The Legend of the Bloodstone (8 page)

BOOK: The Legend of the Bloodstone
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Teyas served as her constant companion while the men hunted, leaving her no opportunity to escape the confines of the village.  Maggie searched the yehakin thoroughly the first night Winn was gone without success, and with no idea where else he may have hidden her Bloodstone, she felt even more hopeless as the days wore on. 

Maggie glanced up at Teyas and smiled. She took the proffered bundle and tucked it under her good arm. As Teyas bent to throw more wood on the fire for the stew, a group of riders entered the village.

Greased with paint but otherwise undecorated, the warriors looked surprisingly fresh after their two day hunt, especially considering the large amount of game they dragged on a sled behind one of the horses. Amid the impatient
snorting and stomping, the warriors handed the animals off to younger boys to be tended while they allowed the women to fuss over them. Maggie watched the scene from across the village yard as women flocked to the warriors in welcome. She spotted Winn among them, aware that the breath left her body in a relieved sigh with the knowledge he returned safe. His eyes met hers through the crowd and she saw his lips curl up as he nodded to her in acknowledgement.

“Good, the men have returned,” Teyas said. Maggie nodded absently, and Teyas prodded her with a wooden spoon. “
He will come for you, just wait,” she teased.

Maggie frowned and shook her head. “I don’t care what he does. I’m just glad he’s not dead, that’s all.”
She felt hurt by the way he left so abruptly, not even wishing her goodbye, but she would not show the arrogant man how he wounded her.

Teyas giggled. Maggie kept her head down to shield her flushed cheeks, but she could still see the group of warriors surrounded by the women.  One deeply bronzed beauty threw her arms around Winn and proceeded to kiss him, and Maggie watched as he turned his head from the kiss but picked up the woman and swung her around, laughing at her squeal. Another warrior plucked her from Winn’s arms, but two more women blocked his exit with eager embraces. He wore a frustrated smile as he met her eyes again, but this time Maggie looked away. He could have his
half-naked women, it was no matter to her. She only needed Winn to return to her own time, nothing more.

“Such a stupid man,” she mumbled, much to the amusement of Teyas.

“You should tell him that, Mag-ee,” she laughed.

Maggie sent a scathing glare in her direction just in time to see the glistening warrior swoop in and yank her off her feet. His skin was slick and hot as she squirmed against him, letting out a shriek of surprise at his ardent enthusiasm. Cradled in his arms like a child, her chest heaved with uneven breaths to match his own. His eyes squinted against the sun and a boyish grin graced his face

“Tell me what,
Tentay teh
?” he demanded as he swung her in a circle.  She could not help but laugh as he twirled, then pretended to drop her only to catch her before she hit the ground, causing her stomach to do back flips as she giggled along with him.

“She says you are a stupid man, Winkeohkwet,
” Teyas offered. Maggie stiffened, afraid Winn would be angry. His laughter slowed and he gripped Maggie tighter in his arms. She felt his muscles tense as she placed her palm to his chest in attempt to steady her breathing.

“Ah, well, we will see,” he replied. He raised one eyebrow at Teyas, and then turned abruptly to stalk away with Maggie still in his arms.

“Winn, that’s enough, put me down!” she hissed, eliciting only a chuckle from him.

Only I give orders in this village, woman.”

“No one gives me orders!” she snapped. His grin remained.

“You want me to put you down?”


He smirked and released his hold, and she closed her eyes to prepare for hitting hard ground. Instead she splashed into the shallow creek bed, going under and immediately surging to the surface, spitting up water. He stood waist deep beside her, roaring with laughter as she sputtered.

Maggie regained her footing, and as he continued to laugh, she lau
nched herself at him, tackling him into the water. She was glad the attack caught him by surprise, giving her the upper hand for a split second before he grabbed her in a bear hug and drew them both beneath the water again, bringing them to the surface when she thought her lungs might explode.

He easily deflected her blows as he laughed
, finally stopping her onslaught by wrapping her in his arms and pressing her to his chest. Soaked through and shaking, uncertain if anger or amusement drove her, she relaxed her fists, suddenly aware of his alarming proximity. She uttered a half-laugh, half-choke and clutched his shoulders to keep her footing. The creek bed sand shifted easily beneath their feet, and he repositioned to a wider stance yet continued to hold her. His laugh eased when their eyes met. Clear, sparkling blue reflected humor, which she could see rapidly changing into something more. She swallowed back her own unwelcome response, confused by the way his gaze sent a tingling down her spine.

“Have I silenced you yet,
Tentay teh
?” he asked, his voice low and throaty. She meant to look away and laugh, but she only managed to shake her head. He called her
Tentay teh
often, and although she did not know the meaning, it sounded nice enough, so she did not mind.

“No. You can’t make me stop talking.”

She regretted the words immediately, for she saw his eyes widen in surprise and a wicked grin creased his face.

“I must try harder, then,”
he answered. Before she could object, his mouth closed gently over hers. She tasted sweet spiked cider as his tongue parted her lips, each caress sending shivers down deep through her belly. His fingers entwined in her hair as his lips became more urgent, insistent with need. She had been kissed before, but never like this, and she clearly recognized his desire as it matched her own. The water did nothing to hide his arousal, his breechclout barely a barrier between them as she stood nestled against his thigh. Her soaked doeskin dress rode up her hips, and she was aware the thin hide clung to her breasts as he looked down upon her with hunger and his hand slid down to cup her buttock.  She shuddered against his lips, ashamed of herself for melting in his arms but wishing he would never stop. His lip curled into a smile.

