The Kat Trap (16 page)

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Authors: Cairo

BOOK: The Kat Trap
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Seven a.m., I was up, showered, dressed, and on my way out the door for breakfast in the waterfront restaurant. If my hunch was right, I’d catch my mark there. I walked through the tropical garden, and couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. The parrots and pond set it off just right. I peeped the pool and all the swayin’ palms and decided I’d have to do a few laps before I bounced.

When I stepped through the door of the restaurant, I quickly scanned the area.
Just like I suspected, my mark was sittin’ at a corner table, readin’ a newspaper and drinkin’ a cup of coffee. I had to give it to him, for an older cat, the nigga was fine and definitely fuckable. I switched my ass toward an empty table two tables away from him. I made sure I sat where he could see a fly bitch in all her goodness. Even in my brown bob-cut wig and
brown contacts, I was sexy and sensual. I stood up and removed my brown crochet poncho. Underneath, I was rockin’ a brown one-piece Lycra cat suit. The shit clung to every curve, wrappin’ ’round my ass and titties like a perfect glove, while showin’ off the imprint of my fat pussy. I had it zipped down low ’n sexy, lettin’ a muhfucka know what time it was with my titty game.

After the waiter took my order, I got up and headed toward the bathroom, passin’ my mark’s table. I caught his eye, and smiled. His eyes lit the fuck up as he returned the smile. “Good morning,” he said.

“Good mornin’,” I replied, keepin’ it movin’. I took my time in the bathroom, standin’ in front of the mirror. I pressed on another coat of lipstick, then twirled a strand of hair, makin’ sure it was on point. The last thing I needed was tryna be fierce with a lopsided wig piece. As I was comin’ outta the bathroom, I hoped my mark was still at his table. He was. And I purposefully threw an extra shake in my ass as I walked by, takin’ my seat. I swept my eyes ’round the room to see what was what. There were a few square-type niggas at another table with two nondescript bitches, and a slew of white muhfuckas, definitely nothin’ to write home about.
. Then came this blonde-haired, blue-eyed, bombshell-type chick outta the bathroom. She walked by with her head up.
She musta been in the stall,
I thought as she waltzed by.

This ho was dipped in ice. I peeped her Jimmy Choo slingbacks and Louie Louis bag.
Alright, you betta work, bitch!
I glanced over my shoulder to see who she was with. She took her seat at a table on the other side of the room with a cluster of white chicks with they faces beat to death with a bunch of pressed powder and whatnot. But you could tell them bitches were paid out the ass.

When my order came, I peeped my mark glancin’ over at me several times. I smiled at him and slid my fork in and outta my mouth nice ’n slow and very sexy-like, lickin’ my lips. He smiled back.
Yeah, nigga, I know you want some of this good pussy. I see it in ya eyes. Don’t worry, muhfucka, I’ma let ya dip ya tongue up in it.

I even peeped a few white cats eyein’ me on the sly. They knew a classy bitch when they saw one. And I was servin’ it lovely. E’ery so often, my target would look up from his paper, and I’d flirt with him with my eyes just to fuck with him. There’s somethin’ ’bout the way a man looks at me that lets me know just what’s on his mind. I took a few more bites of my fruit salad, sipped my glass of water with lemon, then slowly got up to leave. I watched him eye me as I slipped my poncho over my head. I flirted with him with my eyes, then smiled. He smiled. I winked and blew him a kiss, then turned on my heels and sashayed toward the exit, lookin’ back to catch him with his eyes glued to my ass. I smiled again, then strutted out the door.

Then the next two mornins I did the same shit, eyein’ him real sexy, lickin’ my lips and whatnot, baitin’ his ass, then gettin’ up and leavin’ abruptly. I was fuckin’ with the muhfucka, lettin’ him know what was really good without words. And he obviously heard me, ’cause on the fourth day, he got up from his seat, walked over to my table, and spoke.
That’s right, big daddy, come on over to lil’ momma.

“Mind if I join you?”

I let my eyes linger over his body, focused on the center of his crotch, then slowly looked up into his eyes. “Not at all,” I said, smilin’.

He went back to get his things, then returned to my table and sat across from me. “So, tell me,” he said, leanin’ forward in his
seat and restin’ his elbows on the table. “What’s a beautiful woman like you doing here all by herself?”

I stared into his eyes. Although I knew they were brown, they almost looked black. And they sparkled. I noticed specks of gray in his mustache and beard. Damn, this old nigga was fine.

“Waitin’ for a man like you,” I said as I licked my lips.

He smiled, blushin’ ’n shit. “Is that so?”


