The Highlander's Warrior Bride (21 page)

Read The Highlander's Warrior Bride Online

Authors: Eliza Knight

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Medieval, #Scottish, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance

BOOK: The Highlander's Warrior Bride
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At least she prayed he didn’t.

As Ronan descended the stairwell
, intent on going to the Bruce’s chambers, loud shouts echoed from the great hall. He changed his destination, quickly, prepared to break up a fight between the men. When he entered the great hall, the sounds and sights of men carousing shocked him. Indeed, the room was full of warriors. While they held mugs, it wasn’t the drunken revelry Ronan was sure he’d stumbled upon. Instead, the men showed their weapons, their muscles, told battle stories and shouted out their previous victories.

He nodded to several as he passed through the crowd in search of Wallace and his cousins. He found
his cousins at the dais.

“What is going on? Where is the Bruce?”

Brandon nodded to the center of the room where Robert the Bruce along with Wallace, engaged in an animated conversation with his men. Ronan couldn’t quite make out what their future king was saying, but they all laughed as he threw his arms wide and shouted something.

Ronan turned back to his cousins with a raised brow. “What did I miss?”

The way Julianna had spoken, the Bruce was eagerly awaiting him for a serious conversation, not rehashing old tales with his men.

Daniel shrugged. “The Bruce told them to be prepared for battle soon.”

Brandon shook his head as he watched the crowd of warriors. “Next thing we knew, they were popping corks and measuring the thickness of their…swords.”

Ronan chuckled. “And how do they plan to fight the battle, with their wicked breath?”

His cousins laughed at that, and Brandon handed him a mug that smelled an awful lot like Cook’s spiced whisky. “Shall ye join them?”

Ronan wanted to, but he shook his head. Wallace had assured him they
would leave on the morrow for Kinterloch and Ronan needed to be in full capacity of his wits.

“Aye, we didna either,” Daniel said, frowning. “’Tis almost like the Bruce toys with the crown.”

“Dinna speak against the Bruce,” Brandon warned, “else someone overhears.”

Ronan nodded. “He’s right. Dinna say anything more.”

Daniel’s frown deepened and he crossed his arms over his chest. “We’ve all put a lot on the line for Scotland,” he murmured.

And Daniel more than Ronan or Brandon. His cousin’s lady wife
resided with him at the castle until spring made it safe for them to travel back to his home at Blair. Ronan was sure that his cousin was all the more stressed by the presence of his wife here. As would Ronan be if he were to have a wife here… Which he didn’t. But Julianna… he cared for her too. If something were to happen…

He turned his gaze on the Bruce and Wallace. Noted that Wallace looked quite reserved and was perhaps feeling a bit of the irritation he and his cousins were. War was not a game. Lives were not so unimportant that they could be lost and chalked up to the price of battle.

As if on cue, Julianna entered the great hall. Back straight, chin thrust forward, hands folded at her waist. She glared at everyone. Full of authority. If he didn’t know her better, he would have feared her power.

But seeing her thus only fueled Ronan’s desire for her. He
recalled the way Julianna’s head fell back as they made love, her hair cascading in glorious golden waves, hints of red catching the light from the fire. She looked like Venus rising and falling above him. Her plump breasts swaying, flushed, and tipped with puckered cherries.

His cock hardened instantly and he had to pinch the inside of his elbow as he crossed his arms over his chest to force his mind off of lovemaking.

The men didn’t pay so much attention to her beyond a glance.

“Bow, ye fools,” Ronan bellowed. “Do ye not know a lady when ye see one?”

The room silenced suddenly. Startled glances were cast his way, including Julianna’s. Robert cleared his throat.

“Indeed, may I present Lady Julianna, my sister.”

Chapter Twenty-One

here were a few shocked faces at Julianna’s identity being revealed, but to her happiness, most nodded, bowed and offered her fealty. She supposed they’d already figured out her level of importance. It was only formality to give her a title.

When she discovered the noise in the great hall, she’d been livid. How could the men go into battle if they weren’t prepared? Drinking, sharing war stories, mock fights, this was not how an army of warriors prepared to attack a village full of black hearts and traitors.

Wasting no time, she approached Robert.

“My lord, if I may have a word?”

