The Keepers: Declan (18 page)

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Authors: Rae Rivers

BOOK: The Keepers: Declan
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The tension that hung in the air was thick, fuelled by heat and anger; an explosive cocktail that threatened to suck the life force out of Kate.

Being separated from Sienna had unleashed a viciousness in the brothers she’d never witnessed before. The three warriors were charged with adrenaline, seething with rage, their expressions desperate as they tried to break free.

And she felt them. All of them. Deep inside in places she usually kept guarded. She drew in a calming breath, unease igniting in her chest that had nothing to do with being trapped.

No, the swirl of energy inside left her breathless, on the edge of losing the delicate control she’d always had over her magic.

“Sienna,” Archer murmured, a shaking anger to his voice. “Our powers are bound too.”

She nodded, seemingly unsurprised. “I can handle them, Archer.”

His shoulders heaved, his expression twisted with the fear of losing the one thing he lived for. Sienna. “Not with everyone inside the house. You can’t use your magic.”

“I may have no choice.”

“It’s too risky.”

“It might be our only option to get us out of this mess.”

“It’ll expose us to everyone inside.”

“Nothing a little magic can’t rectify. I’ve done it before.”

“Rarely and never so many at once.”

Their agreement with the handful of people who knew of their existence was simple. No obvious display of magic and no one was to be hurt. It was something their generations of family members had fought hard to maintain – the ability to live peacefully amongst the ordinary humans.

“Dammit, Sienna,” Archer choked. “I didn’t see this coming.”

“No one did, Archer.”

“These bastards knew we’d take the fight outside,” Declan said through clenched teeth, looking at Sienna. “Tell me there’s a witchy workaround?”

Sienna glanced at Megan. The witch stood beside Harper, cloaked in black, sporting her trademark black eyeliner and a smug smile as she eyed her handiwork. “Only the witch who cast the spell is able to break it.”

“And let me guess,” Declan said, his tone edged with irritation, “there’s no loophole in that process?”

“No, but I think I can draw them away from here.”

“Sienna, don’t you dare,” Archer said in an undertone so cold that Kate felt the chill wash over her.

“They won’t harm me. They need me alive.”

“They’re unpredictable and we’re not even sure what they want.”

Harper and his warriors moved in, surrounding Sienna. Despite the heavy tension, neither of the brothers moved. Harper stepped forward, grinning like he’d just nabbed himself a prize. “Not quite the witch we’d hoped for,” he said, glancing at Kate, “but we’ll work with it.”

“I will never unbind the spell I cast on Mason, Harper. Surely you already know that?” Sienna said.

“Who said anything about breaking spells?” Harper sent a brief nod in Rick’s direction.

The older man turned to the barrels and began to murmur, the repetitive chanting drowned in a heavy accent.

The flames reared to life, sparks flying everywhere, but were quick to disappear, giving way to smoke. It overflowed from the barrels and onto the ground, creeping forth like something out of a horror movie.

Sienna held out her arms on either side of her body, staring at Harper with a quiet determination. In a single rapid movement, she slammed her hands together.

Gusts of wind came blasting around both sides of the house, colliding with the smoke and scattering it.

More smoke followed, this time with vigour, and Rick stepped forward, his face contorted in dark concentration.

The ground began to rumble, a furious tremor that hinted at a witch’s rage.

“Sienna!” Archer called, his warning ignored.

Thick smoke billowed out of the barrels with more intensity and speed and despite more gusts of wind from Sienna, it kept coming.

Harper had her right where he wanted her. A powerful witch, separated from the Keepers that protect her, disarmed because of her promise to maintain their secret. Her magic was stronger than theirs but with the entire town inside the house, a defensive display of magic would cause havoc.

And they knew it.

The smoke covered the grounds, rose up in a thick mist of confusion. The acrid smell hung in the air like a suffocating threat, enveloping Sienna. Through the haze, they heard her coughing and watched as Harper’s men circled the trapped witch.

