The Heavenly Baker (6 page)

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Authors: J J Monroe

BOOK: The Heavenly Baker
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Chapter Eight – Hazy

The hot water is oh so soothing. I watch his eyes on me from across the ocean of this tub and feel calm, relaxed even. The world is sleeping but sleep is the furthest thought from my head. Matt is a sex god and I am greedy for his love. I feel so alive, every nerve-ending is buzzing. How can I consider sleeping at a time like this? I may never have another moment like this, so why waste it? Grasp hold of it and finally, at 36 years of age, I finally understand what all those bumper stickers mean. Live life to the full. Seize the day – well, I'm seizing it, sisters; that and something else. He's out there somewhere and it's been at least 30 minutes since I got some and I think I need some more. Definitely!

‘Tell me something.' I'm doing my best crocodile impression with the water lapping at the side of the tub.

‘This is a first.'

‘You're lying!'

‘I'm not,' protests the Heavenly Baker. ‘I've never shared a tub with a gorgeous girl …'

‘You're such a liar!'

He holds up a finger and frowns at me. ‘Let me finish,' he says gently.


‘Rude girl,' he murmurs.


‘I've never shared the tub with a beautiful girl at one in the morning.'

‘Wait a minute!' I protest. ‘First you said I was gorgeous and now I'm merely beautiful. You need to get your facts straight, mister. Which one am I?'

‘You're so needy,' he replies.

‘I'm a woman. It comes with the territory. Get used to it.' My reflection is glaring, but I can ignore with the best of them.

‘I guess I'll have to,' concedes Matt.

‘What was that?' I ask, eyebrows heading for the heavens. ‘Did I just hear you suggest that this might be more than a one-night stand?'

‘You have such a bad opinion of me. I don't, as a rule, sleep with women I've just met, even if they are gorgeous, and I'm really not a player.'

‘Being a player isn't necessarily a bad thing,' I point out.

‘Isn't it?'

‘It generally means you know what you're doing around women, which is a good thing, especially if we're talking about what happens in the bedroom. It's a problem, though, if a player remains a player even when in a relationship.'

‘Isn't that a bit screwy?' asks Matt. ‘A leopard rarely changes its spots.'

‘I didn't make the rules,' I say with a shrug.

‘You're very cute.'

‘A minute ago I was beautiful.'

‘You're so needy,' Matt murmurs once more as he shakes his head softly.

‘You bet.' I make waves as I relocate across the tub so I'm lying above his gorgeously toned body, our noses nearly touching.

‘Hello,' says Matt.

‘Hello,' I reply.

‘You're still not sleepy, are you?'

‘Not one bit.' In truth, I'm buzzing worse than the Duracell Bunny.

‘You have quite a body down there,' I say.

‘Yours is pretty awesome too.'

‘Thanks, but I am slightly concerned.'

‘What now?' he replies, raising his eyes to the ceiling.

‘You're not secretly gay, are you?'

‘Yes, that's it. You've discovered my secret. I've been hiding it all this time behind mindless sex with gorgeous women.'

I tweak his nipple.

‘Ow!' complains Matt. ‘What's that for?'

‘You'd better not be having mindless sex with gorgeous women any more.'

‘I apologise. The sex with you was anything but mindless.'

‘That's better. I accept your apology.'

‘But you did call me gay.'

‘I did. It's just that you have this heavenly body and yet you're around cake all day, so how is that possible?'

‘I could ask you the same question.' He could.

‘Amazingly, I possess incredible self-discipline.'

‘Clearly,' he notes drily.'

‘Clearly you are my Kryptonite.'

‘Good movie reference,' says Matt.

‘You like that?' I ask.

‘I do,' he replies and steals a kiss.

In the water, with my body resting against his, I feel the first stirrings of interest but it's not exactly comfortable in this position in the tub. I might have to do something about that. I kiss those gorgeous lips of his, a long, lazy Sunday afternoon kiss even though it is a little after one in the morning, and feel the response rush through his body. There will be no sleeping anytime soon.

We trade kisses like currency and there's about to be a run on the banks. Long and lazy start to heat up as our passion infuses the water and soon enough it is bubbling.

Another sizzling kiss, which requires a positively superhuman effort to break free from, but somehow I manage the task. ‘Wait!'

‘What now?' He feigns annoyance.

‘This is really uncomfortable.'

‘Kissing me?' he asks.

‘No, silly. This position isn't working for me.'

‘If you will insist on getting fresh in the tub …' notes Matt.

‘You started it,' I complain.

