The Lure of the Pack (29 page)

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Authors: Ian Redman

Tags: #Thriller, #Suspense, #Fantasy, #Mystery, #Military, #War, #Action, #Adventure, #Supernatural, #Werewolf, #Shifter

BOOK: The Lure of the Pack
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The woman’s voice again! Piper felt like screaming, but he
couldn’t. He was thirsty. He needed water, a drink, but he didn’t dare move, not

The German journalist next to him turned and looked at
Piper’s heavily bloodshot eyes. “Shit,” he whispered, “you look terrible!”

“I’m okay…really!” But he wasn’t, and he knew it!

“Imagine if you will, ladies and gentlemen,” Von Kurst
continued, “a child sitting at home, on his or her computer, the child logs
onto the information highway. The Internet opens up a vast world of knowledge
for that child, a world that can only exist, through the microchip.” Von Kurst
paused again, looking over at Piper, this time with a glint of menace in his
eyes. “A teenager keys in a number on a mobile phone and speaks with a friend.
Yet again, the conversation revolves through the world of microchip technology.
Yes, my dear friends…” the powerful look on Von Kurst’s face was now of supreme
confidence as he glanced across at the woman known to Ash Piper, as Helga
Zeist. “…the microchip, as we all know, is the future, not just for
communication, but for knowledge itself. So I now put a theory to you all! What
if that same child and that same teenager, could link directly with overhead
satellites, to speed up their own communication, to further develop the depths
of their knowledge? Would it not be a brave new world of advanced microchip and
satellite technology, that would bring about these incredible changes?” There
was a stunned silence in the room, but that didn’t mean anything to Piper. He
felt sick! Sick to his stomach!

The woman’s intimidating voice in his head spoke again, “YOU

Get out of my fucking head, thought Piper. God, that woman,
the Zeist woman! Piper opened his eyes and attempted to focus on Otto Von
Kurst’s secretary. It was difficult, too many people sat in front of him,
blocking his view. Then, just for a few seconds, he caught a glimpse of her.
She had her eyes closed, her face set in a grimace of intense concentration. My
God, he thought, she is the one! She’s entering my mind! The voice in my head,
it is definitely hers. Helga Zeist is another of my kind! No wonder my head is
aching so badly, there are now two of them in this damned room.

As Piper sat stupefied, Von Kurst continued his speech,
“yes, ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to expand the barriers of
technology, to give our children and our children’s children, the chance to
reach out for their dreams and to achieve greater heights of knowledge. With
this goal in mind, Von Kurst Electronics are proud to announce a brave new
concept in communication technology, allowing swifter, more cost-effective
communication and advancing the world our children live in. As you are all
aware ladies and gentlemen, my good friend, the Sales Director of VKE, Wilhelm
Oratz has just returned from St Petersburg. After many lengthy discussions,
Wilhelm has now finalised plans for our new microchip research and production
facility to be built just south of …the Venice of the North.” Another smile
brought ripples of laughter from the speaker’s captivated audience. “On
Monday…” Von Kurst continued, “Wilhelm begins a series of sales visits to our
three facilities in Munich, Zurich and Rome. This will be to finalise a new
direction for Von Kurst Electronics and then for Wilhelm…to have a pleasant holiday,
no doubt!” There was further laughter and this time slight applause at Von
Kurst’s attempt at humour. “My friends, I am an optimist, never a pessimist.
Yes, we live in trying times, with violence and bloodshed seemingly all around
us. But we must take heart! We must continuously look to the future and we, at
Von Kurst Electronics have looked to the future…”

Piper’s face was grey, he felt violently sick, his head was
thumping. No longer could he concentrate on entering Otto Von Kurst’s mind, the
woman’s voice being constantly present in his head, goading him, baiting him.
I’ve got to leave he thought; I’ve got to get out!


“Commander, Colonel, you had better see this, Red Haze’s
blood pressure is rising dramatically.” The CEATA medic looked desperately

“Let me see,” Jeanette Descard practically leapt over to the
system where Piper’s vital signs were being monitored, with Commander
Hertschell and Colonel Mann soon by her side. “My God,” she whispered, “what
the hell is happening in there?”


