The Last Boyfriend (15 page)

Read The Last Boyfriend Online

Authors: J. S. Cooper

Tags: #alpha male, #New Adult, #teen romance, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult, #college romance

BOOK: The Last Boyfriend
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“Hey Lucky, it’s Braydon.
I just wanted to make sure you made it to the best coast

“Haha, I did make it to
the west coast just fine, thanks.”

glad that Zane wasn’t a completely ass to you then.”

“Oh. No, he was fine.” I
paused. “Sorry about last night.”

“What’s to be sorry about?
You had a few drinks. You were fine. Zane, on the other hand, was a
psycho stalker.”

“He was just worried about

“Why? He barely knows
you,” Braydon scoffed.

“Well, he knew my car
broke down and I guess—”

“Your car broke

yeah, I didn’t tell you? I thought I told you on our date?”

“I think you said
something about your car. But you’re only now telling me he just
happened to be there when your car broke down.”

“Well, it was after the
party and I guess he left around the same time,” I said

“Lucky, I want you to be
careful.” Braydon’s voice was low. “I know you don’t really know
me. But please be careful with Zane. He’s not right in the head and
I think he has something against me.”

“What?” I was starting to
get annoyed at Braydon.

“I know this may be hard
to believe, but I think he has it out for me. Maybe he’s jealous or
something. But he is really not right in the head.”

“Braydon, why would you
say that?”

“Look, I don’t know him
that well. We don’t really hang in the same circles. But his
brother Noah and I were pretty tight. I think—”

“Hey, where is Noah now?”
I interrupted him, hoping to get some information on the infamous
Noah Beaumont.

“Zane hasn’t told you?”
Braydon’s voice was slow and deliberate.

“No, and I haven’t wanted
to intrude. Did they fall out or something?”

Braydon sighed and took a
deep breath. “Look, I don’t want to say much, but Noah and Zane
fell out. And Noah kind of left Zane behind. He wanted to make
something of himself. He wanted to be a new person. Zane is so
insular. He was all about it being him and Noah against the world,
but Noah wanted more than that.”

“Oh wow, so they fell

“Yeah.” Braydon cleared
his throat. “Look Lucky, I want you to stay safe okay. I’m going to
try and fly down to LA this week.”

“Wait, where is Noah

“I gotta go. I’ll talk to
you later.” And with that, Braydon hung up and I was no closer to
knowing where Noah was. I sat looking at my phone and wondered what
could have come between Zane and his brother. It seemed like they
were as tight as two brothers could have been. Maybe Zane didn’t
like Braydon because Noah stole his friendship. Someone who was as
emotionally insecure as Zane probably found it pretty hard to trust
anyone. All of a sudden, I realized that I wanted to fix Zane. I
wanted to be the one to let him see that not all relationships
ended badly. Not all love was selfish and hurtful. Even if it cost
me my heart. Zane was like no other man I had met before. On the
surface, he seemed cocky, bossy, and uncaring, but I was starting
to get to know the real him and he was a really good guy. The sort
of guy that could win my heart forever. He was the type of guy a
girl took a chance on, and that was exactly what I was going to

Chapter 10

“Hey, can I come in?” I
knocked on the door and opened it slightly so that I could be sure
that Zane knew I was there.

“Hey, come in.” Zane was
lying on top of his bed in a pair of black gym shorts and another
grey t-shirt. His hair was still damp from his shower and he looked
cleanly shaved.

“Thanks. Are you still on
for a movie?”

“Am I ever?” He ushered me
into the room and slapped the empty space next to him on the bed.
“Have a seat.”

“Thanks.” I climbed onto the bed next to him, feeling
slightly self-conscious.

“Do you like your room?”
Zane leaned against the headboard and stared at me.

“It’s really nice. Really
feminine.” I answered, hoping he would provide some insight to the

“I’m glad you like it.” He
nodded and smiled. I held my breath as he looked me up and down
slowly. My toes curled when he raised a single eyebrow and grinned
mischievously at me. “Nice pajamas.”

