The Keepers: Declan (19 page)

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Authors: Rae Rivers

BOOK: The Keepers: Declan
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Sleep wasn’t on the agenda for Declan, despite his exhaustion. Two hours had passed since the last guest had left but he was no closer to getting any rest.

Deciding he needed an outlet for the frustration that twisted his insides, he donned his swimming gear and headed to their indoor pool.

It had been Archer’s idea to incorporate the lengthy pool in their renovations a few years ago, not surprising considering his connection to the water. With their icy winters and love of swimming, it was a decision none of them had ever regretted.

Of course, they’d added a lounge and bar area too, so the pool had become a favourite gathering spot. With wide glass doors, low lighting, natural stone walls, and aqua blue water, the pool area looked like something out of a country club brochure. It was a luxury they all loved.

He was agitated to discover that his brothers had beaten him to it. They were both seated around the bar beside the pool, Levi asleep at Ethan’s feet. The aroma of coffee spiced the air, along with the bristle of tension.

Apparently, sleep wasn’t on the agenda for them either.

They both looked tired, despite their swim, but the exhaustion that overshadowed everything else had nothing to do with the fact that the sun would soon be up.

No, this went deeper than they’d ever experienced. They’d been drained by a magic superior to theirs, stripping them of the powers they valued most. It had given them a taste of the one thing that would kill them.


And it sucked.

“Did you find Kate?” Ethan asked, glancing up from the rim of his coffee mug. His hair was still wet, the collar of his T-shirt spattered with drops of water.

“She’s safe. Lora has her but wouldn’t say where.”

Ethan fell silent, knowing that challenging Lora would be fruitless. They’d learnt from Rose that once an older witch made up her mind about something, she was as stubborn as a cat about to be given a bath. Sienna was no different.

Not knowing where Kate was irked Declan’s protective instincts. He had to find her, talk to her, and bring her home. With Harper on her tail, unpredictable as he was  …  shit.

Declan dove into the water and swam four laps. The swim did little to quell his irritation, and he climbed out.

Ethan tossed him a towel and held out a coffee mug. “Drink up, brother. You look like crap.”

“Ditto.” Declan dried himself, draped the towel across his shoulder and took a large gulp. He grimaced. Ethan had concocted a powerful brew, clearly after a bigger caffeine kick than usual.

“As much as we need to protect Kate from Harper’s clutches,” Ethan said slowly, “we have to be wary of her.”

Declan’s defences prickled.

Even more so when Archer agreed with a nod, his broody glare shifting from the depths of his mug to Declan. “She could destroy us, Declan. She loses control again and she has the ability to wipe out everything we are.”

“Kate was provoked and if anything, she did what she did to protect Sienna.”

“She weakened us all.” His words were said slowly, his voice wired with razor sharp edging. A given considering his woman had been harmed. “We live in a world of warlocks and chaos. Chances are it won’t be the last time someone pushes her buttons and it happens again. She’s a risk to us.”

“She’s more of a risk in the hands of Harper and his minions.” God, the thought sent his blood pressure soaring. “Kate was as surprised by her abilities as we were. Clearly, something set her off. Sienna learnt how to master her magic. Kate will too.”

“And hopefully she won’t kill us in the process.”

Ethan stepped between them. Always the peacemaker.

Declan scowled at his older brother, who released a noisy sigh and reached for his coffee.

“I know you care for Kate,” Ethan said, turning to face Declan. “I like her, more than I should considering she zapped my ass too. Hell, the fact that Harper wants her makes me like her more. But Archer’s not wrong, Declan. She’s a danger to us.”

“Damn right she is,” Archer grumbled. “We have a witch to protect and to do that, we need our powers. In a single swoop of whatever the fuck that was, Kate depleted us all. Any more and she could’ve killed us.”

Declan clenched his fists, reining in the anger that made him want to punch something. Damn his brothers for being right. “So what do you suggest we do? Toss her out?”

Over his dead body.

“You know we can’t do that, especially now that everyone knows how powerful she is.”

“Did you know she could do that?” Ethan asked.

Declan shook his head. “According to her, she’s only able to immobilise one person’s magic at a time. She never told me she could do more.”

