The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared (42 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared
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“Is it really that difficult to keep her
happy? She glowed when you told her she was a good girl after I
fucked her.”

“No, I suppose not. But if she starts getting
demanding it will be.”

“She’s not that type, Devin, and you know it.
She wants to please you. It’s written all over her face.”

Devin sighed again. “Yeah. I can always
apologize if I use her too hard like I did today. I just bent her
over my table and fucked her like there was no tomorrow. I think
she was terrified that she had done something to upset me. I just
needed some release.”

“See? It’s not that hard.” Trent grinned as
he opened the door to the restaurant. “Being nice to her won’t ruin
your reputation. It might actually help it.”

Devin walked in the door and looked back at
his friend. “It needs helping?”

Trent shrugged. “You can do whatever you
want. But you might find you actually like the girl.”

Devin frowned. Anna was a slave and nothing
more. A conduit for his powers. But she wasn’t unpleasant to have
around. “Maybe.”

Chapter Fifty-Five


Anna saw that Devin had left a message and
listened to it during break. “Hey, Baby. Trent and Maki are coming
to our house tonight, so be ready for them when I get home. I’ll be
bringing Trent from the office. Be downstairs in the living room in
something sexy. See you then.”

Our house?
Anna thought, as she put
the phone down. The thought made her feel funny. She wasn’t sure if
it was good or bad. It made her smile, albeit nervously. She still
wasn’t sure about his new attitude, but she did like it.

She smiled to herself as she returned to the
back of the studio for the beginning of the dance.

“Something made you happy,” Justin said
looking curious.

“Oh...just...a message.”

“Your new boyfriend?”

Justin had been trying to figure out her
relationship status in a roundabout way, though it didn’t seem that
he wanted to date her. He was just...curious.

Anna shook her head. “Not a boyfriend.”

Justin grinned. “Why are you so secretive
about this guy?”

Anna flushed. Why was she secretive about
Devin? It’s not like Justin wouldn’t figure it out when opening
night came around; Devin was a well-known figure in the city.

Was she ashamed of Devin? No, that wasn’t
right. It seemed okay to have a boyfriend. But to be a mistress? It
seemed...antiquated. Wouldn’t he be just a lover? But, she would be
his lover, but he wasn’t necessarily her lover, though she
was...oh, it was so confusing!

She was his slave, but she couldn’t say that.
Slavery wasn’t a real thing in today’s world, even though it was.
But the girls at the Manor were slaves. They had no identification,
they didn’t exist to the outside world. Anna was a slave because
Devin took her. There was no escaping, no changing her life. There
had been a chance with Alex...but he was gone.

She looked down at her wedding ring.

Justin reached out and touched her hand.
“Hey, I’m not trying to judge you or anything. I’m just trying to
get to know you.”

Anna looked up at him. His gray eyes were
sincere and looked sad for her. She gave him a small smile. “Do you
know who Devin Andersen is?” She didn’t know if he’d been here long
enough to know who he was.

“Who doesn’t?”

“He’s...the one I...spend time with.” Somehow
just coming out and saying she was his mistress seemed weird.

Justin nodded. “Ah.” He tilted his head.
“Isn’t he old?”

Anna shrugged. “I think he’s in his

“How old are you?”


“Guys your own age aren’t interesting

“I was with Peter for over a year,” she
pointed out, a bit defensively.

“And then you jump into a relationship with
one of the richest men in the city?”

Anna opened her mouth but didn’t know how to
respond to that. “I’ve known Devin my whole life,” she finally

Justin raised his eyebrows in shock. “That
doesn’t make it sound any better.”

Anna looked back down at her ring and didn’t
respond. It wasn’t like she had a choice, and he was unlikely to
understand that. Fortunately, Isaak came in at that moment and she
didn’t have to continue the conversation. She tried not to feel
awkward and deliberately pushed Justin’s comments to the back of
her mind.

When they were done with rehearsing, Justin
sat next to Anna as she hurried to get her pointe shoes off.

“I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad,

She looked at him skeptically but didn’t say
anything. Her ribbon was knotted and being stubborn.

