The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved (4 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved
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“May 12th, Baby.” He swung the whip again, harder this time. I let out a soft cry.

May 12th. My birthday. My twentieth birthday to be exact. I’d forgotten. My birthday had been virtually ignored since my training began and I certainly didn’t see any reason to celebrate. Every year that passed, to me, was just another year of hell survived.

“My birthday,” I confirmed as he whipped me again. Another cry escaped my mouth. Either he was progressing to the harder stuff faster or I was extra sensitive today. It happened sometimes.

“Yes. Your birthday. Which means you will be passing into Master Devin’s ownership tomorrow.” He laughed.

Master Jack whipped me again. This time a loud cry spilled out of my mouth.
“Oh Baby, did that hurt?” he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “This is the last night I have you here. I’m going to make the most of it.” He smiled sadistically and proceeded to bring the whip across my back repeatedly, each snap harder than before. When he knew I was at my limit, he released my wrists from the cuffs and I fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

“Get up!” he snarled and dragged me to the bed. “I’m going to enjoy your last night here with me.” Another sadistic grin appeared as he dipped into his “treasure box” where he kept his most heinous instruments. I trembled with fear. This was going to be a long and painful night. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the worst.

Chapter 2



I awoke the next morning to Master Jack
’s shouts from upstairs. He often woke me that way, and I was expected to be out of bed and on my knees by the stairs when he came down. It could be within 30 seconds or as long as an hour before he arrived. He was unpredictable and he liked it that way. It gave him an excuse to hit me. I groaned as I scrambled out of bed, my skin tearing away from the sticky sheets. I looked down. Blood. The cuts would be mostly healed, as usual, but the aches and bruises would last a few days.

I didn
’t take the time to dredge up the memories from last night since I could hear Master Jack start down the stairs. I ran as fast as I could and skidded into my place just as his foot hit the stair where he could see me. My body ached as I waited and prayed that I’d gotten there in time. I could feel his disappointment and released a silent sigh of relief that I’d made it in time.

“You’re a mess,” he commented, stopping in front of me. I stared at his brown leather shoes and waited for what he would do next. “Take a shower, wash your hair and get dressed. You need to be presentable this morning, so take some time to do it right. Just don’t waste time.” With those instructions, he turned on his heel and retreated up the stairs.

I didn’t move. Take my time to do it right? That was different. He usually wanted me ready as soon as possible and didn’t care how I looked. Confused, I stood slowly and headed towards the bathroom, glancing back once to make sure he hadn’t tricked me into doing something just so he could punish me.

I did as he
commanded, washing and conditioning my long hair and making sure I’d gotten all the dried blood off my back and legs. It took me a while and I became nervous that Master Jack would come in the bathroom and drag me out of the shower, but he didn’t.

I turned off the water and ran a rough towel over my body before combing and braiding my long, dark hair. Master Jack liked it braided because it was easy to grab

I went to my closet and pulled out the one outfit that I owned aside from my dance clothes: a pair of jeans and a blue sweater. When I was dressed, I went upstairs to present myself to Master Jack.

He looked me up and down and shrugged. “I probably should have bought you something better to wear, but it’s too late now.” He grinned. “I don’t think Devin’ll care much what you’re wearing. Besides, you probably won’t be wearing it for long.” He stood, took one last swig of coffee and picked up his car keys. “Let’s go.”

The drive to Devin
’s Manor was a long one. There were very few houses on the road that wound its way up a hill and ended at a set of tall iron gates that opened at our approach. Jack drove his black Porsche up another winding road through a dense grove of Monterey cypress. An enormous, gothic-style mansion built partially into a hill appeared at the end of the road. Master Jack stopped the car at the foot of the stairs that led up to the imposing entrance.

As I opened the car door and stepped out, the huge wooden doors opened and a man with long, light
-brown hair appeared. Ian, Master Devin’s personal assistant. He was very tall, well-built and very intimidating. He rarely smiled and enjoyed cruelty as much as Master Devin and Master Jack did. After my suicide attempt, Ian had helped Master Devin punish me and enjoyed it. He had towered over me with a sickening grin as I screamed in unbelievable pain from whatever instrument Master Devin had instructed him to torture me with. He was stronger than Master Devin and could do things with a riding crop or butt plug or dildo that no one else could. He also possessed his own personal instrument of pain: his enormous cock.

I waited for Master Jack to walk around the car and then followed him up the steps to where Ian awaited us.

I shook as I walked inside. Terror began to well up inside me as horrible memories crept into the forefront of my mind. The few punishment days that I’d spent here were filled with enough pain and fear to make me dread crossing this threshold.

“Good morning, my lord,” I murmured, keeping my eyes focused on the stone floor in front of me. I stepped through the doorway and removed my shoes. Females
were not allowed to wear shoes in the Manor.

We walked into the entrance hall, which
was paneled in dark wood. The Manor had a warm feeling to it, despite the horrors I had endured there. I stood in silence, head down and hands at my side, as Master Jack and Ian exchanged greetings and small talk.

“Where’s Devin?” Master Jack asked. “I’m surprised he’s not out here yet. I thought he couldn’t wait for this day.” He and Ian chuckled and I could feel their gaze on me.

I didn’t move. I barely dared to breathe.

“He’s finishing up a phone call,” Ian replied. “Apparently, Alex’s father and brother came into town unexpectedly from Frankfurt, and he was letting Devin know. Devin’s not too happy about it.”

“Alex is that German playboy that moved here a few years ago, right?” There was a pause. “I thought he didn’t want anything to do with us.”

“I thought so, too. He rarely comes to anything. Not that he needs to.” They both chuckled at some private joke. “Devin’s kept him in the loop as a courtesy, but has enjoyed the fact that nothing formal came from it until now.”