“I don’t have PJs.” I
blushed. “So I generally sleep in shorts and a t-shirt.”

“I approve.” He grinned.
“Though I don’t mind if you take the t-shirt off.”

“You what?”

“I said, I don’t mind if
you want to get naked.” He laughed and ran his hand down my

“Is that how you talk to
all the girls, Zane Beaumont?” I shook his hand off of me. “It
seems to me that you’re a lot more uncouth than I

“Why, did you think I was
a smooth operator?”

I stared at him for a
second. “Well, I certainly didn’t think you were a ‘girl, let’s get
these clothes off of you’ kind of guy. I assumed you had a little
more finesse.”

“I’m just a regular old
Don Juan in your eyes, aren’t I?”

“I wouldn’t say that.” I
laughed. “You can’t seem to keep them past a week.”

“Why you—” He burst out
laughing and pulled me up towards him. “You’re my regular little
comedian aren’t you, Lucky?”

I felt a warm shot of
happiness inflame my body at his use of the word “my.” It held a
connation of closeness that I wanted to have with him. “Is that
your way of letting me know that you want me to tell you a joke?” I
peeked up at his face and rolled my eyes. “You could just ask you

“You know what I want to
know?” He grinned at me and I leaned back into him, my back fitting
into his arms comfortably.

“Why the sky is

“It’s not blue right now.
But perhaps you can tell me why it is black.”

“Because there is no sun
right now.”

“Where is the

“Is this what you wanted
to know? This is your last question. I will answer no

“Oh genie, how you tease
me.” He laughed and I grinned at him, trying to ignore the warmth
emanating from his chest.

“One question.”

“Or can I change that to
one wish?”

“Hmm, I don’t know

“What did you think of me
when you met me in Lou’s?” Zane’s face was suddenly serious as he
interrupted me. “I want to know how you knew you could trust

“How do you know I trust

“You accepted this job.
You’re here with me now. You—”

“Okay, okay. I trust you.”
I laughed and paused, twisting to look at him. “I don’t know why I
trust you.”

“Well thanks.” He

“No, I don’t mean it like
that. I mean, I was your waitress, we were never really friends.
And honestly, I never really had a great impression of you. We used
to talk about you in the restaurant. Every Friday, we would roll
our eyes when you walked in with a different girl. But inside,
secretly, I was happy. I was happy to see you again, because you
were always nice, always friendly, and always leaving big

“And you thought I was
hot, huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows and I punched him in the
stomach. “Ow.” He rubbed his stomach and groaned.

“Yes. I
thought you were
.” I laughed. “Why, what did you
think of me?”

“I thought you were the
cutest thing.” He laughed. “Every week, I told myself to take my
date to a different restaurant, but every week I ended up at


I wanted to see your sweet smile, your non-judging eyes.” He
laughed and I frowned.

“What’s so

“Maybe I wanted to see
your sexy little walk as well.”

“What sexy

“The one where you swing
your hips.”

“I do not swing my hips.”
I protested.

“Yes, you do. And then you
stop at the table and ask what I want to drink and your eyes tease
me with other possibilities.”

“What other

“These.” He turned towards
me and I felt his lips come crushing down on mine. I kissed him
back and squirmed against him as I felt his hands on my butt,
squeezing my ass cheeks. I found my hands working themselves up his
t-shirt and my fingers traced the lines of his six-pack. Wow, what
perfection. Zane pulled back from me slightly and pulled his
t-shirt off, and flung it across the room. His eyes bore into mine
in silent challenge and I pulled my t-shirt off as well and flung
it across the room, allowing it to join his on the

