The Legend of Buddy Hero (The Defenders Saga) (2 page)

BOOK: The Legend of Buddy Hero (The Defenders Saga)
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“Unless you caused the earthquake last night, no one is blaming you,” she responded.  As she talked, she noticed a broom on the floor.  She picked it up and swung it a few times in the air, obviously testing the weight. 

“Well, no one's
blaming me.  Seriously, what happened last night?”

Maggie swung the broom down upon the offending pieces of glass.  As the glass shattered around her feet, her smile transformed into a grin which threatened to overtake her face.  She turned to look at Buddy, hoping for validation of her destructive feat.  Her grin faded as she realized Buddy was expecting an explanation.

“Are you saying you really don't know?  Guess I should have cut you off even sooner than I did last night.  The whole town's a mess from the quake.”  Maggie returned her focus to completing what the earthquake had started.

“Come on, Maggie, you really expect me to believe that?  There's never been an earthquake anywhere near Sun City.  Ever.”  Buddy carefully removed the remote control to the television from its hiding place under a pile of broken bar glasses.  The TV came to life with its all too familiar: 

. . . working around the clock today in an attempt to rescue ten workers trapped within the Sun City coal mine.  The entrance to the mine collapsed during last night's earthquake, leaving the workers helpless although only a few hundred feet below ground level.  City officials are astounded by the amazing combination of events which occurred at 10:14 last night.  The earthquake happened at the same time as a torrential thunderstorm bringing about extreme mudslides in the area.

A spokesperson for the mine stated earlier today that they are developing a course of action on how best to get around the seemingly impenetrable tomb created by last night's tragic natural disasters.  Movement has been slow as they must ensure that any digging performed does not further encase the miners below the surface.  Every step made so far has been a step backward as mud continues to fill the area surrounding the–

“Jeez, now I know I should have come down here to check on you.  I tried calling, but, well, you know, phones are down.  And I--”

“Mags, don't worry about it, I'm fine.  Maybe it wasn't as bad on this side of town.”

“I can't believe you slept through all of that,” she said.  “The entire city was out in the street last night.  It was quite the sight.”

Buddy stepped out the front door and looked down Barber Street. Laid out as far as he could see was rubble, glass, and other general items of destruction.  The sidewalks were covered with people working to clean the mess.  A group of men was moving quickly around a fire engine a few blocks away in an attempt to put out a fire that looked as though it had already claimed three buildings. 

Outside of those claimed by the fire, there didn't appear to be much structural damage to the buildings in the area, only broken windows and minor wall damage.  Police cars blocked the streets to avoid any road traffic distracting the clean up process.  Off in the distance, Buddy saw a giant plume of smoke rising into the sky.

It made him sad to see Barber Street in this condition.  Maybe it was because he felt a connection to the area.  It, like himself, seemed to have been lost in the process of progress. 

Barber Street harkened back to a simpler time.  As opposed to the imposing super-structures commonplace throughout the rest of Sun City, there were no buildings on Barber Street taller than three stories.  It was the original downtown of Sun City.  As the population, and infrastructure, of the city grew, Barber Street remained the same due to its popularity as a shopping district.

In recent years, however, that popularity decreased and Buddy couldn't help but think the destruction he saw around him was yet another nail in the coffin for his favorite part of his hometown.  He stared wistfully into the distance.

Maggie finished removing the excess glass and stepped through the open area she had created.  She stood next to Buddy and surveyed the damage with him.

“Tell you the truth, you're lucky you slept through it, Buddy.  It was frightening.  After a quick look outside to make sure the world wasn't coming to an end, I spent the whole night huddled under my kitchen table just in case there were any aftershocks.”

“I have a hard time believing anything could scare you, Mags.”

Buddy looked at the clock on the bank building across the street and noticed it was already 8:30.  With all the activity going on and his inability to travel by car, he realized he had less time to get to work than he had previously thought.

