The Living Bible (456 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Of Abraham

Gen 12:7
Abram built an altar there
Gen 13:3-4
there he again worshiped the Lord.

Of Jacob

Gen 35:1
build an altar to worship the God who appeared

Of Job

Job 1:5
offering a burnt offering for each of them.

Of the Philippian jailer

Acts 16:34
How he and his household rejoiced

In private home, churches

Acts 1:13
held a prayer meeting in an upstairs room
Acts 5:42
in the Temple and in their home Bible classes,
Acts 12:12
he went to the home of Mary,
Rom 16:5
all those who meet to worship in their home.
Phile 1:2
to the church that meets in your home,

Of Jesus as Messiah, God

Matt 2:2
we have come to worship him.
Matt 9:18
the rabbi of the local synagogue came and worshiped
Mark 3:11
they would fall down before him shrieking,
Mark 5:6
had run to meet him, and fell down before him.
Luke 24:52
they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem
Phil 2:10
at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow
Rev 5:8
Elders fell down before the Lamb,

To be given to God only

Exod 20:3
You may worship no other god than me.
Deut 5:7
Never worship any god but me.
Luke 4:8
We must worship God, and him alone.
Rev 22:9
Worship God alone.

Positions of the body during

Gen 17:2-4
Abram fell face downward in the dust
Exod 34:8
Moses fell down before the Lord and worshiped.
2 Chr 20:18
Jehoshaphat fell to the ground with his face

Types of

Deut 16:11
It is time to rejoice before the Lord
1 Chr 23:30
they stood before the Lord to sing thanks
Jer 26:2
make an announcement to the people
Luke 18:10
Two men went to the Temple to pray.
Luke 24:53
were continually in the Temple, praising God.

Exhortations to

Gen 35:1
an altar to worship the God who appeared to you
Deut 12:7
shall rejoice in all he has done for you.
Deut 31:10-11
The Lord commanded that these laws be read
2 Kgs 17:35-36
They were to worship only the Lord
Psa 96:8
Bring your offering and come to worship him.
Joel 2:15
Call a fast and gather all the people together
Heb 10:25
Let us not neglect our church meetings,
Rev 14:7
Worship him who made the heaven and the earth,

, see

YEAST also called leaven

Forbidden at the Passover

Exod 12:19
there must be no trace of yeast in your homes;
Exod 13:3
use no yeast; dont even have any in your homes.
Exod 23:15
The first is the Pilgrimage of Unleavened Bread,

Forbidden with any meat offering

Exod 23:18
No blood shall be offered with leavened bread;
Exod 34:25
must not use leavened bread with your sacrifices
Lev 2:11
Use no yeast with your offerings of flour;
Lev 6:17
that if it is baked it must be without yeast.)
Lev 10:12
make sure there is no leaven in it,

Used in making bread

Exod 12:34
bound their kneading troughs into their spare clothes,
Exod 12:39
didnt have time to wait for bread to rise
Hos 7:4
he kneads the dough and waits for it to rise
Matt 13:33
takes a measure of flour and mixes in the yeast

Used in nonmeat offerings

Lev 7:13
shall be accompanied with loaves of leavened bread.
Lev 23:17
a fifth of a bushel of fine flour containing yeast.


Matt 16:6
beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Mark 8:15
Beware of the yeast of King Herod
Luke 12:2
It will become as evident as yeast in dough.



Isa 10:27
He will break the slave-yoke off their necks,
Jer 2:20
Long ago you shook off my yoke and broke away
Lam 1:14
into ropes to hitch me to a yoke of slavery.
Acts 15:10
by burdening the Gentiles with a yoke

, see

Religious, examples

Num 11:28
Joshua, one of Moses personally chosen assistants,
1 Sam 2:26
he was a favorite of the Lords, too!).
1 Sam 17:26
David talked to some others standing there
1 Kgs 3:10
was glad that Solomon had asked for wisdom.
2 Kgs 22:2
he followed in the steps of his ancestor King David,
Matt 19:16
Someone came to Jesus with this question:
Luke 1:80
The little boy greatly loved God

Exhortations to

Psa 119:9
How can a young man stay pure? By reading your Word
Prov 1:4
I want to warn young men about some problems
Prov 2:1
Every young man who listens to me and obeys
Prov 4:1
Young men, listen to me as you would to your father.
Prov 10:1
Happy is the man with a level-headed son;
Prov 20:29
The glory of young men is their strength;
1 Tim 4:12
Dont let anyone think little of you
2 Tim 2:22
the evil thoughts that young men often have,
1 Joh 2:13
I am talking to you because you have won


Examples of

Num 11:27
they ran and told Moses what was happening,
Num 25:8
rushed after the man into his tent,
Judg 6:25
cut down the wooden idol of the goddess Asherah
2 Sam 7:2
David said to Nathan the prophet,
1 Kgs 19:10
He replied, I have worked very hard for the Lord
2 Chr 14:2
Asa was careful to obey the Lord his God.
2 Chr 17:3
The Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he followed
Ezra 7:10
Ezra had determined to study and obey the laws
Jer 25:2-3
I have faithfully passed them on to you,
Acts 2:14
Peter stepped forward with the eleven apostles,
Acts 11:22
they sent Barnabas to Antioch to help
Rom 16:1
She has worked hard in the church there.

Without knowledge

John 16:2
who kill you will think they are doing God a service.
Rom 10:2
but it is misdirected zeal.

In punishing the wicked

Exod 32:20
He took the calf and melted it in the fire,
Num 25:10-11
he was as angry as I, concerning my honor;
Josh 22:12
prepared to go to war against their brother tribes.
1 Sam 15:33
Samuel chopped him to pieces before the Lord
1 Kgs 18:40
Elijah took them to Kishon Brook and killed them
2 Kgs 23:20
He executed the priests of the heathen shrines

Exhortation to

Josh 24:15
as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.
Ezra 7:23
whatever else the God of heaven demands
Eccl 9:10
Whatever you do, do well,
Matt 5:15-16
let your good deeds glow for all to see,
Rom 1:9
telling others the Good News about his Son.
Rom 12:11
but serve the Lord enthusiastically.
1 Cor 14:12
for those that will be of real help
Gal 6:9
let us not get tired of doing what is right,
Titus 2:14
real enthusiasm for doing kind things for others.
Jude 1:3
to stoutly defend the truth which God gave,

Quick Verse Lookup

Select a book of the Bible.


1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
Song of Songs
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John

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