The Last Boyfriend (11 page)

Read The Last Boyfriend Online

Authors: J. S. Cooper

Tags: #alpha male, #New Adult, #teen romance, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult, #college romance

BOOK: The Last Boyfriend
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“Knew that they were the

“I don’t know.” I bit my
lip. “I think that’s lust.”

“Lust is immediately
knowing that you want to get into bed with someone.” He laughed.
“I’ve felt that many times, but that’s not what I felt when I saw
you for the first time.”


“You looked so innocent at
the party. You stood out among all the other girls. I saw you
cringe when Evan started talking to you. I saw the red creep up
your face, and I saw the look of thanks as I came to save

“Thank you for that, I
wasn’t sure how I was going to get away from Evan.” I faked a
shudder, hoping he would change the subject.

“And as soon as you looked
into my eyes, I felt a connection with you.” Braydon chuckled
again. “I feel like I’m in a movie right now. This has never
happened to me before.”

“It does feel like a movie,
doesn’t it?”

“I’m going to be honest,
Lucky, I’ve never been the best guy. I’ve done things that I’m not
proud of, but I’m serious about wanting to settle down.”

“This isn’t a proposal, is
it?” My voice rose with fear. I knew that I sounded crazy, but I
had read enough celebrity magazines to know that actors moved fast
when they wanted to. Braydon seemed like a nice guy and I wanted a
guy who was looking for a serious commitment, but I wasn’t a

“A proposal?” Braydon
looked taken aback and I laughed.

“Okay, no need to have a
heart attack. I was just checking. You never know with you

“I’m coming on pretty
strong, huh?”

“You could say that.” I
sipped some of my drink. “Let’s just enjoy some good food. I think
I’ve had too many intense conversations today.”

“Okay. That sounds like a
plan.” Braydon looked bashful and I felt bad for him, but I was not
in the mood for another life-defining moment.

“I guess it would be too
much to ask you what other intense conversations you had

“Yes, yes it would.” I
racked my brain for something else to talk about. “So what made you
want to be an actor?”

“My parents.” He laughed.
“My mom was obsessed with Hollywood. She had tried to be an actress
for so long, but she never made it, and so she ended up marrying my
dad instead. And from the age of six months, she paraded me to
every agent there was. I suppose it helped that I was a cute

“With your thick blond hair
and big brown eyes.” I laughed.

“Yeah.” He grinned. “I got
lucky actually.” He laughed. “No pun intended. The blond hair and
blue eye babies were a dime a dozen, but the blond hair and brown
eye kids were pretty hard to come by.”

“You were a diamond in a
store of sapphires.” I groaned at my analogy. “Well, you know what
I mean.”

“Yes I do. And you’re
correct. I was lucky and got cast from an early age and there’s
been no looking back.”

“Now, you’re Braydon Eagle,
successful movie star.” I smiled gently, still slightly fazed that
I was sitting across the table from him. I felt a bit troubled that
I wasn’t able to enjoy the moment more, as my mind was still on

“Well if you think riches
equal success, then yes. But if you equate success by good friends
and love, then no.” He sighed.

“Well you have one, and
hopefully, the others will come soon.”

“I hope so as well.” He
looked at me intently. “It’s funny. They say that one man can’t
have everything. But I want to prove them wrong.”

“You mean the career and
money versus love debate?”

“Yeah. I used to think for
a long time that love was closed off to me. Being an actor, you
never really know who you can trust. I thought that I would just
have to accept the groupies and accept that I would have a trophy
wife. But now …”

I didn’t want to ask him,
but now what? In all honesty, he was starting to get on my nerves.
He had only known me for a day or so. I’m not a bombshell and I
didn’t think my conversation had been that witty either. I mean, I
know I’m pretty friendly, but I don’t think I’m great enough to
warrant the endless stream of wonder and praise that was emanating
from his mouth. Perhaps his real goal should be to move from acting
and become a poet. He certainly knew how to wax on. I started
laughing to myself at my wax on thought and Braydon looked at me

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be
funny. Am I boring you?”

“No, of course not.” Yes,
you are boring me, I thought. Let’s talk about something else. This
isn’t a Hollywood movie. We don’t have to fall in love in five
seconds and have 2.4 kids in as many years.

“I’ve been accused of being
a bit too serious in relationships.”

“Oh?” Relationships? What
was he talking about? I kept a pleasant smile on my face, but I was
starting to think that Braydon Eagle was bonkers and perhaps on
drugs as well. I giggled and kept my head down. Shit, I thought to
myself. The alcohol was getting to me. I was a pretty light drinker
and I was pretty sure that this drink contained a high level of
alcohol. I could feel in my head that I was a little tipsy and I
was scared that I was going to tell Braydon just how ridiculous he
was acting. And I didn’t want to do that. There was something about
Braydon that I liked, deep inside. He seemed like an honest genuine
guy. And I was surprised that I wasn’t in awe of him.

“What are you thinking
right now, Lucky?”

“I’m thinking that this is
a totally cool moment.” I grinned. “I am here sitting with a huge
star and I feel like I’m out with a regular friend.”

“I like that.” Braydon
smiled and we both laughed as a woman ran up to the table and asked
him for an autograph. As Braydon smiled at the young lady and
signed her napkin, I wondered at how down to earth he seemed. He
was the sort of guy that I felt could make me happy. He was a
forever sort of guy. I sat back and smiled to myself. Maybe
everything was going to work out after all.




“I’m so sorry for getting
you home so late.” Braydon parked his car and turned to me. “I
didn’t think we would be out this long.”