“I don’t think she knew she could.” Sienna stood in the doorway, a Grimoire clutched to her chest, her words plunging them all into silence. Dressed in sleepwear, her hair pulled back into a ponytail, her face free of make-up, she looked so innocent and ordinary – it was hard to reconcile that with the powerful woman she was. But they all knew how dangerous she could be when crossed.

Sienna moved closer and placed the book on the counter. Archer pulled her into his arms, kissing her forehead.

“What did you find?” Declan asked, nodding at the Grimoire.

“To be able to nullify my strength alone requires a tremendous amount of power but to drain everyone outside  … ” Sienna shrugged, shaking her head. “Kate had help. And a lot of it.”

Opening the Grimoire, she slid it toward Declan.

“What’s this?”

“One of the legends you’re so fond of,” she said, her voice lined with a hint of sarcasm. She pointed to a drawing.

“A bunch of interlinked circles and witchy symbols,” Declan said, glancing at the rough sketch. “Why don’t you witches ever just use words? Everything’s a damn drawing.”

Ignoring the dig, Sienna touched the circles. “Interlinked circles,” she said, trailing a finger to the sketched symbols within each circle. “These symbols represent several generations of women.” She tapped the final symbol, larger than the others. “And this is the symbol for a Null.”

“And it means what? I don’t speak witch, Sienna.”

“It’s a lineage of witches. Nulls.”

Silence fell, thick and prickly as they absorbed the impact of her words.

“Their magic is unique. Individually they’re powerful but together, they’re a quite a force. Similar to the way our magic works when combined.”

“Oh, that’s just brilliant,” Archer drawled. “You mean there’s more like Kate?”

“Not every witch born to this lineage is a Null so it’s hard to say. It’s usually the third generation that acquires the ability. Sort of nature’s way of offering a power boost to witches every few generations.”

“A bit sucky if they opt to side against us.”

“They won’t. Lora’s only ever sided with us and Declan seems to think that Kate will too.”

Declan frowned. “Lora?”

“This is her lineage.”

“Are you suggesting  … ?” Declan muttered, mentally chewing on the pieces as they slipped into place. “Lora’s granddaughter was called Kate, wasn’t she?”

Sienna’s nod was brief. “Lora is Kate’s grandmother.”

“It explains why Kate’s mother urged her to come back here,” Ethan added.

“And the sudden boost in Kate’s power supply last night,” Sienna explained. “Witches like Rose and I draw our energy from the elements of nature but witches like Kate and Lora are different. They tap into each other and their ancestors to generate their power. If Kate is connected to that lineage, then this town is an energy magnifier for her, considering the generations of women buried here.”

Declan was still trying to get his head around the fact that Lora – Lora! – was Kate’s grandmother. Two women who’d thought they’d lost everyone. No wonder Lora had charged them last night like a mamma bear on a maternal high. Shit. “Lora hasn’t practised magic for years and now suddenly she’s the missing link to all this?”

“Her daughter left because of her fear of witchcraft and shielded Kate from it too. Not surprising considering how strong their powers are – especially if they’re channelling each other.” And Sienna knew exactly what it felt like to wield a power stronger than her. Mastering Rose’s powers had been a challenge. “Lora stopped practising magic in hope that her daughter would return.”

She never did. The blow had been brutal for Lora and despite all efforts to maintain contact with her daughter, she’d lost track of them.

Until now.

Archer shifted in his chair, motioning to the Grimoire with one hand. “How is it possible that we never knew that Lora’s from a lineage of Nulls?”

“Because witches love their stupid secrets,” Declan grunted.

“Declan.” Sienna’s tone had an undercurrent of warning. “We both know that you care for Kate. Considering her lineage, and that there are now witnesses to her powers, you’re going to need all the help you can get to protect her.”

Declan went weak at the reality of her words.

He needed air. Space. Walking around the pool, he shoved open one of the glass doors and stood in the doorway, welcoming the blast of cool air.

The urge to protect Kate and run from the truth in Sienna’s words attacked all his senses, fuelling his panic. He looked out across the snow covered lawn, itching to charge down the stairs and get as far away from Rapid Falls – from Kate – as he could.