Archer cursed loudly and punched the cement pillar beside him. “They’re going to take her. The bastards are closing in and she’s defenceless without her magic! Sienna!” he yelled, his voice a rumble of fury through the chaos. He pounded mid air, cursing as he watched the smoke engulf her. He fixed Harper with a steely glare. “If you hurt her there will be nowhere on this earth you can hide.”

Harper grinned, not unfamiliar with the threat. “I’m happy to make a trade.” He looked at Kate, offering a brief nod in her direction. “One witch for another.”

“You want to trade Sienna for Kate?”

“Give us the woman and you can have your precious witch back.”

“We both know this won’t end well for Kate.”

“Refuse the offer and it won’t end well for Sienna.”

Kate stepped forward, placing herself in front of the muscled barricade of brothers. “I’ll go.”

Declan grabbed her arm.

“Declan, I brought him here. They’re not after Sienna. They’re after me. I’ll go.”

Declan stared at her as though she’d sprouted a second head. “Oh, hell no, Catwoman.”

“Declan,” Archer said in a low voice, “it’s

Clearly, Archer had pulled the trump card. Declan froze. The two brothers glowered at each other in silence, thick tension bristling between them.

Declan’s gaze shifted between Kate and Sienna, his conscience in a conflict of his own. Shoving Archer away, he released a roar of frustration.

Kate glanced at Sienna, lost within the thick smoke. It stung her eyes, took her breath away, even from the distance she stood. Her heart raced at an uncontrollable speed and energy slammed against her chest, threatening to explode.

And then it hit her, like a gasp of fresh air through the thickness of the smoke. Their way out.


The spell the witch had cast was designed to trap a Keeper’s powers, but a witch’s?

Megan stood at the edge of the smoke screen, watching the chaos with satisfaction. Fury wiped away the last of Kate’s restraint and she sought out the woman in a way few people could ever understand. The connection was instantaneous, Kate’s emotions fuelling the strength of her powers, and she reached for the magic that would disarm Harper’s witch.

Megan’s snatched warning filtered through the smoke, panic lacing her words.

Immobilising Megan was easier than she’d anticipated, surprising her, and she felt the snap of the binding spell as though someone had physically destroyed it.

“Go,” Kate ordered the brothers, not breaking her hold on Megan who had dropped to her knees. “Go! The spell’s broken!”

They tore down the stairs through the haze of smoke.

The ground began to rumble, the fires roared to life, and the water in the pool began to bubble. Chaos erupted as each side tried to stake their claim on Sienna, tension soaring between the two rival groups.

And Kate felt every one of them.

Energy belonging to the men and women nearby blasted through her, threatening to consume her in waves she’d only ever experienced in small quantities. It was so powerful, so foreign, and it took her breath away.

It was terrifying but exhilarating.

Closing her eyes, she stopped fighting and embraced it. Her insides burned from the pressure as she absorbed the magic around her, grimacing at the invasion of dark magic.

But she pushed on, immobilising the magic that threatened to destroy them, and gave in to the instincts that would nullify it all.

The fires went out, the smoke subsided, the pool grew still, and she was vaguely aware of the groans of protest that filtered through the darkness.

Uneasiness joined the ranks of the other emotions when she felt the lighter magic sweep through her, mingling with the darkness.

Somewhere far away, a warning fired but she didn’t stop. She wasn’t ready to break loose yet, absorbed in powers so strong; they’d devour her if she lost control.

But she held her ground and revelled in it.

Just as she thought she’d explode from the pressure caused by the clash of energy inside, everything calmed.

Her magic at work.

She felt them succumb to her. The relief was so intense, triumph washing over her, and she smiled.

Exhaling softly, she opened her eyes, delighted by the intensity of her magic, and searched for the Keepers.

But reality collided with her euphoria the moment she saw Declan stumbling toward the stairs, clutching his chest. He called her name, his voice a low grumble of agony. He was drenched in sweat, his hair clammy against his skin. He looked pale and exhausted.


Oh, my God. No wonder she’d felt the lighter magic. Harper and his warriors hadn’t been the only ones affected by her powers!

