The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (145 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     Some can be quite, certain when they are in the beginning of the middle of their young living can be quite certain that not any one teaching them something is one knowing anything about that thing. Some of such of them are not in any way pleasant ones for those then teaching them to be teaching. Some of such of them are not at all unpleasant ones for those then teaching them to be teaching. David Hersland as I was saying was of such of them that I have been describing and certainly he was not then to every one teaching him an unpleasant one, he was certainly then not to every one then teaching him something a pleasant one.
     Certainly mostly every one in being one being in young living is one being one some one is regularly teaching something. Certainly some are then quite certain to themselves inside them that not any one teaching them then something is knowing anything really about the thing they are then teaching. Certainly some are certain of this thing to mostly every one knowing them then. Certainly some are certain of this thing to some one knowing them then. Certainly some are needing to be wanting to be certain of this thing. Certainly some are wanting to be needing to be certain of this thing. Certainly very many are pretty nearly completely certain of this thing. Some are certainly mostly always completely certain of this thing then when they are in any part of the middle of their being in young living. David Hersland was, certainly, was one of such of them. He was one feeling in such fashion. He was not then admiring any one of those who was then teaching him something, who was then being a teacher for him in a regular fashion.
     Certainly some do not at all think about this thing whether the one teaching them anything is knowing anything about that thing. Certainly not, they certainly are not at all thinking about this thing in any one regularly teaching them anything, very many who are being taught something, very many who have been taught something. When I asked something they did not answer that question, certainly they can teach some something, did they or did they not answer the question I asked, certainly not, certainly they did not answer that question, certainly they answered about a good many things, let me know if they answered my question, certainly they did not answer my question, the question I asked, and I will ask a question again, they will not answer the question I will ask them to answer. When I asked something they did not answer that question, certainly not, certainly they did not answer that question, certainly they said something about that thing, certainly they did not answer my question, they answered some questions, they certainly did not answer that question the question I asked them, I will ask them again, they certainly will say something, they will not explain that thing, I will ask about some other thing, they will not be able to explain that thing, I am certain that they cannot explain anything anything I ask them. Some can when they are in the middle of their young living, in any part of the middle of their young living can be saying such a thing to themselves inside them. Some can say such a thing to themselves inside them, in only one part of the middle of their young living. Very many do then say such a thing to themselves inside them. Very many do say such a thing to some other one. Some do say such a thing, almost, to the teacher teaching them. Some do say such a thing to the teacher teaching them. Some are hearing some one say such a thing. Some are listening when some one is saying such a thing. As I was saying David Hersland was one certainly saying such a thing sometimes to himself inside him, sometimes to some one, sometime to the teacher teaching him, sometimes to the teacher teaching him, he was one saying such a thing in all of the middle of his young living. In some, saying such a thing is an important thing, being one saying such a thing is an important thing. Certainly some who have been ones saying such things are not important ones, excepting while they are saying such things, to any one. Some saying such things are needing being ones thinking about the things, such things, being said by them. Some saying such things are needing to themselves inside them being ones having been saying such things. Some are certainly for a good deal of the time they are ones being living are ones needing in some way being ones saying such a thing. Different kinds of them in men and women are saying such things in the way their kind of them can say such things. Each one has their own being inside them and each one saying such things is using the being in them for the saying of such things, is feeling with the being in them about having been, about being one saying such things. Certainly this has close connection in very many, such things with angry feeling being in them. Certainly some are not needing that some one should be one to interfere with them by being one being one teaching something, they are quite certain. Certainly they can then have angry feeling some of them, some of them do then have angry feeling. Some of them do not then always have angry feeling, some have then almost not at all angry feeling, they have different kinds of feeling, some do then always have angry feeling, some do then sometime have angry feeling. Certainly David Hersland was one not by any means always having then angry feeling, when he was thinking, when he was feeling, when he was saying such things. He very often did not then have angry feeling, he could have then the need in him to be explaining to the one teaching him what he was thinking about them, he could have it in him sometimes to be completely disregarding their being existing, he could sometimes be thinking about them and not hearing them and they were then ones teaching him, he could be one almost completely listening and then certainly he would be needing to be teaching them, he could be wanting them not to be a bother to him while they were ones being ones teaching him something, he could be one almost having them being ones being not existing and they certainly were existing then to themselves and to every one as ones being ones teaching him something. As I was saying he was one certainly not pleasant to those teaching him something, he was one certainly not unpleasant to those teaching him something, he was unpleasant to some, almost completely unpleasant to some, he was not quite completely pleasant to any of them, he was very nearly completely pleasant to some of them. He was one, sometimes needing to be doing some other thing when some one was being one teaching him then something. This certainly could happen to him, it certainly did happen to him again and again.
