The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved (11 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved
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-yes, my lord,” I squeaked.

“Good girl.”

He rolled my nipples between his knuckles and kissed me again, his tongue darting in and out of my mouth. My pussy was swollen and wet and I desperately wanted his cock inside me. I trailed my hand down his chest and caressed his cock. He inhaled sharply and moaned.

“God, I want you, Anna,” he said between clenched teeth. “I want to fuck you so hard you feel my cock in your throat.”

I felt another jolt shoot to my clit. “Please, my lord,” I begged.

He grasped my jaw and kissed me hard.
“Not right now, Baby. But I would love to feel my cock in your mouth.”

I smiled brightly.
“May I, my lord?” I reached under his tunic and pulled at the waist of his pants.

“Yes, Baby. You may.”

I scrambled out of his lap and knelt between his feet. Pulling at the waistband, I realized that it wasn’t elastic, but tied at the front. I yanked the strings loose and pulled the material down, rewarded by his magnificent cock spilling forward towards me. I wrapped my hand at the base of his shaft.

I ran my thumb up the base of his cock and then followed it with my tongue. I heard a moan from above and repeated the motion several times before bringing his head to my mouth. I pressed my lips to the tip and slowly sucked him into my mouth. I didn
’t stop until he was fully in, filling my throat with his glorious thickness. He moaned loudly and put his hands on the back of my head. I swallowed, tightening my throat around the head of his cock and he moaned again. I knew I was pleasing him and beamed inside.

I pulled back enough so I could get a breath and then swallowed him down my throat again.

“Oh, Baby,” he rasped. “God, you suck me so fucking good.”

I repeated the swallowing several times and then wrapped my hand around his shaft and began pushing him in and out of my mouth to simulate fucking. I sucked him in and released on the way out, just as I
’d been taught.

“Oh, fuck, Baby,” he moaned. “That feels incredible.”

I tugged on his balls gently with my other hand. His moaning deepened and I could feel his balls trying to tighten up against his body, but I held on to them, keeping a gentle, steady pressure downwards.

I increased my head movements and he began to tremble.

“Yes, Baby, like that,” he commanded with a groan. I increased the pace even more and I heard a moan begin deep in his chest. It grew louder until it erupted into a primal scream as his cum rushed into my mouth. I eagerly swallowed every bit.

His hands still cradled my head and I knew not to move until he released me, so I continued to suck gently on his cock. The tremors running through his body subsided and his cock softened. I looked up to see the front of his tunic damp from sweat. His eyes
were closed and his head leaned back against the chair. After a few minutes, I ran my tongue around and into the slit at the tip of his cock, which seemed to jolt him back to reality.

He grasped my upper arms and pulled me up into his lap.
“God, that was more incredible than the other day, Anna. Did Jack teach you that?”

I nodded against his chest. Jack had taught me everything.

“Fuck,” he said, running his fingers through his hair. “That guy deserves a fucking medal.”

I smiled as I leaned my head against his shoulder. He was happy with me and I was content. I skimmed my fingers over the exposed skin between the slit of the neckline of his shirt.

He played with my hair as we sat there. “Your hair is addictive, Baby. It’s so soft I can’t let go.”

I leaned up and kissed his neck.
“Thank you, my lord.” I returned my head to his shoulder and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his hand in my hair. I was so content.

Slowly, the noise of the room filled my ears again and I remembered that we were in a populated room. Had they watched us? I buried my face in Devin
’s shoulder.

“What’s wrong, Baby?” He pulled on my hair to bring my head up.

“I forgot where we were.”

Devin chuckled.
“Mmm. And they enjoyed the show. You just made every man in the room incredibly jealous of me.”

Was he being serious?

“Yes. No one makes me scream like that.” He looked deep into my eyes.
“No one.”

My stomach clenched.
“Did I do it wrong, my lord?”

“Oh, Baby. You did it all right. I meant what I said as a compliment, not as a criticism.”

“Oh,” I said with a sigh of relief. Punishment was the last thing I wanted tonight.

“You made me totally lose control. I don’t lose control.
Ever. These men know who I am. What you did to me spoke louder than any words I could have used to describe how extraordinary you are.”

My cheeks warmed at the compliment.
“Thank you, my lord.”

Devin looked up towards the edge of the platform and gestured for someone to come
over. “Ah, Jack.”

I looked up sharply and my heart began to pound.
No, not Jack.
Don’t ruin my day, Devin!
I pleaded with him silently and lowered my head, staring at my hands in my lap.

Devin wrapped his arms around me; claiming me, I think.
“Jack, I was just telling Anna you deserve a fucking medal for what you taught her. I’m impressed once again with your skills.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jack give a mock bow.
“Thank you, my lord.” He grinned. “I worked very hard on this one.”

“I can tell. It paid off immensely.”

“Did you fuck her yet?”

“Of course.
Several times. Almost missed a meeting on Monday because of it. Sit please.”

Jack pulled one of the side chairs up next to Devin
’s chair and plopped down in it with a grin. “Did I do too good of a job? It’s not like you to scream over a blowjob. Or miss a meeting.”

“I don’t think it’s possible to do too good of a job. And I didn’t miss the meeting,” he snapped. “I made it just in time. I think it made a strong point to everyone here. Besides, when a blowjob blows your mind, you don’t complain.”

They both laughed. I remained silent.

“You talk to the Germans yet?” Jack asked.