“I'm sorry, Mags, but I've gotta get going if I'm going to make it to work anywhere near on time.”  Buddy walked inside to retrieve his jacket from under the bar.  He picked it up and shook off the pile of glass fragments it had accumulated.  Maggie followed him inside with a smile expressing exactly what her mouth said next.

“Alright, but if you're not back to help me clean this up after you get done, don't expect to sleep on my cot again tonight.”

Buddy leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “You're too good to me, you know that Maggie?”

“Of course I do.  You better not forget it.”





As a security guard for Flores Security Services, Buddy's primary duty consisted of walking the hallways of Sunrise Mall, serving as a visual deterrent to all would-be shoplifters.  He felt his occupation to be pointless since, for as long as he could remember, Sun City held the label of “
Safest City in America

Several years ago, Sun City decided to lease out all law enforcement responsibilities to a private entity.  Arthur Flores won the bid and created Flores Security Services as a result.  The company immediately responded to the large criminal element through excessive force and numbers.  The rumors regarding their unconventional punishment tactics quickly decreased the amount of illegal acts performed within city limits to near non-existence. 

As Buddy walked to work, his mind drifted off to thinking about his dream.  The details were still crisp in his mind.  He could still feel the heat pulling against his skin.  He could feel the anger welling up within him.  He became aware his teeth were clenched and forced himself to relax, just as he heard a loud yell from above his head.  He turned to look for the source of the noise, only to find an object plummeting toward him, hammering him into the ground.  

A young man jumped to his feet and reached his hand out to assist Buddy in doing the same.

“Hey, man, thanks for breaking my fall,” he said.  “You alright?”

Buddy slowly got to his feet and brushed himself off.  “Yeah, I think.  What just happened?”

“Sorry, dude.  I was testing out this new particle-based propulsion system I've been working on.  I figured it could be really useful in replacing these second floor windows and whatnot.  It was working beautifully, dude, but I think it overheated or something, not that there is any reason it--”  He stopped mid-sentence.  “Well, anyways, next thing I know, I'm heading towards your head and ker-pow.  I would've been making a splat on the pavement if you weren't there to catch me, so, thanks!”

Buddy stared at the young man for a moment.  He appeared to be in his mid-twenties.  He had dark brown hair, a tan complexion, and was short. Buddy guessed he was five foot five.  He was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, but still managed to look wealthy, perhaps due to the shiny gadget strapped to his back.  It resembled a pair of over-sized hair dryers.

“Hey, well, I totally owe you one, pal.  Why don't you let me buy you breakfast?”

“Don't think so, kid.  I'm late enough as it is.”  Buddy resumed his walk to work.  The young man joined his side.

“Seriously, chief, I owe you one and Ryan Reed always repays his debts, so-”

“Why don't you repay me by putting together a rocket pack that works?”  Buddy continued walking.

“It's not exactly a rocket pack.  It's powered by negatively charged ions interacting-“  Ryan cut himself short once again.  “Right, rocket pack.  The thing is, it totally does work.”

“Yeah, my back believes you.”

“I know, like I said, I'm so sorry, man.  What can I do to make it up to you?”

Buddy stopped and looked into Ryan's eyes.  “Kid, I really appreciate how you want to make this all better, but forget about it.  Accidents happen.  Let's just leave it at that.”  Buddy started walking again.

“But accidents don't happen to me.  I'm Ryan Reed.”


“That's not what I meant.”

“Alright, Ryan, how about we look at this a different way?  You made my day slightly worse by landing on me.  You'll make it slightly better by leaving me alone.  I think that makes us even.”

Ryan stopped in his tracks.  “Ouch, dude.  That hurts.”

Buddy continued walking.  Ryan yelled after him.

“Don't you worry, sir, I'll pay you back.  You can trust me.  A Reed's word is as good as gold.  That's what my dad always says.“

Just as Ryan was out of sight, Buddy found himself at work. A nearby clock told him he was, for the first time in weeks, only 10 minutes late. 