“I like to make you stop talking,”
he breathed against her mouth as he grinned.

Still shaking, her eyes flew open and she pulled away.
The bastard! How dare he make fun of her now, reminding her yet again she was his captive! She tried to turn away to escape to the bank, but he held her tight, shaking his head. He glanced briefly over her shoulder, and then his eyes returned to capture hers.

“You are an ass!” she snapped.

“Perhaps. But my men watch, and I would not have them question what is mine.” She shivered when she looked toward the bank and saw he told the truth. Several of the warriors stood nearby with the women, talking and laughing as they watched the spectacle in the creek.

“I do not belong to you.”

He paused before he answered, his eyes glancing at the warriors and then back to her. She trembled when his palm tightened on her bottom and he pulled her closer as if he taunted her, enraged that his touch still sent lightening through her bones.

“Stop that!”

“You do not like it?”

“No! Yes-I mean no! Just
stop it. This is crazy-“

His hungry mouth cut off her protest, and she
flushed crimson knowing the other warriors watched his display of ownership. She raised her hand to push him off, but he grasped her wrist and placed it flat on his slippery chest. He spoke again, low and firm, his lips so close to her own shaking ones.

“Why do you defy me? Do women in your world refuse their men, or is it just you?”

The sincere question caused a surge of despair to swell, which overflowed to darken her gaze before she could stem it.  The utter reality of her situation had been easy to put off for the last two days as she spent time with Teyas, but now that Winn stood in front of her making demands, it all rushed back.  She was far from home, and had no idea how to return-or if return was even possible.

“Women of my time take care of themselves. We
don’t have men telling us what to do all the time. We call men like you chauvinist pigs,” she whispered. His eyes narrowed into slits.

“My men watch,
Tentay teh.
When they watch, you must…obey.”

She clenched her teeth and opened her mouth to protest, but this time he covered it with his hand.

“When they watch, you obey,” he repeated, slower this time. She nodded, and he let his hand drop from her mouth. “It is the way of this time, and my right as your captor.”

“Am I a prisoner?” she whispered.

“I found you. It is my right to keep you as a slave if I choose. Or I may give you away to one of my men...if you do not please me.” He held her face with his hands so she could not look away. “Do you understand?”

he did not answer, but held his gaze.

“My me
n seek women to share their furs after the hunt. It is what we do when we return. I would keep you with me now.”

“And if I run?”

“Do not run.”

She followed his logic and could make no response. She thought her silence would
pacify him, but it only seemed to agitate him further.  He carried her from the creek then, passing the group of warriors with a nod and making his way back to his

A fire in the hearth greeted them, and Maggie’s bundle of bandages lay nex
t to the fur-sleeping mat.  She reached for the bundle, knowing her dressing needed to be changed and the wound cleaned, but afraid to make her request known to Winn.  The man was frustrating beyond measure, and she had no idea why he fascinated her so much. Why on earth had she let him kiss her? Had time travel warped her brain?

She peered at him from the corner of her eye as she pretended to study the bandages. His confidence alone was enough to send even a modern woman into a swoon.  Tight sinews flexed in his limbs as he bent to remove his leggings, then stood and dropped his wet breechcloth to the floor.
She glimpsed a dark winding tattoo from one hip to his tapered navel, and gritted her teeth as she quickly turned her back, noting that his flaming eyes met her own before she cowered.

Damn him and his freaking God-like body.

She sat down with her back to him and began to unroll the bandages, the motion echoing the unraveling of her senses. What did he plan to do with her? When he spoke of the men looking for women to share their beds, did he mean he would share hers as well?

She stiffened and closed her eyes when he placed a hand on her shoulder from behind, the scent of evergreen and sweat that was distinctly him invading her senses. True, no other man had ever made her feel so beautiful, but it was not enough to cause her to surrender what remained of her innocence. She was trapped in the past, but she still knew who she was, and she was not a woman to fall into bed with some handsome stranger on a whim.

His fingers kneaded her shou
lders, and she bit back a moan as his fingertips brushed over her skin. When he untied the laces of her dress from her nape, she hardened her resolve before she lost herself completely. She held the dress up with her fists pressed into her breasts before it fell away. She would not let him continue without resistance.

“I will fight you,” she whispered. His fingers
paused the gentle massage for a moment at her words, then resumed a lazy rhythm. She remained there unmoving, knowing she could not outrun him, but sure that she could at least hurt him in some way.

“Be still.” She felt his breath hot against her neck and the
command chilled her, but she obeyed it as she awaited his next move. He tugged at the binding of her wound dressing and she wondered briefly why he needed it off if he meant to rape her.

“I can’t,” she replied as tremors shook her body.

He removed the remnants of the dressing and a moment later a warm gush of water flowed over her wound. Winn repeated the process several more times before he was satisfied, and then gently patted the wound with a clean cloth. Maggie held her breath as he reached around her for the bowl of healing salve and then smeared it over the wound. What game was the bastard playing? She felt like a toy, twirling aimlessly at his mercy.  Motionless and silent, she waited as he replaced the bandage with a fresh one and secured it around the sensitive skin of her shoulder.

Maggie did not expect the pile of clothes that l
anded in her lap, and she startled at the quick motion.  A soft, dry white doeskin dress lay in her lap along with a pair of small white moccasins, decorated with a delicate pattern of red and black beads.   She slowly turned to look at him and was surprised to find him standing near the fire, a frown on his lips and his blazing blue eyes fastened on her.

“Change your wet clothes. I will prepare our meal.”

She held her wet dress up with one hand and clutched the new one with the other.

“I-I’ll change when you leave.”

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