The Lure of the Pack (32 page)

Read The Lure of the Pack Online

Authors: Ian Redman

Tags: #Thriller, #Suspense, #Fantasy, #Mystery, #Military, #War, #Action, #Adventure, #Supernatural, #Werewolf, #Shifter

BOOK: The Lure of the Pack
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It had taken a great deal of concentration, but Doctor Lana
Franke’s newly arrived patient had managed to block the muffled screams from the
television. He had solely concentrated on the operating theatre light above
him, at times desperately straining against the straps, trying to find some
sort of weakness in at least one of them, but it was no use.

He was thoroughly secured.

Piper’s knee throbbed, but at least it was bandaged, as for
his headache, it was gone. But it was the numbing pain under his left armpit
that worried him, greatly. It was quite obvious he thought, the bitch had
removed the microchip, and as for the wolf…his wild side, there was no trace.
How he had thought of the wolf, trying, so very, very hard to transform, to
become at one with the wild animal inside him. But it was hopeless. No he
thought, don’t give up hope, there has to be a way out somehow? Reason with
her! The clanking of the metal bolt on the outside of the metallic door made
Piper suddenly hold his breath, his spread-eagled, tightly restrained form
knotting with tension.

“Hello, my darling.” In she walked, Piper raising his head
that little bit further as the door swung shut behind her.

Even though he was starting to feel anxious and quite
possibly frightened, he could not help but admire the sheer sexual energy of
the woman walking towards him. Her open white doctor’s coat flowing
provocatively, her white tee shirt, tucked tightly around her perfectly formed,
white brassiered breasts and the short black skirt and stockings! God he
thought, his breathing erratic, she’s dressed to arouse…to stimulate!

“There now,” Doctor Lana Franke walked to the opposite side of
the operating table and switched off the DVD and television. “I do hope you
enjoyed the entertainment.” Slowly, teasingly, she walked back to the table and
leaned over him, her perfume, even with the languid smell of disinfectant in
the theatre, caressing his senses.

“Lana,” he said.

“Ah…” she held up her right index finger, shaking it from
side to side, “what have I told you?”

“I’m sorry,” go with her thought Piper, keep calm, play her
at her own game. “Doctor Franke…”

“Yes darling.”

“What time is it, and what day?”

Her head shook slowly, from side to side, her eyes sultry,
her attractive face conveying instant displeasure. Again, she looked down at
her hapless patient, “bad boy Oliver! You’re missing one very important word,
aren’t you?” she said, provocatively.

“Please…tell me?”

“No! It doesn’t matter what day it is, or what time it is,
to you those issues are of no importance whatsoever.”

“Well, please, how long was I unconscious?”

“Do not try my patience darling, as I said, those sort of
questions are totally irrelevant. Now then…” smiling, she placed a gentle kiss
on Piper’s lips, “…it’s time for your initial examination.”

Piper fell silent, his heart racing as he watched his
attractive captor move to a small box on a trolley, pulling out a pair of medical
latex gloves. She walked back.

“Have you been examined by a female physician before?”

“No,” Piper replied, his voice just a whisper, his throat

“Well, there’s nothing to worry about, but it is important I
check your general state of health before your treatments begin. Now…” Somewhat
seductively, the physician held up her hands to face height, slowly snapping on
the latex gloves. She smiled, once again licking her moist tongue across her
lips, her eyes narrowing as she looked her patient’s naked form up and down.
Then she turned and walked nimbly to another small trolley. She picked up a
stethoscope, placed it around her neck and returned to Piper’s side. “Just
follow my instructions and we’ll get along fine.” Slowly, Doctor Lana Franke
placed the cold end of the stethoscope on Piper’s chest, and spoke gently,
“breathe in please!”

Piper did so. Just go with it, he thought! Don’t annoy her;
it’s not worth it.

As the minutes ticked by, Lana Franke gently, seductively
ran her hands across Piper’s torso, asking him to breathe in, then out. He
followed her instructions again and again, his heartbeat becoming faster as she
deftly examined him, her hands seemingly caressing his skin, exploring his body
carefully, tolerantly.

“There now, well, your heartbeat is very strong, but I
expected as much and your general state of fitness seems very good indeed.
Now…my darling,” Piper tensed as Lana lowered her face to his. “It’s time for
me to examine your penis and testicles,” she whispered, “obviously it is important
for me to check for any abnormalities.”