Robert, looking distracted, nodded and Julianna led the way to one of the darker alcoves. Once they were alone, she fixed him with a penetrating gaze.

“Brother, if I may speak freely?”

“Ye do anyways.” Robert frowned, most likely realizing I was about to chastise him.

“Verra well, I do believe ’tis an
ill decision to join your men in revelry. They should all be preparing and making plans.”

He nodded, his lips pursed almost like a spoiled child, but what more could she expect from her younger brother. Sometimes she wondered if he took the War for Independence seriously or not. And afterwards she always berated
herself for harsh thoughts about her flesh and blood.

“As always, your advice is sound,” Robert said.

I inclined my head to him. “As is your rule.”

The revelry was quickly wrapped up and the men worked out their battle plans. Julianna stood on the side lines. Though her relation to Robert was announced, she didn’t want any hard feelings between the men by inserting herself. She fully understood that not everyone was so adaptable all at once. And so she stood and listened, caught Ronan’s eye and shook her head or nodded when something was said. At last, the plans were complete and everyone sent to bed to rest, for come the dawn, they’d all be awakened an
d readied to leave for Kinterloch.

Leaving the great hall, Julianna felt the way she normally did when danger seemed imminent—shoulders heavy, and drawn back into a pinch, pain searing from temple to temple,
a permanent frown. She trudged up the stairs, pretty sure she wasn’t going to get any sleep. The anticipation was too much. Ross had been a pain in their arse for a while, and at last they were going to put a stop to it.

The minutes, hours, days she’d spent at the Ross camp crow
ded in her mind like a vicious disease, threatening to weaken her.

A soft touch settled on the small of her back. Ronan.

Julianna stopped before the first stair leading to the upper floors and turned around.

“I wanted to wish ye goodnight,” he said. In
the darkened shadows of the corridor, she could make out a small smile curving his lips. “May I escort ye to your chamber?”

“You may
me,” she said taking his offered arm, the heat of his body seeping into hers. “I fear anything further will deplete us of the much needed energy for the morrow.”

Ronan stroked her arm with his
other hand, gave her a sly wink and drawled out, “Och, lass, I was under the impression that
anything further
would only energize us.”

“Ye’re a rogue,” she said with a teasing slap to his hand.

Ronan stopped them mid-way up the stairs, pulled both of her hands into his and then glanced about to make sure they were alone. His expression turned grave and Julianna’s stomach did a little flip.

“What is it?” she asked. She searched his
face, trying to see deep within his startling green eyes. His ginger-colored hair fell wildly over his forehead as though he’d raked his hands through it many times.

Ronan’s gaze was locked on hers and
, without thinking, she reached up to move his hair, but he caught her hand in mid-air, pulled it to his lips. He closed his eyes, as if savoring her scent and her stomach clenched, her fingers trembled.

“’Tis just that… On the morrow, we will invade
Kinterloch. Ye and I at the helm.” Again he stopped to glance about, but Julianna had not heard anything that would make him think someone stood by listening.

He was stalling for some reason, and she wondered if it was maybe that what
ever it was he wanted to say, he was having trouble forming the words.

“Tell me, Ronan,” she urged, her fingers tightening around his.

“I realized something this eve when we were in the great hall. My cousin, Daniel… He was—” He cut himself off, blew out a breath. “I am worried for your safety.”

Julianna smiled. “Dinna be scared, Ronan. We’ve done this together before—well, albeit on a smaller scale.”

“A much smaller scale.” He shook his head. “This is completely different. Battle is a different beast altogether.”

Julianna pulled her hands away, heat colliding with cool in her chest. “I am not naïve. Do ye think I believe we’ll just gallop into town and rule the day? Battle is synonymous with death, pain, rage. I am not so green that I dinna realize that. I will do my best to guard your back, just as I’ve guarded my brother

hirling around, she lifted her skirts and marching two steps before Ronan gripped her elbow, stopping her.

“Julianna, wait.”

She didn’t resist, but she didn’t turn around either. Instead, she gazed down at the hem of her gown. Pretended she didn’t notice the way the heat of his fingers seeped through her sleeve, branding her. Her heart pounded, reverberating in her ears, she could hear her blood rushing like a waterfall. Feel the very visceral response his nearness always brought.

