The Keepers: Declan (11 page)

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Authors: Rae Rivers

BOOK: The Keepers: Declan
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“We can’t stop here,” she protested as he dropped the bag and pulled her closer.

“They think we’ve taken a different direction. We have some time.”

“We can’t know that for sure.”

“Trust me, they’re gone. For now at least. Jumping off a mountain that high into freezing cold water is suicide and they know that.”

“Clearly they don’t know you.”

“Very few people do, honey.”

“What are you doing?” she asked as he began to unbutton her shirt.

“Stripping you.”

“I’m surprised,” she replied through chattering teeth.

“Surprised?” He tossed her shirt to the ground in a sloppy thud.

“That you’re skipping the foreplay and getting straight to it.”

His hands stilled. Using his thumb to tilt her chin upward, he flashed his wildest grin. “You of all people should know my take on foreplay,” he murmured, “but I’m happy to offer a reminder.”

Her skin erupted into fresh goose bumps. “In your dreams, warrior boy,” she said, her shaky retort delivered through chattering teeth.

He was tempted to counter her challenge, but her shivers had increased, as had his. Shoving aside the banter, he reached for the rucksack and yanked out their clothes.

The dry clothing did little to relieve the shivers and he pulled her into his arms, aware of the danger that came with the cold.

“Declan, no!”

“Relax, Kate,” he countered, sliding an arm around her.

“Now’s not the time for your charms.”

Despite the chill that ripped through his own body, he chuckled. “Oh, honey, you haven’t seen anything yet.” With his free hand, he tipped her chin to his. “For now, I’m simply warming you up.”

Her mouth opened but words evaded her. Still grinning, he wrapped both arms around her, tucking her head beneath his chin. She didn’t pull away and snuggled into his chest, welcoming his embrace. Having her so close – the brief surrender in his arms as shivers wracked her frame – piqued his protective instincts.

He stroked a hand across her streaky, damp hair. Closing his eyes, he reached for the magic he kept buried within.

The heat swirled in his gut, coursing through his body, the rise in temperature instantly welcome.

Her soft gasp against his chest hinted that she felt it too and she leaned into him for warmth, clinging to him like a lifeline.

Perhaps he was.

He breathed her in, indulging in her unique scent, and ignored the way his body reacted in response, his instinct to protect her overruling everything else.

When the heat he’d channelled began to lessen the shivers, he fought the urge to hold on to her and drew back.

“No,” she whispered, pressing further into him. “Just a minute more.”

Her voice was hoarse, the vulnerability that lined her words catching him off guard.

Somewhere inside, a warning fired, and he felt a tug at the wall he kept between himself and others. Having her lean on him for strength felt good, not something she’d do easily.

So instead of pulling away, he tightened his hold on her.


By the time they reached the rock falls beside the railway line, the sun had begun its nightly descent in earnest, casting an orange streak across the white-coated mountains.

Kate took the bottle of water Declan offered and searched the horizon, zeroing in on the railway line.

“We’re stopping?”

He eyed the large rock fall above them. “We need a place to camp for the night.”

Kate couldn’t shake the unease. “We should keep going, Declan. It won’t be long before Harper wises up about us taking a nosedive off the cliff.”

“There’s enough distance between us for now. We can’t risk these mountains in the dark and neither will they.”

“We’re faster but they’re unpredictable. They have those crazy animal abilities.” She frowned, recalling their behaviour. “What’s with that? Are they even human?”

“Yes, but Harper’s used some sort of spell. The Brogan brothers have a liking for animals. Dogs and cats – and I’m not talking the fluffy domestic type.” He reached for the water, his fingers brushing hers, his Keeper ring catching the fading sunlight. “Clearly, it’s a trait that Harper shares. But instead of charming animals, they’ve enhanced themselves.”

“They’re creepy.”

“I wouldn’t –” His words trailed away as he cocked his head, tuning his senses into the distance.

Kate’s stomach lurched. “Do you hear them?”

“We really need to work on that hearing thing of yours,” he said, scanning the railway tracks that stretched for miles on either side of them. Taking two strides, he dropped to the ground beside the track and placed his ear against it.


He turned his head to face her, his lips curling into a grin.


“The train,” he replied, rising.

“It’s coming?”

“They’re late but in true tourism style, they’re reliable.” Shoving the water bottle back into his bag, Declan adjusted the straps on his shoulders and began to climb the rocks.

Straightening at the top of the first rock, he glanced into the distance before offering a hand.

Ignoring it, she scaled the rock with ease, her spirits lifting when she straightened beside him.