You bitch thought Piper, tensing again as she stood at his
side, her gloved hand gently but firmly cupping his scrotum. “Relax please.”
She squeezed, her tongue dancing across her lips as Piper strained and gasped.
“Oh my darling, I am sorry! It never ceases to amaze me just how sensitive the
testicles are.” She squeezed again, tighter, Piper’s response being the same,
only stronger, a sudden grunt and gasp of air leaving his dry mouth, the straps
holding him tightly in place. He grunted again, air scything through his
gritted teeth. “Please, my darling,” mischievously, Lana Franke stared down at
the man secured on the operating table, her eyes searching his, as if she was
enjoying every second of her patient’s unease and discomfort, “I know this is
unpleasant for you, but it is a necessary part of the examination, now lie
still. There, that’s better…now, I’m going to apply gentle pressure to your
right testicle, this will make you just a little more uncomfortable.”

“God! You fucking…” Piper bucked again, pain lancing through
his scrotum.

“What did you say?” Lana Franke’s fingers continued the
pressure, tightening, squeezing hard as she continued to glare fixedly at her

Piper gasped! Don’t provoke her he thought, “nothing Doctor,
I’m sorry.”

“Good! Now then, your left testicle,” she gripped again as
Piper gritted his teeth, his breathing becoming heavy, his penis becoming
rigid. “Oh Oliver, look at this…” she smiled, a knowing smile, “you can’t help
it can you my darling. Please don’t be embarrassed, it is common for my
patients to become sexually aroused during the initial examination stage.” The
tight grip slackened. “Now then,” she smiled again, her hands gently stroking
Piper’s genital area, “let me have a look at this…wonderful penis of yours.”


“Relax darling, please…just relax.” Piper closed his eyes
and sighed. He couldn’t help it. “Well, your foreskin is fully retractable, so
I won’t have to circumcise you…at least for the moment.”

My God, thought Piper!

“Please, just relax darling.” Lana Franke smiled again as
she gently began manipulating Piper’s penis, holding it firmly in her left
hand, her right squeezing, massaging his testicles.


“No darling, don’t be embarrassed, just lie still.” Her
hands worked gently at first, caressing and kneading the foreskin, her gentle
rhythms sending Piper into an exquisite state of mental release. For several
minutes she continued her lascivious treatment, dexterously, faster and faster,
her grip tightening, Piper’s body, struggling, his squirming joyous, his
feelings incredible as his seed readied to his explode from his body.

Then, Ash Piper yelled aloud in ecstasy.

“Oh my darling, how wonderful!” The patient groaned, his
climax forcing his body to wrench against the straps, his eyes open, seemingly
fixated on his beautiful tormentor, his sperm flying across his stomach, over
her gloved hands, his pleasured form bucking, wrenching against the straps in
his joyous climax. Firmly, confidently, the attractive physician continued to
knead, to massage, knowing full well she was in total control. “Oh no,” she
whispered, “I haven’t finished with you yet! I’m going to milk you dry…Oliver.”
The helpless patient’s body jerked and spasmed as Piper moaned again and again.
Then he yelled, her manipulation, now becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

“How I love this part of the examination,” she said, still
sadistically working on the sweating man on the table as he struggled against
the straps, “pleasure…then pain, my darling.”


“No…oh no….”

“God,” Piper bucked on the table like a horse at a rodeo,
his voice once again becoming a yell.

“I must continue,” she looked down at him, giggling as she
did so.

“YOU BITCH!” Piper gasped for air, his penis and testicles
aching, his face and body contorted, her hands still kneading his foreskin,
brutally, painfully squeezing his testis. She laughed again at his
helplessness, his discomfort, his torso arcing upwards to the theatre light as
he yelled in agony…and ecstasy!


“Von Kurst Electronics, how can I help you?”

“Can I speak to Mister Otto Von Kurst, please?”

“I’m sorry,” Erika Platz detected a North American accent,
“Mister Von Kurst is away on vacation. Can anyone else help?”

“Wilhelm Oratz then, please.”

“I’m sorry; Mister Oratz is also away on vacation, until

“When are Mister Von Kurst and Mister Oratz actually due
back in the office?”

Erika’s eyebrows rose slightly, “can I ask who is calling?”

“Oh yeah, sorry, my name’s Scott Voight, I’m calling from
Toronto Electric, in Canada. I’d like to have a discussion with either of the
gentlemen regarding their new SATChip. I’m quite willing to fly over to meet
the guys, if that’s okay?”