He walked to the front door and found it locked.  He stood in confusion, trying to comprehend the reasons this would be so.  He pulled on the door in vain several times before he noticed the piece of paper taped to it.



Effective October 14
, 2012

All personnel are to be evacuated from the premises of the office of Flores Security Services pending current investigation by the United States Federal Government.

Flores Security Services has been ordered to immediately cease all activity, whether provided for the purposes of law enforcement or otherwise. No entry shall be made by any personnel for any reason. 


Entering these facilities will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

This order has been directed under the supervision and command of the federal government of the United States of America.


Buddy blinked a few times, read the notice again, blinked one more time, looked over his shoulder to see if someone was playing a prank on him, looked back at the notice, and smiled.

“Well, I guess that means I've got time for a shower.”

Buddy walked to his apartment, feeling it was appropriate to have the first place he had stayed employed at for any length of time to be closed down around him.  As he accepted his fate as somebody who would never continue with gainful employment, he turned the corner to the street on which he lived.

He stopped in his tracks.

He felt a sense of satisfaction in now knowing where the tower of smoke he had seen earlier was coming from. Unfortunately, it was his apartment building.  He stood and stared at the smoldering remains of his home.  He slowly found his way to the curb and fell roughly into a seated position on the edge of it. 

He didn't say anything. 

He didn't move. 

He sat. 

While staring at the ashtray that had once been his home, he was confused by his lack of emotion.  Everything he had in this life, outside of his sister, had been instantly torn away from him, yet, he didn't feel sad.  He didn't know what he felt.  He had no idea what to do and was avoiding the only possible option he had left.  So he did nothing.  For the next four hours he did absolutely nothing but sit and stare at the remains of his home. 

Then he stood. 

He wandered without destination for over an hour.  He paid no attention to his surroundings as he ambled through the city's streets. 

After his feet began to tire, he woke from his stunned state and realized he was only a block away from the location he had been avoiding.  The sun was setting on the horizon, so Buddy decided it was finally time to face his sister.

The sight he viewed as he rounded the corner and arrived on Barber St was quite different than it had been when he had left. Smoke was still pouring out of the buildings that had been on fire only a few hours earlier, but the wreckage had been removed from the street. 

The front window to Maggie's Diner had been replaced with a large piece of plywood.  Her neon sign was back in place stating she was open for business.  The sidewalks were no longer crowded with people working to repair their homes and businesses.  In fact, the street was almost completely devoid of people altogether.  Yet, there was the unmistakable sound of camaraderie in the air.  The noise filled the street.  

He walked toward the source of this amazing clattering of happy voices and found himself in front of the door to Maggie's.  Hearing happiness inside of Maggie's Diner was not all that odd, but it would have taken some sort of miracle for Maggie to have gotten everything repaired by now, at least repaired enough for her to consider reopening for business.  Even ignoring that issue, the sheer volume of sound emanating from inside this familiar location was like nothing Buddy had heard from within before.

He opened the door slowly, fearing what he might find on the other side.  As the door swung on its hinges he was greeted by the spectacular scene of Maggie's Diner the way it always should have been, packed from wall to wall with people. 

He stepped inside and pushed his way through the crowd.  Although he wanted nothing more than to be left alone, he couldn't help but smile slightly at the happiness showing on the faces of the people around him.  As he made his way to his favorite bar stool, people patted him on the back, shook his hand, and greeted him as if they were all long-lost friends.  All he could do in reply was mutter simple one-syllable responses. 

He had almost made it to the other side of the restaurant, where he intended to place himself upon his personal bar stool, when a hand rested on his shoulder.  He turned to look at the person who was now keeping him from where he wanted to be.  He found the hand belonged to the young man who had only hours earlier used Buddy to cushion his fall.

