The Impure Schoolgirl (3 page)

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Authors: Pussy-Willow Penn

Tags: #erotica, #punishment, #oral anal sex, #lesbian action, #schoolgirl spanking

BOOK: The Impure Schoolgirl
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Suzy James”,
he said – “
I think you are a very special case! That
was an extremely intense experience! Come
– back on my

She slowly eased
herself up from her crouched position, cautiously lifting her stiff
legs off the bed, and sat back on his thigh, with his swollen, red
and still oozing penis wedged against her.


Where w
ould this night go next?
How could such an
earth-shattering experience go any further? Hadn’t they plumbed the
depths of human experience to its limits already? Flushed, panting,
shaken by the intensity of all that had happened so far, Suzy so
wanted to
roll herself up in
the crook of
Tim Paul’s arm
and be held tightly.
But he had other ideas. He
leant forward and pulled a chair closer, with the seat facing them.
With a swift movement he pulled Suzy round to face the chair, so
that her legs were splayed on either side of his own. He positioned
his penis so that it was now lying along the crack between her
buttocks – and it was far from being flaccid. Suzy could feel its
tip at the entrance to her vagina – and with it the stirrings of a
new arousal.

ean forward! Hands on the chair!
Take the pillow for
your head! That’s right!”

s she
did so
he parted his own legs, and she was soon propped
forward with her hands on the sides of the chair, her face on the
pillow, her breasts hanging down in all their voluptuous fullness,
her sore bottom presented to his hands, and her vagina and anus
fully opened to his view. His renewed erection now touched against
her still swollen clitoris. She was quite helpless, in his power,
and gladly resigned herself to it

And now – your experience!
Many and
various is my guess! I need to hear everything. As you know, this
school is dedicated to accepting young teenage virgins and
educating them to preserve their chastity, so that a sense of and
pride in their personal value, both to themselves and to the men
they meet in their lives, is undiminished in their adulthood. Where
this is not possible – and you are an obvious case in point – we
know that the probable outcome will be that the adult woman will be
treated as a slut and that she will be the plaything of every man
she comes across. Pun intended!”

She felt
her shame as he intended she should. Sh
e was still
too flushed to blush any further, but her heart sank at hearing
this portrait of her by a man she had lusted after with such

I now require you to tell me your past
sexual experiences

detail – the whole truth – nothing left out. Only that way will I
be able to design an ongoing programme of personal treatment that
will at least attempt to get you on the straight and

he spoke he idly touched the intimate parts of her genitals so
clearly visible to him, causing her to gasp and whimper and catch
her breath as her desire for further release began to build yet

While you tell me all, and answer my
questions, I shall prove my point loudly and clearly, by giving you
another two or three orgasms whether or not you try to resist

which I am
convinced you are incapable of doing”.

She knew now he was right. Sexual pleasure was
clearly something she could not say no to.


the final punishment -
with my tawse
. This will hurt you more than the first
two, but it is essential you come to recognize real pain as the
inevitable result of your deeply sinful impurity. Following that –
I shall abuse you again – letting the punishment fit the crime -
and take my own second orgasm, unprotected this time, up here – one
of my favourite points of entry”.

As he stroked her anus, a
nd inserted a
finger, new wetness oozed from her vagina and her desperate gasps
for breath renewed.

So!” he said, “let’s get

He pulled her back
slightly so that his now very erect penis lay along her open and
wet vulva, its tip lying
against her clitoris. Gently he started a slow and measured
movement with his hips that resulted in the clitoris being massaged
exquisitely by his penis, which was lubricated by her own juices
flowing freely from her. His finger continued to toy with the
entrance to her dilated anus, again dipping into her juices to
lubricate it. She moaned deeply as her body started its inexorable
build to new orgasms.

his free hand he cupped one of her breasts, fondling it
gently, feeling its voluptuous weight, rubbing it
s hugely
distended nipple between his fingers, and teasing it out into an
even fuller engorgement.

So Miss Suzy James – innocent virginal

how many
people have you enjoyed sexual pleasure with? I want full details –
exactly what you did to each other, where and how often you were
penetrated – and how you both experienced your orgasms?”

Suzy tried to cast her mind back to the age of
twelve when her sex life had first started. She tried hard to focus
– and to prove she could deny an orgasm if she wanted to – and in
broken breaths, gasping from time to time, she told him of how her
slightly older brother had played doctors and nurses with her,
involving detailed examinations of each other and the application
of lubricating cream, and how both of them had discovered the
mind-blowing effects of mutual masturbation.

remembered the older girl at her previous boarding school who had a
crush on her and insisted on climbing into bed with her and sharing
a bath with her after games, and how this girl had taught her
everything she knew about the female body and how it could give so
many pleasures to its owner.

This girl had, she felt, been the cause of her
present depravity and her dependence on regular orgasmic release.
On one occasion she had come to stay for a few days during the
summer holidays and had shared Suzy’s room.

Hidden i
n her suitcase was a vibrator and she had insisted on both
of them using it on each other. Suzy was already using tampons by
this time, so accommodating this extraordinary implement had come
easily – and so did she - all too easily in this girl’s expert

Finally she confessed to the insistent
machinations of the P. E. teacher of this new special
form college which she had only joined a few weeks ago.
This older man insisted on keeping her on after some of the P. E.
sessions ostensibly to train her for the school athletics team. In
actual fact he demonstrated many athletic positions the body needed
to be able to assume, then helped her get these correct by handling
the various parts of her body in question, gently extending a limb
here, encouraging the untensing of a muscle group there, and so

all while she was
dressed in a tight T-shirt, short sports skirt, and regulation
school knickers. So much handling soon made her wet, which he
noticed, commented on and then insisted on relieving for her. If
she tried to refuse, he threatened to report her for obstructive
behaviour in class and to get her punished. As she was so close to
orgasm by then she had quietly succumbed, accepted the waves of
pleasure that swept over her, however unwelcome, and tried to
ignore his rubbing of his own genitals against her buttocks and his
resulting gasps and groans.

