The Magus, A Revised Version (117 page)

BOOK: The Magus, A Revised Version
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Why are you grinning, Jojo?

Cause I

m happy.


t you tired?


I leant forward and kissed the side of her head. It was the first time I

d ever kissed her, and I started the engine immediately. After a while she went to sleep and slowly slumped against my shoulder. When she slept she looked very young, fifteen or sixteen. I got occasional whiffs of her hair, which she
hardly ever washed. I felt for
her almost exactly what I felt for Kemp; great affection, and not the least desire.

One night soon after that we went to the cinema. Kemp, who thought I was mad to be sleeping with such an ugly layabout—

t attempt to explain the true situation—but was glad I was showing at least one sign of normality, came with us, and afterwards we all went back to her


and sat boozing cocoa and the remains of a bottle of rum. About one Kemp kicked us out; she wanted to go to sleep, as indeed I did myself. I went with Jojo and stood by the front door. It was the first really cold night of the autumn, and raining hard into the bargain.

We stood at the door and looked out.


ll sleep upstairs in your chair, Nick.

No. It

ll be all right. Stay here. I

ll get the car.

I used to park it up a side street. I got in, coaxed the engine into life, moved forward; but not far. The front wheel was flat as a pancake. I got out in the rain and looked, cursed, and went to the boot for the pump. It was not there. I hadn

t used it for a week or more, so I didn

t know when it had been pinched. I slammed the lid down and ran back to the door.


ve got a bloody flat.


Thank you.


t be such a loon. I

ll sleep in your auld armchair.

I considered waking Kemp, but the thought of all the obscenities she would hurl round the studio soon killed that idea. We climbed up the stairs past the silent sewing-rooms and into the flat.

Look, you kip in the bed. I

ll sleep here.

She wiped her nose on the back of her hand and nodded; went to the bathroom, then marched into the bedroom, lay on the bed and pulled her wretched old duffel coat over her. I was secretly angry with her, I was tired, but I pulled two chairs together and stretched out. Five minutes passed. Then she was in the door between the rooms.



Come on.

Come on where?

You know.


She stood there in the door for a silent moment. She liked to mull over her gambits.

I want you to.

It struck me that I

d never heard her use the verb

to want

in the first person before.

Jojo, we

re chums. We

re not going to bed together.


s only kipping together.


Just once.


She stood plumply in the door, in her blue jumper and jeans, a dark stain of silent accusation. Light from outside distorted the shadows round her figure, isolated her face, so that she looked like a Munch lithograph. Jealousy; or Envy; or Innocence.


m so cold.

Get under the blankets then.

She gave it a minute more and then I heard her creep back to bed. Five minutes passed.
felt my neck get stiff.


m in the bed. Nick, you could easy sleep on top.

I took a deep breath.

Can you hear?



I thought you were asleep.

Rain poured down, dripped in the gutters; wet London night air pervaded the room. Solitude. Winter.

Could I come in a wee sec and put the fire on?

Oh God.

I won

t wake you at all.


She slopped into the room and I heard her strike a match. The gas phutted and began to hiss. A pinkish glow filled the room. She was very quiet, but after a while I gave in and began to sit up.


t look. I havna any clothes on.

I looked. She was standing by the fire pulling down an outsize man

s singlet. I saw, with an unplea
sant little shock, that she was
almost pretty, or at least clearly female, by gaslight. I turned my back and reached for a cigarette.

Now look, Jojo, I

m just not going to have this. I will
have sex with you.

I didna fancy to get into your clean bed with all m

clothes on.

Get warm. Then hop straight back.

I got halfway through my cigarette.


s only

cause you been so awfla nice to me.

I refused to answer.

I only want to be nice back.

If it

s only that, don

t worry. You owe me nothing.

I slid a look round. She was sitting on the floor with her plump little back to me, hugging her knees and staring into the fire. More silence.

She said,

It isn

t only that.

Go and put your clothes on. Or get into bed. And then we

ll talk.

The gas hissed away. I lit another cigarette from the end of the last.

I know why.

Tell me.

You think I took one of your nasty London diseases.


I mebbe have. You don

t have to be ill at all. You can still carry all the microbes round with you.

Stop it.


m only sayin

what you

re thinkin



thought that.

I don

t blame you. I don

t blame you at all.

Jojo, shut up. Just shut up.


You just want to keep your beautiful Sassenach coddies clean.

