The Keepers: Declan (14 page)

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Authors: Rae Rivers

BOOK: The Keepers: Declan
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Bennett Estate

Rapid Falls, Canada

Frustration churning in his gut, Declan left a sleeping Kate in the guest room and headed for the kitchen. He’d cleaned and dressed her wound and shoved some pills in her hand that had knocked her out.

Serves her right.

With any luck, she’d stay asleep until he cooled off. He scurried down the stairs of the mansion, the smell of dinner wafting through the air. Spicy tomatoes. Pasta. Garlic. Ethan had been a busy boy.

He went into the kitchen, barely glancing at his brothers and Sienna gathered around the marble counter scouring a bunch of old books, all clutching a glass of red wine.

The fireplace against the opposite wall was ablaze with a roaring fire, and he could feel the heat from a distance. They looked casual, so domesticated that Declan’s agitation grew.

There was a lull in their conversation and he felt their intense scrutiny as he walked to the liquor cabinet, stopping briefly to pat Levi. The Golden Retriever’s tail thumped happily against the floor but she remained sprawled on her side in front of the fireplace.

Pouring himself a whiskey, he looked up and cocked a brow. “Stop looking at me like I’m about to turn into a raging bull.”

Archer snorted. “You’re way past that, brother.”

“Yeah, true. Raging bull is mild for what I’m feeling right now.”

“You’re a fool, Declan,” Archer said, shutting the book and straightening. With neatly cropped brown hair, a forehead creased in a semi-permanent frown, and a calm sense of control, Archer was everything Declan lacked. And right now, he was zeroing a frown his way.

“Don’t start with me, Archer,” Declan warned, not up for another lecture.

“Taking off into the mountains alone in search of the woman was a dick move and you know it. We would’ve come with you.”

“Her name is Kate and I’m all for dick moves, brother. You of all people love to remind me of that. Besides, it’s safer for Sienna here.”

Declan walked past Ethan and went to the stove to investigate the source of the spicy aroma that filled the air. He’d never been one for cooking but Ethan could turn out a dish at the drop of a hat and make it look easy. Sarah too.

He grabbed the spoon on the counter and dipped it into the pot of sauce. “I’m starving.” Not surprising considering he hadn’t eaten since the plate of sandwiches the night before. “Is this ready yet?”

Ethan took the spoon from Declan. Nudging him out the way, he peered into the pot, stirred, and replaced the lid. “Aren’t you planning to feed your guest?”

“She can feed herself.”

“Is she still sleeping?” Sienna asked in an even voice, worry lining her features.

“She’s fine.” Declan retrieved a wine glass from a nearby cupboard and reached for the bottle. “She’ll be right as rain in a few hours.” And then he planned to throttle her himself.

Sienna swivelled on her chair, tucking a strand of wavy red hair behind her ear. “For someone whose life has just been saved, you should really be more grateful.”

Declan scowled at her, not surprised she’d called him out on his mood. “She shouldn’t have done it.”

“She must care for you.”

“She hardly knows me.”

“She took a spear for you.”

“It was stupid.”

“Are you listening to yourself? She’s been hunted by Harper, she’s just saved your ass, and you’re
at her?”

“Yes, I’m mad, Sienna! I’m about done with women throwing themselves in front of me and I’m even more done with the likes of Harper attempting to turn us into road kill!” He slammed the wine bottle on the counter. “I thought we were done with this crap!”

“Declan –”

“Mason. Warrick. Now Harper,” he continued. “It’s like playing a fucking game of Whack-A-Mole!”

Sienna went to him, took his hand and tugged him around to face her. “Declan, there will always be people like them. That’s why nature has us to counteract their crap.”

“And how does that justify our parents’ death? Rose? Sarah?” He snatched his hand away, reached for the wine again and poured. “Kate nearly added her name to that list tonight.”

“She saved you!” Sienna snapped.

“I didn’t need saving, dammit! Not by Sarah and not by Kate!”

“They did the very thing you would’ve done if the roles were reversed. Sarah loved you and clearly, Kate must give a rat’s ass about you too.”

He raised his glass to his mouth, glaring at her above the rim.

Sienna’s eyes narrowed as she stared at him, her expression softening. “Oh, my God,” she said with a gasp and shoved a finger at his chest. “You care for her!”

“Seriously? That’s your take-away on this?” He scowled at her and turned away but she tugged at his arm like an annoying itch that couldn’t be scratched.

“You care about this woman. That’s why you marked her.”

Surprise lifted Archer’s brow. “
You marked her

Declan frowned, refusing to go there. No fricking way. He pegged Sienna with a look of disgust. “Thanks, witchy. Your ability at keeping secrets is astounding.”

