The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved
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The Life of Anna, Part 1


By Marissa Honeycutt


Kristi Cramer, Editor
















Copyright © 2014 Marissa Honeycutt

All rights reserved. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents
are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

All portrayals of sexual acts are between consenting adults (aka, over the age of 18).



This book is for grown-ups. This book is not for people who are easily offended, get nightmares easily, or have difficulty reading books about tough subjects. I do not glorify bad things, but bad things do happen to my poor characters.

This is not your typical love story. My heroine does not fall in love and live happily ever least not like the typical heroine. There is a happily ever after, but it is a long, painful journey to that end.

Anna’s story is told in five, novel-length books. Consider this your introduction to Anna and her world.

There is a subculture within our own world that you’ve only heard whispers of.
The conspiracy theorists wish they knew Anna’s story. What the conspiracy theorists think they know is only put out there to keep them from the real story.

This book will likely offend you. This book might make you cry; it might make you throw up. It is a dark book. As my friend, Heidi, said,
“It’s dark. It gets darker. It gets even darker, and then it gets even more darker. And then, just when you think it can’t get any darker, it does.”

But, don
’t worry. I take you to the deep end gradually. ;)

There are many sexual situations in this series of books. People die. People get hurt. Things aren
’t always truly the way they appear to be. The antagonist isn’t just a bad guy; he’s EVIL. My heroine’s worldview is skewed; things that may appall you are perfectly normal to her. You’ll see why within a few chapters of Book One.

All sexual acts portrayed in this book are between persons of legal age (aka 18 years old). All sexual acts portrayed in this book are between non
-related persons. Any violence is non-gratuitous and crucial to the plot and character development.

Do not read this if you are under the age of consent in your country. Do not get angry if the subject or actual book upsets you. If you're reading this, you
've been warned.



So many people, I can hardly count!

I’m half-afraid to start listing people, for fear of forgetting someone. I have a mind like a sieve.

My loving husband, Brian, who found out about my twisted mind after 8 years of marriage and still loves me.

Kristi, my editor, who still isn’t sure what she got herself into by agreeing to the position.

Rachael, from Dreams Come True Promotions, my amazing promoter and friend.

My first readers from the DMC on Goodreads. You guys helped me find out I wasn’t the only twisted person in the world...SM Johnson, BlueRabella, Kelle, Ellen, Lisa.

Darby, my #1
Fangirl, who put out a dare for something new to read. I dared and got not only a great reader, but a great friend as well.

Heidi and Ginny, two early readers who have supported me so enthusiastically it warms me to my core.

Amy, my bestie, for all your support. <3 u!

Jacquie, my fellow stalker and amazing friend.

My girls at Book Boyfriends Rock-Helen, Lorna and Karen

My fantastic street team: Amy, Jacquie, Ginny, Darby,
Kelle, Ellen, Heidi, Karen, Vicky

James, early reader and supporter and overall good friend.

Dylan, an amazing beta reader that I’d be lost without.

All my online friends, new and old that have been so amazingly supporting, not only of my writing, but during my bad days as well.
Too many to name, but you know who you are and I hold you deeply in my heart.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

About Marissa Honeycutt

Excerpt From The Life of Anna, Part 2


Anna stood in silence, the room before her dimly lit by silver moonlight streaming in through tall windows to her left. The loud argument she’d just witnessed was fading, leaving her ears ringing as the silence of this new room settled over her. Her eyes adjusted, allowing her to see that the room was enormous; larger than her guardian’s kitchen and living room combined, with the ceiling hidden in the shadows above. She could see the faint outline of a white fireplace along the wall to her right. Across the room a vast shadow resolved into the largest canopy bed she’d ever seen.

She should be terrified. Just a few moments before, she’d been in a smaller, sunlit room; an office of some sort. Two giant men had stood in front of her, shouting loudly at one another in a language she didn’t understand. They were both handsome, with thick blond hair and cobalt-blue eyes. One man was older than the other; one of the few differences between the two. Father and son maybe?

Their faces
were flushed and their hands gestured wildly. The only word she understood was the number ‘nine’, repeated over and over again in voices so loud and so deep that the sound reverberated in her chest.

Anna thought to herself
. What is so special about the number nine?

