The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (149 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     Each one has his has her own way of being one experiencing in being one being living. Each one is of a kind in men and women, of a kind of way of being one experiencing, of being one experiencing anything, of being one experiencing being one being living.


     Each one in some way can know, each one in some way cannot know, each one in some ways does know, each one in some ways does not know of each one some one in some ways can know, some one in some ways cannot know, of each one some can in some way know, some can in some way not know what they are meaning by being one being living, each one, how they are thinking, how much and what way they are boasting, how they can and how they cannot be experiencing, what some other one could be meaning who might be having almost such a being in them as that other one has in them. Certainly some are not thinking about anything and these are ones very clearly certain about many things and are clearly certainly expressing what they are knowing and they are not changing when others are changing. Certainly some are not thinking about anything and they are clearly feeling something and they are clearly telling that thing, and they certainly are not changing when they have not been feeling a new feeling about the thing they have been clearly telling, their feeling. David Hersland might have been one of such of them, he was not one of such of them, he certainly was one thinking about mostly everything about which he was having feeling. He might have been one not thinking about anything but having clearly a feeling about that thing and clearly expressing the feeling he was having and not doing any thinking and not doing any changing and having then more clear feeling and clearly expressing that clear feeling. He might have been such a one. He certainly might have been such a one. He certainly was one having clear feeling about some thing, he was one certainly thinking about things, he certainly was one clearly expressing what he was feeling when he was clearly feeling something, he was one certainly thinking about almost everything, he was one in a way needing to be having complete thinking, he was one not really wanting to be needing complete thinking, he was one certainly thinking about almost everything.


     He was certainly to some one in a way boasting about being one being living in being one being the one he was then. To very many he was certainly one not boasting about this thing. He was one certainly to himself one sometimes boasting of this thing, he certainly was one liking to be to some, one boasting of this thing.


     Mostly every one is needing some one to be one listening to that one being one being one boasting. David Hersland in a way was not one needing one to be one listening to him being one being one boasting. There certainly were some who were listening then to him. He was one in away not really needing this thing and that was because he was one so clearly tilling what he was so clearly feeling. He needed some to be listening while he was thinking, he did have very many to listen while he was thinking, he almost was not needing this thing. Some who are thinking are very much needing some one to be one boastingly listening, some who are thinking are needing some one to be listening to them and saying something and not really saying that thing. Some are needing to be having some one saying something and they are not seriously considering the serious thing they are needing that some one is saying while they are thinking. David Hersland could in a way be one of such of them. Very many are completely ones of such of them.


     Thinking, boasting, listening, remembering, forgetting, feeling, and meaning, and telling are in some being living.


     Some are certainly completely interested in going on being living, some are not completely interested in this thing, some are almost completely interested in this thing. In a way David Hersland was not completely interested in this thing, in a way he was almost completely interested in this thing.


     Some are thinking about being interested in this thing, about being interested in going on being living. Some are telling every one how interesting it is to be interested in this thing. Some are boasting about being completely interested in this thing, some are boasting about not being at all interested in this thing. Sometimes it is astonishing that some one has been forgetting that that one is completely interested in this thing. Some are pretty nearly always remembering that they are completely interested in this thing. Being ones completely interested in being ones going on being living is what very many are certain is not all of living to them. Being ones completely interested in being ones going on being living is what very many are having as very nearly all of living for them. Each one ever living is certainly sometimes completely interested in being one going on being living. David Hersland as I was saying was in a way not completely interested in this thing, was in a way almost completely interested in this thing. He was one certainly talking about this thing, he was one certainly listening to some talking about this thing, he was one certainly sometimes boasting about being one perhaps sometime going to be completely interested in this thing, he was one certainly mostly remembering about being interested in this thing, he was one certainly sometimes quite forgetting about any one being interested in this thing, he could certainly be feeling something about the meaning of this thing, he certainly could do very much thinking about the meaning of this thing.


     He could certainly be feeling something about being one going on being living, about any one going on being living, he certainly could think very much and very often about any one being one going on being living. He could certainly feel something about this thing, he could certainly think very much indeed about this thing, he could certainly feel a little something about this thing, he could certainly feel a little something about any one not going on being living, he could certainly think very much about this thing.


     Some are thinking very much in being ones being living, some are not thinking very much in being ones being living. Some are thinking very much about being ones going on being living, in being ones being living, some are not thinking very much about being ones going on being living, in being ones being living. Some are feeling very much about being ones going on being living, some are not feeling so much about being ones going on being living. Some are certainly boasting very much about feeling about being ones being going on being living, some are boasting very much about being ones not feeling very much about being ones going on being living. David Hersland went on being living until he was at the ending of the beginning of his middle living and then he was not any longer going on being living.


     Some are changing while they are living in their feeling about being one going on being living, about any one being one going on being living. Some are changing very much in their feeling about this thing. Very many are changing very much in their feeling about this thing during the time they are being one being living. Some do not change so very much in their feeling about this thing while they are ones being living. David Hersland certainly changed some in his feeling about this thing while he was one being living, he certainly did not change so very much in his feeling about this thing in being one being living. He was one thinking very much and very often about any one going on being living, he certainly thought very different things about this thing at different times in his being one being living. Each one in a way is feeling something about ones going on being living, about that one being one being living. Certainly each one feels in some way something about such a thing.


     Feeling and thinking about ones, about that one being going on living, thinking, boasting, listening, remembering, forgetting, feeling, and meaning, and telling about being one, about being ones going on being living is in some going on being living.