“You’re just a really sweet, pretty girl and
I don't get why you’re...I dunno. You seemed really happy with
Peter. It sucks he had to move away.”

“Yeah,” she mumbled.

“But then you jump into...whatever...with
Andersen?” He shook his head. “It’s okay to be single for a while,
ya know. Play the field or something.”

Anna stared at him for a long minute. He
genuinely felt bad for her.

“Travis doesn’t think very highly of him,” he

Anna shrugged. What could she say? Travis
knew what Devin did to her.

“Did he give you that?”

Anna looked up and saw him looking at her
ring that she was fidgeting with. She hadn’t even realized she was
doing it. She blinked back tears. “No,” she said softly. “It’s my
wedding ring.”

Justin stared. “You’re married?”

“Was,” she said just as softly. “He died
almost four years ago.”

“I’m sorry. I think I remember people talking
about that.”

Her knot finally gave way. “I kinda lost my
mental capabilities after that.” She pulled her shoes off and put
them in her bag.

“How long were you married?”

“Three months...well, not even.” She stood up
and slipped her flip-flops on. “I need to go. I’ll see you
tomorrow.” She felt him watching her as she walked away.


Anna looked at herself in the mirror before
she went downstairs to wait for Devin when he came home from work.
She was wearing a short, dark-green dress that flared around her
hips. Thong, garter and stockings, push-up bra and heels completed
the outfit. She hoped Devin would be pleased. The clock on the
vanity said it was almost six so she made her way downstairs to the
living room. Looking around, she contemplated how she should
present herself. Kneeling would probably be the safest course of
action, but where?

She settled onto her heels by the door just
as she heard male voices in the stairway. Hands on thighs, head
down, she waited for the men to appear. Devin took two steps into
the room and looked around. Trenton sat down on one of the

“There’s my girl,” Devin said in a pleased

Anna relaxed just a bit.

“Let me see you.”

She stood carefully and looked straight ahead
as he examined her. He didn’t say anything, but walked out of the
room. Anna blinked rapidly. She had displeased him. She had tried
so hard, and she had displeased him. She lowered her head so
Trenton wouldn’t see her eyes watering. She wanted to fidget, but
was determined to stay still. Nothing else to displease her

Devin returned a few minutes later and stood
in front of her. “Anna,” he said softly.

She looked up cautiously and was surprised to
see him smiling at her. “Did I displease you, Master?” she asked

“No. Not in the least.”

He held up a silver-colored chain with a
pendent. Her Elder-Mistress necklace! She looked up into his eyes
in shock. “Master?”

He walked behind her. “Hold up your hair,” he
said softly. She did so and he clasped the necklace around her neck
and then kissed her neck at the clasp. “I am very proud of you,
Baby. You deserve this back.”

She hadn’t worn this since Wilhelm had been
banished. She reached up to touch it softly. “Thank you, Master,”
she said and then swallowed. She
pleased him!

He turned her around and traced the circle.
“My Mistress,” he said quietly and kissed her. He pulled her close
and her hands slid over his shoulders.

Chapter Fifty-Six


“Turn over, Anna.”

Anna turned over onto her stomach, still
half-asleep. She had been sleeping hard, but woke at Devin’s voice.
He stretched out on top of her and pressed his cock inside her.

Anna moaned softly as he moved inside her. He
held her hands above her head and his body was heavy above her.

“You were a naughty girl last night, Anna,”
he murmured in her ear.

Anna’s eyes snapped open and she was wide
awake. What had she done? “I’m sorry Master,” she whimpered.

He thrust in deeply and Anna stiffened and
cried out as she felt the pinch inside her body. Devin had extended
his spikes. She kept her breathing shallow and froze. He didn’t
move either.

He sucked on her neck, but kept still. “Do I
belong to you, or do you belong to me?”

“I belong to you, Master.”

“I know what you were doing when you made
Maki come last night. After we’d finished fucking.”

