed hers.

“I have no idea. I don’t know how this works.” She moved over a little on the path.

“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” He grinned as he moved closer to her.

When they got to her back door, he took the house key out of her hand and unlocked the door, but blocked her way in. She backed up against the wall to get away from his close proximity. Matt stood in front of her putting his hands against the wall on each side of her head and looked directly into her eyes. “I want to have a serious chat with you, my sweet little adversary.” Matt could see he had caught her by surprise. “I have no idea how long this will take, but just so you know, we belong together. Neither one of us may be able to grasp it right now, but it’s still true. We are going to have to find a way to get on together.” His eyes shifted to her lips. “I don’t want you getting any ideas I’m going to let anyone else come along and take you away from me. I’m staking my claim here and now. It may not be today, we both may still need convincing, but we will be together.” He was close enough to feel her breath.

Matt watched her surprised look turn to one of anger. She pushed her hands against his chest and slipped out from under his arms. “You can’t just tell me you’re staking your claim. I’m not a piece of property, for heaven’s sake. You don’t own me.” Jessie sputtered, her hands on her hips.

“I meant every word. And I’m one boss that you’re going to date.”

“You don’t even like me. You’re always grumbling at me. Besides, we have to concentrate on this case. How can you possibly tell me we belong together?”

“I just did, so get used to it, sweetheart.” His eyes challenged her. “I don’t like it any better than you do. I didn’t particularly want anyone in my life right now. You moved here, and I’m attracted to you, so live with it. I’m learning to.”

She pointed her finger in his face. “I’m the only one who has any say in who can claim me.”

“You will, but I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to chase you and wear you down until you say yes.” He grinned. “If it works out the way I hope, it could be a win-win situation for the both of us.”

He let her go inside. She gave him a dirty look as she passed by him. She was angry. He smiled. There would be a royal tug-of-war, and he was looking forward to it.

He was still smiling when Katie and Dylan arrived with dinner. “You look awful pleased with yourself, Mr. Parker, a little like the cat that just swallowed the canary.”

“I just won round one in what could be a long drawn-out conflict.” He grinned, Jessie was silent, and Katie looked puzzled.


The rest of the evening went off without a hitch. She actually had a good time once Katie and Dylan got back. They ate dinner, had a great political discussion, and watched an old movie with a big bowl of popcorn. She found another area where Matt and she where total opposites, and that was in politics, although Dylan’s views were eye to eye with hers.

“What do you think about their stakeout on the property?” Katie asked Jessie when the two of them went into the kitchen to clean up.

“If there is someone suspicious in the area, then I’m glad they’re out there.” Jessie handed Katie the tea to put into the refrigerator.

“Me too! Next weekend do you want to have an old fashioned sleepover? I’ll bring dinner from the inn, and we’ll just hang out. It’ll be like old times,” Katie suggested delightfully.

“Sure, come prepared with memories, and be ready for our ritual pillow fight.” Jessie burst into laughter.

“You got it, girl. You’re going down.”

“Now what are you two laughing about?” Dylan smiled as they giggled all the more.

Jessie handed Katie her cardigan. “I’m going to church tomorrow. I told Pastor Rick I would be there to help the visiting pastor. Besides I want to make sure my friends are all doing okay. All the activities this week have brought back some pretty awful memories.”

“Count me out. The last time was more than I wanted to handle in a lifetime,” Katie confessed.

“Come on, Katie,” Dylan called to her. “I’m walking you home to make sure you get there. I’ll be back, Matt, to take you to your truck.”

“See you both. Thanks for dinner,” Jessie added.

“You have my number. I’ll take a look around outside and make sure it’s secure before Dylan takes me to get my truck. Dylan will be back for the night in about fifteen minutes. Okay?”

“Okay.” She glanced at her watch. “I’m tired, so I’m sure I’ll sleep fine.”

“Dylan will call when he’s back. Be sure to answer, or he might break down the door thinking something is wrong.”

“Goodnight, Matt, and thanks for most of the evening.” Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

“Sure.” He sounded distracted. “Lock this door and bolt it now,” he commanded as he stepped outside.

He was back to giving orders. Now this Matt she could handle.


Matt had heard a slight rustling sound coming from the side of Jessie’s house, and with one fluid motion his gun was out of his side holster and the safety was off. Dylan walked back, near his car when he saw Matt’s gun drawn, and he followed suit. Matt motioned him to one side, and he went the other way. Matt saw a huge figure take off running as he rounded the side of her house.

Matt yelled at him. “Stop. Police!” He held his gun up and fired a warning shot off. The guy kept running, crashing through the trees, and headed toward the cove. Matt lost sight of him after running for about ten minutes. He stopped to listen—nothing but silence.

There was no way he would leave her tonight. He wound his way back through the trees toward Jessie’s. He couldn’t imagine who this guy was. He was big. He didn’t know if he could hold his own against him, and Jessie certainly couldn’t.

Dylan saw Matt making his way back through the trees. “Did you hit him?”

“No. I wasn’t trying to. He must have heard me coming and took off through the trees toward the cove. I lost him, damn it. I don’t know how he got away, but it’s too dark to find him now. I swear the guy was massive, and yet he seemed to blend into the shadows.” Matt put his gun back in his holster. “There’s no way in hell I’m leaving her alone for a minute.”

“What do you want to do?” Dylan asked as he put the safety on his gun and put it back his holster.”

“I’m going to stay inside with her. This guy is getting bold. He’s a real bruiser, and Jessie wouldn’t stand a chance if he got a hold of her.”

He called and waited for her to pick up. “Hi, Dylan, I’m glad you’re back. I think Matt heard something earlier. I’m sure I just heard a gunshot.” Her voice was shaky.

“Jess.” He cut her off. “This is Matt. I’ve been chasing a guy out here, but he got away. I fired my gun just as a warning. I don’t want to leave you alone. Let me in, and I’ll stay on the couch.”

“I’ll be right there.”

He heard the deadbolt turn. When she opened the door, Dylan gave her a sympathetic look.

“Matt, I think we should both stay here. If the guy’s as big as you say he is, it will take both of us to corral him,” Dylan said. “That way both of us can take turns sleeping.”

“Sounds good to me; the more the merrier.” Jessie opened the door and let them in. “It must be the same guy that I’ve been seeing, and the one who messed up the church.” She shivered.

“You aren’t going to fall apart on us now, are you?” Matt stifled a smile as her temper kicked in.

“Could you give me a little credit? Have I ever done that to you, yet?” She glared at him.

“No, I’d say you’ve done pretty well.” His eyes glinted with admiration. He gave her playful push, then shut and locked the door.

Out of the corner of his eye, Matt saw the pillow headed his way. He grabbed it and tossed it back so fast, Jessie had no reaction time. It smacked her in the head knocking her off balance. “Sorry, it comes from living with brothers.” He went to steady her. Instead, he watched her dissolve into a fit of giggles holding her side.

“Goodnight.” He grinned at her.

He didn’t say anything else until he heard her close the door.

“This guy is serious, but I have a feeling he’s only here to scare her off,” he told Dylan. Someone else is giving the orders. I believe this could be the same guy who followed Gina, but I’d be surprised if he was the one who killed her.”

“What makes you think that?” Dylan stretched out on the couch.

“I don’t believe this bruiser has the touch.” Matt sat back in the chair and stretched his legs. “There’s no way he could have removed Gina’s eyes that way, so precisely and neatly. Nor do I believe he could have made the small incisions we saw on her body. His hands would be too big and clumsy. He was built like a boxer. He could have definitely scared her, beat her, and even dumped her body, but I don’t believe he has the finesse to do what was done to Gina’s body.”

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