Horror gripped her and with an instant flip of her internal switch, she let go, releasing her hold on them all.

She gasped as their magic withdrew, leaving behind a crippling exhaustion. Disorientated, she descended the stairs, her movements unsteady, and dropped to her knees beside Declan.

“I’m so sorry, Declan,” she gushed, reaching for him. “I didn’t mean to hurt you too.”

“Where’s Sienna?” he grunted, shoving her away.

Kate searched for his brothers and Sienna. They were as weak as Declan, struggling to regain their strength, all breathless. She gaped at the bodies strewn across the snow covered lawn.

A strangled cry ripped through the night as Rick reached Megan. “Megan!” he yelled, shaking her unconscious body. When she failed to respond, his head whipped up to face Kate. “What did you do to her?” With a shout, he charged.

“NO!” Harper bellowed, launching himself in front of Rick as his arms came up to subdue the enraged warrior. “You fool! You harm her and it’s all over!”

Somewhere in the confusion, Kate recognised Lora. Gone was the quiet woman she’d met at the bar. She’d evolved into a raging banshee as she barked out orders.

Kate was vaguely aware that the warriors had begun to withdraw, temporarily shelving their attack plan, as guests began to peer through windows and doors, curious about the commotion outside.

She looked around, reaching for clarity, trying to clear the murkiness that clouded her brain. Lora was there, helping her to her feet, leading her away.

“What are you doing?” she asked as Lora opened the door to her SUV.

“Trust me, Katie.”

Kate frowned, the name triggering memories she’d long since buried. There was only one person on earth who had called her by that name.

And she was dead.


Rose’s Cottage

Bennett Estate

The car door closed quietly, the sudden silence piercing Kate’s slumber. God, had she fallen asleep? Opening her eyes, she blinked in the darkness, reaching for her senses, and groaned when they came crashing into place.

“Why are we here?” she asked as Lora opened the door. Behind her was a small stone-walled cottage, the thatched roof covered with a thin layer of snowfall. Beside the single light that burned on the porch, the rest of the house was in darkness. It was surrounded by a small wooden fence, a single gate the only entrance.

Recognition fired and Kate sat up straighter.

“Rose’s cottage,” the older woman replied, helping her out the car.

She knew that. The daggers and her mother’s Grimoire were hidden here. But she wouldn’t tell Lora that. Yet. “The Bennett estate? Why bring me here?”

“Because I’m angry, Kate, not stupid. We need their help.”

“So why kidnap me?”

A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “Is that what you’re calling this?”

“You didn’t give me much choice.”

“That’s precisely why you’re here,” she said, as they walked through the front gate, “so that you have a choice.
. We live in a world divided, good and evil, and you’re a powerful weapon. Both sides will want you because of the leverage you offer.” Lora unlocked the front door, pushed it open and switched on the lights. Turning, she looked at Kate, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and weariness. “And although I think you already know what your choice will be, when you make it, it has to be yours alone.”

Kate nodded, her chest swelling with relief. For so long, she’d felt hunted, her own essence lost in the search. “Why are you helping me?”

“Because you’re a witch and we look out for each other. It’s what your mother would have wanted.”

“You knew my mother?”

“Sadly, not as well as I’d have liked to.” Lora didn’t elaborate and ushered Kate through the door.

“Is that why you called me Katie?”

“It was your mother’s nickname for you.”

“How come I don’t remember you?”

“I haven’t seen you or your mother for years.”

The familiar ache returned with a vengeance, bringing with it a wave of sadness for a mother she’d never fully known. She contemplated pushing Lora for answers but the woman’s face had clouded over in a blanket of secrets.


She went inside the living room and Lora followed, locking the door behind them. A large bookshelf lined one wall, stacked to capacity with books of all shapes and sizes. Heavy white drapes covered the two wide windows on opposite sides of the room. The last wall displayed a massive fireplace, tarnished black from years of use. The aroma of herbs hung in the air. It was cosy; tastefully decorated in splashes of white, pink and red, hinting that a woman had once lived here.

A woman who’d lost her life fighting the very war that Kate suddenly found herself a part of.

