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Authors: Humberto Fontova

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Dos Passos, John
Dotres, Dr. Carlos
“Down with Communism!”
“Down with Fidel!”
D'Rivera, Paquito
Droller, Gerard “Gerry,”
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA, U.S.)
Dunn, Anita
Dzerzhinsky, Felix
Economist Intelligence Unit
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
Eisenhower, President Dwight
El Espectador
El Paso, TX
El Salvador
El Universal
“Elian” (see Gonzalez, Elian)
“Elvis” (Fidel Castro)
Embargo, U.S. arms (Cuba)
Embargo, U.S. trade (Cuba)
Emiliano Zapata Unit
English, T.J.
Enriquez, Lesley A.
Erin Brockovich (film)
Escobar, Alba
Escobar, Pablo
Espin, Vilma
Espino, Lorenzo
Espronceda y Delgado, Jose de
Estefan, Gloria
Evans, Sir Harold
Executions (see also Paredon)
Fallaci, Oriana
FARC (“Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia”)
Faulkner, William
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S.)
FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration)
Feminists (& Fidel Castro)
Fernandez, Delfin
Fernandez, Marzo
Ferrer, Darsi
Fibla, Alberto
Financial Times
Finca Vigia
Flat Earth Society, The
Flexner, Allison
Florida Straits
Fonda, Jane
Fonseca, Miguel
“For What it's Worth,” 90 Forbes
Ford, President Gerald R., Jr.
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Affairs Committee, U.S. House of Representatives
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Foreign terrorist organizations (FTO's)
Fortress of San Carlos de la Cabana (see La Cabana Fortress)
Fox News
Frasch, Dr. Carl
Frazier, Steven
“Free-Speech Tour,”
Friedan, Betty
Friedman, Thomas
Frondizi Ercoli, Arturo
Fuller, Katy
Fuller, Robert Otis
Gaddafi, Muammar-al
GAESA (Grupo de Administracion Empresarial S.A.)
Garcia, Andy
Garcia, Felix Julian
Garcia, Fernando Miguel
Garcia, Juan Felipe
Garcia, Jerome John “Jerry,”
Garcia, Justo, Jr.
Garcia Perez, Jorge Luis
Garcia Quinta, Roberto
“Gardens of the Queen” reef (Cuba)
Gardner, Ambassador Arthur
Gasparini, Juan
Gaviota tourism group
Gaynor, Gloria
Geist, William Russell “Willie,”
Gelbard, Robert S.
Georgetown University Cuba Study Group
Gibbs, Stephen
Gimbel's, New York
“Gladys,” Cuban woman political prisoner
“Glass ceiling” (in Cuba)
Gleaner, The (Jamaica)
Globe and Mail (Toronto)
Glover, Danny
Godfather, The (novel)
Godfather II, The (film)
Goldberg, Jeffrey
Goldberg, Whoopi (Caryn Elaine Johnson)
Goldwater, Sen. Barry M.
Gomez Abad, Jose (DGI)
Gomez Farias Elementary School, Tijuana
Gonzalez, Elian
“Gonzalez, Elian's mother” (Elizabet Brotons Rodriguez)
Gonzalez, Juan Miguel, Elian's father
Gonzalez, Lazaro
Gonzalez, Loamis
Gonzalez, Luis
Gonzalez, Rogelio
Gonzalez, Sigifredo “Sigi,”
Gonzalez, Teodoro
Gonzalez-Calero, Cesar
Gonzalez Tovar, Miguel Angel
Goodfellas (film)
Grand Central Terminal, New York
Granma (newspaper)
Granma (yacht)
Grateful Dead
Grathwohl, Larry
Grau, Maria Leopoldina “Polita,”
Grauman's Chinese Theater (Hollywood)
Grayson, George
Great Terror (see also Stalin, Stalinism)
Griffin, Kathleen Mary “Kathy,”
Grobart, Fabio
Gross, Alan Phillip
GRU (Soviet military intelligence)
Grumman Corp
Guanahacabibes labor camp
Guantanamo Naval Base
Guerrilla war
“Guerrillero Heroico” (“The Heroic Guerrilla,” photo)
Guevara De La Sernay Lynch, Ernesto, a.k.a. “Che,”
Guggenheim, David
Gulag (Cuba & U.S.S.R.)
Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn)
Gulf cartel
Gunn-Clissold, Gillian
Habeas corpus (Cuba)
Haig, Alexander M., Jr.
Hannity, Sean
“Happy island” (see also Matthews, Herbert)
Harvard University
“Haskell, Eddie” (Leave It to Beaver)
Havana Film Festival
Havana Hilton
“Havana Jam,”
Havana Nocturne (see also English, T.J.)
Hayden, Tom
Health, Politics, and Revolution in Cuba Since 1898 (see also Hirschfeld, Katherine)
Hemingway, Ernest
“Hemingway Fishing Festival” (Cuba)
Hemingway Marina (Cuba)
Hendrix, James Marshall “Jimi,”
Hernandez, Alexis
Hernandez, Gilberto
Hernandez, Melba
Hernandez Pena, Indasio
Hewitt, Don
Hidalgo, Alcibiades
Hill, Faith
Hill-Lewis, Geordin
Hirschfeld, Katherine
History Channel (TV)
Hitler, Adolf
“Hogar de Transito para los Refugiados Cubanos” (see also Cobo, Arturo)
Holden, Stephen
Holocaust (Caribbean)
Holocaust (European)
Holocaust (Ukrainian)
Homeland Security, Department of (U.S.)
Honecker, Erich
Hoover, J. Edgar “Hotel California,”
Hu Jintao
Huffington Post, The
Hussein, Saddam
Huxley, Aldous
Hynde, Chrissie
“I Hate the Sea,”
“I Will Survive,”
Ibarruri, Dolores (“La Pasionaria”)
ICAP (Cuba)
ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
I.F. Stone's Weekly (see also Stone, I.F.)
