The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (147 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     David Hersland was one who almost came to be one certain sometime to be completely understanding being being in men and in women being living. He was one certainly almost and not so very often still quite often coming to be certain of being one completely understanding everything. As I was saying he had sometimes then angry feeling, certainly some had about him then some angry feeling. Sometimes then he had not any angry feeling. Certainly there were some then interested about him then who had not then angry feeling. Some who were not very much interested had about him then angry feeling, some who were not very much interested in him then had not then about him any angry feeling. As I was saying he was almost one having it to be in him to be completely certain that he was understanding everything again and again and sometimes all of a sudden. As I was saying he was almost such a one, he was quite often almost such a one. There are certainly some coming to be quite certain, some all of a sudden, that they are understanding everything. Some have about some such a one very angry feeling, David Hersland did have in being living about some of such of them angry feeling, about some others of such of them he had a very gentle feeling, about some others ©f such of them he had a very sympathetic feeling, about some others of such of them he had a very interested feeling, about some others of such of them he had a scared feeling, about some others of such of them he had really a completely surprised feeling, about some others of such of them he had a very silly feeling, about some others of such of them he had an annoyed feeling, about some others of such of them he had quite an indifferent feeling, about some others of such of them he had sometimes a very earnest feeling, about some others of such of them he had intensely an inquiring feeling, about some others of such of them he had a disgusted feeling, about some others of such of them he had a very sorrowful feeling, about some others of such of them he had a disappointed feeling, about some others of such of them he had a feeling that made him be one going on scolding them every time he thought about them, about some others of some of them he was not certain but perhaps they really did understand everything and then sometimes he was quite certain that they did not understand everything and then sometimes he had a humble feeling perhaps they were understanding everything and then sometimes he had a certain feeling that they were not understanding everything. As I am saying David Hersland was one having it to be almost one to be sometimes completely certain that he was understanding everything.
     Certainly some in one way of being ones being living, some in other ways of being ones being living come to be certain, some gradually, some all of a sudden, some sometime, some sometimes, some quite often, some very often, come to be certain that they are understanding every one being one being living. Some as I am saying are having when they are having this thing angry feeling, some when they are having this thing are not having it to be having any angry feeling. Some about such of them have angry feeling, some have not any angry feeling about any one of such of them. As I am saying there are very many ways of coming to be certain of being one understanding living being in men and in women. As I am saying there are very many ways of being impressed of not being impressed by any one of such of them, by some of such of them, by many of such of them, by every one of such of them.
     There are certainly many ways of feeling, of thinking, of liking of not liking living being in men and in women, living being existing. Very many are convinced that living is a real thing, something they are certain is existing, some are not so certain of this thing. Some are content with living being existing, some are not at all content with this thing. Some are certainly certain that if every one were understanding everything that not any one will only be wanting to be certain only that living is being existing. Some are so certain that understanding anything is amusing to every one, and certainly it is not it is not at all amusing to some it is not at all interesting to some. Some are so certain that understanding anything is interesting to every one that they are certain that sometime every one will be understanding something. Some are so certain that understanding everything is a necessary thing that they are certain that sometime they will be understanding everything. Some of such of them come to be certain that they are understanding everything, to some of such of them it comes all of a sudden.
     As I was saying some of such of them have angry feeling in them then, as I was saying some of such of them have not at all angry feeling in them then. As I was saying David Hersland in a way was almost such a one.
     If he reels it and he knows it and he tells it and he thinks it and he says it, clearly tells it why then perhaps it is something and perhaps it is not anything. Some are certain that clear thinking and clear telling and certain feeling and complete emotion are something some one can be doing. Some are certain that sometime they will be having complete emotion and certain feeling and clear thinking and eloquent expression. Some are certain that they are having clear thinking and complete emotion and adequate expression and absolute conviction. Some are certain that they have been having clear thinking and complete emotion and complete conviction and adequate expression. Some are certainly very clearly thinking, some certainly have then complete conviction. Some are certainly having complete emotion and are clearly thinking and are having adequate expression and perhaps are really having then absolute conviction. Some are certainly having sometime complete emotion and adequate expression. Some are perhaps having sometime complete emotion and clear thinking and adequate expression. Some are perhaps having clear thinking and adequate expression and some emotion, very much emotion and pretty nearly absolute conviction. Some are certainly having clear thinking and adequate expression and considerable emotion. Some are certainly not having completely clear thinking and complete emotion and adequate expression and absolute conviction.
     Some one is certain that some other one is doing clear thinking, is having adequate expression, is having almost complete conviction, is certainly not having complete emotion. That one is certain that the other one is one having pretty nearly complete emotion, not at all any clear thinking, not at all absolute conviction, might easily be having adequate expression.
     Which is then the important one, certainly one of the two of them. One of the two of them is certainly in a way the important one. One of the two of them is certainly in a way not the important one.
     David Hersland was certain that really one of them was the more important one. David Hersland was one certainly in a way not having complete emotion, certainly in a way doing clear thinking, certainly in a way having adequate expression, certainly having very nearly absolute conviction. He had absolute conviction. He had clear thinking, he had adequate expression, he felt inside him complete emotion.
     Some are working hard to be ones telling some one something. Some are working and are telling some one something. Some are not working hard to tell some one something. Some are not working hard and they are then telling some one something.