Then her bare feet padded across the floor and the bedroom door was slammed—and sprung open again. After a moment I heard her sobbing. I cursed my stupidity; I cursed myself for not having paid more attention to various signs during the evening—washed hair done into a ponytail, one or two looks. I had a dreadful vision of a stern knock on the door, of Alison standing there. I was also shocked. Jojo never swore and used as many euphemisms as a girl of fifty times her respectability. Her last line had cut.

I lay a minute, then went into the bedroom. The gasfnc cast warm light through. I pulled the bedclothes up round her shoulders.

Oh Jojo. You clown.

I stroked her head, keeping a firm grip on the bedclothes with the other hand, in case she made a spring for me. She began to snuffle. I passed her a handkerchief.

Can I tell you somethin


Of course.


ve never done it. I

ve never been to bed with a man.



m clean as the day I was born.

Thank God for that.

She turned on her back and stared up at me.

Do you not want me now?

That sentence somewhat tarnished the two before. I touched her cheek and shook my head.

I love you, Nick.

Jojo, you don

t. You can


She began to cry again; my exasperation.

Look, did you plan this? That flat tyre?

I remembered she had slipped out, allegedly to go upstairs, while Kemp was making the cocoa.

I couldna help it. That night we went to Stonehenge. I didna sleep a wink all the wa

back. Ijuist sat there pretendin


Jojo. Can I tell you a long story I

ve never told anyone else? Can I?

I dabbed her eyes with the handkerchief and then I began to talk, sitting with my back to her on the edge of the bed. I told her everything about Alison, about the way I had left her, and I spared myself nothing. I told her about Greece.
told her, if not the real incidents of my relationship with Lily, the emotional truth of it. I told her about Parnassus, all my guilt. I brought it right up to date, to Jojo herself and why I had cultivated her. She was the strangest priest to confess before; but not the worst. For she absolved me.

If only I had told her at the beginning; she would not have been so stupid then.


ve been blind. I

m sorry.

I couldna help it.


m sorry. I

m so sorry.


Och. I

m only a teenage moron from Glasgow.

She looked at me solemnly.


m only seventeen, Nick. It was all a fib.

If I gave you your fare, would you—

But she was shaking her head at once.

There were minutes of silence then and in them. I thought about the only truth that mattered, the only morality that mattered, the only sin, the only crime. When Lily de Seitas had told me her version of it at the end of our meeting at the museum I had taken it as a retrospective thing, a comment on my past and on my anecdote about the butcher. But I saw now it had been about my future.

History has superseded the ten commandments of the Bible; for me they had never had any real meaning, that is, any other than a conformitant influence. But sitting in that bedroom, staring at the glow of the fire on the jamb of the door through to the sitting-room, I knew that at last I began to feel the force of this super-commandment, summary of them all; somewhere I knew I had to choose it, and every day afresh, even though I went on failing to keep it. Conchis had talked of points of fulcrum, moments when one met one

s future. I also knew it was all bound up with Alison, with choosing Alison, and having to go on choosing her every day. Adulthood was like a mountain, and I stood at the foot of this cliff of ice, this impossible and unclimbable:
Thou sha
not inflict unnecessary pain.

Could I have a fag, Nick?

I went and got her a cigarette. She lay puffing it; intermittently red-apple cheeked, watching me. I held her hand.

What are you thinking, Jojo?




t come?



ll marry you.


s a fib.

Give you lots of fat babies with fat cheeks and grins like monkeys.

Och you cruel monster.

She stared at me; silence; darkness; frustrated tenderness. I remembered having sat the same way with Alison, in the room
Baker Street, the October before. And the memory told me, in the simplest and most revealing way, how much I had changed.

Someone much nicer than I am will one day.

Is she like me at all?


Oh aye. I

ll bet. Puir girl.

Because you

re both … not like everybody else.


s only one of everyone.

I went out and put a shilling in the meter; then stood in the doorway between the two rooms.

You ought to live in the suburbs, Jojo. Or work in a factory. Or go to a public school. Or have dinner in an embassy.

A train screamed to the north, from Euston way. She turned and stubbed the cigarette out.

wish I was real pretty.

She pulled the bedclothes up round her neck, as if to hide her ugliness.

Being pretty is just something that

s thrown in. Like the paper round the present. Not the present.

A long silence. Pious lies. But what breaks the fall?


ll forget me.

No, I won

t. I

ll remember you. Always.

Not always. Mebbe a wee once in a while.

She yawned.


ll remember you.

Then she said, minutes later, as if the present was no longer quite real, a childhood dream,

In stinkin

auld England.

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