Because Sienna was right. He cared for Kate. Too much.

Turning, he looked at Sienna, his entire reason for existing.

And now there was Kate too.


“Declan,” Sienna said. “The Blue Moon should be here within a few days. Whatever Harper’s planning is going to happen by then. We need to get Kate back here.”

“It starts with Lora,” he said, shutting the door. “Track her. She can confirm if any of this lineage crap is true.”

“It’s true,” Kate said, walking into the room, the softly spoken words sending a punch to his gut. In her hands, she held a small Grimoire and the two daggers she’d stolen. “Lora’s my grandmother.”

He lifted his brows, surprised by the tug of relief that clashed with his anger. And suddenly, his brothers’ fears and objections became his own. “You’re the ultimate Kryptonite on witchy steroids to every damn supernatural being on earth and you never thought to warn us?”

Kate’s gaze locked onto Declan’s, her chin raised in quiet defiance. Despite the fire that burned in her eyes, she looked weary, her eyes swollen as though she’d been crying. “I’ve just discovered that I have a grandmother, that everything my mother told me was a lie. So back off, Declan.”

“You could’ve killed us!”

“I didn’t, but maybe with Lora’s help, I’ll be able to learn how to channel my powers so that it doesn’t happen again.”

“‘Maybe’,” Declan said with a fake smirk. “A word that inspires a massive confidence boost.”

“Are you always this infuriating?” Kate asked.

“It’s his thing,” Ethan replied drily, “along with his messy hair and love of whiskey.”

“Whiskey’s harmless,” Declan retorted. “Kate, on the other hand, isn’t.”

“A moment ago you were defending her,” Ethan reminded him.

“Maybe but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re both right. Anymore of her magic last night and we would’ve all been fried.”

“Don’t be snarky, Declan,” she shot back, standing her ground.

“You screwed with my powers, Kate. No one gets to do that,
, so I’ve earned snarky.”

Kate turned to Sienna. She handed over the daggers. “I’m so sorry  …  for everything.”

Sienna didn’t say anything but Declan couldn’t miss the relief that flashed through her eyes as she held them against her chest.

Kate sighed and looked at Declan. “Messing with your magic was the last thing I intended to do. But as your town is infested with warlocks and I’m the one with a target painted on her ass, could we please skip the lecture and figure out what Harper’s up to?”


Kate ignored Declan’s scowl, her heart beating a nervous rhythm against her ribcage. Lora’s admission still churned in her head, a rollercoaster of emotions demanding attention.

Later. For now, she was wired in a way that was new and she drew on that to process her new discovery.

For the first time in years, she felt empowered. It was unnerving, but exhilarating too. A powerful Null, stronger than she’d ever anticipated.

And she had a grandmother.

The realisation that she wasn’t alone in the world conflicted with everything she’d once believed. It sparked so many questions about her mother, many of which Lora had answered, and although Kate had a clearer understanding of why her mother had made the choices she had, Kate couldn’t suppress the itch of resentment. She’d been kept from a grandmother, told she had no family, no connections.

How wrong she’d been.

Now Kate had a grandmother who was fast creeping into her heart.

An anchor in the crazy world she’d so far been hoping to avoid.

A world divided, in which both sides wanted her powers. Powers she had yet to master – and master them she would. But in order to do that, she needed the help of the four people gaping at her.

“Lora thinks it has something to do with Mason,” Kate said, walking toward them. “She’s scouring her Grimoires as we speak.”

“She thinks Harper’s after Mason?” Sienna asked.

Ethan began to make a fresh pot of coffee. “They’ll always be after Mason but without Sienna to undo her spell, her Grimoire, and the four stones that open it, there’s no way they’re releasing him.”

“What does Kate have to do with freeing Mason?” Declan grumbled. “They’re scavengers. Killing Kate and scavenging her powers would be far easier yet they’ve kept her alive.”

“Maybe Mason has a use for her?” Sienna removed more mugs from the cupboard against the wall as the smell of freshly filtered coffee wafted through the room. “He’s the only one powerful enough to access the energy at the site of the witch massacre.”

“Energy?” Kate asked. “Even though the witches are dead?”

