The Impure Schoolgirl

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Authors: Pussy-Willow Penn

Tags: #erotica, #punishment, #oral anal sex, #lesbian action, #schoolgirl spanking

BOOK: The Impure Schoolgirl
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The Impure


In which the
punishment fits the crime.




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The Impure

Copyright © 2012
by Perceptive Creation

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are productions of the author’s imagination and used

Adult Reading

by Pussy-Willow Penn: “A Cry in Vienna”(the end of a volcanic

The Impure

In which the
punishment fits the crime.



Suddenly the curtain round her bed was pulled back
sharply and a torch light blinded her. Hands roughly pulled back
her bedding and a sharp intake of breath by all five of the
other dormitory members made
her heart sink. Her night-gown was up around her waist, her thighs
spread as wide as the bed allowed, a hairbrush with no seeming
handle fully visible between them, even though her hands tried to
cover her naked pussy tightly. She groaned.

o - we catch you

Annabel, the dorm monitor. Several sniggers erupted from the

“Look at her,
girls! Suzy James, the posh slut, abusing herself – as she has
clearly done every night since she arrived


Suzy could say nothing.
She tried to lower
her night-gown, but someone stopped her, someone else pulled her
hands away, and yet someone else shone the torch fully on to her
sopping pussy and then slowly extracted the smooth rounded
hair-brush handle from her inner recesses. It was wet and

“Yeuch!” said the
youngest girl.

“Exactly, Minnie!
Yeuch!!“ said Annabel. ” Diana - wake Mr. Paul, tell him he has a
major punishment to carry out. Jane – you and I will drag Suzy to
Mr. Paul’s room exactly as she is. Move it, Diana!”

Diana scuttled out of the dorm and down the
The others heard her knocking on the Head-Master’s
door. Annabel and Jane roughly pulled Suzy out of the bed, putting
their hands under her armpits and holding her forearms tightly.

The remaining gir
Minnie, the youngest and most innocent,
and shy, deep Carol, gasped as they registered how hard and pointed
Suzy’s nipples were and how clearly they showed through the flimsy
material of her unofficial night-gown.

ack to bed, the rest of you – and
think carefully on the wages of sin
The sin of impurity will always be heavily
punished. Very heavily! That is why you are at this College. Bear
that in mind”. The girls reluctantly climbed back into their

A few mo
ments later Suzy and her guards reached Mr. Paul’s room,
the door was already open and Mr. Paul stood inside, somewhat
and weary from his interrupted sleep, but still
looking stern enough. Suzy felt her heart sink.

She was
placed before Mr. Paul, who also registered her see-through
night-gown and the prominence of her nipples.

Suzy James!
I’ve been expecting
for quite a while.
Caught in the act abusing yourself, I understand?

nodded dumbly, trying to conquer her fear.

Wearing an unofficial night-gown, which is
forbidden; wearing a night-gown that is see-through and therefore
designed to arouse others – that is even worse!
And I know
for a fact it has aroused others

Diana flinched as
though she had been slapped in the face.

ll in all, you are a bad apple, a
bad example to others in your dormitory – and I have no alternative
– I must punish you most severely


He looked at the others.
hank-you Annabel, and all of you, for
taking such positive action. You were right to do so. Now go to
bed, pray to God for a pure heart and body, and go quickly to
sleep. Diana – “, he added warningly, “you especially must take a
care for your soul. I think it will be necessary for us to have a
detailed talk together tomorrow night. Dismissed!”.

flushed furiously and left quickly, followed by Annabel and
Jane, who looked at each other knowingly as they shut the


Mr. P
aul sat down on his bed.
His towelling robe was
short and his lean and muscular legs were naked below it. As he sat
his thighs were revealed, also naked. Suzy groaned to herself. Her
inner lust for Tim Paul was what fuelled so many of her night-time
orgasms – and they were a closely guarded secret.
told no-one of what went on in
her mind, certainly not of her imaginings concerning Tim Paul – her
self-created image of his naked body, the size and length of his
male organ – and how it looked when she referred to it in her mind
as a kind of member of parliament – hi
s “upstanding male member

These thoughts made her wet between her
legs so quickly that reaching orgasm had become a quick and easy
Before being
sent to this exclusive College by her parents and meeting Tim Paul
one orgasm had taken as long as the three she could now achieve
when accompanied by her lustful thoughts

He patted his
knee. “Sit down, Suzy! We must talk”. Tense with arousal, she did
so. She was aware of his eyes taking in every detail they could see
through her night-dress. This hardened her aching nipples even
further. And the contact between her vulva and his naked thigh made
her so weak, she could barely concentrate on the predicament she
was in. Was he really going to punish her? Would it hurt?
was some degree of
fear in her tension – but also, as she recognised with some shame,

“I am disappointed
in you, you know?” he started.