“Hey, dude! What are you doing here?”  Ryan yelled over the noise.  He was now dressed in a floor length duster jacket with a pair of safety goggles perched on top of his head.  Beneath the jacket escaped a glimmer of silver.  Although Buddy couldn't determine exactly what was worn on Ryan's chest, he feared it was yet another gadget intent on causing him harm. 

Buddy glanced at his bar stool, wondering how it was still empty considering the evening's boost in clientele.  It looked lonely as the only empty seat in the house.  Buddy made a promise he would end its loneliness soon.

“Remember me?  Ryan Reed. From earlier, dude!  I was the one who totally smoosh--”

“Yeah, I remember.  My back

“Good one, dude,” Ryan laughed.  “Buddy, right?”

“Yep, nice to see you ag--”

“You wouldn't happen to be Buddy Jackson, would you?  As in Big Bold Buddy Jackson?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“I thought I recognized you!  Dude, that is awesome.  I wasn't old enough to watch your fights live or anything, since my mom thought they were too violent or whatever, but my dad used to talk about you all the time.  Is it true you ended your career undefeated?” 

“I don't know, kid, sure.”  Buddy hated it when people recognized him.  It was as if he was forever destined to remember his old life and be reminded how his current one didn't match up.

“Awesome dude, simply awesome.  So, what are you doing nowadays?  Still a big mean fighting machine?”  Ryan punched the air a couple times, making “POW” noises as he did so.  As his arm came back from the second swing, his elbow bumped into the table behind him, sending several drinks to their side.  Ryan's eyes never left Buddy.

“I don't know what to tell you kid.  I don't do much anymore.”

“Well that sucks, dude.  I mean, you were the man back in the day.  Hey, wait a second!  I've got the perfect way for me to repay you for earlier. I don't know if you heard or not, but Flores Security is closed.  Maybe for good.  Rumor has it the government thinks Arthur Flores is up to something fishy.  Anyways, that's left me with a security gap back at the shop.   You ever work in security before?  I mean, not like it matters in Sun City.” 

Ryan laughed as he handed Buddy his business card.  It listed him as the president of Reed Pharmaceuticals and gave an office number.

Reed Pharmaceuticals, a division of ReedCorp, was the biggest drug company in the nation, if not the world.  They had long been the face of the fight against cancer, producing some of the first drugs on the market shown to actually combat cancer cells themselves.  They were also the top producer of pharmaceutical products providing relief to patients suffering from the effects of a large range of other diseases, from AIDS down to the common cold. 

Buddy looked at the card, looked up at Ryan, and looked back at the card.  He found it hard to believe that this goofy young man was the president of Reed Pharm.  He put the card in his pocket and looked at Ryan in earnest.

“Thanks, kid.  I just might take you up on that.”

“Well, in case you don't, can I buy you a drink?”

“Sure kid.  Never turn down a free drink.”  Buddy had never paid for a drink at Maggie's.

He walked to his seat and found it still empty, as if kept for him by some mystical force.  He sat down and greeted his stool-neighbor, who happened to be the only person in the room Buddy would normally expect to find in the diner. 

“Hey, Sal,” Buddy said.  “What's going on in here, tonight?  Some kind of party?”

“Buddy!” Sal muttered, “I've been waiting for you.  It's big this time, Buddy!  They've done it, they've taken our minds.  They've wiped our memories clean!”

“Yeah?  Who is it this time, the Russians, the Chinese, Skull and Bones?”

“The government!  Our own blasted government!” Sal said this with a giant wave of his arms as if to indicate everything around him was involved in this particular conspiracy.  “The government made us forget!”

“Ryan,” Buddy exclaimed, “Meet Sal Credenza.”

Ryan extended his hand.  “Nice to meet you sir,”

“Don't call me that, kid.  Makes me feel old.”

“You are old, Sal,” Buddy laughed.


Sal's short bright-white hair stood up straight on top of his head and looked like it hadn't seen a comb in most of the past century. The grizzled beard that hung off his chin appeared to be fighting to escape in whatever direction freedom might be waiting.

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