The Magic Square - Tricking Your Way to Mental Superpowers (2 page)

Read The Magic Square - Tricking Your Way to Mental Superpowers Online

Authors: Lewis Smile

Tags: #Arts & Photography, #Performing Arts, #Magic & Illusion, #Humor & Entertainment, #Puzzles & Games, #Magic, #Math Games, #90 Minutes (44-64 Pages), #Science & Math, #Mathematics, #Recreation & Games

BOOK: The Magic Square - Tricking Your Way to Mental Superpowers
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1 + 7 + 10 + 17 = 35

And just for fun, you even included the corners of each 3x3 square...


11 + 14 + 4 + 6 = 35

And just for fun, you even included the corners of each 3x3 square...


15 + 12 + 5 + 3 = 35

And as luck would have it, the vertical mirror images...


8 + 14 + 10 + 3 = 35

And of course the horizontal...


15 + 4 + 7 + 9 = 35

And not forgetting the diagonal mirror images...


15 + 8 + 3 + 9 = 35

In both directions...


4 + 10 + 14 + 7 = 35

And this trick would be nothing without the center 4...


1 + 12 + 16 + 6 = 35

And just to make it all neat and tidy, you got the 4 corners too!


11 + 2 + 5 + 17 = 35

And just for the fun of it, here's everything together!


If you add up every number in this particular square, you get 140. As it's a 4x4 square, we'll divide that by 4... take a guess... what do you think the result is?
I'd imagine you'd be pretty surprised if it WASN'T 35.

Mind = Exploded

Almost every combination adds up to their chosen number, and their mind is well and truly blown. Congratulations.

Stand up, take a bow, and demand their allegiance. You are now their new Superhero King or Queen, complete with Cape of Awesome. Sudoku has got
on you, champ.

It looks like you just performed something only a computer could do, or at least a maths genius with time to spare. You can see how performing this live, before their very eyes, will leave a lasting impression.

REMEMBER: They could have chosen ANY number and this would still have worked!


"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made." - Groucho Marx

So how do you do it? You just do it. Haha, there is no secret. It's really not that hard. Just work it out as you go.
el oh el!

Just kidding.


You will need to learn these numbers off by heart: 11 8 2, 1 12 7, 4 6 9, 5 10 3.

Eleven, eight, two. One, twelve, seven. Four, six, nine. Five, ten, three.

Eleven, eight, two. One, twelve, seven. Four, six, nine. Five, ten, three.

Eleveneighttwo! Onetwelveseven! Foursixnine! Fivetenthree!

Notice how the numbers are 1 to 12. It's a countdown from 12, with the numbers dotted about the square, with no number in the sequence repeating. The numbers stay in the same sequence, and they stay in the same places, for every magic square. This string of numbers forms the foundation of every single magic square you will ever do. They will be in every magic square, in this order, and won't ever need to change. This is the ultimate shortcut. This is what makes the trick so fast to perform, and this is what makes this trick so accessible even if you suck at maths.
As you can see, you are left with 4 empty spaces.

These 4 grey spaces will be filled with MAGIC in a moment. Be excited. This is exciting.

The numbers in the above square will always be the same no matter what random number your friend chooses, and those 4 extra grey boxes turn what is otherwise just a normal sequence of numbers into a square with hidden superpowers.

The 12-number sequence is almost the same length as a phone number, and memorisation is easily within reach through simple repetition. Say it with a rhythm, as 4 blocks of 3, and you'll have it in less than 3 minutes. Say it fast, say it slow, say it in funny voices, make up any weird mnemonics you like,
just learn it.
I'm not about to tell you to stop reading if you haven't learned it yet, but it will make everything else even easier, sooner rather than later. Learn the numbers. Read them out loud right now for a few minutes. You'll nail it. I believe in you.

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