Read The Krakow Klub Online

Authors: Philip C. Elrod

Tags: #scifi, #action, #cloning, #space travel, #robots, #space station, #assassinations, #gravity, #political intrique, #computers and technology

The Krakow Klub (38 page)

BOOK: The Krakow Klub
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“Jim, I said that he was free to go.
I didn’t
say that I would help him in any way.
How’s he going to get back to good old
Earth? I intend to teach him a
lesson in humility. He’s going to have to beg
me to
help him,
and he’ll do just that. Relax; we’ll see him again
in a few minutes.”

The transporter stopped at the control room.
John said, “Let’s continue our talk with Maxxine.”

Chapter 9: A Day Full of Action

“All warfare is based on
Hence, when we are able
to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must
appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe
we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are
Sun Tzu
The Art of War

John spoke to Maxxine with a serious tone in
his voice, “You know that I have complete faith in your
but I do have one very big concern that I
hope you can address. That fiery crash and explosion that was
supposed to kill the president generated far more heat than we ever
expected. We weren’t
and three lives
were lost. What could we do if we’re in a situation like this

Maxxine used her most charming
voice and said, “I am not sure what you are asking, sir. I simply
ran into a situation of which I had no previous knowledge and had
to intervene quickly to save the president.
If history
itself, I would have to act
immediately, again, and inform you as soon as possible
. Just remember, as powerful as we are, neither
Maxx nor myself can see into the future. We can analyze previous
and current data and make calculated predictions, but that’s all.
In the final
we must deal with
whatever the situation is at the time as best as we can.”

“Maxxine, please accept my apologies. I’ve
come to think of both you and Maxx as being omnipotent, capable of
any challenge at any time, no matter what the circumstance.”

“It would be nice if that were true. But we
must be realistic. We are powerful, but there is a limit to all
power. I am happy to be able to do most of what you desire. You
will have to forgive me for my shortcomings.”

“As I said, Maxxine, I apologize. But, if I
ever ask you to perform an impossible task, please give me a heads
up before you follow through. Don’t hesitate to tell me that you
cannot do something that I ask of you. You know what’s possible and
what’s not. After all, I’m just a neophyte at all this.

“Now, give me a briefing on the latest of
what is happening


Maxxine proceeded to brief him on the actions
of President Montrose. The news was most distressing. Maxxine said,
“Many military officers are being arrested at military
installations throughout the country. Anyone who might be a
or potential
seemed to be on her list. Shockingly,
high-ranking officers, including several three- and
generals and admirals had also been arrested
already in, or headed for, a prison
facility located at ARRCOM headquarters.

“The entire operation has been cloaked in
secrecy. Montrose has ordered a news blackout of anything
the arrests. She has now demanded that
all official news releases concerning the terrorist attacks be
approved by her prior to broadcast. The media was infuriated and
screeched about freedom of the press and the first amendment, but
Montrose announced that if they did not comply, she would shut down
the networks, including social networks. That ended the

“The military officers who have been arrested
are being replaced by those obligated to the organization. Many of
were initially blackmailed
serving the organization,
but there are a few
psychotics who were avid converts and probably looked forward to
any possible bloodbath.

“Things are going well for the Krakow Klub.
Operation Plato is proceeding according to plan. A few more days
and a few more key operations and they will have sufficient control
of the military to solidify their grab for total power.

“The democratic government of the United
States is hanging by a very slender thread.

“There are just a few more terrorist attacks
to stage before the takeover is complete. The most dramatic and
most important of those attacks will be at the Greenbrier. The
government elite, including the House of Representatives, the
Senate, the Supreme Court justices, and many Cabinet members, are
already there like lambs in the slaughterhouse. Montrose ordered
them to the facility with the ruse that they would
there. But, in fact, just the opposite is true.

“The plan is to kill them all in a horrendous
blast of explosives, including a tactical nuclear weapon.

“However, a small number of those at the
resort have begun to wonder why the president, herself, is not
there to guide them through this critical time. And why didn’t she
need to be protected at the safe site? What about her staff?
Something just doesn’t make sense.

“They know that the bunker
originally built
to house the entire government including
the president. Many are now wondering what has changed now that
there is a real and present danger.

“A few congressmen noted that Montrose has
seemed to become even more unpredictable and erratic during the
last few days. In fact, they are thankful that they
are isolated
from her and her bizarre behavior. One
grizzled veteran of encounters with her expressed his feelings, ‘I
would rather face fanatic jihadists than Carla Montrose in one of
her nastier moods.’

“But none of them has an inkling that they
are there to
be eliminated
in the very near
future. I do not know when the nuclear device is to
be detonated
, but I am pretty sure that it will not
happen until Erik Stoellar gives the final word to use it.

“But everything is in place for the
destruction of the Greenbrier. Lt. Colonel Stevens is simply
for the order
to destroy the hotel and
everyone in it.

“I am
but I do
not know when they plan to issue that order. But I fear that it
will be soon. Of course, as you already know, Maxx has rendered
both the plastic explosives and the tactical nuclear device

“That pretty much covers the latest


Eric Stoellar had just received some very
disturbing news from the Dragon Lady. Unbelievably, the raid on
Scott Key had been aborted. Two F-16 fighter pilots reported that
they had attempted reconnaissance passes over the island. They
remember entering the cloud bank but nothing
until they awoke in their jets heading back to
Key West. Their state-of-the-art wing cameras had been fully
functional and should have recorded everything on the island. They
didn’t record anything at all.

