The Last Vampyre Prophecy (12 page)

Read The Last Vampyre Prophecy Online

Authors: April Ezell Wilson

BOOK: The Last Vampyre Prophecy
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She halts
me mid way. “Wait. Holy cow. Khai, we have no freaking clothes. I’m wearing your dress shirt for goodness sakes.” She says almost panicked.

I lick
my lips still tasting her lingering on them, “And you look incredible by the way.” I finish with my hand running up her thigh. She gives me her shy smile.

I tou
ch her chin between my thumb and forefinger pulling her face to mine. “You are so beautiful, Adonia.” She tries to divert her eyes but I hold her face and make sure she sees the absolute sincerity in my gaze. Eventually I read her thoughts of elated contentment and I smile.

“Now, while we were en-route I had a few things delivered. You should find anything you need
in the main closet.” I gesture to the door.

Her mouth f
alls open and she starts to speak but closes it and just shakes her head at me. I grin and she rolls her eyes walking toward the door. I run my hand through my hair laughing lightly as I walk on to the bathroom and start the shower.

am pulling my shirt on when I catch her thoughts and feel her desire burning as she watches me. I turn to find her eyes scanning my body before she meets my gaze and smiles shyly.

That i
s my undoing because she just affects every particle of my being. I stride across the room staring into her emerald eyes and give her no chance to respond as I lock my hands to her face and trace her lips with my tongue feeling the soft plump of her lower lip before I part them and kissed her deeply.

Saint Mark’s Basilica
is just going to have to wait because her thoughts are enough to make me sequester her in this room for the remainder of the day.

stroke long strides down her stomach watching the trail of goose bumps follow my wake. She has her head propped on my arm staring at the ceiling.

“Where d
oes your family live?” She asks turning her fierce green eyes on me.

I stiffen
. I haven’t had to answer that question in over eighteen hundred years. I’ve never gotten close to anyone who could ask. Humans have always been a means to an end—a solution to my existence, nothing more. So now, having the one thing that has ever been precious to me ask I am momentarily derailed.

So I answer
truthfully. “They died long ago.”

The pain on her face mak
es several raw emotions erupt in me. She is genuinely heartbroken for me. I can read her thoughts and she hates the fact that I am alone.

I smile
. “Don’t pity me, love, it was a long time ago and I made peace with it.”

She ru
ns her delicate finger across my chest. “Ok.” She whispers.

So, tell me about
family. Are you close?” I already know the answer. Her thoughts are filled with the tightness of her family. The strong bond between them makes a strong unit.

She snorts
. “Close would be putting it lightly. They know more about my business than me most of the time. It gets really annoying.” She rolls her eyes but I can see the playfulness in her gaze. “But they’re everything to me. I can’t imagine my life without any one of them.”

I smile
. “So who do you look most like, your mother or father?”

She frowns
slightly. “Actually, I don’t really look like either of them.” She stares down at her hand laced with mine and continues softly, “The Doctors can’t really explain it. Neither of my parents have my skin tone, my eyes or my bone structure.” She looks back at me. “It always bothered me. Made me feel like I was an outsider but they loved me more than I really deserved.”

I ru
n my thumb across her cheek. “You deserve the world. It should be placed at your feet. You are the most worthy person I’ve ever known, Adonia. Your mind is so pure and loving. It’s intoxicating to be around, I just can’t get enough.”

She looks at me quizzically. “You hardly know me, Khai. I’m really nothing special.”

My short barbarous temper spikes and I can feel the rush up my spine gripping every cell in my body. “Don’t ever think of yourself that way, Adonia. You are special to many people and they would appreciate you thinking so lowly of yourself. I know that I do not and you are very special to me.”

She sucks
in a breath stunned at my words or my fierce delivery and after several beats she nods and looks contrite before she leans closer to my chest.

Finally, calmed down I ask
, “So, have you always been curious about your genetic link to your parents?”

She stutters
. “What? No! I mean, sure I thought about it, a lot when I was younger actually, then I just decided it didn’t matter either way.” She sighs. “But my parents wanted to put my mind at ease and had a DNA test done. That was when I finally knew I wasn’t an outcast, I really was their family and I’ve never looked back.”

am starting to put together a few pieces of the puzzle that has turned my life completely on end.

The memories that she has
of me so many years ago and the striking resemblance to Nanu, the fact that she bares no resemblance to her birth parents. All of it is pointing one way and I’m not sure I believe that myth anyway.

I need
to research and fill in the gaps. There is something about Adonia Kostas that is already knitting into the fibers of my soul. She’s been there all along.





There are so many things about Khai that I just don’t understand, that I can’t wrap my mind around. Like the fact that he never eats and his movements are so unnaturally smooth and fluid. He holds me but never too close. It’s like he doesn’t want me close to his heart—literally and figuratively.

