The Last Samurai (43 page)

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Authors: Helen de Witt

BOOK: The Last Samurai
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Ásgrímr segir: ‘Illa er slíkt mælt, at verða m
á sízt at liði, er mest liggr við.’

Asgrim said, ‘These are mean words; you are of least use when the need is greatest.


The postman came to the house with the second post. The woman came to the door to take it; there seemed to be a lot of letters. I ate a peanut butter sandwich.


‘Hverr er sá maðr,’ segir Skapti, ‘er fjórir menn ganga fyrir, mikill maðr ok f
lleitr, ógæfusamligr, harðligr ok tr

Who is that man,’ said Skapti, ‘the fifth in the line, that tall, fierce-looking, troll-like man with the pale, ill-starred look?


Nothing happened in the house.


Hann segir: ‘Skarpheðinn heiti ek, ok hefir
ú sét mik jafnan á
ingi, en vera mun ek
ví vitrari en
ú, at ek
arf eigi at spyrja, hvat
ú heitir.
ú heitir Skapti
óroddsson, en fyrr kallaðir
ik Burstakoll,
á er
ú hafðir drepit Ketil ór Eldu; gerðir

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