‘How did I start it?'

‘What am I supposed to do when you lie there with a body like that?'

‘So, I'm to assume by that sexist remark you only want me for my body?' he asks.

‘Absolutely. It's no good.' My arms are killing me. ‘If you intend ravishing me further you'll have to do it from the comfort of that Cadillac-size bed in the bedroom.' I try to stand but misjudge everything and wind up standing on Matt's leg. He cringes as I slip and tumble, falling back onto him, creating a tsunami effect in the process. There is water everywhere. Matt wipes his eyes but doesn't say a word. I twist my neck to look at him. ‘I hurt you, didn't I?'

‘Only a little.' He is grace personified. ‘It's lucky you're such a delicate rose.'

‘I'm really sorry, Matt,' I whisper, and seek out his mouth. Lying against him, I can feel the heat of his body through the water and the hardness of his cock pressing against my buttocks. ‘Seems like I've got someone's attention.'

‘Yes you have,' he murmurs back. ‘A little pain, a little pleasure; I can deal with that.'

‘You'd better be able to because I'm all in.'

‘I'm working on it. But you may need to move a little.'

‘Are you serious?' I ask. ‘You want to go for it in here?'

‘I don't see a problem?'

‘What about that gorgeous bed that's just out there waiting for us?'

‘OK.' Matt shifts my buttocks gently in the water so that the head of his cock nestles against the lips of my pussy.

‘You're a bad boy.'

‘Yes, ma'am!' he replies, easing my buttocks back against him, forcing his cock to break through the barrier of my lips and …


‘What's the matter?'

‘The water's not doing it for me.'

‘OK.' He starts to move but I press back, easing him back inside me.

‘Not so hasty,

‘Did you just call me …?'

‘Yes, I did,' I say, reaching down with my hand and splaying my fingers, searching for the chain to the plug. Snagging it, I pull it free.

‘Nice,' mutters Matt.

‘I'm not just a pretty face.'

‘No, you're a lot more than that,' he agrees. I feel his wandering fingers reach around and rest upon my crotch and I have a fairly good idea about where this is heading. I turn my head as the water starts to drain away and seek out his lips as his fingers start to go to work. It is all I can do to raise myself up on him, feel him start to slip away between my thighs, and then, just when I feel I am about to lose him, he intercedes, his left arm coming across me and resting on my stomach, holding me there as his fingers continue to work me, massage me, seduce me with their hypnotic touch until my head is cloudy and the need for sex and release is stronger than all others. I find myself sliding down his long, throbbing cock until there is nowhere left for me to travel and he is as deep into me as he can go. His lips find my shoulder as he starts to work me harder, his fingers beating out a rhythm on my clit that is all bass and sends me spiralling up on a stairway to heaven. His cock moving inside me means that all resistance is futile.

Hold on and ride the beast, cowgirl. Bite your lip to stifle the moans because you don't want to wake the rest of the world with your unbridled passion, but, boy, it's really difficult not to when being bad feels so good!

Matt squeezes my breasts, tweaking my nipples as I grind down upon him, his cock absolutely rigid, and the sensation of moving him further inside me is irresistible. I feel the sensation build, the magical fluttering that once it takes hold there is no denying it and certainly no stopping it. He feels the contractions and pounds against me, thrusting his cock further in. I yell out my appreciation of his finer understanding of the intricate workings of this highly tuned body and then scream the house down as my orgasm takes hold. There is nowhere to run and simply nowhere to hide. I cling on and fuck my way out of trouble until we are both surfing the oblivion wave, reaching for the stars and then tumbling into glorious numbness.

I hear the pounding of my heart and the gentle ebb and flow of his chest as the remnants of his orgasm drift away. His cock wilts inside me as he leans back against the side of the tub and wraps his arms around me, drawing me back against him, closer and closer still. This is no one-night stand. This is everything. We are entwined now, bequeathed to one another and tied by the beating of our hearts. They beat as one. No one can ever tear us apart.

Chapter Nine – Freakout City

It's been three days. Three days since I have tasted Matt's sweet lips, three days since I've felt the heat of his body lying next to me and three days since I felt his cock inside me. I'm feeling extraordinarily horny and my cravings need to be sated. Nor does it help that I keep missing his calls. The reality of hooking up with a television celebrity is starting to dawn on me. It's not easy. His time is not his own. Running my own business means my time is not my own either. We have no time and it's driving me crazy!

‘Fuck it!' The flour bag explodes all over me and momentarily I am blinded by all things powdery.