“You marked her?” Archer repeated, cracking a grin.

“Harper’s interested in her. That makes me interested.”

Sienna laughed at him. “You’re full of shit, Declan. Besides me, you’ve never marked another woman before and when have you ever brought a woman home with you?”

Declan looked at Ethan for help but his brother simply grinned.

“I’ve had dozens of women here in the past.”

“This time it’s different.”

In every damn way.

Declan scowled at Archer. “What the hell did you do to her? She’s found her unicorns and sunshine with you and suddenly she’s Cupid?”

Archer and Ethan burst out laughing.

Shaking his head, Declan turned away. He waved a hand at the pile of ancient books on the kitchen table. Magical journals and Grimoires from generations of Beckham witches that listed all the potions, spells, and magical elements often used. Sienna’s main Grimoire would still be locked in its hiding place, too valuable to be brought out unless there was a good reason.

“What’s with all this? It looks like you’re cramming for a Hogwarts test.”

Archer placed his elbows on the counter. “We’re scouring them for any information on Kate.”

“Kate? Why would she be mentioned?”

“She’s a Null. One of the very few we’ve ever known to exist. There’s bound to be a mention about her kind in there somewhere.”

Archer tapped the page of an open book and slid it toward Declan. “We might have figured out what Harper meant about messing with his time schedule.”

Declan reached for the book, running a hand over the thick page, his fingers circling the ancient picture of two full moons. He didn’t bother scanning the handwritten notes scrawled across the bottom. “A Blue Moon?”

Witches loved moons and the mystical energy that came with them, and a Blue Moon – a second full moon that occurred in a single calendar month – was an irresistible rarity.

“It’s a long shot, but worth exploring.”

“They need her for something and they’re growing desperate.” Sienna tapped the page in front of him. “Anyone from our world would know about the massive energy boost that comes with a Blue Moon and there’s one coming in a few days.”

“A Null and a Blue Moon?” Declan frowned and looked at Sienna. “Any ideas as to what they’d achieve by combining those two factors?

“She’d be stronger, I guess.”

“You guess?”

“I don’t know, Declan. Her abilities aren’t the same as mine. I’ve never met a Null before. We also know very little about her – how strong her powers are, her lineage – that all plays a role here.” Her expression fell, a slight frown pinching her eyebrows, and she met his gaze.

It was impossible to miss the flash of fear she tried to mask by looking away.

“You’re afraid of her,” Declan said.

“No, I’m wary. She has the ability to immobilize the very magic we use to protect ourselves.”

“If she sides against us. She won’t.”

“Are you sure, Declan? You hardly know this woman.”

“I know enough.” And his instincts insisted that he wasn’t wrong. She was feisty and determined but there was no way she was evil. “If she had her way, she’d high tail it out of here and choose neither side.”

She’d made that clear on more than one occasion. He’d ignored her, bulldozed over the idea, refusing to allow Harper access to her magic.

Now, the idea of Kate leaving made everything inside him sit up in objection.

And it had nothing to do with Harper.


Declan looked at Sienna, refusing to go there. “Any luck deciphering the scroll?”


“Anything at all about a Null?”

She shook her head.

“Anything about a hybrid?”

“Only the animal version.”

He eyed the Grimoires. “Nothing at all in these books besides the Blue Moon?”

“We’re still looking.”

“Great,” he said, rolling his eyes. “You’re just a ball of help.”

Archer smacked the back of his head. “Back off, brother. Sienna’s only trying to help.”

Declan eyed Archer, ever her White Knight, and sighed – mostly because his brother was right. He was furious and being an ass to Sienna because of it. He swiped the wine off the counter, motioning the bottle in the direction of the Grimoires. “What’s the point of having all this fabulous knowledge passed down from all the dead Aunty Hildas if it’s so sketchy on the detail?”

Sienna reached for the Grimoires, a defensive frown creasing her forehead. “I gave you the Blue Moon. Why don’t you be helpful and come up with something? You haven’t exactly been a fountain of knowledge yourself.”

“Trying to keep Kate alive and get us back here in one piece kept me preoccupied.”

She ignored him, familiar with their banter, and gathered the books. Archer reached for them and placed them on the drawers against the wall. Returning to her, he slid an arm around her waist and kissed her head. The look he sent Declan served as a clear warning.

Back the hell off.

Ethan retrieved plates from a cupboard and took them to the dinner table. “Have you figured out how Kate was able to get in here undetected the night she took the daggers?”

Declan bit down on the flash of irritation. It was time to fess up. “She had my key.”

Sienna choked on her wine. “She did? Since when do you hand out our house key?”

“I didn’t. She took it from me.”

Three pairs of eyes stared at him in amused silence and Declan frowned.