“What’s so special about his father and brother?”

Father is an Elder.”

“Wilhelm is an Elder?” There was a long pause. “Did Devin know?” Master Jack sounded nervous.

“Yeah. Wilhelm lets Devin know when he’s in town, but never comes to any Gatherings. Since Alex never got involved, Devin never mentioned it to anyone. Devin’s a little touchy about the subject.”

Master Devin touchy?
That wasn’t a good sign.

“He never mentioned it to me.” Master Jack sounded offended.

“Probably because of....” Ian’s voice trailed off.

There was another pause.
“So, is Wilhelm...?” Master Jack trailed off as if he didn’t dare to finish the question aloud.

“Devin thinks one of them might be.” Ian sighed. “Wilhelm’s coming Friday night and Devin is suspicious of the timing.
Why now all of a sudden?”

Another pause.

“So, is it Wilhelm or Alex?” Master Jack asked. “Or his brother?”

“Not likely the brother. Kurt visits here a lot just to party with Alex.”
A pause.

Jack laughed.
“Well, Alex certainly makes his rounds. I can imagine his brother would do the same.” He paused. “Isn’t Alex married? I’ve never seen him with someone that looks like a wife, but he’d have to be, wouldn’t he?”

“Was, apparently.
His wife died about six months before he moved here. I believe that’s why he moved here. And that’s why Devin didn’t give him much thought. But now....” Ian trailed off. “I don’t know. Devin’s not giving away much, but I can tell he’s concerned. He didn’t expect this. And you know how much Devin loves the unexpected.”

They both gave a nervous chuckle. No, Master Devin did not like the unexpected. Master Devin was a planner. He anticipated the results of every move he made a dozen steps in advance. Oh, he was not going to be happy. I sighed, afraid for what was to come today.

Master Jack’s hand snaked out and grabbed my chin, bringing my gaze to his. “Did you just make a sound without permission?” he snarled.

I winced. I hadn
’t realized I’d done it aloud. “I’m sorry, Master. I—I didn’t mean to.” I saw his hand pull back to hit me, but before he could do so, a stern voice echoed from across the stone room.


Master Jack flinched and looked across the vast room. I was surprised that he stopped. Master Devin had never stopped him from hitting me before. But the way Master Devin had said his name was different than I’d heard him any time before.

“I think the time for that has passed, Jack. She’s twenty now.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Master Devin moving towards us. Out of instinct, my body tried to drop to its knees, but Master Jack’s hand kept me upright. I struggled, fearful of what would happen if I didn’t make it to the ground by the time Master Devin reached us.

“Let her go.” Master Devin’s voice was softer as he approached.

Master Jack released my chin and I dropped into position, relieved to be able to obey Master Devin properly.

“Ian informed you about what was going on?” Master Devin asked.

“He did,” Master Jack replied. “Is this something to be concerned about?”

Master Devin didn
’t answer right away and I could feel him considering his answer. I could sense how he was feeling sometimes. Useful, but sometimes scary. After a moment he spoke. “Concerned? Yes, I think a bit of concern is warranted, but nothing to worry about yet. I think we can utilize our new little asset here to find out what they know. Keep tabs on them, so to speak.”

“You think it’s safe, sending her into that family?”

“Even if they suspected anything they wouldn’t hurt her. They’re not the type. And I can’t imagine that they’d realize who she is. But I need to keep them close and I need to keep them appeased. I think the younger brother is the right approach. He’s safe, not involved in any way other than enjoying what’s put in front of him. Apparently he’s in a rather unfortunate marriage and would likely be interested in Anna’s, um, charms.”

Something about the conversation above me made my heartbeat increase its pace. A momentary memory of cobalt
-blue eyes skidded into the front of my mind, but I automatically pushed it aside as I always did. Those blue eyes were just a dream from long ago. They didn’t exist in reality. Besides, what did they have to do with these men that Master Devin was concerned about?
. Blue eyes just floated into my mind whenever I felt afraid.

I saw Master Devin
’s expensive black leather shoes turn towards me. I stared at them as I felt him looking at me. His mood was calm, although he always gave the impression of calm, even if he was seething beneath the surface. He maintained exquisite control over himself.

“Well, Anna, are you ready for your new life?”

His question startled me. A new life? The last time I had a ‘new life’ I disappeared from the world and spent four years being tortured. I suppose this new life couldn’t be any worse than my previous new life...could it?

I didn
’t know how to answer him. He waited, but I couldn’t come up with a good answer. Master Devin demanded honesty. He knew when I was lying and he hated it. A few times after Master Jack began training me, I gave Master Devin unthinking, non-confrontational answers to his questions. I wasn’t trying to lie; I was trying to give him the answer that I thought he wanted. He would have nothing of it. And he painfully made sure that I remembered his intolerance of lying.

“I don’t know, Master Devin,” I answered after a pause. Honestly.

He knelt down in front of me and cupped my chin in his hand. “Look at me, Anna.” I dragged my eyes up to his; I wasn’t used to looking him in the eyes. His nearly-black eyes studied mine intently beneath thick, dark brows. I blinked a few times, uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze. “Thank you for being honest.” He smiled gently. His neatly trimmed beard and mustache didn’t look as sinister when he smiled.

I gave him a timorous
smile, half expecting that he might disapprove of it and hit me.

“You have been well trained, Anna. I am pleased.”

His words made my fear dissipate and my heart leapt for joy. I pleased him!

“As long as you remember your training, Anna,” he continued, “life will be more pleasant than it has been for a long time. There are rules you must follow. I will explain them to you.
Rules for here in the Manor and rules for the outside world. They are different, but you are a smart girl and I’m sure you will master them quickly.”

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