Most of her
sexual experience however was due to her own masturbation,
and the only penetrations she’d experienced so far were those of
the school friend’s vibrator

and her own – and of course her hairbrush handle. Until
tonight she’d never had an erect penis inside her, and she had no
experience of anal or oral sex.

By this time she had had three more orgasms and
was near fainting with exhaustion. As she finished her tale, there
was a short pause, then Tim Paul spoke.

Well, not as completely depraved as I
assumed! There may be hope for you yet. Rest assured I’ll sort out
that PE teacher once and for all. It wouldn’t be the first time
he’s been accused of abusing a student. However back to you - you
must first reach the full level of depravity your soul seeks for,
and the vigorous punishment that goes with it, before your
redemption can begin. We have several months in hand – and tonight
is proving an excellent starting point. So, up you get! Back onto
the bed!”


Suzy eased
her exhausted, satiated, painful
but grossly
pleasured body off Mr.
s lap and stood up, her heart pounding, her
body trembling with fear. She wasn’t sure she could take much more.
It wasn’t just a question of the pain – but the sheer intensity of
the pleasure that seemed to go hand in hand with the pain, the
utter depths of this all-pervading glowing warmth that flushed her
whole body so violently, the juices that endlessly oozed from her
and the feeling that every pore of her body was vibrating
intensely, especially when her nipples and her clitoris and her
vagina and her anus were now all so sensitive to the slightest
touch that they made her cry out in agony.

She followed
Tim Paul’s
and knelt once again on the corner of the bed, arms and hands on
the pillow, knees splayed so that everything was once more fully
exposed to his eyes.

This time he insisted on gagging her,
stuffing a clean handkerchief into her mouth as he explained that
the hour was now late and this punishment would be the most painful
yet and he did not want to risk having the whole school wakened by
her cries of pain.

again he tenderly caressed her sore, marked buttocks, tracing the
weals created by the cane with a finger, gently rubbing the most
reddened areas where bruises were beginning to form.
winced as the combination of pleasure and pain began to be
reawakened in her yet again – and did her best to prepare herself
for what was to come.

As Tim Paul stepped back she caught sight of his
enormous erection and the wetness at its tip and once again felt
that awful sense o
f weakness as intense desire to have it
inside her surged through her.

The tawse struck
her bottom with ferocious force and her body bucked violently. She
gagged on the handkerchief and the tears sprang to her eyes as she
gasped desperately for breath. And again!
And again!
Sometimes the tassellated end of
the long thick leather strap hit her vulva or her anus and then, if
she hadn’t been gagged, her screams would indeed have woken
everyone else in the building. The hot tingling, stinging,
vibrating spasms of her body, centered so powerfully in her
genitals, soon brought on an orgasm that seemed without end, as she
threw her body from side to side, trying in vain to escape the
onslaught. She almost passed out completely, certainly losing count
of the strokes, losing track of time and place. Nothing else
existed except this unbelievable shaking orgasm that completely
engulfed her.

At last, a
t long long last, the strokes ceased,
Tim Paul’s
soothing hands caressed her
with body lotion,
which mingled
with her own copious juices and made her whole genital area
one well-oiled, overheated mass of quivering flesh.

Then her eyes opened wide with shock, as
Tim Paul slid his
near-to-bursting penis into the center of her bottom.
he lifted her up off the pillow, removed her gag and held her
firmly by her breasts.

She gasped for
air, willing her tears to stop, willing the pain to
subside, and willing this incredibly beautiful shafting of her most
tender passge to last for ever

The long lasting orgasm brought on by the
thrashing picked up force again and the violent
embling of her body
quite undermining any small amount of willpower
she might have built up.

nstinctively Suzy felt between her legs with one arm and
cupped his balls in the palm of her hand. The long slow regular
penetrations were rapidly increased as all her genital muscles
contracted rhythmically up and down the length of this swollen
penis so near to its bursting point.

And then his body exploded with the
unbelievable force of this long
held-back, highly-controlled orgasm.

Doing his utmost
to hold back the cries of intense pleasure he needed to release,
copious spurts of his seed sprayed against the walls of her anal
passage, triggering a shattering climax to her own orgasm.
For long minute after long
minute their combined ecstasy held them in thrall, every muscle
tensed in these two beautiful bodies undergoing the ultimate
experience in pleasure.

Then they subsided slowly.


alf an hour later
Suzy quietly made her way back to her dormitory,
extremely fatigued but still strangely glowing all over from her
intense experience.

The thought flickered in her head that the
previous two or three hours had systematically stripped away any
hint of childhood innocence she might still have harboured
when she went to bed that evening. She was now a practiced “woman
of the world”. She had known at first hand things which many women
barely dream of, let alone actually experience for themselves. In
short, she would never be the same again - though she did leave
alone for now the nagging question of whether Mr. Paul’s theories
of how to achieve her redemption and her return to the fold of the
chaste actually held water
, or
whether it was more likely that having experienced what might have
been the ultimate depths of pleasure she was capable of feeling
would now ensure she now devoted her life to always trying to
re-experience them.
This was a fundamental conundrum she
would have to address over her remaining time in this very special

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