The Heavenly Baker (5 page)

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Authors: J J Monroe

BOOK: The Heavenly Baker
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Chapter Six – Screaming the House Down

I can honestly say I've never, ever done this before. I've never stripped naked and hidden from any of my previous lovers. It just didn't seem appropriate at the time so why does it feel right now? As I lurk in my hotel room in the buff, my whole body is tingling just waiting for the hotel door to open. The elevator scene is on continuous loop, playing over in my head, and even now I can recall every last delightful detail of Matt Richards eating me out. The feel of his tongue brushing against my lips; the shiver that emanated from my very core and reverberated through my entire body: these sensations still echo inside me. I am 36 years of age and I finally feel completely alive.

The hotel door-handle arcs as pressure is applied and every nerve and muscle tenses. This is a risk, a calculated risk, and I want him to love it. I want him to love me. I know it is insane. We have only just met but I am in Wonderland and I have no intention of ever leaving willingly. The Heavenly Baker enters my hotel room, wearing an easy grin and carrying a pile of very familiar discarded clothes.

‘Would you believe some careless soul left her clothes in the elevator?'

‘How do you know it's a woman?' I ask from my hiding place behind a strategically placed curtain.

‘No transvestite could look that good in this lingerie,' he replies, nodding at the bra and panties lying on top of the pile.

‘Well done, Sherlock.'

‘It's a bold move,' he says.

‘None more so than that trick you pulled in the elevator.'

‘You liked that?'

‘You must be related to Houdini.'

‘No. I just summered at Hogwarts,' he says, his voice relaxed and warm. He is enjoying himself, the consummate player in absolutely no hurry. He has his prey cornered so why rush the kill?

‘Now, I'm all for decorum,' he continues. ‘But I should imagine the folks on the street below are really enjoying your impromptu show.'

I nearly release the curtain but then I wise up. ‘You're a sly one, Mr Richards. No one can see me from way down there.'

‘Maybe not,' he agrees. ‘But why take the risk, or is this your true persona? Perhaps the shy country girl is merely an act? “Come in, why don't you?” said the spider to the fly.'

‘Indeed,' I murmur. ‘Come in, come in.' And I beckon the Heavenly Baker closer, revealing a lot of leg to entice him further into my lair.

Matt takes a step, laying the pile of clothes he is carrying on the black leather sofa as he passes by.

‘Why Miss Michaels, aren't you just full of surprises?'

‘Yes, I am.' I feel the intensity of anticipation start to build in every atom of my body. I am invigorated and possessed. I feel the cravings of sexual hunger, so recently sated by our elevator hook-up, build and grow, returning with a savage interest. It is not enough just to have his tongue inside me. No, I need everything now. I need to explore every inch of his body and feel every part of him, but there is one part above all that I need to feel sliding deep between my thighs into my sex. I need to know how it feels to have him hard and thrusting. I must know the pressure of him engulfing me, stretching me, filling me to the hilt. I want to feel his chest rubbing against my nipples, his tongue hot on my throat, his arms enveloping me, holding me as he slides deeper into my soul. I need to know how it feels to hold him in my arms as the sound and the fury of our lovemaking dissipates to leave him spent, lying wrapped up in me, with the only sound the beating of his heart thumping against my own. Yes, these things I need to know and then, and only then, will I feel truly satisfied.

Christ, this hunger for him is a disease. It invades my every sense until I can think of nothing except the raw, animal need to fuck. There is emotion here, but at its core there is an overwhelming urge simply to ride this sexual hunger out of me. Wild horses need breaking in and I am no different. I have urges and desires. I need to be fucked hard and fast, slow and lazy. I am a child left in the candy store without boundaries or restrictions. Tonight, until the sun comes up and reality sets in, there are no limitations.

‘Well?' I ask, watching Matt Richards standing just out of reach with his arms folded, smiling back at me. ‘What exactly are you waiting for?'

‘I'm in no hurry.'

‘I can see that.' Seriously, can this boy be any more exasperating? ‘But you're not the only one in the room and take it from someone who knows, she's in plenty of a hurry.'

‘And why might that be?' enquires Matt good-naturedly.

‘You're really not that simple.'