“Yes, I greeted them when they came and made some choice selections for them. Alex didn’t come, as usual. His father and brother are here though. I hope the poor girls don’t choke on them.”

Why would they choke?

Jack laughed.
“What are they like?”

-fucking German language-is definitely an Elder. It’s written all over him. I suspect he knows something but I don’t know how much. He’s been watching her like a hawk ever since her cloak came off.”

“Maybe he likes brunettes.”

“Maybe. But he’s not watching her like that. It’s more he’s trying to get a read off her.”

“Do you think it’s him?”

“Possible. But unlikely. He’s older than I am.”

“What about the brother? Kurt?”

“Yes, Kurt.” Devin chuckled. “He’s barely been able to keep his eyes off her, and in the normal way, not like his father. I think he’s the right choice. No power, but definitely interested in Anna enough to hold on to her for a while.”

Hold on to me?
What were they talking about? I had a feeling it had something to do with the conversation I’d heard Monday morning.

Chapter 8



There was a lull in the conversation and then Devin spoke softly.
“I think it’s time to introduce them.”

Devin cupped my chin and brought my face up.
“Anna, I’m going to introduce you to two men. The older man is an Elder. You will greet him the same way you greet me. Do you understand?”

I nodded.

“The men are from Germany, though they speak English well. It is a father with the younger of his two sons. Both sons have a reputation for liking women. Many women. The oldest son moved here a few years ago. The younger lives in Germany.”

I listened closely, trying to anticipate what he wanted from me and nodded.

“I need to keep close tabs on these men, so I want you to give them your full attention. Particularly the younger son. He’s barely taken his eyes off you since you came in. Make sure you please him well. Make him want more of you.”

“Kurt?” I asked, remembering his name.

Devin smiled. “You were listening. Good girl.” He caressed my chin with his thumb. “When you are with them I want you to listen closely to their conversations and remember them. Then tell me about them later.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“I don’t want you to fuck him just yet. But you can please him with your mouth, if he so desires.”

“Yes, my lord.”
Not fuck him...
? Did that mean I’d see him again after tonight? Was he a cruel man?
Does it matter?

Devin kissed my neck and collarbone, and then pushed me away so he could stand.
“I’ll catch up with you later, Jack.” He took my hand and led me off the platform and around several groups of men. Many of them were utilizing the skills of the girls. Very few of the girls were along the outskirts of the room now.

He guided me to a cluster of plush easy chairs and a loveseat. As we approached, I saw a group of men lounging comfortably and talking. We stopped at the edge of the circle and I had a second to get my bearings. An older blond man with a mustache, probably in his late forties, sat directly across from where I stood.

“Gentlemen,” Devin said, “I’d like to introduce you to Anna.”

Devin put his arm around me, squeezing my upper arm slightly harder than was warranted and I winced. I took it as a warning to behave.

“Don’t stand there like an idiot,” Devin hissed in my ear after a moment. “Go greet Wilhelm.” He pushed me towards the older man.

I stumbled slightly and then, trembling, I took two steps forward and dropped to my knees in a low bow. Nothing happened at first, but then I felt a gentle hand on the back of my head. It circled around under my chin and pulled up slightly. I looked up into a handsome, angular face with pair of sympathetic blue eyes. Something about them seemed familiar.

His eyes exuded a warmth that came from deep within him. “It is wonderful to meet you, Anna.” He spoke softly, voice deep and accent thick.
. His vowels were pure and he pronounced
as “voonderful.” My name was “ahnna.” I’d never met a foreigner before. It was very...exotic.

Devin cleared his throat behind me. I could feel his impatience.

“G-good evening, my lord.” I brought my hands together and tried to bow my head, but his hand prevented me. Wilhelm held my chin in place, studying my face. He leaned forward until I could hear him breathing. I stared at his lower face, not moving. The corners of his mouth turned up in a slight smile.

“Look at me,” he commanded softly, caressing my cheek with his thumb. I looked up to meet his gaze once more and he stared intently into my eyes as if to read my mind. “So pretty,” he said at last. He released my chin and sat back in his chair.

I returned my gaze to the floor and smiled ever so slightly. Why did the pleasure of a stranger fill me with such warmth? I liked that he called me pretty.

I heard Devin move and sit in an empty chair behind me.
“I noticed Kurt take an interest and thought he might enjoy some time with her.”

“Perhaps,” Wilhelm said slowly. I saw his arm move and imagined him stroking his chin as he spoke. “Kurt?”

Ja, Vati?”
came an accented voice behind me and to my right. I’d never imagined German to be a sexy language.

“Do you want her?” Wilhelm asked.

There was a pause. “
” Did Kurt know how to speak English?

“English please, Kurt. It’s rude to speak German here.” His rebuke was benign.

. I wasn’t thinking.” Kurt’s accent was as thick as his father’s but his voice wasn’t quite as deep. Still, it was a nice voice. “I’d love to,” came the response.

My heart pounded in my chest. What would he want from me? Would he hurt me? Was he as handsome as his father was?
Where did that come from, Anna? Why does it matter if he’s handsome or not?

Wilhelm stood and held out his hand to me, and I allowed him to help me to my feet. He led me to the seat next to where Devin had settled himself.

I glanced at Devin as I walked by. His eyes were firm and he raised his eyebrows at me, repeating the unspoken warning from before.

I looked back at the ground and a moment later, a pair of long legs clothed in black linen pants appeared in front of me. His sandals were similar to the ones Ian wore.

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