The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved (19 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved
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“Why should I?”

Alex growled.

“I think he might be jealous,” Kurt said in a loud whisper.

Alex snapped something in German. Kurt did likewise. I looked at Wilhelm, afraid, as they began to argue. They kept their voices soft, but very intense. Their words were harsh in their native language.

“Alex! Kurt!” Wilhelm exclaimed softly.

The two brothers instantly stopped arguing, but continued to glare at each other.

“Just because few people understand you, does not give you the right to act that way in public,” Wilhelm whispered sharply. “
Mein Gott,
are you children again?” He shook his head in disbelief. “I apologize, Anna and Kirsty. I do not know what has gotten into my sons tonight.”

Alex cleared his throat and lifted his chin.
“Shall we make our way backstage?”


We used the staircase Kurt and I had kissed in to go down to the lower level of the opera house. Kurt winked at me as we walked by the spot where he’d pushed me against the wall. I blushed. As we walked down a long, dimly-lit hallway, Alex and Kirsty were talking in soft voices, though it sounded like they were arguing. A door at the end of the hallway opened up into another hallway, this one brightly lit.
The dressing rooms.

I squinted as we walked, trying to adjust my eyes to the light. I still couldn
’t see when I heard someone squeal my name right before I was trapped in a tight embrace that knocked me back a step. I stood there, frozen, not knowing what was going on. I deducted that the person hugging me was female, but other than that, I had no idea.

She leaned back and looked at me.
“That’s no way to greet your best friend,” she chided.

“Jenna?” I hardly recognized her in her stage makeup. Her dark blond hair
was pulled back into a tight bun and her blue eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Of course, silly.”
She nodded excitedly. “I’m so glad to see you!” She hugged me again. I hugged her back timidly. “What are you doing here? Jack let you out? What are you doing with Alex’s family?”

h, um. I met Kurt last night….”

She grinned at me.
“Nice going, Anna.”

I blushed.

“So, how come you’re here? Why did Jack let you out?”

“Oh, I...I don’t live with him anymore.”

“He let you move out?”

“Kinda...more like he had me move out.”
She gave me a strange look. “It just happened this week. I don’t really understand what’s going on. But I’m staying with Kurt tonight. I’m sure I’ll understand more later.”

She grimaced.
“You always have weird things going on, Anna.”

“But I might be able to dance more,” I added with a smile, trying to change the subject. “Maybe even perform again...if I’m good enough.
Maybe with the school.”

“Oh, Anna.
That would be great. It was such a shame Jack cut your dancing back. I never understood why he did it.” She hugged me again. “So, can we be real friends again? Like, talk and stuff?”

I looked at her sadly.
“I don’t know. I don’t know what’s going on. I think I might be able to see you more....”

I heard a man laughing nearby.
“Heh. I should have known the whispers were about you, Alex. Oh, and Kurt too. Why am I not surprised? Hello, Wilhelm.”

I turned and saw a tall man walk behind me and greet Alex with a handshake.
He had light brown hair and was wearing only a pair of navy blue sweat pants. His back was all lean muscle and perfectly defined. Definitely a dancer.

Kurt saw me looking at the newly arrived man and grinned.
“Aaron, I think you have a fan.” He nodded in my direction. “She said she knew you.”


Aaron turned. He stared with his denim
-blue eyes for a moment, head tilted. “Is that my little Giselle?”

He remembers
He always called me his little Giselle after he accepted me as his partner. I nodded and bit my lip.

He walked over and stopped in front of me, tipping my head up with his hand.
“It is you! All grown up.” He grinned. “You grew up good, Anna,” he said in a softer voice, affection filling his eyes.

I backed away, knowing I needed to be focusing on Kurt, not Aaron. But Aaron
’s touch...did something to me.

Alex cleared his throat and walked over to us.
“You know her, Aaron?”

Aaron laughed, his blue eyes sparkling.
“I do. The partner I didn’t want.” He put his arm casually around my shoulders and looked at Alex who grimaced. Aaron rolled his eyes and grinned at Alex. “I got stuck dancing with her for my graduation performance.”

Jenna grinned at me; Alex looked confused.

“She walked in with Delia and I was told that I was dancing with a twelve-year-old. I flat-out refused. Until I danced with her. Then it turned out it wasn’t so bad.” Aaron looked back at me. “I’d love to dance
with you again.”

Kurt took my hand and pulled me away, laughing.
“You really were telling me the truth when you said you were a good dancer.”

I shrugged.
“It was a long time ago.”

“You’re still good, Anna,” Jenna said. “I’ve watched you in your classes.” She looked at Aaron. “She said she was gonna take more classes again.”

“Maybe,” I corrected. “I don’t know anything for sure.” Though Devin said he’d make the call
I smiled. “I’m hoping to.”

Aaron looked at me and grinned.
“Anytime you want to practice partnering, Anna. I’m available.”

I blushed.
“I think he likes you,” Kurt whispered in my ear, which made me blush even more and shake my head.

“Don’t listen to anything he says, Anna,” Aaron laughed. “He’s full of shit.”

“Alex, I need to get to the airport,” Kirsty said loudly with her arms crossed and a pout on her face.

Alex looked at his watch and nodded. He looked at everyone.
“I’m sorry, Kirsty is right and I promised her I would get her there in time. I will see you all later.”

Kirsty gave brilliant smiles to all the men, glared at me, and ignored Jenna. Alex gave a slight bow and the two of them turned and walked away.

“Bitch,” Jenna muttered under her breath after they were gone.

The men laughed.
“I told you, Anna,” Kurt said.