‘Nice,' comments Carly, entering the nerve centre of Little Angels carrying two takeaway coffees. ‘I didn't think the geisha look was in this season.

‘You're so funny,' I mutter, wiping flour from my eyes.

‘Drink this,' she instructs.

‘Thanks,' I say, accepting the offered cup.

She studies me for a moment before giving me her trademark frown. ‘What is it, country girl?'

I wish I'd never uttered a word about Bradley's moniker for me.

‘I can't do this.'

‘Sure you can. You just have to apply less pressure next time when opening the flour bag to avoid an all-over coating.'

‘That's not what I'm talking about.'

‘I know,' she says, nodding, ‘but this opportunity is too good to waste.' She nods at the flour disaster.

‘Mock me! What do I care?'

‘Don't be like that, Ava. Look, you're wound up because you have all these crazy feelings running around your body about Mr Heavenly Baker himself, and you're frustrated because you can't be with him.'

‘Am I frustrated?'

‘I don't need the details, thank you,' replies Carly. ‘That's why you need quality alone time.' She winks at me.

I'm way too horny to be embarrassed about her comment. Seriously, I'm off-the-scale horny currently and nothing, but nothing, is taking my mind off my indulgent weekend with Matt. It's not that I don't think I'm going to see him again; it's the not knowing when that is eating me up. Speaking of eating me up … No! It's best not to go there.

‘Call him,' suggests Carly.

‘I already have and it keeps going to voice mail.'

‘Clearly,' she observes, ‘this is one of the perils of dating celebrities. They have no time.'

‘Clearly. But what if he's avoiding calling me?' I venture.

‘That's not it.' Carly quickly attempts to head off any potential emotional breakdown on my part. ‘You told me the instant you got back from your big weekend how into you Matt is. You wouldn't have told me if you hadn't been sure.'

‘Maybe I was caught up in the moment?'

‘I don't think so. I've known you a long time, girlie, and I can read you pretty well. You think this is pretty special and I have no reason to doubt you on information given.'

‘But we both know how flaky guys can be.'

‘That's true. But we're talking about the Heavenly Baker. This is not some random guy. He wants you on his television show. He wouldn't be that stupid to seduce you over a weekend and then bin you when you're about to be a contestant. Think of the damage you could cause on live television. He's not going to do that.'

‘This isn't like you,' I point out. ‘Normally you're completely anti the guy.'

‘That's not true,' complains Carly.

‘Yes, it is. You're Miss-Fly-By-Night, so why are you giving him any kudos at all?'

‘I saw how happy you were when you stepped off the train on Sunday afternoon.'

‘Then why doesn't he call?'

‘Do you need some special alone time?'

‘No!' I reply and this time I do blush. ‘I have a batch of cupcakes to make up and then I need to go through my competition entry.'

‘No, you don't. We went over it Monday and again Tuesday. You have it down.'

‘I just want to be sure. This competition is a big deal.'

‘You don't have to tell me. But it is a brilliant business plan.'

‘What is?'

‘Sleeping with the host. If it all goes pear-shaped you can go straight to the papers,' she points out'

‘I'm not going to do that.'

‘Don't be too hasty,' she suggests. ‘Winning the competition will put Little Angels firmly on the map and lead to untold wealth for you and me. It's a win-win situation all the way. Sleeping with the host just adds an added level of insurance.'

‘I'm not sleeping with him because I want to win the competition!'

‘I know that, but it's got to help.'

‘Do you really have so little faith in our abilities as bakers?'

‘I have every faith,' she insists. ‘But you sleeping with the host clearly gives us the edge.'

‘It's not like that. There's a real chemistry between us.'

‘So you do believe it?' Carly smiles wickedly.

‘Yes,' I say.

‘Good, so stop stressing. I think he's one of the good guys.'

‘But you haven't met him.'

‘I know, but I get a good feeling about him and I'm rarely wrong where matters of the heart are involved.'

Carly looks extremely pleased and then it dawns on me. ‘What are you not telling me?'

‘There's nothing to tell.'

‘You're hiding something from me. You know I'll find out.'

‘You haven't so far,' comments my best friend, which means she does know something.

‘What is it?'

‘I couldn't possibly say.' She looks at her watch. ‘But I think you're about to find out.'

Right on cue the bell above the entrance chimes, announcing the arrival of a potential customer.

‘I'll go,' offers Carly, skipping out before I can stop her.

‘What aren't you telling me?' I call out after her.

‘Wouldn't you like to know?' she calls back.

‘Tell me!'

The door to the nerve centre opens.