“She stole your key?” Ethan asked, a stupid grin playing on his lips.

“Something like that.” He rattled off a shortened version of what had happened, not caring for their reactions. He left out the part of them doing the wild naked dance in his hotel room.

“I like this woman already,” Sienna said with a wide grin.

“A moment ago you were wary.”

“You trust her.”

“Might I remind you that she stabbed Archer?”

“Do you blame her? Archer’s kind of scary in attack mode.” Sienna’s smile faded and she shrugged. “She’s just a woman in the middle of a mess that’s not even hers. It can’t be easy being wanted by both sides simply to weaken the opposing team.”

Archer gave a brief nod of agreement. “What does she need with the daggers?”

“Her mother thought they’d protect her from Harper and his men.”


“I don’t know. Kate’s not sure either but came for them anyway.”

“Where are they?” Sienna asked, her voice brightening.

“Beats me.”

“Now who’s the ball of help?”

“Bite me, witchy.”


Kate made her way down the wooden staircase, trailing a hand along the railing. The walls were lined with beige stone tiles and low lighting that gave the stairway a sense of warmth. The house had a certain charm to it; modern, yet tainted with years of history.

She wondered which generation of Bennetts had been the ones to restore it to its current modern beauty. Clearly, no expense had been spared.

Her heartbeat pounded so loudly that she heard the incessant thudding in her ears. She’d grown accustomed to the constant flow of energy within her. Most of the time, it was subtle, only intensifying when she felt threatened.

But now, it swirled through her body with a heightened strength that twisted her stomach.

At least the wound in her side was healing. Faster than usual. The ride home, after she’d succumbed to the darkness, had been a blur – as had the trip to the guest room. She’d awoken in Declan’s arms after he’d kicked open the door. She’d showered and changed into black yoga pants and a sweater, courtesy of Sienna, and had collapsed into bed, grateful to swallow the meds Declan had shoved in her palm.

At least sleep had wiped away her misery, if only temporarily. She was alone in a strange town, a strange house, with a warlock and his warriors after her. Kate glanced at her borrowed clothes and sighed.

Thanks to her sketchy powers, she’d almost killed herself.

She placed a hand over the dressing, willing it to heal, needing to erase the reminder of her failure. Throwing herself in front of Declan had been instinctive and she’d hoped to draw on the same magical protection that had shielded them from Harper’s arrow of fire moments before.

But it had failed miserably.

Declan was furious with her but she’d deal with him. What worried her was facing his brothers and Sienna.

She cringed inwardly, wishing she could just retreat to the safety of her bedroom, but the enticing aroma of food and the quiet murmur of voices drew her further into the house.

Kate tucked her hair behind her ears and followed the voices, despite her uneasiness. She’d have to face them sometime.

And she was starving.

She pushed open the door and peered inside the room. A spacious kitchen overlooked a dining room and living room. Sunk into the stone walls at the far end of the room was a large fireplace, a healthy fire blazing. Their Golden Retriever lay sprawled on the rug, revelling in the heat.

Two leather couches faced each other, separated by a wooden coffee table covered in books. Large doors led out onto a big patio and arched wooden windows lined the walls, designed with the surrounding views in mind.

And in the middle of the room were the three Keepers and the witch, looking a lot more relaxed than Kate felt.

Archer and Sienna were setting the table, Ethan was transferring dinner into a serving dish, and Declan stood by the window, a glass of wine in hand. Sienna’s fire red hair, slender frame and pale skin were a striking contrast to the three dark, muscular men. Their presence seemed to envelope all the available space, despite the large room.

The sight sent a tug of worry through her and she looked at Sienna, so at ease despite the trio of muscles around her.

And all the while, they spoke in low tones and with comfortable familiarity. Sienna laughed, the lyrical sound permeating the conversation.

The dog hoisted herself off the floor and trotted toward Kate, tail wagging, and sniffed her hand.

No peanut butter treats this time, buddy.

Kate hesitated, trying to determine Declan’s mood. He’d showered and shaved, the lack of facial hair exposing luscious lips and jaw. His mop of black hair looked tamer than usual and the open V-neck of his shirt and rolled up sleeves exposed his skin.

Sensing her, he turned around, the scowl and glare speaking volumes.

Oh dear.

Discarding the wine, he took three large strides toward her, stopping only when his face was inches from hers. His sudden presence made her take a step back, which he replicated, determined to reduce the space between them. She lifted her head to meet his gaze, her breath catching at the intensity of his stare.

God, the man oozed heat on any given day but right now he was about to combust. Or at least, she was.

An unwelcome buzz chased down her spine and she reminded herself to breath. Her hand came up between them, pushing against his chest, a feeble attempt to ward him off, but he caught her fingers in his, not breaking their stare.

