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I studied the stars and pondered my existence, where I had been and what lay ahead. I thought about my family in Florida. I knew that Kip would want to leave immediately to find his family and mine.

I would be ready to depart without delay, but in my heart I wanted to relax, laugh, sip wine and enjoy amusing conversations with my Gramma and Grampa, just like the old days.
Those times are probably gone forever
, I thought, as I dozed off into another fitful, fist-clenching sleep, re-fighting the undead, who so many times tried to take me.
Not yet, damn you!

As projected, by mid-morning of the following day, I had found my destination. A sign above a large, shiny gate read,
“Triangle Mountain Vineyards”
. It was a big
estate for Oregon, and must have been a substantial operation at one time.

The area was fenced, which made for a good fortress, and the processing building had no windows...a nearly ideal set up. There were plenty of solar panels, so the good doctor had some electricity. There were three propane powered golf carts parked outside.

I took twenty minutes to circle the enclosure; a full, cautious reconnaissance - I had to assume that Dr. Cott had cameras or some type of alarm system. I spotted a few booby traps.

There was a sturdy, covered pen containing a couple of dozen runners. Not surprising with this crew. There were other pens with various barnyard animals...chickens, goats and sheep. I knew that I would have to be cautious. Dr. Cott might have creeps other than Seth assisting her with her nefarious schemes.

Then something very strange

A young woman appeared from the nearby woods and moved quickly to the fence, looking very much like me - or my twin sister, Scottie.
What the hell is this?
I thought.
Scottie? Scottie!

She was wearing a dark leather jacket, her hair was in a braid, and she carried a rifle similar to mine. I felt as though I was watching myself.

As I pondered this development, the girl deftly threw a blanket over the top of the fence, which was barbed, then immediately climbed the links and was
over with a quick hop. I admired her athleticism.

What is her business here?
I wondered pensively, and carefully moved closer, wanting to reach out, to speak to her, but any distraction by me now might prove fatal. All I could do was watch out for her, to provide protection, if that were possible.

She was quick. I had not planned such a direct penetration of the facility myself but, so far, this gal was moving undetected and with speed...maybe too fast. She seemed to lack caution. There were just too many unknowns to move so fast.
Be careful! You’re missing too much!
My mind yelled at her.

Once on the ground she bolted straight for the large double metal doors of the main processing facility, directly in front of which I had earlier noticed was an odd, dusty, and very large cloth platform. It was difficult to see, as it blended into surrounding colors, rather cleverly camouflaged.
Watch out girl! Something’s not right!
I yelled in my head, raising my rifle and automatically preparing for trouble.

It did not take long.

My lookalike hit the platform at a run and went straight down with a scared yelp. Then horrible screeching - not human - followed by explosive, rapid gunfire. Then silence.

I was moving now; moving with speed, but not without caution. My senses were sharp; I was keenly alert to all activity - animal, insect, runner, human. Adrenaline was pumping and experience took control. I stopped just outside the gate, controlling my breathing.

A side door opened near the pit and a rat-faced, wormy looking man stepped out - Seth, Dr. Cott’s sleazy assistant. He was followed by another similarly sinister looking, stringy-haired thug, only bigger.

They cautiously walked up to the pit, hand guns drawn and looked in. I didn’t like this, having a clear view now, yet concealed by an old wine barrel. I could hear them.

“Well look at you, Nicki Redstone. You should be dead, you bitch. Amazing.” Seth taunted. I raised my rifle, looking down the scope, safety off, aiming at Seth.
This looked bad

“Back for your dog, eh? Too bad, he’s dead - runner meat - just like you!” And with that Seth’s partner fired one bullet into the pit, and before he could fire a second he was pitching forward into the hole himself - another life taken by my hand. I felt no guilt whatsoever.

Seth was fast. He jumped when he heard the report from my rifle. The instant his partner was hit, he squealed in fear and ran straight for the door. I did not hesitate, learning early that to hesitate was to die. My hollow point missle caught him on the edge of his rib cage, knocking him down, but he was up and in the door with the vigor and speed of a greyhound.

, I thought.
He must be wearing armor of some kind
. That bullet should have left him permanently on the ground.

I had to take a chance. I easily cleared the gate and trotted to the building, then moved over to the hole. I almost cried in horror and disbelief. Three dead
runners, the creep I had shot...and my poor lookalike lying face up on the ground, a large bloody hole in her chest. Her beautiful eyes open to the sky.
Oh dear God! Who was this angel?

The sight made me flush with white hot anger. My heart was beating hard in my chest and I trembled with a force that I could barely control. Burning tears wanted to flow, but now was not the time. I must put an end to these beasts.

It was time for immediate and forceful action. During my scout of the premises I had noticed an opening on the upper area of what must be Dr. Cott’s main operation; the same place to where Seth had run. There were crates and debris everywhere, which presented no challenge to me in forcefully gaining the roof of what had been the single story tasting room of the winery. From there, a quick leap and I was at the upper door. Locked.

No time for finesse. They knew someone was coming and I didn’t give a crap. Two shots later and the entire lock was gone. I shoved the door, but it would not move. I rammed the door with all my might - nothing.
Damn! I could use Brick’s mass right now
, I thought. One hundred ten pounds and five-foot-three inches just didn’t cut it.

No time to waste, so I stood back at an angle and blasted the hinges and the bolt again. The rusted, metal clad door finally gave up and simply fell over like a knocked-out boxer.

I ducked inside.
Ah, plenty of cover. Idiots
. An
obvious access point and they were clearly unprepared.

There was movement below among shiny, giant wine storage tanks.
Kip and I would have enjoyed this place
, I thought briefly. I immediately shot out the only two overhead lights that were lit, sending a spray of glass and sparks everywhere. I could see very well in the dark, but I doubted that anyone else could. I moved to one side and could faintly make out two bewildered looking people in my sights.