“Wow,” she whispered, staring at the breathtaking wilderness that stretched out for miles. An endless horizon of mountains and thick forest, snatches of greenery peeking out between blankets of white snow. With the sun fading fast in the distance, everything was tinged with splashes of orange and pink. “It’s beautiful.”

“Almost peaceful.”

She smiled. “No wonder there’s a tourism train along this route.”

“Lucky for us, they’re still doing their winter tours.”

Kate pointed into the distance, her heart soaring when she spotted the flash of blue coming around a mountain bend.

A long, sleek line of carriages running along the tracks, hinting at a level of comfort she’d been denied for days.

“So, warrior boy, any bright ideas to stop the train?”

“None I intend to use.” Declan walked to the edge of the rocks, looking down at the tracks below. He shot her his wildest grin, mischievous and daring. Her jaw dropped.

“We’re going to jump?”

“We’re Keepers. Piece of cake.”

She gaped at him, ignoring the way her stomach flipped. And it had more to do with his grin than the idea of jumping onto a moving train. Damn, how the hell could she find him sexy at a time like this? “Are you crazy?”

Amusement danced in bright blue eyes. “How else did you think we’d board the train?”


Their jump was made in perfect unison, their landing a little less skilled.

The impact sent them both rolling across the roof and Kate scrambled for a hold as she bounced toward the edge of the train. She grabbed the railing with one hand, her body bouncing like a limp rag doll against the carriage.

The wind whipped around her, the unbearable chill snatching her breath away.

“Kate!” Declan shouted, appearing above her.

He reached for her, pulling her up, twisting so that she landed beneath him. He shifted his full weight off her, shielding her from the icy wind.

Gasping, she buried her face in his neck, trying to catch her breath.

“You’re okay,” he murmured against her head. “I’ve got you.” He pulled back to peer at her, his expression a mixture of relief and worry, and swiped at the hair covering her face.

Kate punched his shoulder. “Dammit, Declan! Stop making me jump off things!”

His lips twitched and he pulled back, bringing her with him. Keeping her hand in his, he edged toward the end of the carriage. The wind that whipped around them, combined with the jerky movements of the train, had them stumbling across the roof.

They burst, gasping, into the carriage below in a whirl of howling wind that cut out the moment Declan slammed the door.

And staring at them in shocked silence was an entire lounge full of tourists.

Kate cringed and fought the urge to turn around and bolt the way she’d come, but Declan tugged at her hand, pulling her into a tight embrace.

And kissed her.


Despite their audience, Declan felt the electric pull between them. The kiss was meant to be a distraction – as though they were two daredevil lovers seeking thrills on the small platform outside.

But he should have known that kissing Kate would be anything but simple.

Her lips were soft, immediately giving in to the pressure of his despite her surprise, and her silent surrender turned his adrenaline into arousal.

Hot damn.

The silence broke around them, their kiss disarming the stunned surprise. Their audience returned to their chatter and appreciation of the passing scenery. A few of the more observant tourists eyed their messy appearance but soon left them alone. Cameras flashed, newspapers shuffled, and the pianist continued playing.

Declan tipped his head back, unable to resist a grin.

“What was that for?” she whispered, glancing over his shoulder before meeting his gaze.

“We needed a distraction.”

“You have to stop kissing me!”

“And ruin all the fun?”

Despite her delightful scowl, there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. Her face was flushed, her heartbeat still erratic, and he had to resist the urge to kiss her again.

Offering distraction as an excuse again wouldn’t fly. Not this time.

“What now?” she whispered, looking around.

The tourists continued as though nothing had happened, some engaging in cheerful conversation, others pressing their noses against the window to catch the last few minutes of light.

Pre-dinner drinks flowed with ease, mostly wine and beer but tea for the more reserved. A waiter appeared, carrying a tray with four glasses and a bottle of wine.

Declan recognised the bottle instantly, felt a flash of pride, and watched with satisfaction as the waiter poured the first tasting. There were nods of approval and the waiter continued to fill their glasses.

Ice wine.

wine. Rapid Falls was renowned for its production and the Bennett Estate provided the grapes. It was a tricky process mastered over time by generations of Bennetts and involved a lot of hard work – from the brothers, their staff, and the entire town when it came to harvesting.

His sister’s favourite time of the year.

He frowned, reeling in the thought before it took flight, and turned to Kate. “I’m going to find us a shower. And dinner.”

Her eyes narrowed and she folded her arms across her chest. “A shower and dinner, huh?”

“And a bed.”

“You’re going to crash the party?”

“In stealth mode, but something like that.”

“And you really think no one will notice we’re stowaways?”

He leaned forward, dipping his head beside hers. “We’ll keep a low profile.”

“There’s nothing low profile about you, Declan.”

“You think I can’t do this?” He cocked a brow. “Want to take a bet?”