“…Ladies and Gentlemen, Von Kurst Electronics are proud to
announce our brand new lead in microchip technology. For I now present to all
of you, the VKE SATChip, the future of 21st Century communications!”
Spontaneous applause erupted across the showroom as Von Kurst continued his
speech, giving details of how VKE’s production facilities would soon begin
manufacturing a brand new, ground breaking specification of microchip. It was a
revolution in communication technology and Piper knew it!

He sat back, the headache easing slightly. Helga Zeist had
moved from her chair and now stood by an overhead projector linked to a Laptop,
ready to assist Von Kurst and Wilhelm Oratz with the second part of their
presentation. Piper breathed a huge sigh of relief. Helga Zeist’s voice in his
head had been a warning. He didn’t dare push any further. Now, she was busy.
Relax he thought, breathe deeply, let the presentation finish, then get out,
fast! The mission…was a failure!


Fuck it! It was nearly an hour later and Piper was beginning
to seethe with anger. Not with Otto Von Kurst, or Helga Zeist, but with
himself. How could he sink into a quagmire of failure? How could he face
Commander Hertschell and Colonel Mann? That bastard Von Kurst is planning
something, he thought and I’m just fucking sat here, listening to him and his
self righteous Sales Director, gloating about the future. What fucking future?
A future where possibly thousands more innocent people will die! Piper’s throat
began to contract, his hands becoming fists. Careful, he thought; not here! The
adulation continued, so too did Von Kurst’s speech, his grin seemingly ever
wider. Piper’s eyebrows furrowed. The Followers he thought, they’re outside and
ready to assist and I have the mobile phone! Just four simple keys to be
pressed and support will be in, fully armed and ready to strike. Piper sighed,
looking again at his enemies on the podium. They were bringing the presentation
to a close. Again Piper’s throat contracted.  He knew the sign! It was the wolf
inside him, begging for action, telling him to prepare for confrontation. Piper
remembered his military training with the Parachute Regiment and the SAS and
his studies on strategy and tactics. Now more than ever, an age-old ‘rule of
thumb’ persisted in his thoughts. ‘Sometimes, the best defence, is offence!’ So
be it he thought, I’m having you, you bastard! I’m going to stop you in your
fucking tracks Von Kurst, and I’m stopping you…TONIGHT!


“And so, to conclude this presentation, may I take this
opportunity to thank you all once again for gracing us with your presence. I do
hope you will all agree with Wilhelm and I that the new VKE SATChip will, over
the coming months and years, revolutionise the microchip industry and indeed,
ours and our children’s futures…for the better!” It was Helga Zeist and Lana
Franke who quickly stood and led a standing ovation, an ovation which Otto Von
Kurst and Wilhelm Oratz seemed to revel in. Piper stood too, mildly clapping,
but his thoughts were on his plan of action. Did he dare call the Followers in
now? No! Not yet, let’s just see what happens, he thought.

As the multitude of guests continued their applause, Piper
let out a slow growl. He couldn’t help it! Thankfully, the loud clapping
covered the wolf’s voice. His gaze drifted to Lana Franke. He could just make
her out within the confines of movement that surrounded him. She was gazing up
at Von Kurst, the look in her eyes sending messages to him, messages that were
seemingly being ignored. Then, quite unexpectedly her gaze turned towards
Piper. His heart missed a beat as Lana Franke’s eyes seemingly pierced his, her
tongue licking her lips again. You bitch he thought, you’re the one who’ll set
me up, who’ll lead me into a trap. It’s time to test Von Kurst thought Piper,
to test one part of him which I know is a major weakness…his vanity. As the
applause diminished, with a devilish smile on his face Ash Piper made his
first, instinctive move towards confrontation. “HEY OTTO, WILHELM,” he shouted,
his voice loud and confident, “NICE PRESENTATION, SO HOW ABOUT AN INTERVIEW?”

A stunned silence suddenly enveloped the VKE Showroom as a
fitful look of anger raced across Otto Von Kurst’s face. As for Lana Franke,
her expression was thunderous. Yes, you vain bastard thought Piper, it’s me,
I’ve come for you!

“Who the hell is that guy?” An American voice broke the
silence, a reporter from the New York Times, the seated guests all turning to
the one man who now held everyone’s attention. The beaming smile on Von Kurst’s
face had vanished, now it was a look of surprise, mixed with anger. “My, my,
such a distinctive show of bravado, Mister…” Von Kurst’s powerful voice boomed
across the Tannoy, the lost smile returning, etching its way across his face,
but the warmth of the smile had vanished. In its place, was a smile of bold

Piper shouted yet again from the rear of the audience.