‘I'm not. But I am wrestling with a dilemma.'

‘Standing up, lying down; I really don't care, but we need to get with it.'

‘You know, Ava,' he remarks. ‘If we're going to work together you're going to have to stop beating around the bush and tell me how you really feel.'

‘Oh, so you want to talk about bush?' I know he's playing with me but this desire is a raging inferno and if I don't get some action very soon I'm heading for a meltdown.

‘If we sleep together and you don't win the competition, how is that going to look?'

‘That's really what's on your mind right now? I'm buck naked behind this curtain and you're weighing up some work dilemma. Tell me you're not serious?'

‘No, I'm not,' says Matt laughing. ‘But the look on your face is absolutely priceless and I've had about as much as I can take of wondering what treasures are hidden behind those drapes.'

Two steps are all that's required and he's right here, taking me in his arms: strong, powerful arms, arms in which a girl can lose herself in and hide from the world. The curtain offers absolutely no protection from his advances, but it was never meant to. He encloses me deep inside his world as I tilt my head to meet his lips, lips that are already familiar. He takes his time, not rushing but holding my lips against his, savouring the moment, and in turn I relish the feel of them pressed against mine and his strong embrace. I feel safe here in his arms. I feel right where I want to be, a safe haven amidst the storms of life.

Nothing lasts, and certainly not this moment. I feel his desire growing hard and pressing against me and his lingering kiss suddenly starts to become more animated. I respond in kind as the fire rages deep in my crotch. His tongue is on the move, teasing my flesh, leaving its mark wherever it chooses to roam. He is insanely hard and in turn I am hot with desire for him. My nipples ache, desperate to be touched by him; my thighs are on fire with this incessant, burning need.

‘Take me,' I murmur, but I doubt he requires any further encouragement. He seems to have the right idea. I wrap my leg around his manly frame and feel the coarse fabric of his jeans rub against me. It is simply delightful. His wandering tongue drifts lower, his lips brushing my achingly erect nipple. Yes, that's it, touch me there. But he keeps going, despite my obvious arousal, and a voice in the back of my head is screaming at him to return. I sigh and close my eyes. I need to focus, get back some control here, because right now I'm completely at his mercy and that can't be a good thing.

Oh Jesus!

His mouth closes on my nipple, his tongue moist against it, his lips gentle on my burning flesh and I can think of nothing else. Every other brain function has shut down. My sole focus is now on getting some. I must have him between my thighs, riding me to nirvana. Open up my thighs and let him take me to pleasure central, but the touch of his lips right there is something else. Savour the feeling, I tell myself; soak it up and stop fighting the numbness. Let it seep into every pore and in turn let this feeling lift you up and float you far, far away.

His tongue circles my belly button and starts to slink lower still. If I allow him to go there again the game is up. I'll be lost on a sea of oblivion but what's so bad about that? No, you need to claw back some semblance of control here, I remind myself. Put down a marker. You have just as many tricks as the master magician, but it would be so easy just to let him …


He stops his expedition down the curves of my lower body.

‘Yes?' His voice is loaded with desire.

‘Come back to me.'

‘I'm just taking a little detour.'


He catches my eye. ‘Are you sure?'

‘Yes,' I mouth. ‘Come back to me.'

He kisses his way back up my stomach, stopping at each of my breasts, just saying hello to be polite, before those beautiful eyes fill my vision again. I'm burning up here. It is time to go in for the kill. He looks at me. I look at him. I feel the air start to hum as the magnetic poles line up.

‘I want you.' No other words are needed but I am a woman possessed. My mouth closes on his as the ferocity of my desire builds, ready to be unleashed. Kiss after kiss as my own fingers take a walk. His belt is easy enough and the buttons of his jeans pose no threat at all. As we trade kiss on kiss I delve into the depths of those fitted denims, looking to plunder some treasure of my own. I find him quickly enough, hard and throbbing and clearly in need of some serious attention. And when I touch him, when my fingers close around his manhood, Matt's soul is split in two and the Doctor Jekyll within him surfaces.

