The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (162 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     He was older then and he was often then not with any one. He was sometimes then with one. He was often then with more than one. He was often then with a good many more than one. He was sometimes then with one. He was sometimes then with another one. He was sometimes then with another one.


     He was sometimes then with more than ten. He was sometimes then with more than one. He was sometimes then with three. He was sometimes then with one. He was sometimes then with not any one. He was sometimes then with more than one.


     David Hersland was clearly thinking about some things about which he was thinking, David Hersland was thinking about some things. He was clearly thinking about them. He was clearly thinking about them.


     David Hersland was thinking about things and clearly thinking about them about the things about which he was clearly thinking. He was clearly thinking about things about which he was thinking. He was thinking clearly about them. He was deciding to think about things and to clearly think about them. He certainly decided that some other ones would think about somethings would clearly think about the things about which they were thinking.


     He was thinking about some things about very many things about anything and he was completely living in thinking clearly about the things about which he was thinking. He was thinking clearly and he was thinking about some things. He was thinking about anything. He was thinking about everything. He was thinking clearly about the things about which he was thinking. He was deciding about this thing about thinking clearly about the things about which he was thinking. He was deciding about thinking clearly about clearly thinking about the things about which he was thinking. He was deciding about some thinking clearly about things about which they were thinking. He was deciding about thinking clearly about things, about clearly thinking about the things about which thinking is being done as being existing. He was deciding that clearly thinking about the things about which there is thinking is something being existing. He was deciding this for some. He was one and there were some and there were more then and he was deciding that clearly thinking about things is being existing. He was deciding this for some.


     He was not deciding, not really deciding for any one that they should not be ones sorrowing. He was not deciding for himself that he should not be one sorrowing. He was not deciding about sorrowing being existing. He was not deciding about this thing. He was not deciding for any one that any one should not smell everything. He was not deciding about smelling things, for any one. He was not deciding about smelling things, for himself. He was not deciding about his being about his not being one smelling everything. He was not one deciding for any one their smelling themselves in smelling anything. He was not really deciding this for any one. He was not thinking about deciding this thing for himself, he was not deciding about this thing about smelling oneself in smelling anything. He was really not deciding anything about this thing. He might have been one who could be one deciding something about smelling, about sorrowing, he was not one feeling anything of deciding about any such thing, about smelling, about sorrowing. He was smelling some in being living, he was not deciding anything about this thing. He was smelling himself in smelling something. He was not deciding anything about this thing. He was sorrowing some in being one being living, he was not deciding anything about this thing. Sometimes he was with one, sometimes he was with more than one. He was not then deciding anything about sorrowing, about smelling. He was sometimes with one. He was not then deciding anything about sorrowing, anything about smelling. He was sometimes with more than one. He was not then really deciding anything, about smelling, anything about sorrowing.


     He was clearly feeling some things. He was very clearly feeling what he was feeling. He was wanting to be needing to be feeling some things and to be clearly thinking in not clearly feeling them. He was one really not deciding about smelling, about sorrowing.


     A noise is something some one is hearing. Many are making noises and many are hearing noises. A noise is a great many things some one is hearing. A great deal of noise is something some one is hearing.


     A good deal of noise, a very great deal of noise, noise, continued noise, more noise, always some noise, always a good deal of noise, noise is what some one is hearing. A good deal of noise, a great deal of noise, noise is something some one is not hearing. A great deal of noise, noise, continued noise, a good deal of noise is what some one would be hearing if there were any noise, if there were a great deal of noise, if there were any noise for that one to be hearing. Some one is sometime hearing very much noise. Sometimes that one is not hearing any noise. There is sometimes not any noise for that one to be hearing. A great deal of noise is something that one is sometimes hearing.


     Some one is not certain that some one whom that one was certain was not a dull one is a dull one. Some one who was certain that some one was not a dull one is now certain that that one is a dull one. That one is asking if that one who was once not a dull one if not now a dull one. That one is not so certain that that one who was once not a dull one is now a dull one, is not so certain of this thing that that one can tell any one that that one is a dull one. That one is almost certain and that one can talk about this thing about the one who was not a dull one being now a dull one.


     In a way it is a gentle thing to be one being not any longer living that is to say it is a gentle thing to be one having done something and doing that thing was not a gentle thing not at all a gentle thing. It is a gentle thing to be one being one not any more doing the thing that one was doing and it is a gentle thing to tell about that thing by some other one the thing that one was doing. Doing a thing is not quite a gentle thing, and having done the thing is almost a gentle thing, and some one telling about it when that one is not ever doing a thing is a gentle thing and discussing that thing the thing done is a very gentle thing.


     There were times when certainly David Hersland made noises and others made noises and certainly there were times when he was interested in this thing in noises being existing, in some one hearing noises, in his being one listening to noises which were then being existing.


     There were times when David Hersland was a noisy one. There were times when he was with one and he and that one were noisy ones then. There were times when he was with more than one and he and all of them were making noises then. There were times when he was hearing noises and there were times when he was liking this thing liking noises being existing. He was not ever completely needing that noises be existing. Some are completely needing that noises are existing. David Hersland was not completely needing noises being existing. David Hersland was one making noises sometime. David Hersland was hearing noises sometimes and very often he was not hearing any noise, not hearing very much noise. David Hersland was not completely needing that noise be existing. Certainly some are completely needing that noise is existing. Certainly some are needing this thing and some certainly are not needing this thing are not needing that noise is existing. David Hersland was not completely needing this thing not completely needing that noise is existing. David Hersland could know that he was not completely needing this thing thing not needing noise to be existing. Some are knowing that they are completely needing this thing needing that noises are existing. David Hersland was not completely needing that noises be existing.