Zane’s eyes left my face
and fell to my scantily-covered breasts. My half-cup pink lace bra
was very sheer and I knew that if he looked closely, he could see
my nipples. I saw a nerve by his neck throbbing and I was pretty
sure he noticed. I ran my fingers back over his chest and across
his nipples and then moved my hands up to his handsome face. I
inched closer to him and brought his lips down to mine, kissing him
with gusto, and pushing my tongue into his mouth. All reason left
my head, as I tasted the minty sweetness of his toothpaste against
my tongue. I took his tongue into my mouth and sucked on it slowly,
and he groaned before grabbing me and pulling me closer to him. I
felt his hands on my back, undoing my bra, and as he unclasped it,
I wondered for a moment what I was doing here. A very small part of
me was screaming out that I was throwing out everything I had stood
for in the last year. That I was wasting time with Zane because I
already knew that he wasn’t looking for anything serious. But the
other side of me—the side that wanted to be right—told me to just
go ahead with everything. This was the side that had been
fantasizing about being with Zane for the last three months. This
was the side that believed that he was a complex, strong, and
passionate man, and that somewhere inside, there was a little boy
just looking to be loved. The voice was telling me that, just
maybe, I could make Zane see that there was nothing wrong with
love. That to have loved and lost, was much better than to never
have loved at all. It was a long shot, but I knew it was a chance I
was willing to take. Zane Beaumont was in my blood. I knew that I
couldn’t go on without giving this relationship, or whatever it
was, a chance—even if that meant throwing out the rules. Zane was a
man for whom the rules were made to be broken.

“Is this okay?” he
whispered as he pulled off my bra, and I nodded. A glint appeared
in his eyes and he pushed me back on the bed. His mouth lowered to
my breast and I felt his teeth on my nipple, sucking and nibbling
hungrily. I groaned as he released a flood of wanting in my body
and my heads clung to his head, running through his hair and down
to his back as he made me wet with desire for him. He switched his
mouth to my other breast and licked around my nipple gently before
biting down softly on it.

“Oww,” I yelped out at the
pain of his bite.

“Ssh.” He put a finger to
my lips and grinned up at me. He then kissed the valley between my
breasts as his fingers played with my nipples and he kissed down my
body, stopping at my belly button and sticking his tongue in for a
few seconds. My body was on fire at his touch and I stilled as he
continued his kissing down my stomach, and to my shorts. My legs
widened involuntarily at his touch and I felt his mouth on my sweet
spot over my shorts. Before I knew it, he had reached up and pulled
my shorts and panties down and I was lying on the bed naked. I felt
slightly self-conscious to be lying there in all my glory, but that
feeling was gone in seconds as I felt his tongue in between my
legs. Zane knew exactly what he was doing because I felt my whole
body trembling as he worked magic with his tongue. He was quickly
bringing me to a climax, and if I wasn’t enjoying myself so much, I
would have been slightly embarrassed at how quickly I was going to
come. As soon as Zane stuck his tongue into me, I felt my body
trembling and my wetness intensified. That didn’t stop Zane though,
it seemed to excite him even more and he lapped up my juices with
his tongue as he slid his tongue in and out of me, bringing me to
another climax. My body shuddered and I moaned as I came again, and
when my body stopped quaking, Zane kissed his way back up my body,
grinning like the Cheshire cat.

“Who knew I was such a
good lover?” He laughed as I looked up at him with lazy

“I haven’t had sex in over
a year.” I muttered with a smile.

“But we haven’t even had
sex yet.” He laughed and kissed me.

“Oh yeah.” I laughed and
rolled him onto his back. It was my turn now. I kissed down his
chest, playing with his nipples and licking his abs. His stomach
was rock hard, and I wondered how often he worked out. Zane’s body
stilled as I reached his shorts and I reached my hand inside to
feel his manhood before I got him naked. I grinned at his moan as
my fingers encircled his hard member, and I felt myself getting wet
again, imagining him inside of me. He felt long and thick, and he
was obviously as horny as I was. I ran my fingers up and down his
girth, and he groaned as my finger movement was confined by his

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