‘You know, I didn't have you down as a shouter.'

He's here. He's right here in my bakery. Somehow Carly knew and I will find out, but later because now I just don't care. Matt Richards is here on my home turf and he looks heavenly dressed in a clingy black tee, jeans and boots, his hair freshly cut.

‘Wow! You're here.'

‘I am.'

‘You're actually here.'


I could talk to him. I could complain about trying to phone him endlessly but it doesn't matter. It's all white noise anyway. All that matters is that he is here and I'm feeling super-horny. I can feel the electricity in the air. I can tune everything else out and hear his heartbeat across the room. This is real. What I feel for this man cannot be faked and I see the way that he is looking at me; the easy smile is there but I see the hunger behind his eyes and I know he is hurting as much as I am. We both want this and nothing is going to stop it from happening. In hindsight, though, we probably should have got a room.

I fling myself at him as if compelled into his arms by some monstrous magnet. He hugs me to him as his lips search out mine and his tongue is hungry and desperate to reacquaint itself with mine. His kisses sizzle, igniting my loins and setting a thousand fuses around my body. His touch is TNT. Blow me away. Like a storm that has been building, leaving the air heavy and pregnant with desire, this wanting within us both cannot be controlled. We are lava bubbling and boiling and in danger of eruption and nothing will prevent the inevitable from becoming a reality.

We are not silent and we are not subtle. The red mist has descended and we can see no further than sating our own pent-up desires and frustrations. I feel him tug at my jeans, slipping the button free and dragging the denim roughly away. He doesn't ask. There is no need. His fingers peel away the silk of my panties, feeling me hot and wet and needy. He finds me and the touch of his finger against my pearl causes me to cry out. And then he is silencing my moans with his lips and his tongue drives harder into me and his finger continues to work me into a frenzy and I feel like I am in heaven.

Matt unbuckles one-handed and then I take over, delving into the deep to unleash his beast. The feel of him, so hard and wanting, is reassuring to a girl who has been plagued by ridiculous nagging doubts for these past three days.

‘Condom,' he whispers into my ear as I start to play, though concentrating on anything is tricky when it feels so good having him finger-fuck me.

‘Where is it?' I manage to ask.

‘My back pocket,' he murmurs, as he continues to destroy me from the inside out.

‘Slow down,' I whisper dreamily. ‘Otherwise it's going to be over before we've even got started.'

‘It just feels so good feeling you again. I can't help myself.'

‘I've really missed you.' I have to bite my tongue from saying something potentially more explosive.

Feeling my way into his back pocket, I locate the little package. Recovering the precious cargo, I rip the seal as Matt shrugs off his jeans and drops his shorts. He is good to go so I roll the condom smoothly over him before stealing a kiss and then another and then I can't seem to let go of his lips. Reaching around me, he picks me up with strong arms and I wrap my legs around him, feeling his cock brush against me, and the yearning to have him inside me is intense beyond belief. Dragging my panties away, he enters me and I gasp. It is such a sweet sensation.

Seeking this pleasure high, we bounce around the bakery, creating chaos in our wake, but I can't worry or focus on anything except for the sensation of Matt thrusting in and out of me and this burning need for release. I will have my release. I feel him thrust harder into me, feel myself being filled up to my core, and then the delicious rub of his cock against me, this sensual massage as he slips away, the subtle friction of cock against vagina as he slips away again and immediately it happens I am greedy for more. I want him driving back inside me, pushing deeper until he has filled my void entirely and there is nowhere left for him to go.

The spark of the match, the hiss and fizz as the friction against the side of the matchbox causes it to ignite – I feel it now as my sex sparks and ignites and the contractions begin and the sensations build. It is the great wave that the surfers wait patiently out on the water for, bobbing like so many seals out in the swells, until it appears on the horizon and they take their place in the line-up, paddling hard, paddling true until the wave catches and they are away, carried along on a wave of energy and euphoria. I feel the euphoria surge through me as my orgasm builds and breaks, cling to Matt as he thrusts into me, his cock reacting to the contractions that emanate from my core, feel him spasm and splurge, but I am denied the sensation of his come inside me, and momentarily I am disappointed. But the feeling is fleeting as a numbing bliss settles over me. I close my eyes and let the numbness take over.

I smile. I sigh. Eventually I open my eyes to …

A scene of utter carnage.

‘Oops!' I murmur.

‘Call the police,' whispers Matt. ‘I think you've been burgled.' He smiles.

I can't help but laugh. Nothing else matters when he is with me.

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