The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (154 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     David Hersland was one all his living learning to be believing that what frightened some one did frighten that one, that what did not frighten some one did not frighten that one. David Hersland certainly was one all his living trying to be learning to be one believing this thing believing that what frightened some one did frighten that one, that what did not frighten some one did not frighten that one. He was sometimes being one, in trying to be learning this thing, one who was certain that not any one is being existing. He was sometimes one certain that what was frightening that one was not frightening that one, that what was not frightening that one was frightening that one. He was explaining very often that he was not believing that what was frightening some one was frightening that one, that what was not frightening that one was not frightening that one. Certainly he was one trying to be one learning to be believing that what was frightening any one was frightening that one, that what was not frightening some one was not frightening that one.


     He was in his living sometimes knowing very many who were living. Sometimes in his living very many who were being living knew him. He knew quite a number who were being living when he was a young one then when he was a young one.


     Some one was not having angry feeling when he was asking why any one is doing anything. This one did not have angry feeling when some one was explaining that each one did the thing that each one was doing so as to be satisfying the wanting to do that thing that each one had then inside in them. Some are wanting to be asking why each one is doing the thing each one is doing and have not any angry feeling in asking this thing. Some one was explaining that each one doing anything, certainly some of them, were doing that thing to satisfy the feeling of wanting to be doing that thing. Some one was asking what was the use in doing anything and the one asking this thing did not have any angry feeling when that one asked that thing. Some one was explaining that the use of doing a thing was to be satisfying the need any one had to he doing that thing and this explanation did not give to the one receiving this explanation any angry feeling, it did not give to that one any satisfied feeling, it did not give to that one any sad feeling, it did not give to that one any angry feeling. Some are not having any angry feeling when they are asking why any one is doing anything. Some are not having any angry feeling when they are asking why each one is doing the thing each one is doing. Some are not having any angry feeling when some one is giving an explanation of why each one is doing what each one is doing. Some are not having any angry feeling when some one is explaining why any one is doing anything. Some are not having any angry feeling when some one is explaining that each one is doing what each one is doing and is in some way completely explaining that thing, some are not then having any angry feeling, some are not then having any satisfaction, some of such of them are not then having any sad feeling, some of such of them had been then perhaps expecting to be having some satisfaction, some of such of them are not having any weary feeling, some of such of them are not having then disappointed feeling, some of such of them are not then having any excited feeling, some of such of them are not then not asking why each one is doing what each one is doing, some of such of them are not then having any angry feeling.


     Some are explaining that each one is doing the thing each one is doing because they are needing to be doing that thing, because they are needing to be wanting to be doing that thing, because doing that thing is a thing that is feeding them, because doing that thing is a thing that they are needing to be doing so that they can be ones doing something that they are ones needing to be wanting to be doing, because doing that thing is a thing that is something any one will be doing who is one needing to be one doing some things that this one is needing to be doing, because doing that thing is a thing in some way satisfying that one as being the one being that one. Some having some one explaining each one being one doing what each one is doing are not having then any angry feeling. Some of such of them are explaining that exchanging anything is a completely pleasant thing and they are not exchanging anything just then, some of such of them are explaining that exchanging anything is a completely pleasant thing and they are exchanging a good deal just then, some of such of them are not having in them any angry feeling, some of such of them are asking then why each one is doing what each one is doing, some of such of them are hearing some then explaining that thing, some of such of them have not in them then any angry feeling.


     In a way David Hersland was one not completely asking why each one is doing what each one is doing. In a way David Hersland was not ever completely explaining why each one is doing what each one is doing. In a way he did have angry feeling in him in asking, in listening, in explaining, this thing, certainly he did very nearly did not have angry feeling in him about any of this thing. Certainly he might have been one completely asking about this thing about why each one is doing what each one is doing. He might have been one certainly he might have been one completely explaining this thing why each one is doing what each one is doing. He was not ever completely asking this thing, he was not ever completely explaining this thing. He might have been one having completely angry feeling in asking, in explaining, in having explanations of this thing, he certainly was not ever completely angry in asking about this thing, in explaining, in hearing some one explaining this thing. He was one who certainly might have been one completely asking about each one doing the thing each one is doing, he was one who certainly might have been one completely explaining each one doing what each one is doing.


     David Hersland was not completely asking himself, asking any one why each one is doing what each one is doing. Sometimes he was almost completely asking this thing. He might have been one sometime completely asking this thing. He might not have been sometime completely asking this thing. He was not ever really completely asking this thing. He certainly might easily be thinking, any one might easily be certain about it about him when he was living that he was one completely asking this thing. He certainly was not completely asking this thing. He certainly was not ever completely explaining why every one is doing what each one is doing in being living. He might have been one explaining this thing, he might have been one not explaining this thing. Certainly many were certain that he was one having been being, going to be being explaining this thing. He could be one needing wanting to be explaining this thing. He was not ever completely needing wanting to be explaining this thing. He was not then ever really in living completely explaining why each one is doing what each one is doing in being living.