His tongue is a demon, savaging my body again and again, but I hold on, rubbing him harder, feeling him throbbing to the power of my touch, feeling the sexual energy cascade through him as this connection between us grows. I shrug his denims from his hips, then drag his shorts down so that he is now free and completely at my command. The beast has been set free and what a magnificent creature it is; so hard and proud and angry and definitely a girl's best friend.

With the force of my desire I back him up against the leather sofa, but this foreplay has me feeling hot and heavy and what I need is release; release from the draining intensity of these feelings, the release I'll gain by having his cock thrusting inside me. Since he has nowhere else to go I decide attack is the best form of defence and straddle my new lover, but the angles are against us.

‘The bedroom,' whispers Matt in between kisses.

Is it an option? Can I really last out that long? From here it seems an eternity away.

I shake my head. ‘Too far away,' I murmur, and then the wickedness from earlier creeps back in. The dark angel that whispered in my ear to strip naked and run from the elevator is back sitting on my shoulder and she will lead me straight to Hell with a smile on my face. Yes, mix it up and keep him guessing.

A kiss for the memories and then I reach for his cock, fondling it mischievously, sliding my fingers from the tip of his shaft all the way to his balls, giving it a little tug that makes him shudder and moan before I turn away and plant my palms on the sofa about a shoulder width apart. I give my ass a little wiggle but he's got the idea and he certainly doesn't need asking twice.

His breath is hot on the back of my neck. He makes no sound until he parts my pussy lips with his cock then he grunts but the noise is muffled by my own moan. He slides slowly, effortlessly deep inside me until he has nowhere left to go and I am filled to the point of bursting. The feeling is somewhere close to heaven and then, little by little, he starts to slip away until the head of his cock is nestling just in my folds. Every fibre of my body is straining for him to slip back deeper inside me and the anticipation of waiting, of straining my muscles to keep him inside of me without falling away is too much. Without warning, Matt thrusts all the way inside me and the shock and the feelings of bliss that explode inside my mind are better than any narcotic known to man. My whole body shudders as bliss bombs detonate all over my body and the tingling is incredible. I am no longer in control of myself. I am a human sex doll crying out to be used by my lover.

He slips away and thrusts again and the friction of the leather against my nipples is glorious. His palms are hot on my buttocks as he restrains me, holding me in place, controlling when he enters and when he slides free, but it is all too much. This potent sexual chemistry between us is a source of wonder but it is exhausting too. As I feel Matt thrust again I grind into him forcing his cock deeper still into my pussy, and now there is no going back. We are jumping freely into the abyss. I feel the contractions blow through me and as I clench automatically the pin is ripped free from my human grenade and he comes hard inside me. I feel him warm and wet inside my pussy as he spurts again and again, and as his arms enclose me and he nuzzles my neck, kissing me gently, I can hear the beating of his heart in complete synchrony with the beating of my own and everything is well in the world tonight.

Chapter Seven – Midnight Glory

I was asleep and now I am awake again, staring at unfamiliar darkness and unknown shapes. This is not my home. Momentarily, I am disorientated and then the sound of him breathing asleep in bed next to me draws me back to something familiar. I am in the Big City and if Matt is here sleeping beside me then what happened in the last couple of hours hasn't been a blissful dream. I wait for my eyes to adjust in the darkness and consider the options.

I feel wide awake with all these thoughts popping around my brain but if I lie here for long enough then sleep is bound to overtake me, but generally I sleep alone and tonight I have a hunky bed partner and who knows when this opportunity may present itself again? No, that's wicked thinking. The boy is asleep, so leave him alone. Find your Kindle and go read in the bathroom. I could do that. It is sensible, but he's here, right here, the guy you've had a crush on for months and you got some earlier and you clearly didn't have to force or coerce him into doing anything earlier, so what makes you think he won't be up for it now? He's asleep. Let him sleep.

This could go on all night, me lying here listening to the two sides of my conscience debate the moral rights and wrongs of me getting some extra-curricular naughtiness, so maybe I need to take the matter out of my own hands, though that's probably the wrong term to use. He is lying naked on his side, the covers half on him, and now that my eyes have adjusted to the darkness it is quite a view.