     One was one not completely certain that each one teaching that one something was one not knowing anything about the thing that one was teaching. This one was completely certain that some teaching that one something were ones not knowing anything about that thing. This one was one almost completely certain about some teaching that one something that they were ones not knowing anything about the things they were then teaching to that one. This one in being one being an older one was quite certain that not any one having been teaching that one in any regular way anything was one knowing how the teaching of that thing should have been done. This one then was one who in later living being in that one was certain that not any one who had been teaching that one anything knew anything about teaching, about teaching that one, about teaching any one. This one was one quite certain in his later living that teaching was something that some one should be understanding. This one in being one being later in the living in that one was certain then that that one was one having it then that that one was teaching something, was having it then that that one was not one learning anything then by talking and listening, was one then certain that that one knowing how thinking can be done, and certainly that one did then know that thing, was one then certainly one to be teaching any one and then that one really would not then be doing teaching, to that one inside in that one, as not any one not knowing about the way of doing thinking, not realising the way of doing thinking would be one profiting by such teaching and such a one would not be needing that thing, that teaching that this one could be doing. There was then such a one and this one was then in the beginning of the ending of the middle living in that one. This one was then one certainly having angry feeling that was irritation, that was impatient feeling while this one had been a young one and any one had been teaching that one something. This one was one certainly not at all pleasant to very many having been teaching this one. This one was interesting to some teaching this one. This one was quite pleasant to some teaching this one. David Hersland was not like this one. David Hersland was a different kind of a one. This one was one having it to be realising very well the way each one doing thinking is doing thinking, this one was one not realising very well which way any one was experiencing anything and the relation of doing thinking in each one doing thinking with the way each one is experiencing. This one was then one certainly having angry feeling when this one was a young one in having any one teaching that one anything in the way any one was then teaching that one. This one was then completely the same one in being one coming to be an older one. This one was one certainly doing thinking, this one was one certainly knowing about thinking being done by men and by women doing thinking. This one then was different from David Hersland. David Hersland was not like this one I have just been describing. David Hersland was one certainly often certain that the one that was then teaching him was one not understanding that thing. David Hersland certainly sometimes carefully explained, to some one teaching him, that thing. As I am saying David Hersland was one not like the one I have been just describing. David Hersland was one certainly doing thinking, David Hersland was certainly one talking and listening, the one I have been just describing was one doing talking and listening, David Hersland was one wanting to be needing to be one teaching each one something, he was one certainly coming to be early in his middle living a dead one. He was one certainly finding it often a troublesome thing to have a governess living in the house with him as he was one to himself needing to be reading almost anything, certainly a certain thing, and sometimes a governess said something about such a thing. He could find it a pleasant thing to have a governess living in the house with him and he did find it to be a pleasant thing and then, again and again it was not at all a pleasant thing but mostly it was not to him at all a serious thing, they were not any of them really regularly teaching anything to him.
     There are some who are certain, in being ones being in later living, who are certain that they could have been ones having it that they had teachers really knowing something and then if they had had them they would have been ones living a different way in being ones learning in being living in being one being in being living. There are in each kind in men and women some having such feeling in them. David Hersland was not at all one of such of them. It is a curious thing that the one I was describing as being one certainly knowing about thinking being in any one is in a way such a one. Surely this one is not such a one and yet in a way that one is such a one. That one is such a one although certainly not any one to that one was when that one was a young one was one really knowing how to be teaching something to that one and that one when that one was in the later living in that one was understanding thinking being in each one thinking and was one certainly thinking and one then certain that he would be one not teaching as it was not a thing that one was then feeling any one could be understanding excepting one not needing that thing and this one was surely then one certain that some one when that one was a young one could have been teaching that one something if the one teaching that one had been understanding teaching. As I was saying in a way David Hersland was one like this one, in a way David Hersland was one not like this one, certainly David Hersland was one certain about almost every one teaching him when he was a young one that they were not understanding what they were teaching and if they were understanding what they were teaching were not understanding how to be teaching. He was not certain about every one, he was to some teaching him a quite completely pleasant one.
     There are some not thinking, not feeling about their knowing anything, not having angry feeling in them with those teaching them regularly but have very much such feeling about some teaching them in some irregular fashion. Some being ones some one is teaching it is just the other way in them. David Hersland was certainly not of either of these kinds of them, being one some one is teaching.
     There are many kinds of ways of having angry feeling, each one certainly was having sometimes angry feeling when that one was being one some one was teaching, each one certainly is having sometimes angry feeling when that one is being one some one is teaching.
     Some are thinking, some are feeling, some are thinking and feeling, some are thinking some one is feeling, some are thinking some one is thinking, some are thinking some one is feeling and thinking, some are feeling some one is thinking, some are feeling some one is thinking and feeling, some are feeling some one is feeling. These are so very many ways of thinking and feeling connecting, not connecting, of being existing, of not being existing, there are so many ways of realising and not realising thinking and feeling being, thinking being, feeling being, feeling not being, thinking not being, thinking and feeling not being, some kind of thinking, some kind of feeling not being in some one.
     Certainly it is a trouble to me to be doing this thing. I certainly cannot in any way know it is a trouble to you to do this thing when you asked me whether you should or should not do this thing and then did what I said you should do about doing this thing. I certainly can be realising it is a trouble to me to do this thing, I certainly cannot be realising it is a trouble to you to do this thing. You asked me and I told you and you did what I told you and now you are thinking I should have been feeling that you were doing that thing from the feeling you were having about that thing. You certainly asked me what you should do about doing that thing, I certainly told you what you should do about doing that thing, you certainly did what I told you to do about doing that thing.

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