Or standoff.

His free hand pressed against her wound, causing her to flinch. A dark eyebrow lifted. “Still hurting?” he asked in a low voice.

She nodded.


Kate pushed at his chest, his large frame impossible to budge. “Stop being so cranky about this.”

His eyes narrowed. “What were you thinking?”

“Clearly, I wasn’t. I should’ve let Harper spear you.”

“Yeah, you should’ve.”

“Next time, you’re on your own, Bennett.”


She raised a brow, surprised to discover just how angry he was with her.

Ethan came up behind Declan and slapped a hand on his shoulder, easing him off Kate. “Easy, brother. Let’s not eat the guest.”

Declan gave her a final scowl before backing away.

Kate flashed Ethan a grateful smile.

“Excuse my brother,” he said with a lopsided grin, a dimple appearing in his right cheek. “He’s the Bennett who sometimes lacks his manners.”

“Only sometimes?” she asked with a raised brow.

He laughed, the sound breaking the tension, and held out his hand. “I’m Ethan.”

She shook his outstretched hand, not surprised by the firm grip. With his broad shoulders and bulky chest, he was all muscle. He had striking kind blue eyes. With brown hair, tanned skin and a face dusted with stubble, the man was as gorgeous as his brothers.

Kate’s insides flipped and her smile faltered. How Sienna handled all these men was beyond her.

Keeping her hand in his, Ethan turned, drawing her further into the room. He nodded at the couple standing beside the table. “Red over there is Sienna, and beside her is my uglier brother, Archer.”


brother,” Archer corrected, grinning. “My brother tends to confuse his adjectives.”

Sienna closed the distance between them, offering a disarming smile. “You’re just in time for dinner – and any woman that stands up to Declan or defends him is welcome.”

Despite her anxiety, Kate laughed. Her gaze fell on Archer still standing at the table, his hands full of cutlery. Uncertainty made her heart skip a beat but a small grin lifted the corner of his mouth and he winked at her.

Kate smiled, her unease lessening, and looked up as Ethan held out a glass of red wine.

“I hope you like pasta.”

“It smells great. Thank you.”

He nodded at Declan. “Just ignore grumpy over there.”

“I can hear you, Ethan,” Declan grumbled, snatching the wine and walking to the table.

“He’s just mad that a woman saved his ass,” Ethan said in a loud whisper, his eyes dancing with amusement.


Ethan laughed and stepped around Kate to reach for the food. “It’s been a while since we had a houseguest.”

But Kate couldn’t move. She stared at them in silence. Her throat tightened with the conflicting emotions she tried to swallow, her mind racing.

She’d trashed their house, stabbed Archer, stolen from them and they were being
to her? She’d expected them to be civil, but this was different. They were acting like nothing had happened.

These were the people her mother had steered clear of, warned her against?

They seemed so normal, so friendly, so unlike any other family she’d ever known.

Unless it was all fake.

Unless all they wanted was her magic.

Suspicion curled in her gut, mingled with the curiosity already there, and she took a step back.

Her gaze met Declan’s across the room and she stared at him in silence, panic trickling through her. His eyes narrowed, the anger fading from his expression. Placing his wine glass on the table, he walked toward her, not breaking stride when she took two steps back.

“Everything okay?” he murmured, his head close to hers. She nodded and he dipped his mouth beside her ear. “Liar,” he whispered, his fingers lacing with hers. “You have that deer in the headlight look.”

She tried to pull away but he tightened his grip and cocked a brow, defying her to disagree.

“Do you blame me? A moment ago your glare was about to set me on fire,” she whispered.

“No one will hurt you here, Kate.”

“Does that include you, Declan?”

A slow grin broke free.

“I shouldn’t be here.”

“This is exactly where you need to be.”

She hesitated and looked over his shoulder at his family. They were serving their dinner, pretending to ignore their heated exchange.

He tipped her chin upward. “We all do crazy things when men like Harper are involved. We get it, Kate, so if you’re wondering why my family’s not chasing you down with fiery torches, remember that you’re the key to maintaining the balance of nature – which we’re sworn to defend. Doing that means protecting you.”

His words tugged at something inside and she exhaled. The butterflies in her stomach subsided, but her heart kept thudding a furious rhythm. “We still haven’t figured out exactly what Harper wants, Declan.”

“It’s pretty clear it’s you, Kate. Your magic aside, we just have to figure out what else there is.”

His words were a quiet murmur, tinged with anger and something else she couldn’t determine, but they rumbled through her, chipping away at her armour.

“For now, let’s eat. I’m starving and this time  … ” he murmured against her ear in a husky tone that gave her butterflies, “ …  it’s food I need.”

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