The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved (10 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved
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“Oh yes.
Several of us during the course of the night. We consider ourselves fortunate if Master chooses us; it is an honor. Sometimes he will pick a certain girl for a certain man. He knows what the men desire and knows our skills. If he is trying to conduct business he will match up the girls with the right man to help ‘ease his way’ as he puts it.”

“Do you ever leave the Manor?”

Maggie shook her head. “We have a large yard to go out into, but we never leave the property. Well, except for the Big Gatherings. Then we get on a bus and go to the site of the Gatherings so the men can use us there. There are two Big Gatherings a year. Master is in charge of the summer one, so we go there. The other one is somewhere else and another Elder provides the girls.”

I still wasn
’t sure what my purpose was in all of this. Devin had told me that I would leave Manor at times. I knew I would go to social events with Devin to help him in some way. I felt comforted, knowing that men had to ask permission to ‘have’ me. Maybe this wouldn’t be like Jack’s house. “I suppose Master will tell me what he wants me to do?”

“I’m certain he will, Mistress. I know he has been looking forward to having you here.”

The door opened and Sarah poked her head in. “Maggie, could you help me with something?”

“Sure, Sarah.”
Maggie stood and looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost four. “Dinner will be ready in a few hours. Why don’t you rest until then? It will likely be a long night. After you eat, we’ll dress you for tonight. The Gathering begins at nine o’clock.”


After dinner, Maggie and Sarah returned to help me dress. Maggie took me into the bathroom and sprayed me all over with an oil that smelled like the one that had been in my bath. She handed me my robe and after I put it on, she worked more oil through my hair before brushing it with a silver-handled brush for several minutes.

She stepped back and admired her work.

I stood and looked in the mirror. The hair that was still loose glimmered in the light. It was so soft and silky I could barely stop running my hands through it.
“I never knew my hair could feel like this.”

Maggie giggled.
“That’s the idea, Mistress; to make it irresistible to men. Men love soft hair they can run their fingers through.”

If that were true then I might not have any hair left at the end of the night.

We went back into the bedroom and Sarah helped me into a white dress with a lace-up back. The skirt draped to my ankles and there was a slit on the right side that went all the way up to my hip. I could just see my knees through the fabric.

Before I had a chance to examine any more of the dress, Maggie and Sarah pulled me over to the bed where various pieces of sparkling jewelry lay on the comforter.

Each of my wrists were enveloped in a double row of what I assumed were crystals with three crystal strands that joined to a ring on my middle finger. The anklets had three evenly spaced crystal strands leading from the middle and sides of my ankle to a ring on my second toe. Maggie pinned the circlet on my head. The chains that hung down over my hair and ears tickled.

“They’re so pretty. They sparkle!” I remarked, moving my hands in the light.

Sarah smiled. “Diamonds do that.”

I exclaimed. “I thought they were crystals.”

“Master would never allow you to appear in mere crystals.”

I grinned, unable to contain myself. “I feel so pretty.”

“Would you like to see?”

“Yes, please.”

Maggie opened up the closet door where a full
-length mirror hung. I stared, not believing my reflection. That beautiful woman was me?

The diamond
-studded circlet had delicate chains that dropped down to interweave in my hair and returned to the circlet. A teardrop-shaped diamond hung down into the middle of my forehead.

Earlier in the week, Devin had given me a diamond necklace to wear. He said it was my
‘mark.’ The pendant consisted of a large diamond solitaire surrounded by two concentric circles of smaller stones.

My dress was as beautiful as I
’d imagined, but more transparent than I expected. The neckline plunged very low, stopping just shy of my nipples, which I could just see through the gathered fabric. Sheer straps sat just off my shoulders. The bodice was of a thicker silk that ended just above my hips. The skirt was of the same material that covered my breasts, but gathered in such a way that I could see the outline of my legs, but not much detail.

I was relieved that my pussy was not obvious through the material. Perhaps it might have been, if I
’d had curls like some of the women in the porn videos. But none ever grew for me. I had asked Jack about it when I was younger and he said that I was special and would never have any. It bothered me then, but I didn’t mind now. Devin had said several times this week how much he liked my naked pussy lips.

I smiled as I imagined Devin
’s pleasure at seeing me tonight. My nipples tightened at the thought.

I turned to look at Maggie and Sarah.
“Thank you,” I said, smiling brightly. “I look...I’ve never looked like this before. I feel like a princess.”

They both beamed.

Maggie glanced at the clock. “It’s almost time to go.” She reached into the closet and pulled out a long cloak made from white crushed velvet. She wrapped it around me and clasped the cloak at my shoulder. I fumbled my hands in the fabric. I couldn’t get my hands free.

“You are completely wrapped. You can’t stick your hands out without pushing the cloak apart from your shoulders.”

“I have to go down stairs. How will I keep my balance?”

“Ian will help you.”

. His very name made me tremble. I had barely seen him all week and was glad of that fact. The thought of him helping me down a flight of stairs was laughable. He would be more likely to push me down the stairs than to help me walk down them.

A loud knock on the door made me jump.
. I didn’t want to let him in.

“Shall I answer, Mistress?” Maggie asked.

I knew I had no choice. I nodded, unable to find my voice over the lump of fear in my throat.

“Come in.”

Chapter 7



The door opened and Ian stood there, towering in the doorway. He wore loose
-fitting black pants, a black tunic, and leather sandals. He wore his long hair tied back in a low ponytail. His goatee was neatly trimmed.