     Some are having a very delicate feeling and they are ones that can be thinking and they are ones sometimes delightfully telling something, beautifully telling something, touchingly telling something, quaintly telling something, freshly telling something and they are ones dully telling something and flatly telling something and harshly telling something and telling and telling and not telling anything, and telling something so that some one can be saying certainly that one was thinking that other one was not knowing anything and certainly the one was knowing that that one was certain that the one was not knowing anything. Some are having quite a delicate feeling and they are often thinking and they are telling what they are meaning and certainly it is sometimes quite a beautiful telling they are doing and certainly sometimes not a beautiful telling that they are doing. Some are feeling very delicately and they are thinking and they are completely telling very beautifully something. Some are feeling delicately and they are not doing very much thinking and they are sometimes quite beautifully telling something. David Hersland was not of any of these kinds of them. Some are not feeling delicately about anything and they are thinking very much and very often and they are sometimes almost beautifully telling about something. Some are not feeling at all delicately about something and they are thinking very much and very often and they are persisting and they are sometimes almost really completely beautifully telling something, almost beautifully telling something, almost completely telling something, almost beautifully completely telling something. David Hersland was not of any such a kind in men and women. Some are certainly quite not having any delicate feeling about anything and they are persisting and they have complete realisation of being one loving everything and they are thinking very much and very often and they are quite completely delicately thinking and such of them can be ones succeeding very well in being ones being living, they can be ones not feeling beautifully or delicately about anything, they can be ones succeeding very well in being ones going on being living, they can be ones living very completely to be ones teaching being good ones in being ones going on being living. David Hersland was not one of such of them. Some are feeling delicately about something and are not feeling delicately about any other thing, some are feeling delicately and sensitively and completely about some things and not about other things, some of these are thinking very much and very often, some of these are almost completely telling beautifully about something, David Hersland was in a way one of such of them.


     Some are thinking to make a thing a complete thing more when they are younger ones than when they are older ones. Some are thinking to make anything a complete thing more when they are older ones than when they are younger ones. Some are wanting to be needing to think some thing to be a complete thing more when they are younger ones than when they are older ones, some more when they are older ones than when they are younger ones. Some are needing to be thinking a thing a complete thing when they are younger ones and when they are older ones. Some certainly are all their living needing to be thinking something to be a complete thing, some are certainly needing all their living to be thinking everything to be a complete thing. Some are certainly all their living wanting to be needing to be thinking everything to be to them a complete thing, some are certainly all their living wanting to be needing to think some thing out to be a complete thing. David Hersland was certainly sometimes in his being one being living almost needing to be thinking something out to be a complete thing, he certainly was in his younger living, he certainly was sometimes in his older living needing to be sometimes thinking everything out to be a complete thing. He was not in his living ever completely wanting to be needing to be thinking everything out to be a complete thing, he was certainly in his living, in his younger living certainly and perhaps in his later living almost completely wanting to be needing to be thinking something out as a complete thing.


     David Hersland was of a kind in men and women having it in them to have feeling clearly in them, to be telling clearly the feeling they have in them, to have very much feeling in them and to have it in them, some of them, very often. David Hersland was one who was thinking very much and very often and he was certainly thinking very clearly when he was thinking and he certainly was thinking very much in being one being living. He was one in a way needing to be thinking out a thing to be a complete thing. He was one feeling clearly, telling clearly what he was clearly feeling, he was one feeling very much and very often. He was one wanting to be needing to be feeling having every woman being in some ways a beautiful one. He was one feeling very much and very often, he was one feeling clearly and completely what he was feeling. He was one telling clearly what he was feeling. He was one thinking clearly very much and very often. He was one in a way needing to be one thinking things to be completed things, he was one then making anything a transparent thing and then it was a little a confused thing for certainly he was wanting to be needing to be feeling that any woman was in some ways a really beautiful one. He was one clearly thinking clearly feeling and doing both very much and very often and that together made it that he was one needing in a way to be thinking everything to be a completed thing and in a way then he was not succeeding in being in living for then he came to be one making everything a pretty transparent thing, a thing so clear that it was a sparkling thing, a thing so clear that it did not have beginning or middle or ending and as I was saying it was not a completely clear thing as certainly he was pretty completely wanting to be needing to be feeling that any woman that could ever be existing was in some way a really beautiful thing.


     David Hersland was not any longer living and some one had a trunk that he had had and always liked to use it when that one was travelling. Some one was very indignant that he had come to be a dead one and almost went out to where he was not any longer living to complain to some one about this thing. Some one knew only some time later after David Hersland was not any longer living that he was not any longer living and that one felt it to be a completely strange thing that David Hersland was not any longer living and after that it was not a strange thing and after that it was not a real thing as certainly he could not have been one being living, and after that there was another one very much like David Hersland and that one was already not any longer living the one like David Hersland before the one who had known David Hersland knew about this one. There was another one who had certainly been one going to be very sorry if anything happened to David Hersland and that one was sorry when David Hersland came to be a dead one. There was one who was excited about David Hersland having come to be a dead one because David Hersland certainly might have been going on being living if he had not come to be a dead one. This one was excited again and again about this thing. There was one who was tenderly completely a sad one and then always was about this thing about David Hersland being a dead one a tenderly complete sad one. David Hersland then in a way was one having been living in being living. David Hersland was of a kind in men and women. There are many kinds in men and women. Each kind has a way of thinking, of feeling, of experiencing anything.

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