The Last Vampyre Prophecy (9 page)

Read The Last Vampyre Prophecy Online

Authors: April Ezell Wilson

BOOK: The Last Vampyre Prophecy
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I scoff
. “Well, first of all, I have plenty of it, but secondly I feel like I’ve known you my entire existence.” I say probing intro her eyes, “How do you feel?”

This i
s the million-dollar question that I am aching to know. She stares into my eyes for several moments then averts her gaze to her hands in thought.

A blinding smile co
mes across my face when I read the true thoughts from her heart.

She wants it. She wants

Confusion colors her tone and I squeeze
her hand. “I have a very good sense of people’s thoughts that’s all.”

She smiles
shyly. “Well, I guess you know my answer then.” The blush on her face makes her skin shine luminescent.

“Where do you want to go?”

She smiles as she looks up from her hands. “I don’t care, Khai as long as it’s with you.”

Instinctually I lean in and pull
her lips to mine but neither of us is prepared for the result.

Every nerve, c
ell and muscle in my body tenses with the intensity of emotion. It is like I explode into a million pieces and they are still inside burning. She pulls a little closer and when her tongue runs across my lips I jump from the sofa and land across the room. It’s the single most crushing emotion I’ve ever felt. I am scared what I could do to her at that moment because I can feel myself losing control.

The hurt in her eyes is nothing I ever want to see again. I ta
ke several deep breaths then realize she was probably terrified of my display. I had jumped nearly twelve feet from the sofa.

Slowly I walk
back to her side but she is reserved and more withdrawn. Shock and more over rejection is marring her emotions.

I grasp
her hand. “Trust me beautiful, it has nothing to do with you. I just got a little carried away for a moment.”

Her eyes
are burning green when she asks, “How did you do that?” She points at the spot I had just been.


I can’t lie to her but also I can’t risk losing her either. I stare at her several moments trying to reassure her with my eyes. “Adonia, it’s complicated. Just trust me, I mean you no harm. Believe me. Please.”

She regards
me several minutes while I read her thoughts. She’s struggling with the rationality of the entire situation. Her brain is in overload trying to assess every part. She wants to believe me and trust me. Then I realize something else about Adonia Kostas—she goes with her heart and when she makes a decision she sticks with it.

Finally she looks up. “This is ok?” She asks
rubbing our linked hands.

“Yes. Mo
re than ok, actually.” I reply, smiling.

She finally smiles again and relaxes
against the sofa cushion. We talk more and I let her in little by little into my world.

When the
sunsets and night falls over the sky she stands from the sofa. “I should be getting home.” She pulls her sweater tighter as she thinks about the cold apartment.

“Don’t go back there,
Adonia. Stay here. I have plenty of room. I believe there are about six additional bedrooms for you to choose from.” I grin.

“I can’t stay here, Khai. How would that look to everyone?”

“I don’t give a fuck what people think, Adonia. I would prefer if you stayed with me and I am afraid I must insist.”

She tries not to smile but fails
miserably. “I don’t have any of my things here.” She says putting her fists on her hips.

“That’s simple. We’ll go buy something.”

She shakes her head. “No, I’m not letting you waste money on me.”

I grab
her hand. “I’m afraid it isn’t up for discussion at the moment. Come with me.”

I pull
her through the house feeling excited about being able to buy her things. Peter opens the door and we slide into the back.

“Head over to Neiman’s.”
I order.

She dro
ps her jaw. “No! You are not spending that kind of money, Khai.”

I actually roll
my eyes at her, which is an extremely uncharacteristic trait for me. “Will you please let it go, Adonia? Trust me when I say money is no issue.”

She looks
at me indignantly. “Well, maybe for you it isn’t but I don’t like the way it makes me feel, ok?”

I read her thoughts and realize she truly i
s offended. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. Just… let me buy you some things. It will make me happier than you know to gift you things I would like for you to have.”

She thaws
slightly at my words but turns her head to gaze out the window. I give her the space she needs but not having her talk to me is maddening. My self- control is spent.

I pull
her from the back when we reach the store. We are attacked as soon as we hit the floor. I’ve never been in the ladies department in any store. Truthfully I haven’t really ever paid attention to women’s fashion. How they look to me is never an allure it’s the draw of the blood and nothing more.

But with Adonia
, it’s different. I want to see her in the finest clothes, things that are as beautiful as her.

We pick
a personal stylist—Mena—to help us choose pieces. Adonia finally gives up and sits; sulking in the corner while Mena continues to pile things on the rack.

Finally we have
collected enough clothes to replace her wardrobe and then some. I request shoes to match each ensemble and I secretly request several items of jewelry to be wrapped and brought directly to me out of her sight.

I br
ing Adonia some champagne as they tally the bill and wrap the clothes. She begrudgingly accepts the bubbly and broods in the corner. My plan is to feed her a few drinks in hopes that she will thaw at the notion of me spending money on her.

Mena saunters
over and announces the bill and I could literally pinch her head off.

You are all set, Mr. Garai. I’ve charged your AMEX the total-- $22,445.”

gasps and jumps to her feet. “What the fuck, Khai! No fucking way!” She screeches.

I sigh
and shoot a look of mortal death to Mena because frankly, I want to take her into the dressing room and painfully drain her body.