Very gently, I touch the tips of my fingers to his side. He is warm to the touch but he doesn't stir. His breathing remains regular so I let my fingers start to wander down onto his buttock, onto his biceps, then down onto his chest. It is like a piece of finely carved stone. I marvel at every ridge of muscle, but now I'm bored and horny to boot which is a bad combination. So I take a peek. I move the duvet gently off the Heavenly Baker and marvel at the sleeping beast – a look-but-don't-touch-policy, you understand. Sure, like that's really going to happen. I'm in a hotel room with a total sex god and I'm awake. The gods may be smiling on me now but it's not going to last so I do what any self-respecting girl would do in my position. I fill my boots.

Leaning over the sleeping sex god, I stroke his balls, cupping them in my hand and magically, like I'm the proverbial snake charmer, the beast comes alive to my magical touch. Now I really do have a dilemma because I'm sure laws are being broken right about now, but he's here and he's gorgeous and it's so difficult to leave him alone.

I give one final stroke, marvelling at the feeling of him throbbing in my hand, before I release him.

‘It's no good stopping,' whispers a husky voice in the night. ‘Not now you've got me all revved up.'

‘I thought you were asleep,' I murmur and the tone of his voice is telling me that my instincts are spot on.

‘I'm not now,' says Matt.

‘I should have let you sleep, I know that. But I was awake and horny and you're here and, let's face it, you're not going to be here for ever, so why pass up a perfect opportunity …'

‘To get some,' he finishes.

‘That's my point,' I say by way of agreement and it must be fate. Clearly, we think alike.

‘Well, don't let me stop you,' he murmurs and suddenly it's game on once more. Who needs sleep anyway? I believe it's overrated.

‘Now, where was I?' I whisper and in the darkness he can't see the ridiculous grin plastered all over my face. Lightning doesn't strike twice so how do I explain this whole weekend?

His cock is warm to the touch. It throbs in my palm as I enclose my fingers around it and start to massage it.

‘How do you like this?' I ask.

‘You have magic hands,' replies Matt, his voice totally relaxed.

‘If you think my hands are good then you just wait and see …'

‘Now I'm intrigued,' he murmurs.

‘No,' I reply, giving him a sneaky tug. ‘You're not intrigued, you're horny as hell.'

‘Yes, I am, and by the time I'm finished with you, you're not going to be able to sit down for a week.'

‘Promises, promises,' I whisper, starting to build a rhythm with his cock in my hand.

He tastes sweet, like candy. I'm not a big fan of rock per se, but this stick I could get seriously used to sucking on. He sighs softly and I feel his whole body tense up as the dam prepares to break. I could slow it down and delay the moment. I could stop completely and let the moment pass. I could ease back and then straddle the beast for my own selfish pleasure. Yes, so many possibilities, but all these alternatives require more self-discipline than I currently possess. The Devil smiles on me and I grin back with a mouthful of cock. I suck hard. He is powerless to resist my mischievous tongue and my porn star lips. I sense the surge, feel the explosion against the back of my throat and hear my man sigh blissfully as the urges drain away. I swallow him down but his taste lingers in my mouth. Releasing him, I kiss the tip of his cock before slinking away like a ghost in the night to refuel my parched throat.

There is a girl looking back at me from the semi-darkness of the en suite hotel bathroom. She watches me reach for my toothbrush and apply toothpaste. She says nothing but she knows every thought running through my head and every dream I have ever had.

‘Careful,' she whispers. ‘I know you and I know how this ends.'

‘I know what I'm doing,' I reply.

‘You think you do, but these are strange days,' warns the reflection in the mirror. ‘This is not your playground and these are not your rules. You know he is a player but you've rushed in with little thought for your own safety.'

‘He's a good man.'

‘You can't know that for sure. You hope and you pray he is, but you can't know for sure. Television is a conduit for lies. You're just a weekend plaything.'

‘No, that's not true. You don't know anything.'

‘What do you know for sure?' she asks. ‘You have given yourself freely to him. You can expect nothing in return if you trade yourself so cheaply.'

‘Can't a girl be allowed to have a little fun?'

‘She can so long as she is prepared to accept it for what it is; a little fun and nothing more, but I know you. I know your hopes and dreams and I see this expectation already starting to take root. You must expect nothing from him otherwise he will disappoint you.'