     To some spirituality and idealism have no meaning excepting as meaning completest intensification of any experiencing, any conception of transcending experience has to some not any meaning. To some anything to have meaning must be existing, to some anything to have meaning must be being, having been going to be experienced as something existing by some one. Many who are carefully and completely thinking have it to leave out something they have been, they will be, they are, they can be experiencing and this is a very natural thinking as very many who have it to be ones clearly and completely reasonably thinking have it to have it that they are thinking to be solving a problem and naturally then they are not thinking into them everything they can be experiencing. Some are quite certain that any one very clearly thinking are not ever completely experiencing, some are quite certain that any one clearly thinking is leaving out very much that should be being remembered by that one. Some certainly have a conception that everything should be intelligible to some one, certainly some of such of them are to some others, listening to them, not convincing. Some have it to be experiencing that they are experiencing more than experiencing and this is to very many completely convincing and it is to some completely convincing in some, and it is altogether convincing to some and to some it is convincing when these having it in them to have such experiencing of something that is not experiencing explain their experience, to some it is not then convincing. To some, some having experiencing of something which is more than any experiencing are convincing when they are explaining this thing. To some it would be a very pleasant thing if not any one having such experiencing ever got mixed up between what was, what is, what will be to that one and how it comes to be, how it came to be, how it will come to be, in short the explanation, the description, the condition what as experience to them was without any condition.
     As I am saying some are working in being ones being thinking, some are not working in being ones being thinking. Some are certainly thinking and working in being one being thinking and certainly coming to an ending in their thinking and doing it the thinking as a complete thing and certainly carefully doing that thing and certainly clearly telling the thinking they have been doing. Some certainly then have not been putting in everything that any one could be experiencing that is connected with the thing about which they have been thinking, some will not put in some experiencing, some cannot put in some experiencing, some are certain that they have put in all that experiencing, some put in almost all experiencing that has anything to do with that thing when they are thinking about that thing.
     Certainly to be completely experiencing, to be clearly thinking, to have real conviction, to have enthusiasm, to keep on going in doing thinking and having experiencing is a very enjoyable thing. Certainly very many are very clearly thinking that is quite a number are certainly quite thinking quite clearly. David Hersland was such a one. He certainly had enthusiasm, he certainly could have some experiencing, he certainly was needing for his own satisfaction to put in everything any one could be experiencing in thinking about anything. He certainly was one completely wanting to do this thing. He was one in a way doing this thing. He was one in a way never coming to be completely doing this thing, he was one having almost absolute conviction, he was one having real enthusiasm. He was one not being certain that experiencing being intensified was spirituality and idealism. He was not certain that one could not be experiencing something that was a different thing. He almost came to be certain that one could not be experiencing something more complete than any experiencing, he came to be almost certain that one can be experiencing something that is more than experiencing. He came to be certainly quite certain that not anyone could explain such a thing, he came to be almost certain that perhaps he could sometime explain such a thing.
     Some certainly and certainly they were not expecting to be doing that thing come sometime to be explaining what they were certain certainly was not existing. This is quite common. Some certainly come to be quite certain that something is existing that they were completely certain was not ever existing. David Hersland was in a way not at all such a one.
     Many are very logical in being ones being thinking. Some demonstrate something in being ones being thinking. Many are very logical in being ones being thinking. Some keep on demonstrating something. Many are very logical in being ones being thinking, some of these are demonstrating something, some of these are beginning demonstrating something, some of these are not really demonstrating anything, some of these are occasionally demonstrating something. It is like this, many who are logical ones are while they are being logical are always experiencing being one being living, some while they are being logical ones are being ones experiencing a great deal of being ones being living, some while they are being logical are experiencing very little of being ones being living, some while they are being logical have at times the conviction of being ones experiencing being living, some are certain that being logical ones makes of them ones being ones experiencing being living and this is perhaps true of them. The way each one is experiencing the amount each one is experiencing living is then a thing that some one is knowing, that some one is not knowing, that some are not knowing of themselves inside them, that some are knowing of themselves inside them, about which some have conviction, about which some do not have conviction, about which some have conviction and they certainly are not knowing what they are certain they are knowing, about which some have conviction and they certainly are knowing what they are knowing, about which some are not knowing that they are having a conviction, about which some are having a conviction and are not certain of that thing, about which some are quite certain they have not any conviction, about which some are certainly not knowing everything, about which some are knowing more than others are knowing, about which some are knowing very much, about which some are knowing hardly anything.
     So then experiencing being one being living is a thing about which some are knowing very much in themselves, in other ones. Experiencing being one being living is something some have very much in them. Experiencing being one being living is something many are certainly having some. Experiencing being one being living is certainly something every one is having some. Certainly some are having more than others are having of being one experiencing being one being living.
     Surely some one is meaning something by what that one is saying. It would be a nuisance for some not to be certain of this thing. Some one is meaning something when that one is saying something. Certainly in each one there is a connection between what that one is saying and that one is meaning, certainly in some way there must be some connection. Each one has their own way inside them of meaning something, each one has their own way of having connection between what that one is meaning and what that one is thinking, between what that one is meaning and what that one is saying, about what that one is meaning and what that one is feeling, about what that one is meaning and what that one is certain is conviction in that one.

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