The Living Bible (454 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Obedience of, to God, see


Power of

Dan 4:17
the Most High dominates the kingdoms of the world,
John 1:13
human passion or planbut from the will of God.
Rom 9:19
Havent they done what he made them do?
Eph 1:5
His unchanging plan has been to adopt us
Jas 1:17
he shines forever without change or shadow.

Fulfilled by Christ

Matt 26:42
your will be done.
Mark 14:36
Yet I want your will, not mine.
Luke 22:41-42
But I want your will, not mine.
John 4:34
My nourishment comes from doing the will of God
John 5:30
for it is according to the will of God
Heb 10:7
I have come to do your will, to lay down my life,

Exhortations concerning

Matt 6:10
May your will be done down here on earth,
Acts 21:14
said, The will of the Lord be done.
Rom 1:10
the opportunity, God willing, to come to see you
Jas 4:15
If the Lord wants us to, we shall live and do this



Gen 41:6
shriveled and withered by the east wind.
Ezek 19:12
withered by a strong wind from the east;
Hos 13:15
the east winda wind of the Lord from the desert


Exod 10:19
he sent a very strong west wind


Prov 25:23
As surely as a wind from the north brings cold,


Job 37:16-17
become warm when the south wind is blowing
Luke 12:55
When the south wind blows you say,


Jer 22:22
your allies have disappeared with a puff of wind;
John 3:8
Just as you can hear the wind


Ingredients used in making

Gen 40:11
I took the grapes and squeezed the juice into it,
Song 8:2
spiced wine to drink, sweet pomegranate wine.

How stored

Josh 9:3-5
old, patched wineskins and dry, moldy bread.
Job 32:19
I am like a wine cask without a vent!
Jer 13:12
All your jugs will be full of wine.
Matt 9:17
who would use old wineskins to store new wine?

Secular uses of

Prov 31:6-7
wine for those in deep depression.
John 2:10
Usually the host uses the best wine first,
1 Tim 5:23
You ought to take a little sometimes as medicine

Sacred uses of

Exod 29:40
also 2 pints of wine, as a libation.
Num 15:5
three pints of wine for a drink offering.
Num 28:7
three pints of strong wine with each lamb,
Matt 26:27
he took a cup of wine and gave thanks for it

Laws concerning the use of

Lev 10:8-9
Never drink wine or strong drink
Num 6:3-4
or wine or even fresh wine, grape juice, grapes,
Num 28:14
six pints of wine with each bull, four pints for a ram,

Types of

Prov 23:31
the sparkle and smooth taste of strong wine
Jer 48:11
poured from flask to flask, and is fragrant
Mark 2:22
New wine needs fresh wineskins.
Luke 5:39
drinking the old wine seem to want the fresh and new.

Miracles concerning

John 2:11
miracle at Cana in Galilee was Jesus first


Matt 26:29
I will not drink this wine again
Mark 14:24
This is my blood, poured out for many,
Luke 22:20
This wine is the token of Gods new agreement


Psa 75:8
there is a cup of pale and sparkling wine.
Prov 9:2
a great banquet, and mixed the wines,
Rev 14:8
made them share the wine of her intense impurity


Examples of

Deut 15:14
your olive press, and your winepress.
Judg 6:11
threshing by hand in the bottom of a grape press

In vineyards

Isa 5:2
a watchtower and cut a winepress in the rocks.
Mark 12:1
dug a pit for pressing out the grape juice,


Isa 63:2
clothes so red, as from treading out the grapes?
Lam 1:15
trampled his beloved city as grapes in a winepress.
Rev 14:19
the grapes into the great winepress of Gods wrath.


Examples of

1 Kgs 3:28
realized the great wisdom God had given him.
1 Kgs 10:24
interview him and listen to his God-given wisdom.
1 Chr 12:24-37
men who understood the temper of the times
Ezra 7:25
Ezraa, are to use the wisdom God has given you
Dan 5:14
you are filled with enlightenment and wisdom.
2 Pet 3:15-16
Our wise and beloved brother Paul


Psa 107:43
Listen, if you are wise, to what I am saying.
Psa 111:10
growth in wisdom comes from obeying his laws.
Prov 1:7-9
is to trust and reverence the Lord!
Jer 9:24
boast in this alone: That they truly know me,
Jer 31:34
everyone, both great and small, shall really know me
Acts 6:10
none were able to stand against Stephens wisdom
1 Cor 2:7
Our words are wise because they are from God,
1 Tim 3:15
holy Scriptures; and it is these that make you wise

From God

Exod 4:12
for I will help you to speak well,
Deut 4:6
they will give you a reputation for wisdom
Job 33:16
gives them wisdom and instruction,
Psa 16:7
he gives me wisdom in the night.
Psa 32:8
I will instruct you (says the Lord)
Prov 2:6
His every word is a treasure of knowledge
Dan 1:17
God gave these four youths great ability
Matt 11:25
for revealing it to little children.
John 6:45
Those the Father speaks to, who learn the truth
John 16:13
comes, he shall guide you into all truth,
1 Cor 12:8
the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice;
1 Tim 1:7
but to be wise and strong,
1 Joh 2:27
you dont need anyone to teach you what is right.

Prayers for

1 Kgs 3:9
Give me an understanding mind so that I can govern
Psa 5:8
Tell me clearly what to do, which way to turn.
Psa 39:4
Help me to know that I am here for but a moment
Psa 90:12
Teach us to number our days
Psa 139:24
anything you find in me that makes you sad,
Phil 1:9
keep on growing in spiritual knowledge and insight,
Col 1:9
asking God to help you understand what he wants
Jas 1:5
ask him and he will gladly tell you,


Prov 1:20
Wisdom shouts in the streets for a hearing.
Prov 8:1
Cant you hear the voice of wisdom?
Prov 9:1
Wisdom has built a palace supported on seven pillars,

Blessings of

Prov 1:5-6
I want those already wise to become wiser
Prov 8:11
the value of wisdom is far above rubies;
Prov 24:3-4
profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts.
Eccl 7:11
To be wise is as good as being rich;
Matt 25:10
those who were ready went in with him

Apart from God

Prov 20:18
Dont go ahead with your plan without the advice
Isa 5:21
Woe to those who are wise and shrewd in their own eyes!
Jer 8:9
These wise teachers of yours will be shamed
Rom 1:22
Claiming themselves to be wise without God,
1 Cor 1:17
I do not fill my sermons with profound words
1 Cor 3:18
intelligence, as judged by this worlds standards,

, see

Laws concerning

Exod 22:11
must take an oath that he had not stolen it,
Lev 5:1
Anyone refusing to give testimony
Num 5:19
shall require her to swear that she is innocent,
Deut 17:6
never put a man to death on the testimony of one

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