“Anna, I have to get going,” Jenna said. “Give me your number and I’ll call you on Monday so we can get together.”

I stared at her. “I don’t have a phone number.”

She frowned at me, looking hurt.
“Okay, I’ll give you my number.” She found a pen and wrote a number on my program. “Call me. If you want.” She hugged me and gave me a sad smile. “I really want to spend time with you, Anna. I miss you.” She turned quickly and walked away.

I watched her leave and swallowed back tears. I didn
’t want to hurt her, but I had no idea what was going on past tomorrow afternoon.

“She’s just worried about you, Anna,” Aaron said. “She has been for years.”

I looked back at Aaron. “How do you know?”

“Our mutual concern about you kinda bonded us together. She’s the little sister I never had.” He smiled. “You pretty much disappeared after your parents died and she couldn’t talk to
you about it, so she came to me. We’ve been friends since.” He grimaced. “I still don’t understand why you pulled back from dancing.”

I bit my lip.
“It’s a long story.”

He studied me for a while then sighed.
“Listen, if you are ‘back from beyond’ and allowed to socialize again, I’m having a party next Sunday night to celebrate the end of
Sleeping Beauty
. I’d love for you to come if you can.”

I glanced at Kurt. He was my only reason for being out of the Manor.
“Oh, Aaron, thank you. But I don’t know if-”

Kurt smiled at me.
“I will be gone by then. We are leaving that morning to go back to Germany. You should go.”

The thought of Kurt leaving made my heart ache, but I smiled at him anyways then looked back at Aaron.
“I’ll see what’s going on. My life is rather...confusing right now. I’ll see.” I had no idea if Devin would let me to go a party thrown by an old dance partner. I had a feeling he would say no.

Aaron smiled and wrote his number on the program.
“I live out in Lake Street. I can pick you up if you need a ride. Call me.” He kissed my cheek and I closed my eyes at his touch. “It’s really good to see you, Anna. I gotta run. I’ll see ya later, I hope.” He shook hands with Wilhelm and Kurt then disappeared into a dressing room after giving me one last smile.

I looked at Wilhelm and Kurt and gave them an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would take so long.”

Wilhelm smiled.
“Not a problem Anna. It was not that long. And I am glad you were able to see some old friends.”


We took the limo back to Alex’s house. When we arrived, Kurt said goodnight to his father and took me directly upstairs. I glanced back at Wilhelm as we went up the stairs. He chuckled and walked into the living room.

As soon as the door closed, Kurt swung me around and kissed me hard.
“It has been a long day,” he murmured against my lips. “A very good day, but long.”

He looked at me with tender eyes and ran his thumb across my cheekbone gently.
“I am so happy that Devin brought you over to me and that you are here with me, Anna.” He leaned down and kissed me softly. He caressed my cheek with his fingers and then trailed them down my neck and across my collarbone.

I tugged at his bowtie until it loosened and then Kurt watched as I unbuttoned his coat and pushed it off his shoulders.
“Where would you like me to put this?”

“Just throw it to the side. It will get cleaned up later.”

I unbuttoned his vest and dropped it on top of his jacket. I pushed the straps of his suspenders off his shoulders, then moved my hands expertly down the buttons on his shirt, unfastening the cuffs at his wrists. I ran my hands up through his chest hair and over his muscular shoulders, but didn’t push his shirt off yet.

I smiled as I trailed my fingers down his chest and over his nipples. They tightened as I ran my fingers in circles around them.
“You are a very handsome man, Kurt,” I said, leaning forward and licking his left nipple. He groaned and put his hands on my hips. I smiled and sucked gently, and he groaned again.

“Would you like me to undress?” I asked softly, looking up into his eyes.

,” he said in a husky voice.

I kicked my shoes to the side.
“Would you help me?” I asked as I turned away from him, pulling my hair over my shoulder and exposing the ties to my dress.

He pulled at the ties of my dress, quickly loosening them. He unzipped the short zipper and I turned back to him before letting my dress gracefully slide to the ground.

I watched as his eyes slowly took me in, starting at my face and moving down to my toes, a smile growing steadily on his face. “I like your stockings,” he said with a seductive smile. “Perhaps we should leave them on.”

“Whatever you would like, Kurt,” I said softly. This was my element; this is where I knew how to act. Everything I did tonight would be about him. His kindness towards me had made me forget my purpose: to please him. I’d been selfish today and would make sure to treat him extra well tonight.

He smiled again and shook his head. “
. I want to see you fully undressed. I did not have that pleasure last night.”

I nodded and slowly unfastened my stockings and rolled them off, one at a time. I unfastened my corset, not taking my eyes away from his face. His breath hitched as I let it fall to the floor. I hooked my thumbs in the thin straps of my thong, pulled it down, and stepped out of it.

I stood before him naked. I wasn’t nervous; I’d never had a man complain about my body before. I did hope I was pleasing him, though. He had been so kind to me; I wanted him to be happy. He looked at me approvingly and grinned. “
.” he said. “Beautiful.”

I smiled and pulled him to sit on the bed while I knelt to remove his shoes and socks. I sat up onto my knees and worked at his pants while I looked up into his face. His eyes were stormy with desire. I blinked and inhaled sharply at the intensity of his gaze. He wanted me, badly. He leaned back a little and I unbuttoned his pants, caressing his hard cock over the soft cotton of his

He smiled and lifted his hips so I could pull his pants and underwear off, and he sat gloriously naked in front of me. I leaned forward and took his throbbing cock into my mouth, deep and down my throat immediately, to make up for not being able to the night before. It burned a little, but I could handle this amount of discomfort.

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