Are you
, sir?” she gasped.

“You are
everything that is wrong for this school. You are disobedient,
impure, a bad example, shameless – indeed, in a nutshell,
a slut!”

“ No
she cried out.
I’m not
believe me

hen what
he said, adding “I can feel the wetness
between your legs on my thigh right now! My guess is this isn’t the
residue from your recent self abuse; I think it’s more to do with
you being turned on by the idea of being physically punished for
your sins – am I right?

o, no Sir – really, I

m not that wet, not – “

“Open your legs!”
he commanded. She was appalled, but did as he ordered. He slid his
hand up between her thighs and quickly found the entrance to her
vagina. She breathed in sharply as if a bolt of electricity had
passed through her body, and then groaned deeply.

he said. “It’s pouring
from you.”.

ut I can’t help it, Sir – really,
it just happens.“

“No, it doesn’t
just happen. It’s lack of will-power. It’s you voluntarily giving
to lewd thoughts.
It’s the slut inside you that you make no attempt to control. And
as a result you infect others and they fall into sin and bad ways
too. But you will change, you will definitely change – or you will
leave the school in disgrace!”

“No, sir, please
sir – never that – my father - !”

I know

the old story

your reputation with your parents

but how else - ?”


ll do anything, sir – whatever you
feel is best. Anything rather than – than that!”

“Well, let’s start
right away with a tried and tested – and prolonged - programme of
punishment before I tell you exactly what you will do. Get up!”

She did so.

round; bend over my knee;
reach forwards for this pillow and place your face in it. I do not
want to hear any cries of pain, or pleading for me to stop, you
? Quite apart
from waking others, it will only make me more determined to thrash
some sense into you.

Trembling with
fear, tinged with clear arousal, she did as she was told, holding
onto the pillow for dear life
and burying her face in it.

Gently he pulled her nightie up over her buttocks
and lowered it down on to her back.
He pulled her a bit
closer to him, and suddenly she felt his erection against her
thigh. Her flesh melted right through her
, as he gently caressed her buttocks for a

o white and smooth!

he said, almost to himself, “but
in an hour or so, they will be so reddened, inflamed, and marked by
your punishment! Your rear will burn you as shame should burn your
conscience, but in your case I have no doubt it will more likely
arouse you.
So I tell you
a golden rule of this punishment regime – every time
I sense you having an orgasm
while here being punished, you will earn another similar programme
of punishment in a few days hence.
The more abandoned you
allow yourself to be, the more I shall take great pleasure in my
attempts to subdue you. Do you understand?”

She groaned

“And more – there
is more you need to understand. The more you allow yourself to be
aroused by my punishment, the more you will arouse me – and my
cannot be simply
shrugged off.
As a man I have ten times the testosterone
level you have – and that means ten times the sex drive, ten times
the desire, ten times the need to be released from arousal. You
will risk earning for yourself this byproduct of
, by necessarily
becoming my whore!”

raised his hand and brought it down hard in the centre of her
buttocks making her whole body jump with the shock. A second smack
hit t
he same spot close to her anus, and again her body
writhed, but so far her groans were swallowed by the

He caressed her buttocks lightly
, running his finger down the centre

Warming up nicely!
I expect you
might be feeling the heat here?” and he delicately reached between
the buttocks to caress her anus. It flinched wildly and the spasm
ran through her genitals like electricity. His finger moved down to
her vagina.

till pouring out! It’s running
down your leg even. You really are a lost cause!”

He raised his hand
and slammed it down on her right buttock, then on her left, then
again on her right, then he paused.

cries of pain were desperate but she still kept them
Her body thrashed uncontrollably but Mr. Paul
gripped her tightly with his spare arm and leg. Through the pain
Suzy knew all too well that orgasm was close.

ne to go – on this first six of
the best!” he said. “Let’s see how you take it!”

His hand slapped
her bottom right in the middle again and Suzy

s whole body went into a series of
convulsions causing her to cry out again and again into the pillow
as the orgasm swept through her – leaving Mr Paul in no doubt as to
what had happened.

He smiled to
himself and reached for a pot of body lotion on his bedside

I thought
as much

he said,

and with the sheer amount of punishment still to
go, I suspect we

ll see
a few more orgasms yet”

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