She made a low murmur and turned her face to his, their lips inches away. “If you snag us a shower, food, and a bed – without getting caught,” she added, sliding a finger around her neck and pulling out her chain. “I’ll give you this back.”

He didn’t need to look to know she had the skeleton key in her fingers. His key. Instead, he kept his eyes firmly on hers, every muscle in his abdomen tightening from their close contact. “And if I don’t?”

“I get to keep it.”

He slid a hand around her waist, tugging her flush against him. Her sharp intake of breath pleased him, as did the rapid rise and fall of her breasts against his chest. “Deal,” he murmured, aching to kiss her again. “But you know I’m going to win, right?”

“I’d love to see you try.”

“You’d be surprised what hunger can do to a man.”

Hunger that had nothing to do with the smell of dinner wafting through the air.

The door at the far end of the carriage opened to reveal a man dressed in a black suit, the sound of piano music playing in the dining room. “Dinner is served!” he announced, his words triggering a rapid motion in the carriage.

“You best get moving then, warrior boy,” Kate said, stepping back. “I’m cold and hungry.”

He flicked at the key she wore. “Say goodbye to my key.”


Kate pulled on the luxury bathrobe, whiter than the sparkling bathroom floor, and couldn’t resist a smile.

Declan had done it. He’d snagged them a room at the end of the train – a poky one, but it was private, had its own bathroom and a bed so perfectly made that she was loathed to crumple it. The walls were papered in white and beige, matching the scatter cushions on the couch and bed. Dim lighting showered the room in soft warmth.

Tightening the belt around her waist, she revelled in the comfort of the robe, grateful to be out of her clothes. The shower had been heavenly, despite the fact that she’d been plagued with thoughts of Declan.

Her gaze drifted to the double bed crammed in the corner of the room, her stomach flipping in response. He’d disappeared when she’d gone to shower, giving her the space she needed, but she doubted she’d have the same privilege when it came to their sleeping arrangements.

On the opposite side of the room were two couches that faced a wide window, the breathtaking views hidden by the darkness. Couches that were way too small to serve as a bed. Even for her.

And after so many uncomfortable nights, there was no way she wasn’t using the bed. Declan or no Declan.

Dismissing the unwelcome thrill that twisted her insides, Kate slipped his key into her pocket.

She was reluctant to part with it, but he’d earned it back.

A soft knock at the door had her turning around, the sound of Declan’s voice spurring her forward.

She unlocked the door, her spirits brightening the moment the aroma of food hit her. “My, my. You’re full of surprises tonight.”

“I’m hungry.”

“Did you steal it?”

He grinned. “No.”

“Thank God for your charm,” she laughed, grabbing his shirt and tugging him inside. “I’m starving.”

They attacked their sandwiches with fervour and ate mostly in silence, exhaustion and hunger overruling their need for conversation.

Once they’d eaten, Declan stood, gathering the empty containers.

Kate settled on the bed, folding her fluffy robe-clad arms around her. She felt warm and happy for the first time in days. A novelty for her, despite the troubles she still faced.

Declan glanced at her as he shoved the containers into the bag. “You look pleased.”

“I’ve had a shower, food and now I’ve got a comfy bed. That’s enough to put a smile on any girl’s face.”

“Girls are so easy to please.”

“And here you thought they were after your good looks and muscles.”

“Don’t forget my ability to sit through an episode of Supernatural without comment.”

Kate laughed. “You really watch that?”

He didn’t reply, a mild grin playing across his lips. Tossing the scrunched bag into the bin, he pulled out his phone, the smile vanishing.

“You’re anxious to make contact with your brothers,” she said quietly.

He pocketed his phone.

“It must be nice having siblings.”

“Most of the time.”

“What are they like?” she asked, dismissing the guilt that came with knowing she’d stabbed one of them. Stabbed!

“Different. Archer’s stubborn, serious, always brooding. A poster boy for control.” Declan shrugged and reached for the whiskey, settling back into the chair at the window. “But I admire the way he has it together.”

His words surprised her and she remained quiet, watching him, his image reflected in the glass of the window. His features were lined with fatigue, his movements slower, and he nursed his whiskey whilst staring into the blackness outside.

“Ethan shares some of Archer’s seriousness and he’s fiercely protective of his family, but he’s lighter and more easy-going. Always the middle man between me and Archer.”

“You and Archer don’t get on?”

“We’re brothers. We fight. We get over it.”

He didn’t elaborate and when a heavy silence followed, Kate didn’t push. Declan and his brothers had a lot of history between them and despite their obvious loyalty to one another, there’d also been a lot of hurt. She wondered how much of it had to do with Sarah’s death and felt a pang of sadness for a family torn apart by violence. A family she’d never met. Officially.