“There’s much to discuss, Kate,” Lora said softly, pulling off her gloves and coat. “I’ll make us tea but I’d suggest you get some rest. It’s only fair that I let Declan know where you are and once I do, nothing short of an immobility spell will hold him back from coming here.”

A wave of unease clenched her insides at the thought of facing him and she took a deep breath, despising the shame that filtered through her.

“I didn’t mean to harm them,” she whispered, her gaze meeting Lora’s. “I’ve only ever been able to immobilise one person at a time. Tonight, Megan was my target but I’ve never felt power like that before. My magic crippled them all.”

“There’s much for you to still learn.”

“Once I realised that my magic had affected Declan and his brothers too, it was too late.” She swallowed, fear gripping her insides at the thought of hurting them. “What if I lose control again?”

“You never lost control, Kate. When you saw you were hurting them, you stopped. Now that you know how powerful you are, you simply need to learn how to isolate and target your magic.”

“I can do that?”

Lora nodded, her expression clouded with worry. “Of course. With some help and guidance.” She wrung her hands together before moving toward the doorway. “I’ll put the kettle on. Tea and bed. You look exhausted.”

An understatement.

The adrenaline had long gone, replaced by the crippling effects of exhaustion. She ached to crawl into bed, pull the duvet over her head and stay there.

But she knew Declan would never allow it.

And right now, she wasn’t even sure which bed was hers.

Swallowing the tug of sadness, Kate sauntered across the room, drawn to the photographs displayed on the mantelpiece above the fireplace.

Smiling faces belonging to Declan, his brothers, Sarah, and Sienna. It was easy to identify Rose by the splash of strawberry blonde hair and wise smile, her arms draped casually around the brothers.

She looked happy, relaxed and proud as she hugged her family.

The tug of sadness grew stronger, the photographs echoing everything that Kate lacked in her life.

A home. Family. A place where she belonged.

Scolding herself for dwelling on old emotions, Kate zoned in on the photograph of Lora.

Her eyes were alive with laughter, her arms around Rose. Beside the frame was another picture of Lora. The photo had been taken many years ago when her hair had been darker and she had her arm around a woman with shoulder-length brown hair.

A woman Kate recognised.

Their features were so similar, the relationship obvious, and like a puzzle, the pieces shifted into place. Kate reached for the frame, surprised to see that her hands were shaking.

“I called Declan,” Lora said, appearing in the doorway. “I didn’t tell him where you are but I suspect he’s already bullying Sienna for a location spell.”

Kate held up the photograph of her mother, her throat so dry she could barely form the words.

Lora’s expression fell and she stared at the photograph for a long while before meeting Kate’s gaze.

And when she did, her eyes were filled with tears.

“I’ve been looking for you and your mother for so long,” she whispered as the tears trailed down her cheeks.

“My mother passed away.”

A sob broke free but Lora was quick to regain her composure. She nodded. “I know, and I’ve been terrified for you ever since. I thought I’d lost you both.”

Kate glanced at the photograph, already knowing the answer to her next question. “Who are you, Lora?”

Lora didn’t reply and crossed the room. Reaching up, she cupped Kate’s face within her delicate hands. “I think you already know.”

Kate’s throat constricted as tears took flight and she nodded. “I thought I was alone,” she said, the words coming out in a choked sob.

“Me too.”

They stared at each other in silence, the truth of their reality striking them where it mattered most. For a brief moment, relief shone through the heartache and tears, and Lora smiled.

“She died and all this time I thought  … ” Kate’s words trailed off and she covered her face with her hands as tears took their grip.

“You’re not alone, Katie,” Lora whispered, reaching for her. “Not anymore. You’re home now.”

The words, said aloud, seemed to crumple Lora’s composure and she began to cry in earnest too.

Kate put her arms around her grandmother. They clung to each other, sharing so much more in that moment than two strangers ever could. Sorrow. Relief. Gratitude.

Together, they cried for a reunion they’d never expected, a life they’d never shared and for a woman they’d both loved.

And lost.

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