‘You don't know that.'

‘So it has started already,' the girl in the mirror says. ‘You are a foolish girl. What do you know of love and sex?'

‘Shut up!' I warn.

‘You know talking to yourself could be considered the first sign of madness.'

His voice resonates through the en suite door, but there is no malice, only amusement.

‘My reflection is stubbornly refusing to concede that I am the winner of this particular argument.'

‘OK,' whispers Matt. ‘I'm leaving now.'

‘You're funny,' I reply and await his next jibe.

Nothing is uttered. My heart rate quickens. I listen intently. The hotel door opens and I hear a resounding thud as it closes. He wouldn't really do that. He can't have left. I don't want to look at my reflection. She isn't smiling back at me. My world is unravelling. I switch on my electric toothbrush. The whirring sound drowns out the calamitous noise in my head.
You idiot!
it screams.

Eventually, I can put off the evil moment no longer. I check my appearance one last time in the mirror, steadfastly ignoring my reflection, and reach for the handle to the bathroom door. If he is gone then so be it. It's been good while it's lasted, brief as that may be. I take a breath and then another for good luck, turn the handle, and step out into the wilderness.

‘You're rubbish at playing games,' a familiar voice remarks.

The tension evaporates from my body as I seek him out. Naked as the day he was born, he leans against the couch with his arms folded, seemingly awaiting my return from the bathroom.

‘Am I?' I ask.

‘You were supposed to come rushing out at the sound of the door closing.'

‘You wanted me to believe that you'd abandoned me in the middle of the night?'

‘Yes,' Matt says. ‘Though when you say it like that it makes me sound …'

‘Cold,' I suggest.


‘Are you a cold and callous person?' I cross my arms and face him across the hotel suite.

‘I try not to be,' he says.

‘Are you planning on ditching me at the first sign of trouble?'

‘Absolutely. That's what players do. It says so in my rule book.'

‘You have a rule book?' I enquire.

‘It came with the membership fees I paid to be part of the club. This is what you're expecting, isn't it?'

‘Yes, though not the club part. That's not really true, is it?'

‘No,' he says shaking his head gently. ‘None of this is true. It's all a figment of your imagination.'

‘This is getting weirder by the second,' I admit. ‘So the sex didn't happen?'

‘Sure the sex happened. Don't you remember, or was it really not that memorable for you after all? Because if it wasn't, then you had me fooled.'

I screw my eyes up and give him a look.

‘How much of my conversation in the bathroom did you overhear?'

‘Only a little.'

‘You're a bad liar.'

‘OK, a lot,' he says, correcting his answer. ‘Look, I don't know what this is, but it doesn't feel like a one-night stand to me.'

‘Do you have a lot of experience in knowing how they feel, then?'

‘Not really, but I don't think this is it. I just don't want to scare you off.'

‘Scare me off.' The words slip from my mouth without thought or control. ‘I thought you were the one who was leaving?'

‘I was only teasing,' he tells me. ‘Why would I want to leave when I have such a delicious playmate waiting for me here in the room?'

‘You think I'm delicious?'

‘Every delicate inch of you,' he confesses.

Now that is what I'm talking about.

‘Do you forgive me?'

‘There's nothing to forgive.'

‘You caught me having a mad five minutes in the bathroom.'

‘That's OK. If you can't go a little mad in the privacy of your own bathroom, then where can you?'

‘That's exactly right, and I'm pleased you see eye to eye with me on this.'

I can see he does because something is beginning to stir. The beast is coming alive all over again. Oh my goodness! I step closer and reach out a hand.

‘Sorry, gorgeous, that's not for you,' he whispers and kisses my cheek. ‘I really need to go.' With that, he disappears into the bathroom.

I walk over to the door. I check that it is bolted. I feel wide awake now. I feel like taking no prisoners. All bets are off. Didn't someone once write that the whole world is a stage and we are all players, or something like that? I feel like a player. I feel like a lowdown, dirty player. My reflection can take a hike. I know what I'm doing. I'm wild in the city having some fun. Open the windows because it's getting hot in here. It's time to blow off some steam, if you get my drift.

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