She settled against the pillows, her hands beneath her cheek, and for the longest while, neither of them spoke.

“What happens tomorrow, Declan?” she murmured, the sluggish tone in her voice jarring the silence.

“As soon as we get off this train, we’ll head home.”

Home. A word she hadn’t used much for the last few months. If ever. Her mom had tried to make a home for them – and in a way, she had – but they could never be completely at ease. Declan’s home sounded so domesticated and warm, a contrast to the cold, empty house she’d used as her base the last few months.

“I can’t stay in Rapid Falls,” she said.

“You have no choice, Kate. Anywhere else and you’re warlock food. You’ll be safe with us.”

“I hurt Archer. He might not be so willing to offer me a bed.”

“His bed is occupied.”

“I didn’t mean –”

Declan tilted his head to look at her, the mischievous look that entered his eyes shredding the serious edge he’d taken on moments ago. “Mine on the other hand, isn’t.”

“Not gonna happen.”

“I dare you to come here and repeat that.”

God, the man oozed a confidence that made her insides squirm. She flushed, grateful for the dim lighting.

Declan chuckled and sipped his drink. “Archer will be fine. He’s a sucker for a damsel in distress and he knows the risk if Harper gets his hands on you.”

“There’s more to me than just my powers, Bennett.”

Blue eyes narrowed in her direction, staring at her with thoughtful intensity. “Harper won’t win, Kate. We’ve already lost too much. Sarah –”

His lips drew together in a grimace and he turned away, his hands curling into fists. He frowned, seemingly angry with himself for bringing up his sister.

Kate didn’t press. Although she identified with very little of his world, she knew about loss. Guilt. Regret.

Sarah’s death still tortured him in a way that would never be cleansed.

Just like her mother’s death still tortured her.

Kate sighed. “We’re a sorry pair, Declan, and I know you have your reasons, but thank you for helping me.”

“Attempt any more witchy joo joo on me and that might change.” He downed his whiskey and stood, walking to the bed.

Her heart fluttered when he sat beside her, the mattress shifting beneath his weight. His eyes held a storm of clouds and she ached to ease his sadness. Lifting a hand, he nudged her shoulder, rolling her onto her back. His touch was so gentle, an unfamiliar tenderness crossing his expression, softening the turmoil in his eyes.

“Declan,” she whispered, not sure if she was offering an invitation or an objection. Either way, the intensity of him had her rooted to the spot.

His hand trailed along the length of her body, settling around her hips. Boldly, as if he had every right, he shifted the robe aside, exposing naked skin.

His confidence enthralled her and she lay still, transfixed by his movements, surprised by the way he was staring at her.

“You’re in a lot of trouble,” he murmured, his husky tone washing over her, “and I’m convinced there’s more to it than your Kryptonite powers.” His gaze shifted to meet hers. “Do you really not know why they want you so badly?”

“Sucks to be me, doesn’t it?”

Her weak attempt to break the heated moment went ignored. His fingers brushed across her waist, setting flight to a flock of butterflies within her belly. He exhaled slowly, closed the robe and stood.

Disappointment flared, catching her off-guard, and she rolled onto her side again in an attempt to mask the sting.

What had she hoped for?

Eyes squeezed shut to ward off the images of him, she reached for the same resolve she’d employed three months ago that had enabled her to walk out on him in the middle of the night.

He was from another world. A superhuman being. A warrior devoted to another woman and destined to fight a cause she wanted no part of – a cause she influenced simply because of her magic.

That was why he wanted her.

Offering herself to him – accepting him in any way – would tie her to his world.

Three months ago, that argument had sent her bolting through the hotel door without looking back. Now, the idea of walking away from him sent her insides into a knot.

And it had nothing to do with needing his protection.

Kate’s eyes opened and she stared at Declan.

Oh, damn.

Declan had taken up his spot beside the window, reaching for his drink.

Silence fell and she lay watching him, willing her heartbeat to resume a steady pace. It wasn’t long before her eyes closed, exhaustion taking its crippling grip.

A quiet movement in the corner of the room had her opening her eyes and she peered at him through lowered lashes. He’d removed his shirt and was staring outside, sipping his whiskey. The bold shape of a pentagram was tattooed across his shoulder blades.

The mark of a Keeper.

It was the perfect illustration of the magical bond he shared with his witch and siblings. Four elements of nature, bound by the fifth element. Sienna.

Dark haired, masculine beauty stood against the backdrop of pitch black wilderness. He was breathtaking.


He turned, offering her a small smile. “Get some sleep, Kate. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

“You don’t mind?” she whispered, closing her eyes again.

She never heard his reply.

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