“Stanley,” he said, stickin’ his hand out to me. I allowed my hand to get lost in his grip.
Hmm…I can’t wait to feel them big hands squeezin’ this ass, I thought.

And I’m horny.
I smiled. “Natasha,” I offered. Then we spent the next thirty minutes talkin’. He was an architect from Upper Marlboro, Maryland, and had been in San Diego for over a week. Although I was actin’ like I was really listenin’ to him while he rattled on ’bout his corny-ass architecture conference, I wasn’t beat. I nodded and smiled, and gave him what looked like my undivided attention. But the only thing on my mind was tryna figure out how I was gonna get into his room, get at his dick, then shut his lights. I ain’t gonna front, his deep Barry White-soundin’ voice had my pussy lips flappin’ open. But the nigga—fine and all—was a fuckin’ bore. And that’s capital, B-O-R-E. Humph…I could see why his wife divorced his tired ass. I tried so fuckin’ hard to look interested in him goin’ on and on ’bout his buildin’ designs and his love for classical and jazz music. Oh my God, I wanted to splatter his fuckin’ brains right there on the spot.

About another ten minutes into the conversation, I got up and excused myself to go to the bathroom. I had to put this muhfucka outta his misery quick. I looked under the two stalls to make sure no one else was around, then flipped open the Kat line and called Cash.

“Yo, what’s good? You take care of that, yet?”

“Tonight,” I said.

“Cool. Make it happen,” he replied. “You the only one takin’ three and four days to handle ya business, tryna make vacations out the shit. I want this square handled tonight, Kat; you holdin’ my peoples up with ya bullshit.”

I sucked my teeth, rollin’ my eyes. “I said tonight, nigga. Damn. Look, I gotta go. I’ll call you later.”

I disconnected the call, walkin’ outta the bathroom back to the table.

“Sorry ’bout that,” I said, sittin’ back down. I glanced around the room and noticed there were hardly any people there.
Good. The fewer people who see us talkin’ the better,
I thought.

He was sippin’ on his second cup of coffee. He set his cup down and smiled. “No problem. So…you never said what brings you to beautiful San Diego.”

You, muhfucka,
I thought. “Change of scenery,” I told his ass, lickin’ my neatly painted lips.

“Is that right?”

I nodded, keepin’ my gaze on him.

“So, is this change for business or pleasure?”

I eyed him real sexy-like, then slowly licked my lips again. “Both,” I answered, claspin’ my hands together on the table. I leaned in. “Listen. Let me ask you this to get it outta the way before I go any further with this. You married? ’Cause I ain’t lookin’ for no drama from the Mrs.” Even though I usually know the answer to this question, I always like askin’ just to see what a nigga’s gonna say. Nine times outta ten, the muhfucka’s gonna lie outta his ass.

“Divorced,” he stated. “And you?”

“Besides bein’ very horny, I’m single.”

He laughed. “Interesting combination,” he said, starin’ at my titties. I stuck my chest out more, givin’ him a better view.

“They feel even better,” I told him.

He let out a nervous chuckle, then cleared his throat. “I guess you can say I’m weak for…uh, a beautiful woman.”
Like most muhfuckas,
I thought. He glanced at his watch. “Oh, shoot. I gotta get going. I wish I could stay longer and talk, but I gotta swing past my room before my conference starts. How ’bout we get together tonight; say, like, eight? And we can finish where we left off.”

I decided I had better go for the kill, and let his ass know what it was. “If we get together tonight, talkin’ is not what I’m lookin’ for.” I leaned in, lowerin’ my voice. “A thick dick is. Can you help me with that?”

He grinned, but I could tell I had caught his ass off guard. “I think I might be able to figure out something without much talk.”

“Then I promise to make it a night you’ll never forget.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes, it is. I just hope you can handle a young bit—chick like me.”

He stood up, smilin’. “Oh, I’m sure I can handle it. Eight o’clock good?”

Yeah, muhfucka, it’s good. You just make sure that dick is good.
I licked my lips. “I can hardly wait.”

He leaned into me, then whispered into my ear, “Room 110. See you tonight.”

I smiled, slowly noddin’ my head. “Yes, you will, daddy. Yes, indeed you will.”

For the rest of the day, I lounged ’round the pool, took a nap, then went downtown to take in the sights. I even tried one of them fish tacos e’eryone said I had to try. Yeah, okay? I’m still tryna figure out what the hype was all about. Chunks of cod fish,
shredded cabbage, and a bunch of white cream stuffed in a tortilla didn’t do it for a bitch like me.

