The Legend (2 page)

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Authors: Shey Stahl

BOOK: The Legend
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“I tried.”
She rolled her neck from side to side and I felt her melt into my touch. “They
sent them back saying they couldn’t read their handwriting.”

Well, how about I provide some distractions?”

“No. I
need to finish this before Bailey comes by. We have to go over merchandise
later too.”

“No. I
don’t want to.” This time I crossed my arms over my chest, moved to the side
and leaned against her desk.  “I want to have sex with my wife and you’re
making it difficult for me. Do I need to play Purple Rain? I could.”

Sway took
notice of my sour attitude and knowing me, she knew it would only get worse.

whispered in her ear when I saw her moment of weakness and took full advantage.
“You see honey, there’s this procedure that engine builders use to re-align the
camshaft after warping of the block due to long-term stress.”

smiled but kept busy with the paperwork in front of her. Her fingers typed
quickly, each key clicked sharply as if she was telling me no just by her
clicking. “I know what align boring is Jameson.”

My voice
dropped and I stepped closer. If my plan for the afternoon was going to work it
called for drastic measures.

Dirty engine talking.

“If you
know what it is, well then,” my hand drifted from my side to her cheek and my
palm cupped the soft skin. “
you know
how important it is for the camshaft to be re-aligned.”

Sway spun
around in the chair leaving me standing above her and my hands moved to rest on
the arms of her leather office chair. I let my right hand drag against her

over her, she smiled again keeping her eyes low. She wasn’t giving in easily.
We were good at this, the teasing, the dirty talking, all of it, we had it
down. After all, this was how this all began with us. Two people so sexually
charged with the other that we finally gave in and life was never the same for

“It’s cold
in here.” She shivered at the cool January air making its way inside the office
and hit the remote button for the fireplace.

I pressed
my lips to her palm before letting my eyes travel to hers.

“I’ll warm
you up with align boring.”

ahead,” her head dipped forward as her grin tugged at the corners of her lips.

explain how this is done, champ.”

Race on. I
thought to myself.

If she
wanted dirty engine terms well, goddamn, I was going give them to her.

“So you
see, by securing the block
” I knelt
in front of her bringing her hips to the edge of the chair. She let out a yelp
as I did that followed with a giggle. Her dark hair curtained over her
shoulders and she finally looked up at me. Emerald green, the same emerald
green I’d seen for the past eighteen years, shined back at me. My hips pressed
forward against hers letting my camshaft lift drag against her. “
you then pass a boring tool through all the
bores without changing the alignment of the tool to restore the proper

Her gaze
on me had me laughing.

“You need
help.” She said between giggles and that’s when I knew I was, at least, leading
this lap.

Visions of
her spread across this floor seemed like a good idea so that’s exactly what I

wearing entirely too many clothes.” I told her leaning forward to capture her
lips. My hands worked quickly trying to rid the clothes before we were out of
time. We may be married now and have three kids but time was never on our side
and neither was privacy.

fought with my belt buckle for a moment.

time I hear this
” she wiggled my belt, the buckle clanked.
Her stare glowed with a fire I knew very well. “
reminds me of that first night together.”

I smiled
nipping at her neck, the skin so soft, so warm it felt scorching against my
cool lips. “I still remember everything about that night including the
shaking.” I too remembered that night very well. After years of wanting her,
pleading with myself to get her out of my memory, I gave in on the biggest
night of my career and haven’t looked back since.

twisted from of my embrace slightly to hold my face in her palms. Her thumbs
brushed across the stubble of my jaw. “Why were you shaking so much?”

“I was
nervous.” I shrugged angling my hips forward once my jeans had been pushed
aside. We didn’t have much time so I left them on but pushed down enough so I could
move. “You weren’t nervous?”

“Hah, you
couldn’t tell?”

“I guess
maybe a little
” I laughed. “Now
back to this align boring.”

Soft cries
fell from Sway as I moved against her. The heat that surrounded us was nice given
the freezing temperatures outside.

myself up by my hands, Sway sprawled herself out on the wood floor. Her hands
slid down my back and came to rest at the base of my spine. I pulled back
hesitantly, shaking with effort as I tried not to crush her. Sway panted
heavily in my ear encouraging my movements and spurring me on. She bucked
against me and wrapped her legs around my waist. I growled gutturally as the
new angle set my already raw nerves ablaze.

She cried
out once more as she fisted her hands in my hair, and squeezed her eyes shut.
Her pleasure
so stunning
was almost too much to watch. I buried my head against her chest as her body
began to tremble. I moved faster and harder as I watched her beautiful face
flush an even deeper red and her mouth opened.

Her back
arched off the floor and she shuddered as her peak flooded her picturesque
body. She sobbed out my name and clung tightly.

Sway was
still undulating beneath me, reveling in the rapture of her own release, when I
heard her whisper in my ear, reaching between us to grasp me tightly between
her tiny fingers. “Let go

Bailey showed up.

“Are you
fucking kidding me?” I slumped against Sway, panting and quite literally
gasping. Don’t think I didn’t think about just continuing but then Bailey
jiggled the handle.

“Sway, are
you in there?”

just a minute,” Sway snorted as a giggle escaped her.

to get my jeans on, Sway laughed again straightening her clothes as Bailey
Grant, Lane’s girlfriend and our web designer for JAR Racing, stood patiently
outside giggling.

forty, why is this still happening to us?” I was not pleased as I didn’t

laughed pinning her long mahogany locks into a messy bun, her skin still
flushed. “We’re the Mama Wizard and Dirty Heathen. This shit always happens to

We may be
aging but we still dealt with the same shit of being interrupted all the time
and my siblings annoying me.

smiled my way when she walked in.