And he always seems to know exactly what I am thinking down to the finite detail and that has unnerved me the most. Not to mention that I
saw him basically jump across a room from a seated position in a nano-second. It was the most unnatural thing I’ve ever seen, in my life.

what scares me the most is the fact that I have fallen so completely and so quickly for that man. He can and will crush me if he walks away.

He ordered me room service while he ran an errand. He said there was a pressing business matter that he needed to attend to and that he would be back shortly. Our first full day in Venice and we nev
er saw the outside of our hotel room walls.

The room i
s beautiful. Most certainly the finest place I’ve ever stayed. The rich red and gold tones dominate the space. Original artwork adorns the walls and thick intricate moldings cover every line from floor to ceiling—just as the windows.

I step
out on the balcony carrying my silver tray with a big sub sandwich and French fries. I smile while I take a bite wondering how on earth he knows my ultimate favorite food combination.

The seagulls
are drifting by on the breeze calling out in their shrill cries as their shadows dance off the canal below. I take a deep cleansing breath and scan the buildings around me. There is so much beauty and age. The crumbling brick and stones remind me of the events of the history here. If they could talk the stories would be mesmerizing.

am standing against the concrete railing leaning against the cold stone when he walks behind me and circles my waist with his strong hands.

“The way the sun
catches your hair it almost looks blue—like a raven’s feather. It’s beautiful.” He murmurs as he kisses a trail down my neck.

A moan escapes
my lips because I just can’t control the reaction my body has to him. He pulls me around to him. “Come. Let’s go visit the city. I want you to experience the quiet beauty within the walls.”

He pulls
my hand and smiles as he leads me through the room and to the elevators.

We step
out onto the cobbled street and begin walking through the narrow walls between the buildings. People litter the streets; I can feel my anxiety begin to build. Khai maneuvers expertly through the sea of people so confident and strong. It makes me feel safe and secure.

We round
the corner at a main artery and I come to a halt causing Khai to eye me. It is breathtaking. The architecture, the soul, everything, it is awe-inspiring.

gasp and let my eyes just wander around the vast sea of crumbling buildings.

He turns fully to me and cups
my face turning me up to meet his eyes. “To have the honor to see this through your innocent eyes is indescribable.”

His voice and his words are so
visceral, carnal even. I blush and stare at him in wonder. He can easily break me apart and leave me a hollowed shell if he walked away.

His eyes change, become darker. “I will never leave you.” He says the words staccato as
if to make me believe his burning sincerity.

“How do—“ I begin to ask then just smile not caring to know how he completes my thoughts.

He grins wickedly, “Shall we continue our conquest to conquer the streets of Venice.”

“Lead the way, handsome.” I smile and take his fingers in mine.

He gives me a slight squeeze, “Come, there’s much to show you.”

His excitement is contagious, I find myself with a face splitting grin and a happy light heart. We stroll the streets amid the throngs of people doing the same
exploration of the ancient streets.

We duck into several small art galleries and I stand to the side as Khai scrutinizes several pieces and buys a few for his collection. One a beautifully harrowing depiction of a young woman hiding herself from a dark storm advancing on her.

The sun is getting low on the horizon when it comes into view. The evening rays of amber and gold reflect off the ancient stained glass windows of Mark’s St Basilica. I’m frozen in place watching the colors dance and create shadows across the façade.

I can feel Khai’s gaze on the side of my face no doubt watching my reaction but I can’t tear my eyes away from this breathtaking mirage, it’s like a dream. The lines, the detail, the bones
of this structure are all speaking to me at once. It’s overwhelming.

I feel the squeeze of my fingers and it breaks the trance
, I look over, “It’s…” words fail me, nothing in my menial vocabulary could describe my emotions at this moment.

He tilts his head and smiles softly. “I know. But to see it through you is a thousand times more potent, Adonia. You amaze me.”

I grin. “Charmer. I bet you say that to all your girls and they all swoon too, right?”

He frowns. “I say that to no one, Adonia. Only you. Only ever you.”

I take the chance to learn a little more about Khai because honestly I know next to nothing and he has completely disarmed me.

“Have you ever been married? Tell me about you, Khai. I want to know everything.”

His frown deepens to a scowl and he scoffs, “No. I’ve never been married, Adonia. Trust me when I say I’ve never been a…” he pauses as if to search for the word, “relationship type of man.”

My heart plummets. What’s he saying? That there
is no hope for us, that I should just give up now? My anxiety pulses and I can feel the beat of my heart slamming against my chest, constricted.

He leans closer and grips my chin tilting my head to meet his gaze. “Until now.” He adds
fervently. “I don’t know where we go from here Adonia. I am just as new to this as you but I do know that my life will never be the same. Nothing makes sense to me anymore without you. I never want to let you go, I want you by my side—forever.”