“Ah yes, Mister Drake, I’m sorry I have not yet had the…”
Von Kurst paused, as if struggling to say the next word, “…pleasure, of meeting
you in person. But I think you have already met Doctor Franke this evening,
have you not?”

Was there a hint of sarcasm in Von Kurst’s voice, thought

“How rude!” A woman just to the front, couldn’t help but
voice her opinion.

VERY BEAUTIFUL LADY!” He turned his gaze to the good Doctor as she sat,

Von Kurst suddenly erupted into laughter, “my dear Mister
Drake, why should I give you this one, very special interview? Please, tell me,
I am greatly intrigued?”

Piper smiled again, this time not at Von Kurst, but at Lana
Franke. Two can play at your game my dear doctor he thought, his icy gaze
returning to Von Kurst. “LET’S FACE IT OTTO…” again came the chastisement,
slowly gnawing at Von Kurst’s self esteem, chipping away, like an ice-pick on a
frozen mountainside. “IF YOU DON’T ASK, YOU DON’T GET!” Piper’s heart was
pounding. At last, he was on the offensive!

“Why not let Mister Drake have his interview Otto?” Wilhelm
Oratz, now standing on the podium, shoulder to shoulder with his close friend
glared at Piper, his eyes seemingly like small daggers, aiming for his enemy’s
heart. The audience sat silent, no one moved or even whispered. The atmosphere
had become chill, intense with many still not believing the sheer arrogance of
the man from the Financial Times.

Again, the laugh echoed over the Tannoy, “my dear Mister
Drake, you have taken us all by surprise this evening. It is rare for people to
take such initiative, such as you have done, tonight.”

Piper nodded. Get ready he thought, any time now he will
call me up to the podium, and then…God only knows!

“Well Wilhelm,” Von Kurst feigned gentlemanly acceptance and
smiled again, “Ladies and Gentlemen, as I said before, we are all grateful for
your distinguished presence here tonight. Wilhelm and I hope you have
thoroughly enjoyed yourselves…”

Here I go thought Piper, any second now!

“…the bar is now open. Please help yourself to free drinks
and further refreshments for the rest of the evening. As for Wilhelm and I,
well…I think we will give an interview, behind closed doors…to…”

Piper clenched his fists, the hairs on the back of his neck
rigid with tension.

“…Mister Oliver Drake of the Financial Times. Please Mister
Drake, come forward and join us on the podium!”

“You lucky bastard,” said the German journalist.

I don’t think so, thought Piper.

There was a burst of applause as Piper hastily vacated his
seat, moved into the centre aisle and slowly began walking towards Otto Von
Kurst and Wilhelm Oratz.


“What the hell is going on?” Charles Mann looked
inquisitively at the large screen, his eyes scanning every centimetre of the
overhead view in front of him. “Just what are you up to, Red Haze?” he

“He’s goading Von Kurst,” said Jeanette, “I had a feeling
he’d do this, in fact I damned well knew it!”

“Colonel, should we move in?” Nick Lucas’s voice was shaky;
he was sweating.

“No Nick, not just yet, Piper knows what he’s doing.”

“I just hope you’re right Colonel,” whispered Jeanette.


The applause continued as Piper, as if in slow motion,
continued his walk down the aisle, towards the podium.

“Lucky man!”

“I like your style”

“Hey buddy, how about sharing your interview with the New
York Times?”

Piper was oblivious to the journalists’ comments, his gaze
fixed steadily on that of Von Kurst’s. Calmly, he walked towards the steps
leading up to the podium and then hesitated. For a split second he didn’t know
why then the reason hit him like an express train with no brakes.  The
television images on the plasma screen to Piper’s left were showing another
report on the preparations for the forthcoming Festival of Peace, including
vintage footage of Pope John Paul II
, blessing the crowds in St
Peter’s Square.

“Mister Drake…at last!” Otto Von Kurst slowly held out his
hand as his broad smile left his face.

MY GOD, thought Piper, his body now fuelled with adrenaline,
TO ME BEFORE, without thinking his hand came up to shake Von Kurst’s, THE

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