“I…” Again he couldn’t get the words out.

This time, she did turn around. He was two steps below her, bringing them eye to eye. She put her hands on either side of his face, his whiskers tickling her palms and fingers.

“Just tell me.”

Ronan gripped her hands and pulled them to his lips. His breath on her fingers made her shiver, brought back memories of their intimate moments together. How she wished they could just run back to her room right now and relive them. But it wasn’t possible. They both knew that. Probably why he was stalling. Also why she turned back around. She had to put some distance between them, and so tugged her hands away.

“My cousin’s wife is here,” he said.

“Aye, Myra.” Why was he talking about Myra? “We’re friends.”

Ronan nodded, then shook his head. “Daniel is worried about her.”

“Why, what’s happened?”

“Nothing’s happened,” he growled.

Julianna took a step back.

Ronan raked both hands through his hair and muttered an oath under his breath.
“He loves his wife.”

Julianna was thoroughly confused. She put her hands on her hips, only to balance herself. “Is that wrong?”

“Nay, nay, ’tis not that either. He doesna want her to get hurt, and being here, at this castle, in the midst of the future king’s warriors, ’tis not a safe place for her.”

“She is safer within these walls than she was traipsing the Highlands on her own.”

“Aye, I agree, but I think Daniel wishes spring were here already.”

“All the better
then, that Daniel will be staying behind. That ye and I are going together.”

“But ye see, that’s just it.”

“What?” Julianna tossed her hands up in the air. “Ye are making no sense.”

Ronan’s jaw clenched, the muscles flexing and he searched her eyes, trying to decipher something, she wasn’
t sure, then his words came out in a rush. “I am worried about ye, Julianna. My mother…”

Julianna waited patiently for him to finish. He’d not spoken of his parents before.

“When I was but a lad, my mother and father went out on a ride with my older brother, Blane. They never returned. Cut down in the prime of their lives. The world is a dangerous place for women. I couldna bear it if ye were to be injured.”

Julianna stroked his cheek, understanding that his fear for her was interlaced with his past.
“Dinna worry over me, Ronan. I’m more fit to fight than half the men in your army. I will survive. I promise.”

She kissed him swiftly, then turned to run up the stairs, and all the way to her room. By the time she
arrived in her room and closed the door, her heart was close to bursting and her feet felt as though they were floating and weighed a hundred stone at the same time.

Had Ronan just admitted to having feelings for her? Was that what he meant with all that mumbled jumble about his cousin loving his wife and being worried over her? She pressed a hand
over her heart, hoping to still its rapid beat. After barring the door, she flung herself onto the bed. If she thought before that sleep would not come freely this night, that was even more the case now.

Julianna rolled onto her back and stared wide-eyed at the rafters. After they won the battle, she’d be sure to seek her brother out and discuss the possibility of a union between her and Ronan. She couldn’t put it off any longer.


What in bloody hell was he thinking? Ronan watched Julianna disappear around the curving stair, and then leaned back against the cold stone wall. Ballocks, he was an idiot.

He trudged up to his chamber, stripped down and flopped onto his bed. Mind whirling, he was positive he wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight. Their strategy, the risks, Julianna going into battle with him… It was all too much, and he bounced from one to the other, with little rest between.

He didn’t want her to go into battle. Didn’t understand the Bruce’s rationalization for it. So
what if she’d been to Kinterloch. Ronan was plenty capable of leading everyone back there. Wallace would be with him. Julianna should remain behind with Myra. With the Bruce—who was her main charge. He understood her need to seek revenge on Ross. The man had tortured her. Threatened her brother, her country. He’d never begrudge her the need to retaliate against someone who’d put so much evil into her life. But what he didn’t want was her to put herself in danger to get that vengeance. Not when he could capture Ross and bring the man back to Eilean Donan. He’d get her the whip and let her take a crack. Turn his back if she chose to poison him with one of her pins or other weapons.

But go into battle? He’d not be able to concentrate on anything save keeping her safe.

Needing a distraction, Ronan went in search of Tad to make sure he’d been fed and bedded down for the night. Lucky for him, Cook had adopted him as one of her own many children. Ronan felt comfortable that the lad was in good hands.

At least that was one person he cared about that he’d not have to worry over for the time being.

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