I gasp. How can he feel like that about me after such a short time? How could he feel that way about me period? I am his polar opposite. Where he is commanding and larger than life I am meek and utterly ordinary. I’m so confused. It’s just too good to be true. This man c
an’t be meant for me. He is destined to be with another exotic person that mirrors his fire, someone that he can equally share his passion—someone as beautiful as him.

Then in one swift move he sweeps his mouth to mine, crushing our bodies together and wrecking my brain with an indecent kiss. When he pulls back he presses his forehead to mine, our breathing ragged.

And it’s that moment that my heart opens and my walls come down. But, I wonder if I ever even had a choice. Since the moment I laid eyes on him I think he’s owned me body, heart and soul. Completely.

We stand there staring at one another—he with a big wide smile stretched across his face and me a bit bewildered and slightly shocked.

After a few moments he says, “Shall we complete the tour so I can get you back and ravage you on every surface of our room?”

I melt a little under his burning gaze but nod and s
mile shyly. He grips my hand and begins to pull me toward the entrance of the Basilica.

Once inside I pale. The murals that adorn the ceiling, the walls
, the floors, it’s just too much. I can’t wrap my mind around the exquisite detail. The myriad of tiles intricately patterned on the floor mesmerizes me. I’m befuddled with so many different emotions—awe, shock, love, and then veneration.

We walk slowly
descending further into the halls. The sheer size of the space is intimidating. Not a surface is without marking. Paintings depicting angels and beauty cover every inch. Its so much more than I ever imagined, it’s mystical and breathtaking.

We tour the vast walls and Khai acts as my own tour guide offering up stories and historical facts about the church. His knowledge is disconcerting. He’s so accomplished and

Finally as the last remnants of the evening rays are disappearing behind the waterline we make our way out onto the streets and Khai anxiously walks us back to our hotel where I am sure he is going to positively blow my mind. And the thought has me clenching with anticipation.

Just as we enter the suite I notice a cart with a single silver domed dish atop. I glance over and he smiles.
              “Please, eat. I have an international conference call in the hotel work suite. I shouldn’t be long.” He leans in and kisses me softly on the lips.

I can’t help the pang of sadness that erupts within. He never wants to share a meal with me and the thought is no less than devastating.

His eyes soften then his smile fades and he strokes my face once more and turns to disappear behind the door.

I sigh and walk over to the cart lifting the silver dish and turning for the balcony. The moon is casting white streaks across the canal. People are hovering on neighboring balconies, drinking wine and enjoying the views.

I am just finishing the last of the salmon having speared an asparagus when I hear the front door click shut. I bring my linen to my mouth and wipe as I turn in my chair. Khai is stalking toward me, violet eyes dark and stormy. I swallow hard and blink rapidly as I watch the lithe movements of his body as he crosses the room. My mouth goes dry and my heart is pounding relentlessly against my chest.

A carnal smile spreads across his face as he closes the last remaining space with three long strides and comes to a halt inches from my face.

“How was dinner?” he asks silkily.

“Go—od. Very tasty,” I whisper barely containing my moan of pleasure to his proximity.

He deftly swipes my hair behind my shoulders and runs his fingers over the sensitive skin around the nape of my neck.

I shiver.

He leans down and places his lips against the hollow of my throat and circles his tongue down along my collarbone. My frantic breathing is embarrassing but I can’t stop, he is making my blood sing in my veins. I feel as though every nerve ending in my body is alive with pulsing electricity.

The clenching of my abdominal muscles is apparent when he leans back and smiles. “I like to know that you want me as I want you, Adonia. It’s heady and raw the feeling you stir in me. I’m not used to having such irrational emotions but I long for it—your touch is like the eternal divine. All consuming.” He finishes in a breathless whisper against my neck.

My hands trail up his arms and curl into his hair as I pull his lips back to mine and show him how much I need him. He bends and without breaking the kiss lifts me in his arms and carries me to our bed.

Setting me on my feet he grips the hem of my dress and lifts it over my head letting it pool to the floor. His eyes rake over my body and darken as he trails over my breasts then hips and back up to my eyes.

“You are the most alluringly beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. You’re stunning.” His voice is husky and low.

I flush what feels like all over and he cups my face delivering
another lascivious kiss. My body is practically convulsing with need. My legs quake and my arms suddenly feel like Jell-O. He grips the clasp of my bra and gently pushes the straps down my arms letting it join my dress on the floor. His tongue swipes over his lips and ends between his teeth in the most seductive gesture I’ve ever seen.

I realize he is still clothed and I reach for his shirt and he helps me pull it over his broad shoulders and I toss it onto the side chair then move to his belt pulling it open. In seconds his slacks fall loosely to the ground and he steps out of them
then circles his arm around my waist and lowers me to the bed.

Slowly and deliciously he sinks into me and makes love to me until the sun breaks over the water.

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