Then, a commanding, arrogant voice - Dr. Cott’s. “Whoever you are, show yourself! You have no business here! This is a legitimate medical operation.”

This gal had big ones, that’s for sure
, I thought.

Ahhh, I was then able to see her, moving boldly into the open, near an operating table and sundry medical equipment. Bright sunlight shining in from an open door cast a long shadow from her wide form. Dust particles in the air created a surreal haze around her. Seth was nearby, crouching low, clutching a pistol, appearing nervous and fearful even in the semi-darkness. They were alone.

I moved forward cautiously and into the open, rifle at ready. They could not yet see me. “Drop that gun, Seth,” I ordered.

Seth looked at Dr. Cott and she sneered at him, “Drop it, you fool!” A command with which he immediately complied.

I stepped into the light, my rifle still in firing position, its stock was always a comforting feeling on my cheek.

“Ah, Nicki Redstone, I presume,” Dr. Cott said with a sardonic smile, “I’m pleased to see you again.”

Seth, on the other hand, was beside himself with agitation. “Your dead! You have to be! I saw Buck shoot you point blank!” His eyes were popping out of his skull. Even in the dark I could see sweat rolling down his filthy face.

“What the hell are you talking about, you idiot! Quit babbling!” Dr. Cott demanded. “Where is Buck?”

“She killed him! She killed Buck!” Seth was shaking with fear.

“Shut up, both of you,” I said with calm. “One wrong move and I will put you down. I’m here for my dog.”

“Your dog? The German Shepard is yours?” Dr. Cott looked with an evil eye at Seth, who squirmed under her glare. “He’s fine, but barely. I have him caged, over there, healing.” She pointed to a far corner of the building, but the motion did not divert my attention. I would not permit any surprise.

I pulled out a pistol, always ready with a chambered round, then slung my rifle, giving me one free hand. “Lay down, both of you.” They complied, but it was obviously difficult for the massive Dr. Cott, mentally and physically.

I walked over, then examined them for firearms. None. I picked up Seth’s pistol, popped out the clip, cleared the chamber, then threw it into a trash barrel.

“Stay there and don’t move. You know I won’t hesitate to end it for you. I never miss.”

I walked over to the cage. “Ben...Ben? Are you okay buddy?” I kept a sharp eye on my opponents, controlling my hate. Ben whimpered in response.

I opened the cage. It was obvious that he had been severely injured, as he was shaved in various areas, stitched and bandaged. He limped out of the cage and into my careful embrace. Seth and the doctor seemed to know better than to take advantage of the moment, a wise decision for them.

“Sit up!” I was angry, seething. “What did you do to him?”

The dubious duo sat up, like dirty children in a play yard.

“I saved his life, Ms. Redstone, if you must know,” the doctor replied. She pulled out one of her long, thin, brown cigarettes and lit it, her stubby fingers shaking slightly. Not as cool as she pretended to be. She may have finally realized how close to death she had been. No doubt she knew plenty about Nicki Redstone, and was no fool.

She continued, “Seth found the dog wandering alone - badly injured - and rescued him for me. You are aware that I needed a higher-order animal for my work, but I needed the canine healed and well. My team and I are doing good, honorable work here.”

Maybe this “neurosurgeon” was not as smart as she thought. “Honorable? Go outside and look in your pit.” I said and waved my pistol.

Dr. Cott looked puzzled, but proceeded outside, Seth following, avoiding my eyes. I was careful to keep
a safe distance between us. My mind was charged up for decisive, terminal action; controlled fury was the accelerator. Any mistake and their lives would end in an instant. Ben stayed close to me, limping slightly.

They stepped up to the pit, under my careful observation. Dr. Cott looked in, stared, then took a long, trembling drag on her cigarette, very much shaken by the view. She looked scared. She was visibly startled by Buck’s lifeless form next to the girl.

Moving closer, I saw that sweet face again. My eyes flooded; I did not care that these monsters saw my anguish. I wanted to burn them both; I almost lost my humanity to fury at that moment...almost.

The doctor, fear obvious in her eyes, stood back and spoke to calm the moment. “I know this girl,” she said slowly. “Rachel Chase. Her mother worked for me in Braidwood; at the hospital.” She continued, “A nice girl, although I would’ve thought that she had gone to Hedley. I know her father left with the evacuation. Strange. What happened here?”

“She was attacking us!” Seth blurted out. “Buck had to shoot her. Self defense!”

“Self defense? While she was in the pit?” Dr. Cott was not feigning anger. “You told me the gunfire was at a loose runner.”

Then, “Seth, you’re fired! Get out!” Seth looked panicked. “Now! Don’t ever come back. You know what I can do to you! Go!”

Seth moved toward the gate. No weapon...
. He looked back one more time, and I could see that the
frightened expression on his animal face had turned sour, sinister - his eyes narrowed to slits. Then he vanished.

I should have eliminated Seth there and then, but it is difficult to be the executioner when the threat is not imminent. I am not a cold-blooded killer; far from it, but God knows this animal deserved - no,
needed -
to be removed from this earth. My inability to end the life of this dangerous creature would haunt me, but this time I strayed from my vow, for good or ill.

I pondered Doctor Cott’s words.
Seth fired? What had been the compensation?

As if reading my mind, the erstwhile neurosurgeon voiced the answer, “He’s an addict. I supplied his habit, then he and the other addict, Buck, took care of business. Not the ideal arrangement, but I had no other option.”

I had no further interest in this sour woman or her story, but I owed the girl in the pit decent treatment, although it hurt to look upon her. I wanted to take Ben and leave at once, but could not...not right away.

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