The Lunam Ceremony (Book One) (11 page)

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Authors: Nicole Loufas

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Lunam Ceremony (Book One)
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Monte kisses me on the cheek and tells Dillan to drive safely. Dillan shakes his hand, and they disappear to the back of Dillan’s truck. Layla gives me a long hug. “I’m so proud of you.”

It feels good in her arms. I relish the moment and let her pull away first. “I’ll miss you, Mom.”

“Call me, every day if you want. I’ll be at Jessie’s.” She opens the door to the truck and I climb in.

“When are you going back to Nevada?”

“I took a leave of absence. I want to see how things work out here,” she says as Monte reappears. I thought I knew all of my mother’s smiles, but this one is new. Or old depending on how you look at it. It peeves me to know she kept me hostage in that desert hellhole all these years and now she just leaves without looking back.

“You ready?” Monte slides up to her and takes her hand. Layla winks at me. “We’ll see you in Napa.” Monte waves.

Dillan jumps into the driver’s seat and starts the engine. I wave at my parents.
My parents!
Standing hand in hand seeing me off just like parents do when their child leaves for college. I quickly wipe the tears, but Dillan notices anyway. “Ah babe, don’t cry. You’ll see them tonight,” He pats my leg.

“I know, it’s not that,” I tell him. I had so many doubts about coming to Lunam, about who I am. I still have reservations about my feelings for Dillan and how I will fit into the pack, but I’m not afraid anymore. Not after seeing how happy Layla is. She needed this, she needed to come back. Not just for me, for herself.

I look back one more time and see Cassie walking to a black SUV with Conall, the leader of the Shasta pack. “Cassie is Conall’s daughter?”

“Yeah, you didn’t know?” Dillan turns out of the parking lot and heads towards the highway.

That would make Cassie a pureblood; she should have matched with someone strong, like Dillan. I swallow back tears and close my eyes. How horrible this must be for her and her family. “How does her not matching affect her family? Will her bloodline end if she doesn’t have children?”

Dillan shrugs and says the Shasta pack doesn’t think preserving their bloodline is a priority. “Some think their line is already tainted. Cassie not matching sort of proves that. A pureblood always finds a mate.”

“Cassie also told me that purebloods usually match within their own pack, but Layla matched with Monte. Maybe things change, evolve,” I reason. “Just because Cassie is sweet and kind, it doesn’t make her any less alpha.”

“You see her as sweet, others see her as passive,” Dillan says. “You weren’t raised around the packs, you don’t understand.”

How dare he throw that in my face? I’m glad I wasn’t raised in a pack. “Maybe I see things from a fresh perspective.”

Dillan smiles at my challenge. “I love how fired up you get over nothing.” He rubs the top of my thigh, and my skin tingles where his palm touches me. Without wanting to, I calm down.

“I’m worried about my friend’s future,” I say softly. “I wouldn’t call it nothing. I just want her to have a good life. If I can help her in any way, I will.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. If Cassie’s future is important to you, then it’s important to me.”

“She doesn’t understand there is a big world out there that doesn’t care about her bloodline. If I could just show her. I know she can be happy leading a normal life.” The life I wanted to lead until the moment I met Dillan.

“If it means that much to you, I’ll talk to my dad and see what he thinks about transferring Cassie to our branch, ok?”

I jump out of my seat and kiss Dillan on the cheek. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you!”

Where the hell did that come from?

“Did you just say what I think you said?” Dillan grabs the back of my head and kisses me as if the words mean something.

I return to my seat, feeling guilty for allowing him to think I love him. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s like someone saying: I’ll be your best friend if you…

I stay quiet for most of the drive. I’m too afraid to start any conversation that may end with “I love you.” Eventually Dillan turns on the radio and music drowns out my thoughts. When a corny love song comes on, Dillan sings the chorus softly to himself. It’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. If my only problem in life is falling in love with this beautiful, sweet, boy, then so be it. My life could be a lot worse.

When we pull to a stop in front of the large ornate gates that lead to Dillan’s family home, I get nervous. I pull down the visor and check my hair in the little mirror. I have it pulled into a ponytail since I didn’t have time to blow dry it this morning.

“You look beautiful,” Dillan says and flips the mirror up. “You don’t need to impress anyone.”

That’s sweet of him to say, but I flip the mirror down and make sure I don’t have any food in my teeth.

The gates open magically, and Dillan eases the gas slowly towards the house. Or should I say mansion. There are several cars parked in the circular driveway; Layla’s convertible isn’t among them. When Dillan hops out of the truck, I take another peek in the mirror before I get out.

Dillan tells me to relax just as a maid appears at the front door. She looks like she wants to hug Dillan but refrains. She tells us his parents are waiting on the veranda. Whatever that is. I walk around the perfectly placed furniture, making sure I don’t touch anything. It looks like a museum or a really expensive furniture store. It feels cold and unlived in. We walk through a set of French doors and I realize a veranda is another word for fancy patio.

“Hey Mom.” Dillan greets a tall blonde woman with a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Mom, this is Kalysia.”

I step forward and hold out my hand, but Dillan’s mom pulls me into her arms. She is stunning. “It’s so wonderful to meet you.” She squeezes me the way a child hugs a teddy bear. “Are you hungry?”

“Let her get a chance to settle in before force feeding her.” Dillan takes my hand and pulls me into his arms. “Where’s Dad?” Before Dillan’s mother can respond, I sense someone standing behind us. Dillan spins around quickly, and his grip tightens on my shoulders.

“Adel, why didn’t you tell me they were here?” He crosses the veranda and stands beside his wife.

“We just walked in the door, Dad,” Dillan tells him.