She has
the decency to look contrite and apologize then stalks back toward the counter.

is nearly out the door before I catch her arm. “Please calm down.”

She whips
her head around and I am absolutely entertained by the sparks of anger shining in those emerald depths. “Don’t you tell me to calm down, Garai!” She spits and I nearly laugh with glee over her fire.

“I’ll not be
bought and I am not some cheap whore you’re thinking about fucking.” She is seething and I feel my own anger steam to my head at her words.

I level
my glare to hers. “Don’t you ever reference yourself as a whore again and especially assume that I think of you as someone I am fucking. Understood?”

She flinches
at my words and the intensity of my glare but I do nothing to back down. She needs to understand that some things will not be tolerated and she just stepped over the line.

We glare
at one another for several minutes until Peter steps through the doors and alerts us of the car.

Her eyes soften and turn melancholy as she turns from me and follows
Peter to the awaiting car.

My anger still ragi
ng, I stare out the window and focus on the sounds around me to dissipate the intensity.

A couple i
s fighting in a nearby park. She screams at him about money and where he has been squandering their savings. I smirk. I guess everyone has fucking issues with money and how it’s spent.

By the time we reach
the apartment the distance between her hand and me is agonizing. I reach over and cup it brushing the soft skin of her knuckles.

She sighs and turns
her head to me. “I’m still mad.” She huffs. “But it just feels so good when you touch me.” She murmurs.

“I know, for me too. I don’t like being near you and not touching you. It’s not a feeling I’m familiar with but I know that when I touch you everything else fades away.”

A big tear forms on her lower eye lid and I watch as it cascaded down her flawless skin trapping the tiny hairs of her face as it treks lower and drops to her sweater.

I trail
my thumb over the area and bring it back to my lips to taste her tears. It is a small gesture that means so much to the both of us. At that moment I feel her pain and it’s something I’ve never experienced. I hate the way it takes over every particle and makes me feel…helpless.

She wraps
her other hand in mine. “Do you think I could kiss you right here?” She asks placing her finger to my cheek.

I suck
in a deep breath wondering if I can handle the contact. Finally I nod slightly and she leans over to place a tender kiss to my face. But her smell intoxicates me. The softness of her lips and the desire radiating through her body makes me feverish.

I grip
her face in my hands and seal my lips over hers. I wait a moment to allow the pleasure to resonate before I part her lips with my tongue.

The effect i
s explosive. My senses go into hyper overdrive. The feel of her tongue and her skin under my sensitive fingers is enough to blow the top of my head off.

She threads
her fingers through my hair. The feeling is indescribable. I know I am wanted for something other than my sexual allure with, Adonia. She craves my mind and my abilities above the sensual side.

But at this moment I’ve
never wanted anything more. I want all of her. I want her as a mate, a lover and a partner. I want her to be mine.

She breaks
the kiss this time and we are both wracked brainless. The desire pulsing through her veins is enough to catapult me from the car pulling her behind me.

I d
on’t stop at the spare rooms; I lead her directly to my bedroom—the place that no woman had ever been. My haven.

She grips my hand tight. I turn to see fear in her eyes. She i
s scared but so am I. I’ve been with women before in a sexual way but it’s been so long removed from my life.

“Trust me.” I say
staring into her eyes.

She leans against my touch and nods. I pull her to the bathroom and turn
on the tap watching the water cascade into the deep basin. Her eyes constrict with many different emotions, but finally, she smiles and squeezes my hand.

s my turn to be nervous because I’ve never had a bath with a woman. The horrible doubt of my self-control nearly consumes me. If I ever hurt her it would devastate me.

She places
her hands gently on my shoulders and in a tender gesture she rises to the tips of her feet and kisses me lightly on the lips.

I pull back and smile at her. She shocks
me in every way.

the tub grows fuller I raise my hands to her sweater, asking permission before I pull it over her head. The sight of her full breasts makes my cock hard against my thigh.

I c
an feel her heart sprint in her chest then the chemicals saturate her blood. Her thighs began to tremble and I smell her arousal seep through her panties. I grasp her face and kiss her. My need to fuck her takes over every rational thought I have. I’ve never felt so wonton for something…ever.

She reaches for my shirt and begi
ns pulling the buttons loose leaving a trail of kisses in the wake. I bend my head back relishing the touch and sensation she permeates through my body.

Finally, she reaches the last button and pushes
the fabric from my shoulders. I hear it crumple to the ground.

My head turns
to her face and when my eyes meet that emerald gaze I know I need her. I need every fucking part of her. I grasp her bra and in one motion tear it from her body. Her breasts bounce from the sudden movement causing me to moan. They are perfect, full and high. I trace my thumb over her nipples watching the blood pool at the tips then constrict hard and taut.

My mouth seeks
the tender flesh and when I lave the sensitive peak she convulses with a slow tremor. I suck and caress the tip and feel as they swell with blood and desire.

My hand travels
down her supple skin flicking the button of her jeans and slowly peeling them down her legs.

Her body trembles under my touch, which mak
es me lose a little more self-control.

My hands still
at her panties but she moves forward and slowly slides the button of my trousers then pushes them down to the ground. I gasp. There is little between our bodies now.

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