’d never noticed how handsome he was before. His hazel eyes met mine and I swallowed and looked down at the ground.

Sarah and Maggie both pressed their palms together and greeted him in unison.
“Good evening, my lord Ian.”

He wouldn
’t see it if I moved my hands, so I just bowed my head and stammered the same greeting.

Sarah and Maggie hurried out of the room and left me alone with the intimidating man. I stood unmoving, staring at the floor. I could feel him looking at me.
“Good evening, Mistress,” he said, his voice deep and…

How could I think his voice was sexy? The man terrified me!

He stepped forward and gently pulled my hood up over my hair. I waited for him to hurt me, but he simply stepped back after he finished.

“Are you ready?”

I nodded and then followed it with a soft, “Yes, my lord,” in case he couldn’t see my nod in the hood of my cloak.

He took my elbow and gently guided me out of the room.
“Make sure you look up enough so you don’t trip on anything. The hood can block your view.”

He was being kind. That was...
. “Thank you, my lord.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I lifted my head slightly and could see more than just my feet below me.

I followed him silently down the empty hallway. When we arrived at the various staircases, he took my elbow and guided me down the stairs, making sure I didn
’t trip. I didn’t know what to do with this kindness, but I thanked him each time. When we arrived at the entrance to the Hall, Ian instructed me to stay where I was as he slipped through the doors and disappeared.

I stood alone in the silent hallway. What awaited me beyond these doors? I could hear low muffled voices coming from inside. Who were these men that Devin said I would seduce? My mind raced and my heart pounded. Would this be better or worse than Jack
’s house?

Ian came out of the room and stood beside me.
“He’s almost ready for you. When we go in, you will walk directly across the room and stop at the edge of the platform. Devin will indicate when he is ready and I will remove your cloak. At that point, step up onto the platform, place yourself a few feet in front of him and bow as he taught you. He will let you know what to do next.”

“Yes, my lord,” I said in a shaky voice. I wanted to run away and hide, but my submissive self wouldn’t let me. I had to obey.

Suddenly, both doors opened and I could look into the Hall from the hooded safety of my cloak. We stood there for a moment and I took advantage of the situation and looked around surreptitiously.

About a hundred men were scattered throughout the room. Girls knelt around the edges of the room. Some were naked, though most of them wore some sort of blue garment. A few girls in short red garments were scattered throughout the room. The men were dressed similarly
to Ian, but in different dark colors. Many girls knelt in front of seated men, heads bobbing up and down as they sucked on their cocks. A few straddled laps.

It wasn
’t overly loud, but there was a definite din to the room, with an occasional cry of ecstasy. The noise lessened as Ian and I walked toward the raised dais where Devin sat easily on his throne-like chair.

He wore a white tunic and pants, the color making a sharp contrast to his tanned skin and dark hair. His dark, precisely trimmed beard and mustache made a sharp outline around his jaw and mouth where white teeth showed when he smiled.
Or grimaced.

As Ian and I stopped in front of the dais, the room became silent. My heart pounded in my chest as I waited. I focused my eyes on the floor and breathed deeply to calm my nerves. After a long moment, Ian moved behind me and pulled back my hood. He unclasped my cloak, letting it fall from my shoulders, and caught it before it fell to the floor.

I took a deep breath and, remembering his instructions, stepped up onto the low platform. My right knee slipped through the slit in the dress to expose my entire leg. I heard appreciative murmurs as I walked towards Devin’s throne. After another deep breath, I dropped to my knees and bowed low, pressing my forehead to the ground and stretching out my arms in front of me.

After a moment, he spoke softly.
“You may sit up, Mistress.” I obeyed and put my hands on my thighs, keeping my head bowed.

He stood and reached his hand toward me. I put my hand in his and he pulled me to a standing position. He cupped my chin, raising my face to his. I looked fearfully into his eyes but, seeing the pleasure in them, relaxed a bit.

“You look beautiful, Anna,” he murmured and kissed the backs of the fingers on my right hand. “Keep your head up and focus your eyes on the back of the room.” He turned me away from him, keeping his hands on my upper arms. I did as he said and he began to speak loudly, addressing the assembled men. “I’d like to introduce you to my newest and most precious girl, Anna.”

A murmur arose around the room as the men took in his announcement. I could feel a hundred pairs of eyes scrutinizing me. Their desire made me a dizzy.

Devin kissed the side of my neck and I inhaled deeply. I closed my eyes and tilted my head slightly as his tongue trailed up my neck to my earlobe, which he bit gently. My nipples hardened in response. The thought of being watched at this moment made my cheeks warm. When I lived with Jack, he would put me on display in front of his friends, but it had been a much smaller audience.

Devin wrapped his arm around my body just below my breasts and addressed the room again.
“She’s not available for general use, but I won’t be selfish with her.” The men chuckled. Devin brushed my nipple with his thumb and a jolt of electricity shot down my body to my clit. I gasped slightly. His hard cock pressed against the small of my back. “That is all. Continue as you were.”

Devin turned me around to lead me to his chair and the volume of the room rose to its previous din. He pulled me into his lap and kissed me, pressing his tongue against my lips. His tongue forcefully entered my mouth, swirling and dancing around. I moaned softly.

He pulled down the top of my dress, exposing my breasts. I inhaled sharply into his mouth as he pinched my nipples, and I felt him smile against my lips.

“Like that, Baby?”

My mind whirled at the sensation and I didn’t respond.

He pinched my nipples harder and I whimpered.
“Answer me.”

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