Furthermore, the helicopter pilot experienced
severe turbulence and loss of engine power causing him to stand
off. He reported observing the two fighter planes disappearing into
the cloud bank enshrouding the island. They had not reappeared
by the time he was ordered
back to Key West


The command at Key West Naval Air Station was
totally at a loss. Nothing like this had ever happened before. The
were obviously shaken
but otherwise
totally unharmed. During debriefing, the two jet pilots both had a
memory that someone with a very authoritative voice had warned
them, and the military, to stay away from the island, or else.

Stoellar was totally enraged. His worst fears
were now being realized
Someone, or something, on that damned island possessed
frightening powers, a
nd those powers were far more extensive
and impressive than previously believed. What could it be? And most
importantly, who was in control? Was it this Dr. James Slater or
that mysterious Scott person?

The time had come to enter the final stages
of Operation
but he hesitated. The
Greenbrier solution was an essential element
his plan and would remove all resistance to his coup.
But now, he had to be careful. Someone out there
foil the attack and reveal that he and his group
were behind it.
If that happened, he’d have nowhere
to run and hide.
If it became known that he had ordered a
nuclear weapon to be used, the whole world would turn against him
in an instant.

He would have to find a solution to that
mysterious island and find it fast. He continued to rage and pace
about furiously. “Damn that island and damn whoever is on it!”

He was so very close to his goal that he
could almost taste victory. How could he be denied?
He had worked hard for so many years. It was a perfect plan. He
had carefully recruited all the right people.
How could fate
deny him victory at this point?

His plan to assassinate the president had
worked flawlessly. It
had been so beautifully
and executed that he considered the whole thing
to have been a work of art.

The results were
what he had expected. The country was enraged
and frightened as hell at the same time. The people were desperate
for the government to do something to save them from these unknown

Montrose had the government leadership at the
Greenbrier. Collins was waiting there and ready to perform his
duty. A brief word from Erik Stoellar and the government of the
United States would be devoid of all leadership except his. He was
almost there.

The public was in such a state of panic that
they would be more than happy to accept the
military rule. And that temporary military rule
could be made permanent very easily, once he had enough of his
minions in place.

Everything was perfect except for one
roadblock. That damn island and whoever was on it. He would find
the bastard. He would kill him. He would not
anyone to deny him
his victory!

He grabbed his secure phone and punched the
button for General McGowan.

“Yes!” General McGowan was in a raw mood.
“Stoellar, What the hell have you gotten us into?”

“What the hell happened at Scott Key,

McGowan snarled back, “You tell me. The
reports that I’ve received are totally impossible to believe. The
Key West Naval Air Station is going nuts.
thing that I did was put the pilots and crew in
isolation. No one can access them. At least they won’t be running
their mouths about what happened. But the local command is getting
pissed about my people
authority. It is a hot potato. As I initially asked, sir, what the
hell have you gotten us into?”

“Control yourself, General; we’ve got to use
our brains here. The most powerful military in the world can’t be
outfoxed and outmaneuvered by just a few people on that wretched
little piece of sand down there.”

McGowan smirked, “If you’re so smart, why
don’t you take care of it yourself?”

“Don’t be insolent with me, General. I made
and I can unmake you in a heartbeat.”

“Like I said, sir, if you are so damned
powerful, what have you got to be afraid of?”

Stoellar was close to losing it. He hung up
and immediately called the private number of the brand new
president of the United States.

“Glad you called.” Carla Montrose’s voice was
bright and cheerful.

fumed but kept
his dislike for her to himself, only thinking,
Damn, I hate that

Stoellar also thought of an
about ignorance being bliss. He controlled his urge
to kill the obnoxious witch and instead practically cooed into the

“It’s always wonderful to talk to you, Madame
President. I hope that you’ve enjoyed your first day in office. How
did it feel to wake up in the White House?”

“It’s great, just great, Erik, but I’m afraid
that the fun will end soon.”

Stoellar was shocked. Had she heard about
that damned island incident already? He quickly, inquired, “What’s
seems to be the problem, my dear?”

Laughing raucously, she replied, “There are
just not that many balls left in Washington, DC,
, Erik. And I was just getting into the groove of
busting them.”

Stoellar faked a bit of laughter, and then
replied, “Oh I get your point, very funny.
Carla, there is a bit of a problem that I need
you to take care of ASAP. There is a small island off Key West that
appears to be a terrorist nest. The locals can’t seem to handle it.
Get a navy warship over there and have them secure an island called
Scott Key. Call me as soon as the mission is accomplished.”

Erik. The
Naval Air Station at Key West is much closer and they can take the
island without breaking a sweat.”

“No, damn it, they have already tried and
they totally blew it. Just get the Navy on it ASAP, and make the
force sufficient to handle anything. Call me when they are on the
island. And Carla, tell them that there may be some substantial
resistance and to be prepared to handle it. If necessary, nuke the
damn place, but we have to eliminate it immediately.”

BOOK: The Krakow Klub
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