     All his living David Hersland was knowing this thing was knowing that noises were existing. This never made him a nervous one, this that noises are existing. This did not irritate him, this, that noises are existing. This did not disgust him, this, that noises are existing. This did not displease him, this did not arouse him, this, that noises are existing. He was not completely needing this thing, needing that noise is being existing. He could know this thing know that he was not completely needing this thing needing that noises are existing.


     Sometimes in being living, all his living he was making noises and sometimes then he was with one and sometimes then he was with three and sometimes then he was with more than three and sometimes then he could know that he was not completely needing that noise, is existing and sometimes then he was not knowing this thing knowing that he was not completely needing that noises are existing and sometimes then when he was not knowing it then knowing that he was not completely needing that noises are existing every one there then knew it that he was one not completely needing that noises be existing and sometimes then some one did not tell him that he was one not completely needing this thing needing that noises are existing and sometimes then some one talked about this thing to some other one and to him and certainly then he was not knowing then that he was not completely needing that noise be existing and certainly he was one who could be knowing that he was not completely needing that noise be existing. And all his being living he was one sometimes making noises and all his living he was one not completely needing that noises be existing and all his living he was one who could be knowing this thing knowing that he was one not completely needing that noises be existing and all his living some knew this thing knew that he: was not completely needing that noises are existing and all his living he was sometimes making noises and sometimes then he was with one and sometimes then he was not with any one and sometimes then he was with more than one and sometimes then he was with a good many more than one.. All his living he was not completely needing that noises be existing. He was making noises and he was then one making some noise and he heard then the noises that he was making and he could know then that he was not completely needing that noises be existing. He was sometimes liking this thing liking that sometimes noises were existing, he was not wanting to be completely needing that noises are existing. He could know that he was not completely needing that noises are existing. He was not interested in this thing in his not completely needing that noises are existing. He was all his living sometimes making noises sometimes with one, sometimes when alone, sometimes when with some, sometimes When there were a good many and he was with them. Certainly he was not needing that noises are existing, not completely needing that noises are existing. Certainly he was sometimes making noises, all his living he was sometimes making noises. Certainly he was not completely needing that noises are existing. Certainly he was making noises sometimes, all his living. Certainly any one was knowing that he was not completely needing that noises are existing. Certainly he could be knowing that he was not completely needing that noise is existing.


     David Hersland certainly was not a dull one that is to say he was not one whom mostly every one was finding to be one who was not interesting. He was not a dull one sometimes, and mostly always he was not a dull one, that is to say mostly always most of those knowing him were interested when he was being one existing for them. He was then not a dull one. He was one certainly knowing that he was not a dull one. He was not completely interested in this thing in knowing that he was not a dull one. He was completely knowing this thing knowing that he was not a dull one. He was knowing that mostly every one knowing him were interested in him when he was being one being existing for them. Certainly all his living he was not a dull one. Certainly all his living he was one interesting some, interesting a good many when he was being existing to them. He was, all his living, not a dull one. He was completely knowing this thing, all his living he was completely knowing this thing, knowing that he was not a dull one. He was not completely interested in this thing in knowing that he was not a dull one. All his living he was not completely interested in this thing in knowing that he was not a dull one, that he was not dull to most who were knowing him, that he was interesting those who were knowing that he was being existing.


     He was then not a dull one. Certainly some who were not dull ones are ones not being dull ones and then they are not interesting very many who are knowing that that one is being existing. Some are ones not being dull ones and they are ones then interesting mostly every one who is knowing that they are being existing and then they are not dull ones and they are then not interesting every one who are knowing they are being existing. Some are not being dull ones and they are interesting every one who is knowing they are being existing, mostly every, any one, and then they are not being dull ones and they are interesting then some who are knowing that they are being existing, and then they are not being dull ones and they are interesting some who are knowing they are being existing and they are then not really dull ones and they are then interesting some who are knowing they are being existing. They are then interesting some who are knowing they are being existing, they are not then really dull ones, they are then interesting some who are knowing they are being existing. In a way David Hersland was such a kind of one. David Hersland was interesting some who were knowing he was being living. He was not a dull one. He was interesting some who were knowing he was being existing. He was interesting some who were knowing he was being living, he was not then really a dull one, he was not then a dull one, he was then interesting some who were knowing that he was then being existing, he was then not really a dull one, he was then interesting to some who were knowing him then.


     David Hersland was one who was finding some being dull ones, who was finding some not being dull ones when he was one being living. David Hersland was one not finding ones being dull ones, he was one finding some being stupid ones, he was one finding some being ones not finding any way to be ones knowing that they are the ones they are being in being living, he was one finding some being ones not ever coming to be certain that they are going on being living, he was one finding very many being ones not going to be ever beginning in keeping going in thinking, he was finding very many being living, he was finding some being not at all dull in being ones he was then knowing, he was finding very many being ones very likely to be ones not going to be interesting some time, he was one finding very many being quite stupid in being ones going on being living, he was one finding very many not being dull in being ones he was being knowing when they were being living, he was one finding some going to be ones beginning being ones thinking, he was one finding very many who were almost beginning being ones thinking, he was one finding very many who were not ones thinking what they were beginning to be thinking, he was one finding very many who were not thinking, he was one finding very many who were not clearly thinking, he was one finding some who were not interesting, he was one finding very many who were interesting when he was knowing them when they were being living.

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