Eight p.m., I was knockin’ on my target’s door wearin’ a black car coat, a matchin’ cap, and black spiked, knee-high boots. I scanned the area to make sure the coast was clear. I was glad no one was around to see me at his door. Besides, I couldn’t have a picked a better night to get at him. The hotel was havin’ some kinda blues concert on the grounds, so the music was loud and most of the guests were there. He opened the door, and I quickly stepped in.

“Hello, beautiful,” he said, closin’ the door behind him. “I’m glad you came. I was hoping you weren’t gonna stand me up.”

I set my bag on the wooden desk. “I’m a woman of my word,” I said, unsnappin’ my coat, then lettin’ it hit the floor. Underneath, I had on a sheer black teddy. “And I never turn down the opportunity to suck on a big chocolate dick. You do have a big dick, don’t you, daddy?”

He smiled, openin’ his white terrycloth robe. “I sure do,” he said, pullin’ it outta his striped boxers.

Mmmm, it was thick; even soft. And the dick was cut! My mouth watered. “Then come on over to Momma and let me wrap my soft lips ’round it, while I play in my hot pussy. I hope you can nut more than once, baby, ’cause tonight I’ma show you how a young chick does it.”

“I’m sure I can manage. It’s been a long time since I’ve had some young, tight pussy.”

“Then tonight is ya lucky night.”
I thought to myself. “Now come give me that big dick.”

“Damn, baby, I see you don’t waste any time.”

“Why should I?” I asked, walkin’ over to his patio and lookin’
out. He had a beautiful view of the hotel’s tropical garden. Humph. I woulda loved fuckin’ his ass under one of them palm trees. Oh, well. I turned back around to face him. “We’re all on borrowed time. And I don’t have any of it to waste. So I wanna get it all in while I can. Now stop with all the extras and bring that fat, black dick over here so I can wet it up for ya.”

“And you’re demanding,” he commented, grinnin’. “I like that.” He turned off the hall light, leavin’ the bathroom light on, slowly makin’ his way toward me.

As he walked over to me, I noticed the nigga was slightly bow-legged. And his thighs were muscular. For an old dude, the muhfucka had a nice, strong body. I pinched my nipples, then ran my hand across my pussy. The minute he walked up on me, I dropped down to my knees and snatched his boxers down, where they stayed wrapped around his ankles as I took his soft dick into my mouth, slowly suckin’ and kissin’ and lickin’ all over it, twirlin’ my tongue ’round the head until it started to get thicker and longer.

“Aaaah, shit. Damn, you know how to suck some dick,” he said, dippin’ at the knees. I lifted up his balls and started suckin’ and lickin’ on ’em while usin’ my soft hands to jack off his dick. “Damn, girl! Oh, shit…you tryna make me bust this nut, huh?”

I nodded and moaned, lookin’ up at him. “Give me that sweet milk, daddy.”

“Yeah, pretty baby,” he said, grabbin’ me by the back of my head.
Oh, no you don’t, nigga!
I quickly removed his hand before he accidentally tangled his big-ass hands up in my wig. “Wet daddy’s dick up, baby girl…”

A bitch started gettin’ real nasty with it, spittin’ and slobberin’ all over his cock, makin’ a lotta smackin’ and poppin’ sounds with my lips and mouth, then lickin’ up the spit from around his balls.
“Oh, shit…oh, shit…oh, shit…” His left leg started shakin’. I reached up and started squeezin’ his muscular, hairy ass with my hands, swallowin’ his dick balls deep, like only a true dick sucka can. The nigga’s dick was nice ’n hot and tasted so fuckin’ good. My pussy was drippin’. My clit was throbbin’ for this muhfucka’s tongue on it. I got up, then pushed him backward on the bed.

“I want you to eat my pussy, daddy,” I whispered, crawlin’ up on top of him, like a panther in heat. I sucked on his nipples, allowed my tongue to circle around ’em, kissed down his stomach, then brushed my lips over the head of his dick, then turned around and straddled his face. “Fuck me with ya tongue,” I purred, lowerin’ my pussy down on his lips. I took his dick back in my mouth and sucked him like a hungry, cum-guzzlin’ trick while he licked and lapped and ate my pussy. I moaned. “Uh…hmmm…oh, yes…”

After I nutted on his tongue, a bitch was ready for some dick. Besides, I didn’t want this muhfucka thinkin’ it was okay for him to nut in my mouth. So I shifted my body ’round and started lappin’ at his fat balls, jerkin’ his dick.

“You ready to fuck me, daddy?” I asked, sittin’ up and lickin’ and suckin’ my nipples. “You ready to put that dick in my tight pussy?”

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