“When a witch dies, the spot is marked with a mystical energy,” Sienna explained, her expression grim. “This particular spot is saturated because of the number of witches who died there.”

“So what’s it to Mason and Harper?”

“Accessing that energy will make Mason more powerful than you can imagine. Almost indestructible.”

“So you think they’re after that?”

“Still doesn’t make sense,” Declan said. “If they’re after the energy at the site of the witch massacre, they’d need Mason, which, in turn, means they’d need Sienna.”

“Yet they were willing to trade me for Kate,” Sienna added, reaching for one of her Grimoires.

“Maybe Sienna’s not the only key to unlocking the spell?” Ethan suggested.

“If your spells aren’t as warlock proof as you think, surely your witch tutors would have warned you?” Declan asked.

Sienna shrugged. “Every spell is unique, and linked to the casting witch.”

“Kate was able to immobilise Megan’s magic enough to break her spell.” He pointed to Kate. “Would a Null be able to undo

“I don’t know, Declan. My magic is a lot more powerful than Megan’s. Usually, whatever seals the curse unseals it, but they’ve made it clear they no longer need me, which makes me think they’ve figured out another way.”

“They have,” Lora interrupted from the doorway, a Grimoire clasped in her hands.

Kate’s heart lurched, the slender woman with stark white hair triggering butterflies in her stomach. Worry lined her features and her lips were pursed together in a tight grimace.

“I knew there was a reason they hadn’t scavenged Kate’s powers yet but I only figured it out when I saw her earlier at the bar,” Lora explained, placing the Grimoire on the counter. “So I did some digging.” She flipped to the back of the book and jabbed a finger at the page.

Sienna moved in, tilting the book in her direction, and groaned. “Oh, my God, Lora. Are you sure?”

“Every supernatural element needs a weakness in order to maintain the balance. Your magic is no different, Sienna.”

Declan raised a sceptic brow. “You have a weakness?

Sienna didn’t answer and looked at Kate, her expression grim. “That’s why they cast the spell to trap a Keeper. They were hoping to confirm their suspicions.”

Lora nodded. “And they did. Although they weren’t prepared for the strength of Kate’s magic.”

“Enough with the witch speak!” Declan snapped, reaching for the Grimoire. “Lora, I’m still waiting for the part that explains how they’re going to break the curse on Mason!”

Lora glanced at Kate, her eyes filled with concern. “All these years, your mother wasn’t hiding from our world, Kate. She was hiding you.”

Kate stilled. “What do you mean?”

“She knew the risks you faced because of your powers but she also knew that once anyone discovered who your parents were, they’d want you even more.”

Kate’s universe reeled and she clutched the edge of the chair, reaching for composure. “My parents? What do they have to do with any of this?”

“It’s because you’re a hybrid.” Her frown became more pronounced. “Your mother never told me who your father was. It’s been years since I received a photograph of you but when I saw you at the party, I knew immediately. He’d been our Keeper for years before he died. You look just like him.”

Declan’s soft curse had Kate closing in behind him, peering over his shoulder. The page was marked ‘animal hybrids’ and in the centre was a sketch: half-man, half-unicorn. Ethan and Archer came up behind them, staring down at the Grimoire.

Kate saw the moment everything reeled into place for them, despising the pregnant pause that followed. “What?” she prompted.

Archer spoke first. “Is it possible that a human hybrid can be used to break the seal of a spell?”

Sienna shrugged. “Kate’s the first human hybrid we’ve ever encountered.”

“Is it possible?” Declan snapped in a deadly tone.

“It would explain why Harper’s so invested in her and why he hasn’t killed her yet,” Lora answered, tapping the book. “And there’s a reason this drawing appears in my family’s Grimoire. It’s a warning.”

“That’s why they’re after the Blue Moon,” Sienna said. “They’ll need an energy boost for a ritual that powerful.”

Declan gaped at them. “If the legend is true  …  do you realise what this means?”

?” Kate demanded, anger flaring. “How am I supposed to help them? I have no knowledge of making or breaking any stupid spells. My powers won’t –”

“It’s not your knowledge they’re after, Kate. Or your powers.” Declan slammed the book shut and looked at Kate. “It’s your blood.”

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