     He certainly might have been one completely listening to any one explaining this thing why each one is doing what each one is doing. He was pretty nearly completely listening to any one who was one explaining this thing. He was then one sometimes explaining something. He was then sometimes wanting to be needing being one completely explaining everything. He was then sometimes almost completely needing wanting to be one explaining everything. He certainly listened very much and very often and certainly he very nearly completely listened when he listened to very many who were explaining everything. Certainly he was one who was listening, who was explaining, who was asking, who was answering in being one being living. He was one certainly completely clearly feeling a good deal in being one being living. He certainly was one clearly thinking. He certainly was one pretty nearly completely explaining everything. He certainly was one pretty nearly completely asking about each one being one doing the things each one is doing. He was a young one and he was an older one and he was a little older then and then he was not any longer living. He certainly sometimes then was knowing very many who were living then. He certainly sometimes then was known by some who were living then. He certainly was one who was in a way completely clearly feeling some things. He certainly was one who was in a way very completely clearly thinking. He was in a way one pretty nearly completely needing to be wanting to be completely asking about each one being the one that one is in being living. He was one certainly wanting to be needing to be certain that somethings being existing are beautiful things being existing. He was one certainly not in a way completely feeling such a thing. He was in a way completely clearly feeling what he was feeling. He was one certainly not completely explaining everything. He was one certainly not completely asking about each one being the one that one is in being living. He was one feeling some things clearly feeling some things. He was one knowing some very well in being one being living. He was one who was doing some things. He was one clearly thinking in being living. He was one listening and talking and asking and answering. He was one, and certainly some were certain of this thing, he was one clearly feeling, clearly thinking, completely clearly* feeling, completely clearly thinking some things, and he was then feeling and listening and talking and asking and answering and almost completely then needing to be sometime explaining everything. He was not ever really completely needing to be explaining everything. He was not ever completely explaining everything. He might have been one completely explaining everything. He might not have been one completely explaining everything.


     He was one and certainly there were some who were certain of this thing, he was one almost completely listening to any one who was explaining everything. He was one and he certainly was that to some he was one not in a way completely listening to any one explaining everything. He was one who certainly to some was very nearly explaining everything. He was not one explaining everything. He was not completely needing to be such a one.


     To be young, to be older, to be middle aged, to be older, to be old, each one is a way of being and each one means something to each one being living. In a way being young means something to every one and it is not the same thing. One is a young one that is to say that one is in the beginning of being living, that is to say that one is not yet a middle aged, is not yet beginning to be a middle aged one. That one is thinking, is feeling about being being in that one, that one is telling about that thing. That one is doing something and is thinking about that thing. That one is not then to that one one being a young one that is to say that one is not then to that one, one beginning being living, that one is then to that one one being living one being one doing something and thinking about that thing, one being one thinking, one being one feeling, one helping some one to be one doing something, one realising the way some other one should begin doing something, one telling some one how that one should go on doing something. This one then is in a way not a young one that is to say this one is in a way not one being one being beginning in being living. This one in a way is a young one, that is to say this one is one not feeling something, not thinking something, not being in being living one being what that one will be being when that one is an older one. That one is then in a way a young one and is in a way beginning being living and this is then in this one, and this one is one not then having that thing in that one that is being a young one, is not then having that thing in that one as something that one is needing to be one deciding anything, to be one directing some other one, to be one working and feeling and thinking, and that one is then a young one and this is in that one as being and that is then making that one be the one that one is then in being living.


     David Hersland was such a one in being a young one, he certainly was then one being one not needing it to be a young one to be one being then living, to be one being then working and thinking and feeling and directing some and deciding anything. He was then a young one and being then a young one made it that he was one being existing as being one doing anything, feeling anything, thinking anything, deciding anything, directing anything in the way that he was then doing such a thing, then when he was a young one.


     Some are needing themselves being a young one, an older one, a middle aged one, and older one, an old one to be ones realising what any one telling about different ways of feeling anything, of thinking about anything, of doing anything is meaning by what that one is telling. Some are needing themselves being a young one, an older one, a middle aged one, an older one, an old one to be one being certain that it is a different thing inside in one being a young one, from being an older one, from being a middle aged one, from being an older one, from being an old one. Some are needing themselves being different ages in being living to be realising that each one is different in being one being feeling, in being one being thinking, in being one doing anything, in being one deciding anything, in being one directing anything in being a young one, in being an older one, in being a middle aged one, in being an older one, in being an old one.


     David Hersland was such a one. David Hersland was needing being at different ages in being living to be realising the different ways any one can be thinking, feeling, doing at different times in being living, m being a young one, an older one, a middle aged one, an older one, an old one, a very old one.


     Some are needing being at different ages in being living to be to themselves one doing something, thinking some thing, feeling something, directing some, deciding something. David Hersland was such a one. Some are needing being at different ages in being living so that they can be realising that each one is feeling differently, is thinking differently, is doing anything differently, is deciding differently, is directing anything or any one differently at different ages in their being living. David Hersland was such a one.


     David Hersland was a young one and he was then thinking and feeling and doing some things and deciding some things and directing some things and directing some whom he knew then, directing some of them in doing things, directing some of them in thinking things, directing some of them in feeling things. He was directing some then in thinking about some things, he was directing some then in their feeling about some things. He was deciding some things then and deciding some things then for some who were knowing him just then. He was one then being living all his living. He was one being one being living to himself inside him almost all of his being living.

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