“You must be Kalysia. We’ve heard so much about you,” he says, ignoring Dillan’s lukewarm greeting. “I’m Lowell.” He extends a hand to me. “I’m so happy to finally meet you.”

I’m relieved he’s not a hugger. “Nice to meet you,” I say and shake his hand. I’ve known Dillan less than forty-eight hours; I wonder how he knows anything about me.

We stand awkwardly for a minute before Adel offers us drinks. Dillan asks for a beer, while I opt for a diet soda. We sit at the large round table on the veranda, and Adel places two platters in front of us filled with cheese and fruit. I pluck a strawberry from the tray and stare at the rows of grapes that stretch out for miles. “I didn’t know you literally lived on a vineyard,” I say to Dillan.

He smirks as if it’s no big deal. I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up every morning and look out your window to this. My window faced the back of a Quickie Mart, and you didn’t want to look out that window. “You’re so lucky.”

“Yeah, I know.” He squeezes my leg under the table. I jump slightly at his touch then recover quickly. I place my napkin in my lap and allow his hand to remain.

“I remember my Lunam,” Adel says wistfully. Her cheeks flush as she sips her red wine. Dillan makes a gag noise beside me and I slap his arm. “It was all so exciting. I couldn’t wait for my life to begin. This is a very special time for the two of you. Appreciate every moment of it.” She looks at Lowell, who is staring at his phone.

“Thank you, we will.” I smile at Dillan and he leans in for a kiss. I turn my head at the last minute so he kisses my cheek. He smiles at the coy look on my face and moves his fingers higher up my inner thigh. I inadvertently squeak.

Dillan raises an eyebrow at me as if the noise I made is code for something. “Mom, I promised Kalysia a tour of the grounds,” he says as he stands, pulling me up with him.

Adel smiles and tells us dinner will be at six sharp. “Don’t be late, Dillan.”

He gives her a sly smile and we excuse ourselves. Lowell stands and tells Adel he’ll be in his office. I feel like a really horrible guest as we leave Adel alone of the patio.

“She’ll be fine,” Dillan whispers and whisks me through his childhood home.

Dillan’s idea of a tour consists of the stairs and hallway that lead to his bedroom. “I thought you were going to show me the property?” I fold my hands over my chest and stand in the doorway.

Dillan plops down on his king-size bed. “You’ve seen one vineyard; you’ve seen them all.” He holds his arms out to me. “Come here.”

“I’ve never seen a vineyard.” I glare at him and try to pretend I don’t want to spend the entire day in bed with him.

Dillan pulls off his black t-shirt, exposing a six-pack only nature could mold. “I promise to give you a tour later.” He crosses his heart with his fingers. If he didn’t look so damn sexy, I may have protested longer, but my animalistic urges take over.

I step in the room and lock the door. Dillan bites his lower lip as I pull the straps on my sundress down over my shoulders. “Do you want me?” I say as my dress falls away revealing my naked body.

He jumps off the bed and kneels in front of me. He kisses me softly on my stomach, making circles with his tongue around my belly button. I moan when his hand slides up my inner thigh. When he doesn’t stop, my knees buckle and I lean into him for support.

Dillan must sense my needs, because he moves me to the bed. I lie down, and he lowers himself on top of me. “I’ve never wanted anything or anyone the way I want you. It scares me how much I need you already.” His words are heavy with emotion. I feel everything he is saying.

I don’t know how to reply. There are no words. I love the fact that he wants me. Needs me. “You have me, Dillan.” He does. I am his and he is mine. If this is what my forever looks like, feels like, then I am the luckiest girl in the world. I try to stay quiet, knowing Dillan’s parents are nearby, but it’s difficult not to get lost in him. We’ve spent the last two days in bed, yet everything still feels brand new. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of him.

“Was everything ok? I mean, were you satisfied?” he asks when we finish.

“Of course, can’t you tell?” I can sense his pleasure. I assumed he could do the same.

“Yes, but you were…quieter than before.”

I roll onto my stomach and rest my head on his chest. “Your parents.”

Dillan rolls his eyes. “We’re post Lunam. They know what’s up.”

“I know, but it still feels weird.” I kiss the space above his heart. “Don’t worry, when we get to our own place, I’ll be so loud the entire pack will need ear plugs.”

Dillan pulls me into his arms and kisses me. “Look, I know you’re confused about your feelings for me.” I start to protest, but he stops me. “Don’t say anything, ok. I’m not asking for reassurance; you will never have to say it to me. I can feel it, sense it.” Dillan touches his forehead to mine and looks into my eyes. “Don’t doubt my feelings for you, ever. Ok?”

All I can do is nod. There is nothing for me to say. I do feel Dillan’s love for me. I feel it in his touch. I taste it in his kiss. I sense it in the way he loses himself in me when we make love. My body, my heart, and my mind are telling me that Dillan Dukes loves me. He also knows I don’t feel the same way. Not yet. I never thought he sensed my feelings the way I do his. He feels my apprehension, my doubt. I climb onto his lap and he moans.
I want to love him the way he deserves to be loved.
I let myself go and let out a little howl.
I will fall in love with Dillan Dukes or I will die trying.



At five o’clock I force myself out of Dillan’s bed. After a quick shower we head downstairs. Monte and Layla are already there. We barely have time to say hello before Adel ushers us into the dining room for dinner. I sit between Dillan and his father. Monte and Layla sit across from us. Two more people sit at the end of the table near Adel. They are associates of Lowell’s, human business partners. Todd and Elliot are partners in every sense of the word.

“I hear congratulations are in order.” Elliot holds up his wine glass and points it towards me and Dillan. I look back, confused.

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