The harshness of their tone made her want to cover her ears with her hands, but the fear of
being noticed kept her frozen in place.

The older man stabbed his finger towards the younger man, emphasizing his words with the movements. The younger man kept one hand on his chest and pointed towards the door, shouting back just as loudly. His eyes were dark with emotion.

As slowly as it had appeared, the office faded and she found herself in this silent, moonlit bedroom. The rug against her bare feet felt luxuriously soft and she dug her toes into it. The windows allowed in enough light to illuminate the foot of the bed, but the head remained shrouded in darkness.

Where was she? Why was she here? She had no answers to these questions, though she felt herself drawn to the bed to see who was there.

Carefully, she stepped forward into a moonlit patch and heard a sharp intake of breath from across the room. Fabric rustled and she froze, hoping to remain unseen as before.

Wer bist du?”
a low, gravelly voice demanded from the darkness.

Her heart skipped a beat, and even though her mouth moved, no sound came out. She had no idea what
had been said. Terror seized her as she stared at the dark shadow of the bed. More fabric rustled and she heard a thump as a tall figure stepped into the moonlight.

It was the younger of the two men she’d just seen arguing. His broad, muscular chest was bare and his hair stood out, wildly disarrayed. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head, as if trying to decide whether she was real or not. He took a step forward, then stopped and looked down. They seemed to both realize he was naked at the same time.

Her cheeks burned as she looked away, though the sight of a naked man was nothing new to her. She’d seen plenty of naked men since her, she didn’t want to think about that.

She sensed, rather than heard, his approach a moment later and turned back to face him, thankful that he had put a pair of pants on. As he knelt in front of her, her breath caught in her throat. She’d seen him before. She’d dreamt of him many times since her parents had died, but he’d never interacted with her before. His gentle smile took away her fear and she found herself thinking that he was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

He looked at her curiously and stretched his hand out as if to touch her face, but pulled away before he touched her.
“Wer bist du?”
he repeated, this time in a softer, gentler voice.
“Wie bist du hierhergekommen?”

She wanted to respond, but couldn’t find her voice. Once again, her mouth moved, but no sound came out. All she could do was stare into his kind and gentle eyes. Something about him made her feel safe, though why she needed to feel safe was beyond her comprehension. She had a wonderful guardian that cared for her every need.

She wanted to launch herself into his arms. She took a step forward and reached her hand out to him but froze when she heard movement in the bed. A female voice called out and the man turned his head away and responded in a hushed voice.

He turned back to her, eyes full of regret. Without knowing why, betrayal lynched her heart, and tears of sadness and frustration welled up in her eyes. They stared at each other for a long moment before the room began to fade.

She opened her eyes to look into the face of Devin.


Devin saw Anna’s eyes fly open, their deep green nearly lost to the wide pupils as they darted wildly from side to side. The sixteen-year-old’s dark hair spread out like a halo behind her head and her chest expanded and contracted quickly as she gasped for breath.

“Anna, what did you see?”

The delicate arch of her brows wrinkled in confusion, but she didn’t answer.

“Anna!” Devin snapped and she jumped. His eyes narrowed. “What.
Did. You. See?”

“I...,” she began, blinking back tears. Her body, which had relaxed during the vision, stiffened as she took in her surroundings. She lay next to him on the bed and clenched her fists, grabbing hold of the blanket on top of her.

“Anna! Look at me!” He grabbed her chin, turning her face towards his and she winced, but the movement accomplished what he desired. She looked up into his face, tears spilling over onto her cheeks. Devin frowned, temper rising. He didn’t like being ignored. Her lower lip trembled for a moment before answering him.

I saw two men arguing,” she said in a soft voice. “A father and son, I think.” Her voice cracked as she continued. “They were very angry and were yelling at each other.” She winced. “Then I was in a huge bedroom and the younger one was there.”

“What were they arguing about?” Devin demanded, impatient to learn what he needed to know. She’d never made him angry before, but she’d seen it. No one in their right mind wanted his anger directed at them.

“I don’t know. I couldn’t understand what they were saying.” She blinked and more tears streamed down her cheeks.

“How could you not understand what they were saying?” Devin said with a growl, gritting his teeth. “Were they mumbling?” His words dripped with sarcasm.

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