Infant mortality
INS (U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service)
Inside the Cuban Revolution
Inter-American Dialogue
Interests Section, Cuba (in U.S.)
Interests Section, U.S. (in Cuba)
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“World Bank”)
International Herald Tribune
International Labor Organization (ILO)
Internet (in Cuba)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Irvine, Reed
“Island in the Storm,” Italy
Jackson, Rev. Jesse
Jaws (film)
Jaws (novel)
Jefferson Airplane
Jennings, Peter
Jerez, Urbino
Jesus Christ (see also Mandela, Nelson)
Jews (in Cuba)
Jewison, Norman
Joel, William Martin “Billy,”
John Birch Society
John Paul II, Pope (Karol Józef Wojtyła)
Johnson, Paul
Juarez, MX (drug trade)
Judiciary Committee, U.S. Senate
“Judy Blue Eyes,”
Justice, Department of (U.S.)
Katyn massacre
Keating, Sen. Kenneth B.
Kelly, Ian
Kennedy, President John Fitzgerald, “JFK,”
Kennedy, Sen. Robert Francis
Kerouac, Jack
Key West
Khrushchev, Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev, Sergei
Kim Il-Sung
Kim Jong-Il
Kincaid, Cliff (see also Accuracy in Media)
King, Carole
King, Jr., Rev. Martin Luther
Kissinger, Henry A.
“Kong, Maj. T.J. ‘King'” (see also Dr. Strangelove)
Koppel, Edward James Martin “Ted,”
Korbel School of International Studies
Korda, Alexander
Korean War
Kremlin (see also Soviet Union)
Kristofferson, Kris
Kubrick, Stanley
La Cabana Fortress (see also
Lago, Armando
Lansky, Meyer “Lara,” Cuban consul in Argentina
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority
Latin Business Chronicle
Latin American Studies Association
Latsis, Martin
“Law of National Dignity,”
Lawrence, Matt
Lee, Rep. Barbara
Lehder, Carlos
Lenin, Vladimir
Leonard Marks Essay Award, American Academy of Diplomacy (see Lopez, Arturo)
Lexington Institute
Life magazine
Lifetime (TV)
Lima, Ariel
Lindy, Andrew
Linville, James S.
Lippmann, Walter
Llerena, Mario
Lobo, Julio
Looe Key
Look magazine
London Daily Telegraph, The
London Sunday Times, The
Lopez Levy Callejas, Arturo
Lopez Munoz, Antonio
Lost City, The
Lubyanka (see also La Cabana Fortress)
Lue, Dr. Albert
Lugo, Maritza
M-19 (Movement of April 19, Colombia)
McCarthyism (McCarthyite)
McCaul, Michael
McDonald, Country Joe
McDonnell, S.F.P.D. officer Brian V.
McGuire, Joe
Machado, Carlos
“Machismo” in Cuba (see Washington Post, The)
McKinsey & Co.
“The McLaughlin Group” (PBS)
McNamara, Robert S.
Macuran, Pastor
Macy's, New York
Maher, William “Bill” Jr.
“Mal Sacate” (see also Kristofferson, Kris)
Man Who Invented Fidel, The (see also DePalma, Anthony)
Mandela, Nelson
“Mandela Mania,”
Manyika, James
March (de Guevara), Aleida
Mariel boatlift
Marin, Olga Lucia (see also FARC)
Marquez-Sterling, Carlos
Marquez-Sterling, Manuel
Martin-Perez, Roberto
Martinez, Helen
Martinez, Sebastian
Martinez Rodriguez, Camila
Marx, Gary
Marx, Groucho
Mata, Miriam
Matthews, Christopher John “Chris,”
Matthews, Herbert Lionel
Mayo, Mario Enrique
Meany, George
Medellin cartel
Medical Education Cooperation
Meehl, Gilbert
Mendoza, Dessy
Menendez, Manel
Meningitis B vaccine (Cuba)
Mercader, Ramon
Mexican armed forces
Miami Herald, The
Micheletti, Roberto
Milanes, Ernesto
Military Review (U.S. Army)
Militia (Castro)
Miller, Tom
Mitchell, Andrea
Mobile Press-Register
Mogadishu, Somalia, murder rate
Molina, Ivette
Monje Molina, Mario
Monserratte, Joaquin
“Montana, Tony” (see Scarface, film)
Montero, Elsa (DGI)
Montes, Ana Belen
Montseny, Demetrio
Moore, Michael
Morgan, Olga
Morrison, Jim
Morrow, William (publisher)
Moses (see Mandela, Nelson)
Motorcycle Diaries (Che Guevara)
Motorcycle Diaries, The (film)
MSM (mainstream media)
MSNBC (Microsoft and the National Broadcasting Company)
MTV (Music Television)
Mujahedeen (Afghanistan)
Mujal, Eusebio
Mujeres de dictadores (“Women of Dictators”)
Murrow, Edward R. “Ed,”
“Music Bridges Over Troubled Waters,”
Nabokov, Vladimir
Nacional, Hotel
Naipaul, V.S.
Napolitano, Janet
Nation, The
National Council of Churches
National Geographic
NBC (National Broadcasting Company)
Neill, Morgan
Neruda, Pablo
New Deal
“New Man,”
New York City
New York Observer, The
New York Post, The
New York Public Library
New York Times, The
Newman, Lucia
“Newsstand” (CNN)
Nicholas Romanov, Czar
Nicholson, Jack
Night of the Long Knives (Germany)
“Nightline” (see also ABC)
Nixon, President Richard M.

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