Anna swallowed nervously and tried
desperately to remember what happened the previous evening. Her
memories were fuzzy from the drugs, but she had a vague remembrance
of feeling possessive of Devin’s cum inside Maki’s pussy. Yes,
Devin had fucked Maki and Anna had not liked the idea of Devin
leaving any part of himself inside the other woman, so she had
eaten the cum out of Maki’s pussy without his permission.

“I do not belong to you, Anna. I can stick my
cock in whatever woman I damn well please. I can come inside of any
fucking woman I want. Do you understand?” His voice was soft but

“Yes, Master,” she whimpered.

“You took what didn’t belong to you, Anna.
That’s a very bad girl.” He moved a fraction of an inch and Anna
cried out in pain. “You were aggressive when I hadn’t told you to
be.” He moved again and tears began running down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry, Master! I’m sorry!”

Devin retracted his spikes. “I don’t want to
punish you, Anna,” he said quietly. “I want things to be good
between us.” He began moving slowly, which felt good except for the
cuts that he rubbed against. “Give me your pain, Anna.”

Anna closed her eyes and concentrated. He
rubbed the sore area and she cried.

His movements increased. “Give it to me,
Anna!” he demanded.

She tried. She tried so hard, but it wouldn’t
work. She arched her back and screamed in pain and frustration.

“Give it to me!” Devin yelled, pushing up
away from her and pressing her wrists down deeper into the mattress
and bruising them as he squeezed. He thrust hard over and over
again. Anna’s body jerked with his movements. Finally, she felt
something tingle within the pain and the next moment her mind and
body exploded into tiny shards. She screamed in painful ecstasy as
Devin drove himself deeper and deeper inside her. He gave a last
hard thrust and screamed out above her.

Anna panted as she lay with her face buried
in the sheets below her. Devin had collapsed on top of her and the
weight of his body made it hard to breath. He didn’t move and she
wondered for a second if he was asleep. But just as she worried she
would pass out from lack of oxygen, he groaned and rolled to his

He looked at her and brushed her hair back
away from her face. She turned to look at him, her face still wet
from tears. “I’m sorry, Master,” she whispered, unable to keep a
frightened quiver from her voice.

Devin pulled her close. “You took your
punishment well, Baby. All is forgiven.”

She rested her head on his chest and wanted
to go back to sleep, but knew she had to get up and get to the
studio. “I’ll do better next time, Master. I promise.”

“I know, Baby. I know.”

Anna didn’t notice the bruises until she got
into the car. Her pussy hurt too. She wasn’t bleeding but the cuts
Devin had given her hadn’t healed yet.
Stupid, stupid
She always ended up doing something wrong and making
Devin punish her. No matter her resolve, she always failed.


Anna plopped down on the floor next to
Travis. He immediately saw the bruises on her arms.

Travis frowned at her. “What happened?”

“Devin had to punish me,” she said

Travis let out a low growl and muttered
something about “fucking bastard.”

“I misbehaved, Travis. What else is he
supposed to do?”

“You’re justifying it now?”

Anna shrugged. “He doesn’t usually hurt me
just for the fun of it. He always has a reason.”

Travis snorted. “Yeah, you tell him you don't
like his shirt and he tortures you for the rest of the

“He’s never punished me for that.”


“What is he supposed to do, Travis? I
misbehave. I don't mean to, but I do.” She sighed. “Even Wilhelm
had to punish me when I was in Russia.”

Travis’ jaw dropped open. “Wilhelm punished

“Well, he called it discipline....” Anna
thought back to the spanking. “I guess it was different. But Devin
was nice afterwards this time.”

“This time...,” he muttered. “Dammit, Anna.
Don't you ever wish you could away?”

Anna looked at him in bewilderment. “Run
away? He’d find me. He always finds me.” She shuddered. “You don't
know what he did to me when I tried to kill myself when I was
younger. I can’t imagine what he would do if I tried to run

Travis took her hand and looked at her with
incredible seriousness. “What if there was a way? If you could get
out of here and be somewhere safe?”

Anna laughed. “That doesn’t exist, Travis. He
knows everything. He always knows where I am and what I’m doing.
He’d know if I was at the airport or out of the city.”

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