Erika smiled, “actually Mister Voight, Mister Von Kurst is
on a private vacation for at least two weeks, and Mister Oratz will be away on
business for one week, as of Monday.” There was a pause in the conversation.
“Mister Bernhard Steinhoff, our Production Director is available, would you
like to speak to him?”

“Err…no thank you. I’ll wait a couple of weeks, thanks for
your time.”

“You’re welcome.”

Nick Lucas finished his communication with VKE’s
receptionist and looked up at Colonel Mann. Around him, Commander Hertschell,
Jeanette Descard and Jean-Paul looked on, pensively. They had all listened to
the conversation via the internal speaker system attached to Nick’s computer

“On vacation…” Charles Mann stroked his chin with his right
hand, his eyes focusing on Nick’s, “…in other words, he’s missing!”

“It would seem that way, Colonel.” Nick shrugged his

“And still no sign of Piper?” The Colonel’s gaze turned to
Maurice Hertschell. The two men didn’t speak.

“You’re not still thinking Ash is with Von Kurst, Colonel?”
This time Jeanette Descard could not hide her emotions.

“We have to Doctor, the facts speak for themselves.”

“Oh do they…?”

There was a distinct look of anger in Jeanette’s eyes as
Nick turned his bespectacled gaze towards the Colonel. This is crazy he
thought, Ash wouldn’t join Von Kurst, he just wouldn’t.

“Well,” Maurice Hertschell broke the icy chill invading the
CEATA Communications Room, “let’s not jump to conclusions just for the moment!”
To all around, the Commander’s current state of doubt was still obviously
evident, “Charles, please join me in my office.”

As the two senior CEATA officers left the Communications
Room, Nick turned to Jeanette. “Are you okay?” he said, his voice caring,

“I’m worried about him Nick, very worried.”

“Yeah, I know, we all are, but hey…” just for a moment,
Nick’s bright smile lifted Jeanette’s spirits, “you know Ash, Jeanette!
Whatever he’s up too; he can look after himself!”


Smiling happily, Doctor Lana Franke moved away from her
restrained, breathless patient and walked quietly over to the sink. She grasped
one of the stainless steel bowls, pulling off the cloth that covered it. With a
tantalising look on her face she turned around whilst beginning to run the hot
and cold water. “I’m going to sponge you darling, to help you to relax and get
rid of that disgusting mess across your stomach, then I’ll take a look at your
knee.” She paused, filling the bowl with water as Piper’s heart raced. Quickly,
Doctor Franke returned to her patient’s side carrying the bowl and a small,
yellow sponge.

Breathing deeply, Piper looked at her, his sweat dripping
down his body, his loins aching from the brutal pummelling of her so called
‘milking procedure’.

“There now,” she whispered, her face once again coming close
to his, “I’m going to gently wash you all over. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Piper didn’t speak, his eyes focusing again on the theatre light above him.
“Are you not wanting to talk to your doctor Oliver, oh…that’s very rude isn’t
it?” With a large, beaming smile set firmly on her attractive face, Lana Franke
placed the sponge in the bowl, then rung it out, the water making gentle
tinkling sounds as it fell onto the bowl’s round rim. Still smiling, she moved
to the tip of the table, her hand nimbly turning Piper’s face towards her.
Gently, ever so gently, she sponged his forehead, mopping the sweat from his
sodden brow, then down, over his face.

Piper closed his eyes. In a strange way, he was grateful for
the sponging. It was refreshing; bringing him out of the linear sense of
unclean misery in which he had lain for some time.

“There now,” again came the soothing voice of the woman who
knew she was in complete control of the man lying helpless on her operating
table. Gently she continued, moving to his chest, re-soaking the sponge from
time to time, her latex gloved hand, slowly following the pattern of his
secured, aching body, moving up and along his strong muscular arms.

She was quiet thought Piper, her breathing hushed, the smile
on her face, still there, but different.

Soothingly, the physician rubbed the sponge down toward his
stomach, and over his seed. “Oh, look at this mess!” The sponge and the warm
water gently caressed Piper’s skin and his senses, once again causing his
arousal, as she knew it would. “Good boy,” she whispered, her hand sliding down
to his loins, the sponge wiping quickly, cleaning thoroughly, then on, down his
legs…and to his knees. “Oh dear, your wound is bleeding.”

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