The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (161 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     Some smell something. Some smell a good many things. Some have a very strong feeling when they are smelling something. Some smell themselves when they are smelling something. Some are certain that smelling something is something they are always doing. Some smell something more when they are young ones than when they are older ones. Some smell themselves when they smell something more when they are young ones than when they are older ones, some more when they are older ones than when they are young ones, some all of their living, all of their living are smelling something, are smelling themselves when they are smelling something. David Hersland was in a way not such a one. Certainly he did sometimes smell something, certainly he did sometimes smell himself when he smelled something, certainly some others he was knowing were very often smelling something, some of them were quite completely interested in this thing in smelling something, some were quite completely interested in smelling themselves when they were smelling something, some were not at all interested in smelling themselves when they were smelling something. David Hersland was sometimes smelling something, he was sometimes interested in smelling something, he was sometimes smelling himself when he was smelling something, he was not ever completely interested in smelling himself when he was smelling something.


     Some are smelling something and then they are remembering something. Some are smelling something and are then completely remembering something. David Hersland was sometimes smelling something and then remembering something, he was interested enough in this thing. Some are very much interested in this thing in remembering something when they are smelling something. Some are not really interested in smelling anything. Some are interested in not smelling anything. David Hersland was not really interested in this thing, in not smelling anything.


     David Hersland was a young one and he was living then and he was quite completely interested in this thing in being one being living then, almost completely interested in this thing in being one being living. He was being living and he was doing things then and he was remembering then that he was going to be doing some things and he was doing some of them and he was not doing some of them. He was doing a good many that he remembered he was going to be doing. He did not do all of them the things he remembered he was going to be doing. He did some things quite often as often as he was going to do them. He did not do some things very often not anywhere nearly as often as he was going to do them. He did a good many things quite often, really a great many things quite often, he did a good many things almost as often as he was going to be doing them.


     He was a young one and he was being living then and he knew some then who were being ones being young then, he knew several of them every day then and he was sometimes very busy knowing everything he was knowing while he was being then being living. Sometimes he was very completely being one knowing some, sometimes he was not very completely being one knowing some who were being living then.


     He knew some who were listening and he was telling something and these did not know they were listening and he was not then certain they were listening and he was then not feeling anything about this thing and then he was thinking about this thing thinking that he knew more than they did about everything and certainly they should have been listening and they were listening and certainly they were not remembering not ever remembering that they had been listening and he, he was remembering that they had been listening, that he had been telling something and they had been listening. Some of such of them were young ones then when they were listening. Some who had been listening were older ones who certainly were ones remembering that they had been ones teaching him something then and certainly they were ones remembering that they had been ones teaching then something.


     He was a young one and he was being living and he was being living a long time that is to say he was being a young one all the time he was living when he was not an older one.


     He was a young one and he was that all the time he was a young one, that is to say he was in the beginning of his being one being living, and was one being living then.


     He was one almost completely clearly thinking when he was thinking. He was one almost completely clearly arranging something so that he could be completely clearly deciding something about that thing. He was such a one in being a young one. He was in a way such a one in being one being living. He was when he was a young one clearly thinking. He was when he was a young one arranging something and then clearly thinking about that thing.


     When he was quite a young one he was quite often thinking. When he was quite a young one he was quite often almost completely clearly thinking about some thing. When he was quite a young one he was quite often arranging something and then clearly thinking about that thing.


     He was, when he was quite a young one, quite often quite clearly deciding something. He was, when he was quite a young one, quite often enough clearly enough deciding something for some. He was, when he was quite a young one, quite often thinking about something. He was, when he was quite a young one, quite often deciding some things for some one.


     He was, when he was quite a young one, knowing some who were living then and some of them knew him then and some of them knew he was deciding some things quite clearly then and some did not know that he was deciding some things quite clearly then, some were almost certain that he was not deciding anything then. Some certainly did know some whom he knew then, did know that he was quite clearly deciding some things then. Some who knew him then knew he was thinking clearly then, some of such of them knew he was deciding some things then, some of such of them did not know he was deciding some things then.


     He was one knowing, then when he was a young one, knowing some who were living then and some of them knew him then. He was living, being one being living and knowing some who were living then and having some who were living know him.


     He was being living then when he was a young one, he was being living then, and he was being one being living then and being one doing some things and knowing some and having some know him.


     He was one being living, then when he was quite a young one, and some knew him then and he knew some then. He was one being living then and he was being one and some knew he was that one the one he was then and some did not know then that he was that one the one he was then. He was being living then and some knowing some then did not know then that he was one of them one of those that one was knowing then. He was being living then and some knowing some then did know quite well that he was one of them one of those that one was knowing then.


     He was being living then when he was a young one and certainly there were some being living then and some knew him then and knew him again when they saw him and some who knew he was one being living then did not know him again when they saw him again.


     He was one being living and some whom he knew then were certain that they had not ever seen him and they had seen him but they had not remembered that he was that one the one they had seen. He was one being living and he knew some who were living then and he certainly did know then that some of them knew he was being living then. He was being living, then when he was quite a young one and some knew that he was being living then. He was being living then and some knew that some were being living there then and so they knew he was being living then. He was being living then and some knew that he was being living then and some of them knew some were being living then and certainly he was one of them one of those who were being living then.