She greeted with a giggle. “At least your pants are on this time.”

“Nice to
see you Bailey,” I grunted in a snipped response as I looked back over my
shoulder at Sway. “You better be home later, Sway.”

“I will.”
She agreed with a nod. “Don’t forget that Spencer and Alley are coming over for
dinner tonight.”

“How could
I forget?” I rolled my eyes and nearly stumbled down the stairs.

I wasn’t
pleased about being interrupted nor was I comfortable for obvious reasons. This
just meant I was holding her to a night in our room.



Since Axel
was born, we’d lived in the same house on Lake Norman and it was time for a new
one now that the kids were growing up. We’d been looking at land for a while
and decided to build on a piece of property about ten miles from the sprint car
shop in Mooresville that we purchased a few years back after I won the Monster

Monster Million was an All-Star race held at the Monster Mile in Dover Delaware
the last few years, which consisted of twenty-five drivers randomly chosen by
fans. I really enjoyed that race because it was held on a Saturday night and
involved no points. It was probably the most destructive race but entertaining.

I won last
year which helped my salary quite a bit.

property we purchased was a 230-acre plot with sweeping hills, trees and a lake
that got the name ‘Shark Lake’ after Tommy thought it’d be funny to put a small
shark in there. The shark died naturally from unsalted waters but not before
Spencer had a close encounter.

With the
help of family, friends, and a handful of construction workers who I paid
entirely too much, we had the house completed by the end of the year and Emma
decorating it for us the very next week. Sway never got into decorating that
much. My annoyingly helpful sister Emma was all about decorating so that’s what
she did.

With that
much land, we pieced off sections and gave them to Emma and Aiden, Alley and
Spencer, and my parents who were now all in the process of building their own
homes. It was my way of showing them my appreciation for them all these years.
I even gave Tommy, my partner in my sprint car team, a piece to build on. He in
turn decided to put a doublewide mobile home on it. Not judging here, but
really? A mobile home when you can build any home you want.  Again, I’m
not judging.

Okay, well
it may have had something to do with my wife and her basically saying it was
the right thing to do to keep the family close.

It wasn’t
that I didn’t want them close. I loved all my family but I didn’t like any of
them. Those that were around my siblings and me together understand that we
clashed on most occasions.

Having a
tractor now, I busied myself for close to three hours around the property and
the new dirt track we’d built before Sway called and summoned me back to the
house where Spencer and Alley were pulling in the driveway.

Did I
mention I had a tractor?

All my
life I had wanted a John Deer tractor. Not sure why, but I did. Now I had one
and made use of it by playing jokes on Spencer and Aiden, mostly Aiden.

Aiden was
obsessed with his lawn. Most of the property we had was still being developed
but Aiden’s lawn looked like a fucking golf course you’d see in the Hamptons.
Crazy bastard had these set schedules of watering it, fertilization, and if I
was honest with you, I think he talked to it too.

Me being
the instigating shit I could be, fucked with him and his lawn. Weekly, I dumped
a scoop full of fresh North Carolina dirt in the middle of his lawn. He
wondered for weeks where it came from. When he caught onto that, I had to think
of better ways to ruin it for him. When you live your life in the fast lane,
it’s nice to relax every now and then and just fuck with people.

My family
took the brunt of that. Spencer soon got in on it too when he figured out what
I was doing and each week after our team meeting at the shop on Tuesday
morning, we had a secret meeting and decided on what we’d do to Aiden’s lawn
that week.

Spencer showed up, I dumped a gallon of bleach around Aiden’s lawn and then
snuck back over to our house just in time to see Spencer getting out of his

you get that truck?” I asked Spencer looking over his newly polished set of
wheels. Once a year he bought himself a car. This year it seemed to be a new
truck that looked as though he was trying to prove his manhood. “What happened
to the F350 I gave you?”

For the
eighteen years I’d been racing in the NASCAR Cup series, I’ve raced Fords.
Because of this Ford offered me a new vehicle of my choice every year. Because
I never needed them, I gave them away as presents to family and friends.

well,” he looked over his shoulder, his black wavy hair swept into his eyes
when the wind picked up. “I gave that to Lane to use for a few weeks. This is
actually Alley’s.”

Where’s Lane?”

“He had
practice and then didn’t feel like going anywhere.” Lane, my oldest nephew was
racing dirt bikes these days. Unlike the rest of our family, he chose two
wheels instead of four.

chuckled looking at my jeans. “Where’d the spots come from?”

down I noticed my mistake. Some of the bleach had gotten on my jeans. “Uh,

He shoved
my shoulder. “Dude, wait for me next time. I had this great idea that we could
hide his lawn care tools. He would go ballistic.”

“Yeah,” I
nodded with a chuckle thinking of the time we took his wash bucket he used to
wash his 1954 GMC.  Then, when he walked inside the house to look for it,
Spencer and I replaced it in the garage and hid in the bushes to see him find
it an hour later right where he always put it. From then on, he was convinced
he was losing his memory. Even went to the doctor a couple times to rule out
the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Spencer and I used this to our
advantage and would tell him things that never happened followed up with the
statement of, “Oh, you must have forgotten.”

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