“It’s okay.” I hiccupped
and closed my eyes. “I shouldn’t have had so much to

“You only had three.” He

“I’m pretty sure each drink
was like two and a half normal drinks.” I sighed. “I only hope that
I don’t have to be up too early tomorrow morning.”

“What time is Zane picking
you up?”

“I forgot.” I started to
shake my head and groaned. “Oh my gosh. I need to go to bed. I feel
like I’m going to be sick.”

“Oh no.” Braydon jumped out
of the car and ran to open my door. “Maybe you should get

“I don’t want to puke in
your Fiat.” I agreed.

“It’s a

“Huh?” I frowned. “But it
looks like a Fiat because it’s flat.” I laughed. “You have a flat
Fiat and a big hairy cat and it’s sitting on the mat wearing a
woolly cap, no, no, wearing a woolly hat. The cat in the hat on the
mat in the Fiat.” I laughed and fell against Braydon as he helped
me out of the car.

“You’re really drunk,
aren’t you?”

“Nope.” I hiccupped again.
“I’m just relaxing before Zane takes me to LA to be his

“Yeah.” Braydon frowned.
“You don’t have to go you know. If you need a job you can be my

“Really?” I looked at him
in surprise. “Would I get a Fiat as well?”

“I don’t …”

“Wait til I tell Shayla and
Maria that I’m getting a Fiat.” I laughed and then stopped still.
“Oh nooo, I can’t remember if I called them and told them about my
new job.”

“I’m sure you can do that
in the morning.”

“I’m so bad.”

“I’m sure they will
understand.” Braydon held onto my waist as we stood on the
pavement. “Are you sure you don’t want to work for me instead of

“Zane brings a different
girl to the diner every week. Can you believe that?” I shook my
head. “A different beautiful girl every week. He is a

“That doesn’t surprise

“I have no interest in him,
you know that?” I shouted. “I do not want him to kiss

“Can I kiss you?” Braydon
leaned in towards me and I stared up into his brown

“If it’s a kiss you want,
you may have it,” I sang loudly and stuck my face up into the air
with my eyes closed.

“What’s going on here?” I
heard Zane’s deep gruff voice and opened my eyes, feeling
disoriented. Was I so drunk that I was now having

“Zane.” Braydon sighed and
stepped back from me. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to make sure Lucky
got home safely.” Zane growled at Braydon as he glared at him.
“I’ve been trying to call her all night.”

“Zane?” I peered at him.
“Is that you?”

“Are you okay, Lucky?” He
walked over to me and stared down into my eyes. I felt like he was
trying to look into my soul.

“Is that you, Mr. Big
Tipper?” I laughed and touched his arm. “Oh you’re

“Are you drunk?” He sighed
and I bobbled.

“And I need to go to

“I was just taking her
inside.” Braydon glared at Zane and attempted to push him out of
the way.

“I think I’ve got it from
here, Eagle.” Zane grabbed my arm and turned his back to Braydon.
“Lucky, are you always this reckless?”

“Huh?” I frowned at his
angry tone.

“Last night you drove home
late at night in a car you knew was faulty, and tonight you get
drunk on a dinner date with a guy you barely know.”

“I know him.”

“You met Braydon before the

“Well no, but I know him
from movies.”

“Lucky.” Zane’s voice
sounded really angry, and I cringed.

“Lucky, do you want me to
escort you inside,” Braydon interjected.

“I’m okay.” I shook my head
and held onto Zane. “Thanks for a great evening. I’ll see you

“Yes. I will be in Los
Angeles very soon.” Braydon smiled at me sweetly. “And think about
my offer as well. I would love to have you work for me.”

“I will.”

“Let’s go.” Before I could
say a word, Zane was pulling my arm and dragging me away from

“That hurts,” I

“What job is Braydon
talking about?”

“Huh?” I frowned and closed
my eyes. “My head hurts. I just want to go to bed.”

“Lucky, what if he tried to
sleep with you?”

“Who?” I yawned, overcome
with sleepiness.

“Braydon.” He

“You smell good.” I buried
my head into his chest.

“Is this your

“Yes.” I smiled up at

“Where are your

“My keys?” I closed my eyes
again and put my arms around his waist. “You are so

“Lucky, your keys.” Zane
pulled me away from him and I groaned.

“They’re in my purse.” I
pouted and then giggled as he took my handbag from me and took out
my keys. I stared at him as he opened the front door and I wondered
at how handsome he was. He was too good-looking. “You’re too hot,
you know that?”

Zane ignored me and dragged
me through the front door. “Okay show me to your room.” He closed
the door quietly and looked at me seriously.

“Are you going to carry
me?” I giggled.

“No.” He frowned and sighed
again. “What would you have done if I wasn’t here,

“Nothing?” I frowned back
at him. “Why?”

“Do you know what Braydon
could have done to you?” His voice was angry again. “Do I have to
watch you 24/7?”

Something in his voice
reminded me of something that had been in my brain since I had seen
him. “Why are you here?”

“I told you. I was worried.
I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He led me up the stairs. “And
don’t try and change the subject.”

“I’m not a baby. You don’t
need to check up on me.”

“I’ve been calling you all

“Oh my battery died. Stupid

“It’s irresponsible to go
out with a dead phone battery.” Zane growled. “Especially when
going out with a guy like Braydon.”

“All Hollywood guys aren’t

“I hope he didn’t drug
you.” He hissed. “I’ve never seen you like this before.”

“But you’ve never seen me

“I saw you last

“But I wasn’t really
drinking.” I hiccupped. “I knew I had to drive home. I don’t drink
and drive.”

“Well that’s good. I also
advise that you don’t drink when you go out on dates with shady

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