     He was being living, then when he was quite a young one, and he knew some then, some who were being living then, and some knew him then, and some knew he was being living then, and some knew some were being living then.


     Some know some one is not another one and some do not know that some one is not another one. Some knew that David Hersland was not another one and some did not know that David Hersland was not another one. Some knew that some were being living then and some of them knew that David Hersland was one of such of them and some of them did not know that David Hersland was one of such of them.


     David Hersland was being living then when he was a young one, he was being living then and some who were being living knew that thing knew that he was being living then.


     She says go, go and I go, she says come, come and I come. She says come, come, and I come, she says go, go, and I go. David Hersland was almost wanting to be needing to be such a one, one coming and ore going. When he was not any longer a completely young one he was one wanting to be needing to be such a one. He was not really wanting to be such a one, he was really not wanting, he was almost completely wanting to be such a one, one needing to be going and coming, one needing to be coming and going. He was on* almost completely clearly thinking, he was one quite clearly feeling, he was not wanting to be such a one, one going and coming, one coming and going. He was almost completely wanting to be needing being such a one. In a way he was not ever coming and going, going and coming, in a way he was almost doing this thing, coming and going, going and coming. He was one clearly feeling in being living. He was one almost completely clearly thinking. He was one almost completely wanting to be needing being one coming and going, going and coming. He was one almost completely waiting to be needing this thing. He was one not needing this thing, he was almost completely wanting to be needing this thing. He was one clearly feeling in being living, he was one almost completely clearly thinking. He was not completely liking being living. He was clearly feeling in being living. He was quite completely clearly thinking in being one being living.


     He was quite a young one and he was being one being living then. He was not such a very young one and he was one being living then.


     He was one all his being living in a way wanting to be needing being one going and coming, coming and going. He was not really wanting needing this thing when he was quite a young one. He was then not wanting to be needing this thing. He was quite a young one and was being living then. He was an older one and was being living then.


     Some are knowing that they are sorrowing when they are sorrowing. Some are showing this by gloominess being in them. Some are sorrowing when they are sorrowing and are then quite certain that they would be always sorrowing if they were not ones certain that gloominess is not a cheerful way of being one being existing. Some are quite certain that sorrowing, that having gloominess in them is a thing that has meaning, is a thing that at any time there is a meaning in having, that always there is not any reason for not sorrowing and some of such of them could be ones being gloomy ones if they were not ones being cheerful ones. Some of such of them would be ones being gloomy ones if they were not ones not being gloomy ones. David Hersland was in a way such a one, he was one being certain that always there was reason enough for any one being one sorrowing and he might have been one being a gloomy one but he was not one being a gloomy one and really he was not ever sorrowing. He was not ever sorrowing when he was a young one, he was sometimes almost sorrowing when he was not any longer a young one. He was not a gloomy one and that was because he was not a gloomy one. He would have been almost a gloomy one if he had not been one not being a gloomy one. Certainly he was not a gloomy one. Certainly he was one who might have been a gloomy one if he had not been one not being a gloomy one. He was one clearly feeling what he was feeling. He was one clearly thinking, almost completely clearly thinking. He was one wanting to be needing to be feeling something and not be clearly feeling that thing, to be almost a complete one in feeling that thing.


     He was one being living, he was clearly feeling what he was feeling, he was almost completely thinking about everything. He was one being living. He was one being living until he was not any longer a young one one beginning being living, and then he was not any longer being living.


     Sometimes he was with one, sometimes he was with two, sometimes he was with three, sometimes he was with more than three. When he was a young one sometimes he was with one, sometimes he was with two, sometimes he was with three, sometimes he was with four, sometimes he was with more than four. Sometimes there was one and he was with that one, sometimes there were two and he was with one of the two of them, sometimes there were three and he was with two of them, sometimes there were three and he was with the three of them, sometimes there were four and he was with two of them, sometimes he was with the four of them, sometimes he was with three of them. Sometimes when he was a young one he was with one, sometimes he was with two, sometimes he was with more than one, sometimes he was with three, sometimes he was with more than three.


     When he was not such a young one sometimes he was with one. Sometimes he was with six. Sometimes he was with more than six. Sometimes he was with two. Sometimes he was with three.


     When he was not at all a very young one sometimes he was with one. Sometimes he was with more than one. Sometimes he was with two sometimes he was with more than two. Sometimes he was with three. Sometimes he was with more than three. Sometimes he was with four. Sometimes he was with more than four. Sometimes he was with five. Sometimes he was with more than five.


     When he was in between not being any longer a quite a young one and being one not being an older one, when he was at the ending of the beginning of being living he was sometimes with three. He was sometimes then with one. He was sometimes then with another one. He was often then with one. He was often then with three. He was often then with two. He was often then with one. He was often then with another one. He was often then with another one. He was often then with six. He was often then with ten. He was often then with one. He was often then with another one. He was often then with another one. He was often then with another one. He was often then with three. He was often then with two.

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